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Q2320181 Pedagogia
Com relação às funções da avaliação todas as opções abaixo estão corretas, exceto:
Q2320179 Português
O processo de formação da palavra “Marervilha” foi corretamente referenciado na opção:
Q2320178 Português

Considere a seguinte peça para responder a questão.

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O termo sujeito desta parte do seguimento oracional “FAZ DESAPARECER O COLESTEROL MALFEITOR” é:
Q2320177 Português

Considere a seguinte peça para responder a questão.

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Retirado de hortifruti-lan-a-campanha

Em relação ao domínio discursivo, a instância discursiva que predomina na peça é:

Q2320171 Pedagogia
A respeito das competências gerais para a educação básica, de que trata BNCC (2018), é correto afirmar:

I. As dez competências gerais devem ser trabalhadas de forma transversal em todo o conteúdo, desde a educação infantil até o ensino médio.

II. Cabe aos professores usarem as competências gerais apenas como uma indicação pro forma de como deve ser encaminhado o currículo na sala de aula.

III. Competência deve ser entendida como a mobilização de conhecimentos, habilidades, atitudes e valores por parte do aluno, para resolver demandas complexas da vida cotidiana, do pleno exercício da cidadania e do mundo do trabalho.

Q2320170 Pedagogia
A Constituição Federal (1988) determina, em seu art. 211, §2º, que os Sistemas Municipais de Educação atuem prioritariamente:
Q2320169 Pedagogia
Desdobrado em cinco capítulos, o Título II do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente – ECA (Lei nº 8.069/1990) trata especificamente dos direitos fundamentais da criança e do adolescente, os quais devem ser efetivados pela família, pela comunidade, pela sociedade em geral e pelo Poder Público. Dentre esses direitos fundamentais, não constam: 
Q2320163 Matemática
O gráfico da função f :  ➝ ℝ definida por f(x) = ax + b , intersecta o eixo das abscissas no ponto - 1/3 e o eixo das ordenadas no ponto 1. O valor de Imagem associada para resolução da questão é :
Q2320161 Matemática
Qual a área destacada em cinza da figura abaixo? Sabendo que ela é um quadrado de lado 4cm, DB é a diagonal desse quadrado e que AC é um arco de circunferência cujo centro é o ponto B.
Utilize π = 3 
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Q2320151 Inglês
Which of the following sentences is an example of a third conditional structure?
Q2320150 Inglês
The nouns below follow a different spelling rule when in its plural form:

I. child > children
II. country > countries
III. sheep > sheep
IV. day > days
V. stereo > stereos

Which combination of words below follow the same rules, in the same order?
Q2320149 Inglês
Analyze the following sentences below:

I. “What will you have been doing?” is in the simple future and future perfect tense.
II. “I was studying English when you called yesteday” is in the past continuous.
III. “She wrote last night” is in simple past.
IV. “Have they ever been abroad?” is in the past perfect.
V. “What are you doing now?” is in the present continuous.

Which ones are correct?
Q2320147 Inglês
Which noun does not have the correct definition? Choose the incorrect answer:
Q2320146 Inglês
The Audio-Lingual Method, like the Direct Method is also an oral-based approach. However, it is very different in that rather than emphasizing vocabulary acquisition through exposure to its use in situations, the Audio-Lingual Method drills students in the use of grammatical sentence patterns. It also, unlike the Direct Method, has a strong theoretical base in linguistics and psychology. Charles Fries (1945) of the University of Michigan led the way in applying principles from structural linguistics in developing the method. and for this reason, it has sometimes been referred to as the 'Michigan Method'. Later in its development, principles from behavior al psychology (Skinner 1957) were incorporated. It was thought that the way to acquire the sentence parterns of the target language was through conditioning- helping learners to respond correctly to stimuli through shaping and reinforcement. Learners could over come the habits of their native language and form the new habits required to be target language speakers.

LARSEN-FREEMAN, Diane. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. 3rd ed. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
About the Audio-Lingual Method, its the typical features are:
Q2320145 Inglês
Text 1

Mental Health Conditions

Mental illnesses are disorders, ranging from mild to severe, that affect a person’s thinking, mood, and/or behavior. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one-in-five adults live with a mental illness. Many factors contribute to mental health conditions, including: Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry, life experiences, such as trauma or abuse and family history of mental health problems.

