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O encosto de cabeça é um equipamento obrigatório:
I. Líderes autoritários
II. Líderes democráticos
III. Líderes liberais
( ) Tomam praticamente todas as decisões por si mesmos.
( ) Deixam que o grupo por si só faça aquilo que quiser.
( ) Trabalham com o grupo para ajudar seus membros a chegar as suas próprias decisões.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA, de cima para baixo.
( ) Teclado
( ) Vídeo
( ) Mouse
( ) Scanner
( ) Impressora
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA, de cima para baixo.
Qual dos substantivos abaixo apresenta uma significação no masculino e outra no feminino?
Considerando o mesmo caso acima, o médico, durante a entrevista com a mãe, é informado que a mesma está gestante de 20 semanas e que não sabe se teve Varicela.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a CONDUTA QUE O MÉDICO DEVE SEGUIR.
Mulher de 53 anos de idade, moradora de Florianópolis, é atacada por um cachorro de propriedade de seu sobrinho e sofre múltiplas mordeduras. Os ferimentos são profundos nas regiões do braço direito, com perda de tecido, e na mão esquerda. Com relação à profilaxia para raiva,
assinale a alternativa que apresenta a CONDUTA MAIS ADEQUADA.
De acordo com a Resolução CONAMA n° 358, de 29 de abril de 2005, que “Dispõe sobre o tratamento e a disposição final dos resíduos dos serviços de saúde”, e a Resolução ANVISA RDC n° 306, de 07 de dezembro de 2004, a classificação de resíduos é feita de acordo com suas características.
Sobre o assunto, assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
When cell phones first became available in the 1980s, they were considered to be expensive playthings for business people. No one thought that they were going to change the world. People knew that the internet had the power to transform lives, but the expectation was that this would happen through the dissemination of personal computers. However, it is now predicted that by 2020, cell phones will have replaced laptops as the main point of access to the internet worldwide. So, why will more people be using cell phones than laptop computers in the future? One reason is that the price of even a fairly cheap laptop makes it inaccessible for a lot of people in developing countries. Computers rely on a regular power supply, which is a problem in many developing countries where outages are frequent, and internet connections unreliable. Cell phones, on the other hand, are cheap to buy (especially recycled ones), require little electricity for recharging, and have good access to the internet in most parts of the world via cell phone networks. It is therefore cell phones, rather than computers, which are revolutionizing life and communication in many developing countries.
How cell phones are transforming the developing world
NextDrop is an app which is now being used in rural parts of India. In many parts of the country, people rely on weekly or twice weekly deliveries of clean water. The problem is that villagers never know exactly when deliveries will take place, meaning that they waste time waiting by their village well for the water tanker to turn up. NextDrop is a simple app that sends automatic text messages to people notifying them when their next water delivery will be. It’s a simple idea which greatly improves people’s lives. Transferring money between countries can be tricky, and this causes problems for the thousands of people who work abroad and need to send money to their families back home. A piece of software called Boom allows Mexicans who work in the US to send money back to family members in Mexico through their cell phones. Once the link is established and the software is installed on both phones, money can be transferred using a simple text message. Cell phones are also bringing health benefits to developing countries. A project called TulaSalud in Guatemala uses cell phone technology to communicate with nurses in remote areas of the country, who are working to reduce the infant mortality rate. The software allows nurses access to their patients’ medical records wherever they are. The service provides free phone numbers that both nurses and patients can call to ask questions about health. Maria Neander is a nurse who works on the TulaSalud project. Before we had TulaSalud, patients’ medical records were only available the health center. When I went into the villages, I couldn’t take the records with me, so I didn’t know if a woman I was visiting had any health problems. Now I have all information I need my cell phone. It helps me monitor women during pregnancy, giving them a better chance of having a healthy baby. When I’m with a woman who is giving birth, I have phone numbers that I can use if there are any problems, so I can get help and advice about what to do. TulaSalud has definitely saved lives.
