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Q1653142 Pedagogia
O currículo de uma escola é o conjunto de oportunidades de ensino e aprendizagens para todos os envolvidos no processo. Uma proposta curricular que emanada do corpo docente, de representantes dos responsáveis e dos estudantes:
Q1653141 Pedagogia
Em uma instituição de ensino estão sendo realizados alguns projetos, abrangendo diferentes componentes curriculares, que envolvem o estudo da História e Cultura afro-brasileira e africana. Considerando as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação das relações étnico-raciais e para o ensino de História e de Cultura Afro-brasileira e africana, esta iniciativa:
Q1653139 Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Segundo o artigo 16 do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, o direito à liberdade compreende, entre outros, o seguinte aspecto:

Q1653138 Pedagogia
A educação foi abordada, direta ou indiretamente, em todas as constituições brasileiras. A Lei nº 9394/1996, conhecida como LDB (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases) regulamenta o sistema educacional brasileiro. Além dessa lei, há outras legislações vigentes. O artigo 34 da LDB trata da jornada escolar no ensino fundamental. De acordo com essa lei, pode-se afirmar que o período de permanência do estudante na escola será:
Q1653134 Pedagogia
Questão 11 Políticas públicas que garantem o acesso e a permanência de todos os estudantes na Educação Básica reconhecem a diversidade como característica inerente à formação do povo brasileiro. Para atingir o acesso e a permanência de todos o estudantes na escola, há as modalidades da Educação Básica, no Brasil. É uma das modalidades da Educação Básica:
Q1651668 Inglês
After reading the whole text, parts I AND II, it is possible to conclude that the author considers multiculturalism:
Q1651667 Inglês
Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:
There must be training sites where teachers have the opportunity to express those concerns while also learning to come up with ways to approach the multicultural classroom and curriculum.”
The phrasal verb highlighted above means:
Q1651666 Inglês
Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:
“I have taught brilliant students of color, many of them seniors, Students of color, many of them seniors, who have skillfully managed never to speak in classroom settings. Some express the feeling that they are less likely to suffer any kind of assault if they simply do not assert their subjectivity.”
The words “skillfully” and “simply” can be related in terms of language because they are:
Q1651665 Inglês
Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:
“Bearing that in mind, among educators there has to be an acknowledgment that any effort to transform institutions in order to reflect a multi-cultural standpoint must take into consideration the fears teachers have when asked to shift their paradigms.”
Without changing the meaning, it is correct to substitute the conjunction in order to in the clause above for:
Q1651664 Inglês
Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:
“Multiculturalism compels educators to recognize the narrow boundaries that have shaped the way knowledge is shared in the classroom. It forces us all to recognize our complicity in accepting and perpetuating biases of any kind. Students are eager to break through barriers to knowing. They are willing to surrender to the wonder of relearning and learning ways of knowing that go against the grain. When we, as educators, allow our pedagogy to be radically changed by our recognition of a multicultural world, we can give students the education they desire and deserve. We can teach in ways that transform consciousness, creating a climate of free expression that is the essence of education.”
About the expression “break through barriers” and the expression “go against the grain”, it is correct to say that:
Q1651663 Inglês
Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:
“There must be training sites where teachers have the opportunity to express those concerns while also learning to create ways to approach the multicultural classroom and curriculum.”
Without changing the meaning of the sentences, it is correct to substitute the modal must in the beginning of the sentence for:
Q1651662 Inglês
Questão 44 Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:
“Let’s face it: most of us were taught in classrooms where styles of teachings reflected the notion of a single norm of thought and experience, which we were encouraged to believe was universal.”
Focusing on reported speech, choose the best alternative to rephrase the citation above.
Q1651661 Inglês
Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:
“Let’s face it: most of us were taught in classrooms where styles of teachings reflected the notion of a single norm of thought and experience, which we were encouraged to believe was universal. This has been just as true for nonwhite teachers as for white teachers.”
What does the demonstrative pronoun “this” highlighted above refer to?
Q1651660 Inglês
In the text you read above (see QUESTÃO 41), the author cites Paulo Freire’s “banking system of education”. Authors usually bring different voices to their text in order to reinforce an argument with expert’s perspectives.
This is can also be done by resorting to:
Q1651659 Inglês
Embracing Change
I have taught brilliant students of color, many of them seniors, who have skillfully managed never to speak in classroom settings. Some express the feeling that they are less likely to suffer any kind of assault if they simply do not assert their subjectivity. They have told me that many professors never showed any interest in hearing their voices. Accepting the decentering of the West globally, embracing multiculturalism, compels educators to focus attention on the issue of voice. Who speaks? Who listens? And why? Caring about whether all students fulfill their responsibility to contribute to learning in the classroom is not a common approach in what Freire has called the “banking system of education” where students are regarded merely as passive consumers. Since so many professors teach from that standpoint, it is difficult to create the kind of learning community that can fully embrace multiculturalism. Students are much more willing to surrender their dependency on the banking system of education than are their teachers. They are also much more willing to face the challenge of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism compels educators to recognize the narrow boundaries that have shaped the way knowledge is shared in the classroom. It forces us all to recognize our complicity in accepting and perpetuating biases of any kind. Students are eager to break through barriers to knowing. They are willing to surrender to the wonder of relearning and learning ways of knowing that go against the grain. When we, as educators, allow our pedagogy to be radically changed by our recognition of a multicultural world, we can give students the education they desire and deserve. We can teach in ways that transform consciousness, creating a climate of free expression that is the essence of education.
Adapted from hooks, b. Teaching to Transgress: A Education as a Practice of Freedom. London/New York: Routledge, 1994.
Read the highlighted sentence in the text above. The cohesive device “since” can be substituted for:
Q1651658 Inglês
Embracing Change
Let’s face it: most of us were taught in classrooms where styles of teachings reflected the notion of a single norm of thought and experience, which we were encouraged to believe was universal. This has been just as true for nonwhite teachers as for white teachers. Most of us learned to teach emulating this model. As a consequence, many teachers are disturbed by the political implications of a multicultural education because they fear losing control in a classroom where there is no one way to approach a subject— only multiple ways and multiple references. Bearing that in mind, among educators there has to be an acknowledgment that any effort to transform institutions so that they reflect a multi-cultural standpoint must take into consideration the fears teachers have when asked to shift their paradigms. There must be training sites where teachers have the opportunity to express those concerns while also learning to create ways to approach the multicultural classroom and curriculum. Making the classroom a democratic setting where everyone feels a responsibility to contribute is a central goal of transformative pedagogy and as the classroom becomes more diverse, teachers are faced with the way the politics of domination are often reproduced in the educational setting.
Adapted from hooks, b. Teaching to Transgress: A Education as a Practice of Freedom. London/New York: Routledge, 1994.
The text above reinforces the importance of:
Q1651657 Inglês
When thinking of critical multiliteracies, teachers must:
Q1651656 Inglês
When focusing on critical multi-literacies, the relation textcontext becomes central because:
Q1651655 Inglês
A critical approach to working with reading is by providing working with discursive and textual genres through critical reflexive processes that allow students to connect the texts to their background and context. The best way to approach this is by:
Q1651654 Inglês
According to Motta-Roth (2008) and the Critical Genre Pedagogy, content and syllabus must be contextualized based on educational, cultural, social, and political imperatives, connecting social experience to individual experience. In this context, when a teacher proposes critical reading and writing activities by giving pre-reading activities that provide the vocabulary students need to understand the text without worrying so much about context, it is possible to conclude that the teacher:
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