Tips for Living Well with a Mental Health Condition

Having a mental health condition can make it a struggle to work, keep up with school, stick to a regular schedule, have healthy relationships, socialize, maintain hygiene, and more. However, with early and consistent treatment—often a combination of medication and psychotherapy—it is possible to manage these conditions, overcome challenges, and lead a meaningful, productive life. Today, there are new tools, evidence-based treatments, and social support systems that help people feel better and pursue their goals. Some of these tips, tools and strategies include:

• Stick to a treatment plan. Even if you feel better, don’t stop going to therapy or taking medication without a doctor’s guidance. Work with a doctor to safely adjust doses or medication if needed to continue a treatment plan.

• Keep your primary care physician updated. Primary care physicians are an important part of long-term management, even if you also see a psychiatrist.

• Learn about the condition. Being educated can help you stick to your treatment plan. Education can also help your loved ones be more supportive and compassionate.

• Practice good self-care. Control stress with activities such as meditation or tai-chi; eat healthy and exercise; and get enough sleep.

• Reach out to family and friends. Maintaining relationships with others is important. In times of crisis or rough spells, reach out to them for support and help.

• Develop coping skills. Establishing healthy coping skills can help people deal with stress easier.

• Get enough sleep. Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood and overall health. Consistently poor sleep is associated with anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

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Analyze the sentences:

I - “Mental illnesses are disorders, ranging from mild to severe, that affect a person’s thinking, mood, and/or behavior.”

II - "According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one-in-five adults live with a mental illness."
Q2320144 Inglês
Text 1

Mental Health Conditions

Mental illnesses are disorders, ranging from mild to severe, that affect a person’s thinking, mood, and/or behavior. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one-in-five adults live with a mental illness. Many factors contribute to mental health conditions, including: Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry, life experiences, such as trauma or abuse and family history of mental health problems.

Tips for Living Well with a Mental Health Condition

Having a mental health condition can make it a struggle to work, keep up with school, stick to a regular schedule, have healthy relationships, socialize, maintain hygiene, and more. However, with early and consistent treatment—often a combination of medication and psychotherapy—it is possible to manage these conditions, overcome challenges, and lead a meaningful, productive life. Today, there are new tools, evidence-based treatments, and social support systems that help people feel better and pursue their goals. Some of these tips, tools and strategies include:

• Stick to a treatment plan. Even if you feel better, don’t stop going to therapy or taking medication without a doctor’s guidance. Work with a doctor to safely adjust doses or medication if needed to continue a treatment plan.

• Keep your primary care physician updated. Primary care physicians are an important part of long-term management, even if you also see a psychiatrist.

• Learn about the condition. Being educated can help you stick to your treatment plan. Education can also help your loved ones be more supportive and compassionate.

• Practice good self-care. Control stress with activities such as meditation or tai-chi; eat healthy and exercise; and get enough sleep.

• Reach out to family and friends. Maintaining relationships with others is important. In times of crisis or rough spells, reach out to them for support and help.

• Develop coping skills. Establishing healthy coping skills can help people deal with stress easier.

• Get enough sleep. Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood and overall health. Consistently poor sleep is associated with anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

Available in:<>
The past simple and past participle of the verb “to stick” are, respectively:
Q2320143 Inglês
Text 1

Mental Health Conditions

Mental illnesses are disorders, ranging from mild to severe, that affect a person’s thinking, mood, and/or behavior. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one-in-five adults live with a mental illness. Many factors contribute to mental health conditions, including: Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry, life experiences, such as trauma or abuse and family history of mental health problems.

Tips for Living Well with a Mental Health Condition

Having a mental health condition can make it a struggle to work, keep up with school, stick to a regular schedule, have healthy relationships, socialize, maintain hygiene, and more. However, with early and consistent treatment—often a combination of medication and psychotherapy—it is possible to manage these conditions, overcome challenges, and lead a meaningful, productive life. Today, there are new tools, evidence-based treatments, and social support systems that help people feel better and pursue their goals. Some of these tips, tools and strategies include:

• Stick to a treatment plan. Even if you feel better, don’t stop going to therapy or taking medication without a doctor’s guidance. Work with a doctor to safely adjust doses or medication if needed to continue a treatment plan.