It’s correct to say that Maria Neander:
Mulher de 23 anos de idade, usuária de drogas, tem um filho de 1 ano de idade, está com atraso menstrual de 5 semanas e procura o serviço de saúde. O teste de gravidez é positivo e ela inicia o pré-natal. Um mês após a consulta vem o resultado do anti-HIV positivo e VDRL 1:64. Ela refere que na gravidez anterior fez o anti-HIV no início da gestação e que foi negativo.
Em relação à mulher e ao filho de 1 ano de idade, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a CONDUTA MAIS ADEQUADA.
1. Cria cultura, brinca e nisso reside sua singularidade. 2. É um adulto em miniatura. 3. É colecionadora, dá sentido ao mundo e produz história. 4. É um sujeito passivo e que somente observa o seu entorno. 5. Subverte a ordem e estabelece uma relação crítica com a tradição. Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Como prática ____________ , a educação tem como lócus privilegiado a _____________ , entendida como espaço de ________________ . Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do texto.
Dar um antigripal ou um antitérmico, por exemplo, ao estudante que começa a apresentar sintomas desagradáveis durante o horário de aulas representa um risco grande. O mesmo ocorre se o professor ministrar um remédio sem receita a pedido dos responsáveis. Afinal, em geral, a escola desconhece o histórico de saúde do aluno. Ou seja, o professor que o acompanha dificilmente saberá indicar se ele é alérgico a algum tipo de medicamento ou se apresenta doenças crônicas que inviabilizariam o uso daquela substância.
Para resguardar a saúde dos alunos, o ideal é que as creches e escolas contem com uma equipe de saúde que se responsabilize tecnicamente por eles nessas situações. Como isso nem sempre é possível, uma alternativa é fazer parcerias com o serviço de saúde local. A equipe escolar deve elaborar uma ficha para cada um, com dados sobre o seu estado geral, coletados na matrícula e atualizados na rematrícula.
Os educadores devem conhecer bem os alunos de modo a identificar emergências e acionar, se preciso for, os responsáveis, os profissionais de saúde ou o atendimento de urgência.
MARANHÃO, Damaris Gomes. Assim não dá! Nova Escola. São Paulo: Abril, p. 28, ano XXV, n. 235, set. 2010. [Texto adaptado]
Assinale a alternativa CORRETA, segundo o texto.
When cell phones first became available in the 1980s, they were considered to be expensive playthings for business people. No one thought that they were going to change the world. People knew that the internet had the power to transform lives, but the expectation was that this would happen through the dissemination of personal computers. However, it is now predicted that by 2020, cell phones will have replaced laptops as the main point of access to the internet worldwide. So, why will more people be using cell phones than laptop computers in the future? One reason is that the price of even a fairly cheap laptop makes it inaccessible for a lot of people in developing countries. Computers rely on a regular power supply, which is a problem in many developing countries where outages are frequent, and internet connections unreliable. Cell phones, on the other hand, are cheap to buy (especially recycled ones), require little electricity for recharging, and have good access to the internet in most parts of the world via cell phone networks. It is therefore cell phones, rather than computers, which are revolutionizing life and communication in many developing countries.