• Keep your primary care physician updated. Primary care physicians are an important part of long-term management, even if you also see a psychiatrist.

• Learn about the condition. Being educated can help you stick to your treatment plan. Education can also help your loved ones be more supportive and compassionate.

• Practice good self-care. Control stress with activities such as meditation or tai-chi; eat healthy and exercise; and get enough sleep.

• Reach out to family and friends. Maintaining relationships with others is important. In times of crisis or rough spells, reach out to them for support and help.

• Develop coping skills. Establishing healthy coping skills can help people deal with stress easier.

• Get enough sleep. Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood and overall health. Consistently poor sleep is associated with anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

Available in:<>
Analyze the following sentences below about the excerpt of the text 1 “Today, there are new tools, evidence-based treatments, and social support systems that help people feel better and pursue their goals”.

I. The structure “there are new tools” is in the Simple Past Tense.

II. The structure “evidence-based treatments”is a nominal group connected to “social support systems that help people feel better” and the headnoun is “systems”.

III. The word “pursue” can be replace by “seek”.

IV. In the expression “that help people feel better” it refers to “social support systems”, “evidence-based treatments” and “new tools”.

Which ones are correct? 
Q2320142 Inglês
Text 1

Mental Health Conditions

Mental illnesses are disorders, ranging from mild to severe, that affect a person’s thinking, mood, and/or behavior. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one-in-five adults live with a mental illness. Many factors contribute to mental health conditions, including: Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry, life experiences, such as trauma or abuse and family history of mental health problems.

Tips for Living Well with a Mental Health Condition

Having a mental health condition can make it a struggle to work, keep up with school, stick to a regular schedule, have healthy relationships, socialize, maintain hygiene, and more. However, with early and consistent treatment—often a combination of medication and psychotherapy—it is possible to manage these conditions, overcome challenges, and lead a meaningful, productive life. Today, there are new tools, evidence-based treatments, and social support systems that help people feel better and pursue their goals. Some of these tips, tools and strategies include:

• Stick to a treatment plan. Even if you feel better, don’t stop going to therapy or taking medication without a doctor’s guidance. Work with a doctor to safely adjust doses or medication if needed to continue a treatment plan.

• Keep your primary care physician updated. Primary care physicians are an important part of long-term management, even if you also see a psychiatrist.

• Learn about the condition. Being educated can help you stick to your treatment plan. Education can also help your loved ones be more supportive and compassionate.

• Practice good self-care. Control stress with activities such as meditation or tai-chi; eat healthy and exercise; and get enough sleep.

• Reach out to family and friends. Maintaining relationships with others is important. In times of crisis or rough spells, reach out to them for support and help.

• Develop coping skills. Establishing healthy coping skills can help people deal with stress easier.

• Get enough sleep. Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood and overall health. Consistently poor sleep is associated with anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

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According to the text above, the alternative that best describes the comprehensive analysis of the text 1 is: 
Q2320136 História
Em 1935, foram decretadas 3 Leis na Alemanha Nazista: Lei da Bandeira do Reich, Lei do Cidadania do Reich e a Lei da Proteção do Sangue e Honra Alemães. Essas leis pavimentaram o caminho legal para a exclusão e perseguição dos judeus da sociedade alemã. Esse conjunto de leis ficaram conhecidas como: 
Q2320135 História
Durante o período Varguista do Estado Novo (1937-1945), o Estado passou a realizar investimentos diretos, assumindo os papéis de interventor e empresário. O governo procurou adotar uma política que visava substituir as importações pela produção interna e estabelecer indústrias de base no país. Nesse período, o Governo criou a:
1: B
2: A
3: D
4: D
5: C
6: A
7: B
8: B
9: A
10: E
11: C
12: B
13: C
14: A
15: B
16: D
17: C
18: E
19: B
20: A