How cell phones are transforming the developing world
NextDrop is an app which is now being used in rural parts of India. In many parts of the country, people rely on weekly or twice weekly deliveries of clean water. The problem is that villagers never know exactly when deliveries will take place, meaning that they waste time waiting by their village well for the water tanker to turn up. NextDrop is a simple app that sends automatic text messages to people notifying them when their next water delivery will be. It’s a simple idea which greatly improves people’s lives. Transferring money between countries can be tricky, and this causes problems for the thousands of people who work abroad and need to send money to their families back home. A piece of software called Boom allows Mexicans who work in the US to send money back to family members in Mexico through their cell phones. Once the link is established and the software is installed on both phones, money can be transferred using a simple text message. Cell phones are also bringing health benefits to developing countries. A project called TulaSalud in Guatemala uses cell phone technology to communicate with nurses in remote areas of the country, who are working to reduce the infant mortality rate. The software allows nurses access to their patients’ medical records wherever they are. The service provides free phone numbers that both nurses and patients can call to ask questions about health. Maria Neander is a nurse who works on the TulaSalud project. Before we had TulaSalud, patients’ medical records were only available the health center. When I went into the villages, I couldn’t take the records with me, so I didn’t know if a woman I was visiting had any health problems. Now I have all information I need my cell phone. It helps me monitor women during pregnancy, giving them a better chance of having a healthy baby. When I’m with a woman who is giving birth, I have phone numbers that I can use if there are any problems, so I can get help and advice about what to do. TulaSalud has definitely saved lives.
TulaSalud is a project whose purpose is to:
When cell phones first became available in the 1980s, they were considered to be expensive playthings for business people. No one thought that they were going to change the world. People knew that the internet had the power to transform lives, but the expectation was that this would happen through the dissemination of personal computers. However, it is now predicted that by 2020, cell phones will have replaced laptops as the main point of access to the internet worldwide. So, why will more people be using cell phones than laptop computers in the future? One reason is that the price of even a fairly cheap laptop makes it inaccessible for a lot of people in developing countries. Computers rely on a regular power supply, which is a problem in many developing countries where outages are frequent, and internet connections unreliable. Cell phones, on the other hand, are cheap to buy (especially recycled ones), require little electricity for recharging, and have good access to the internet in most parts of the world via cell phone networks. It is therefore cell phones, rather than computers, which are revolutionizing life and communication in many developing countries.
How cell phones are transforming the developing world
NextDrop is an app which is now being used in rural parts of India. In many parts of the country, people rely on weekly or twice weekly deliveries of clean water. The problem is that villagers never know exactly when deliveries will take place, meaning that they waste time waiting by their village well for the water tanker to turn up. NextDrop is a simple app that sends automatic text messages to people notifying them when their next water delivery will be. It’s a simple idea which greatly improves people’s lives. Transferring money between countries can be tricky, and this causes problems for the thousands of people who work abroad and need to send money to their families back home. A piece of software called Boom allows Mexicans who work in the US to send money back to family members in Mexico through their cell phones. Once the link is established and the software is installed on both phones, money can be transferred using a simple text message. Cell phones are also bringing health benefits to developing countries. A project called TulaSalud in Guatemala uses cell phone technology to communicate with nurses in remote areas of the country, who are working to reduce the infant mortality rate. The software allows nurses access to their patients’ medical records wherever they are. The service provides free phone numbers that both nurses and patients can call to ask questions about health. Maria Neander is a nurse who works on the TulaSalud project. Before we had TulaSalud, patients’ medical records were only available the health center. When I went into the villages, I couldn’t take the records with me, so I didn’t know if a woman I was visiting had any health problems. Now I have all information I need my cell phone. It helps me monitor women during pregnancy, giving them a better chance of having a healthy baby. When I’m with a woman who is giving birth, I have phone numbers that I can use if there are any problems, so I can get help and advice about what to do. TulaSalud has definitely saved lives.
In the article, the phrase “by 2020, cell phones will have replaced laptops” (1st paragraph) is the same as saying:
Não há dúvida de que existe entre o aluno e o professor um jogo de expectativas relacionadas aos respectivos desempenhos. A escola como instituição social determina aos seus próprios integrantes os comportamentos que deles se espera. Por outro lado, como instituição social, ela é determinada pelo conjunto de expectativas que a sociedade faz sobre ela. Esse fluxo é que reproduz a ideologia dominante.
Maria Isabel da Cunha. O bom professor e sua prática. 1999.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta correta coerência das ideias apresentadas.
Sobre a competência para realizar o indiciamento das infrações penais, exceto as militares, segundo o Código de Processo Penal, é correto afirmar: