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Q1247633 História
Foram características importantes da Grécia Antiga, EXCETO: 
Q1247632 História
Dentre os fatores de cunho internacional que também contribuíram para a abdicação de Dom Pedro I, pode-se citar:
Q1247591 Inglês
Choose the option that is grammatically correct:
1. The boss should not has called Arun names in front of others. 2. He has come up during the last five years. 3. I have a problem to square up with the manager. 4. She is not cut out for this kind of work.
Q1247590 Inglês

Choose the option that is grammatically correct:

1. He was like a cock who thought the sun risen to hear him crow.

2. Martina laugh when her mother dropped a pie upside down on the floor.

3. Because he was so small, Stuart is often hard to find around the house.

4. If a man don’t keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hear a different drummer.

Q1247589 Inglês

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:

1. I know Mondays are ______, but we survive.

2. They know it is weird, they like it ______.

3. Take a minute to gather your ______.

4. The boy saw ______ the window.

Q1247588 Inglês
Choose the correct option between British English and American English:
1. The park is in the center of our town. 2. I got this book at the new bookstore. 3. Mr Barnes, our caretaker, found my key. 4. Tom told me to get off the Underground at Tower Hill.
Q1247587 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.

Choose the correct translation to the word in bold:

“ a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.

Q1247586 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
What is the translation of the phrase "by the 1900s"?
Q1247585 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
What does the word “craze” refer to in the last sentence of the third paragraph?
Q1247584 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
What does the word “gambling” refer to in the first sentence of the second paragraph?
Q1247583 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
How and when did the sandwich become popular in America?
Q1247582 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
What kind of ease did the sandwich provide to the players?
Q1247581 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
In the phrase “The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu ...” what meaning can be attributed to Sandwich?
Q1247580 Inglês
Use the following text to answer the question.

   Summertime is the time of year for the sandwich. But just how did this famous food get started? Its history only traces back a few hundred years! 
   It was in 1762, and strangely enough, it involved gambling. The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, was playing cards with his friends and was hungry - but didn't want to stop playing. So he asked for his normal meat and cheese to be brought stuck in bread so that he could eat with one hand while playing with the other. 
    His companions thought this was a brilliant idea, being solid gamblers themselves, and immediately began ordering their meals "Sandwich Style". A new craze was begun! The sandwich hit the US in 1827, when Elizabeth Leslie published her cookbook that included a ham sandwich. lt was immediately popular with the population of the states, giving a practical, portable meal for workers and schoolchildren.
     By the 1900s, bakeries started selling presliced bread, so that sandwiches were easy to create. Until that time, consumers would buy solid loaves - or bake their own bread at home. Bread portions were often just torn off the loaf in random shapes. Now, with perfectly sliced pieces of bread, the sandwich had come into its glory.
It’s inferred from the text that the sandwich was invented in which country?
Q1180871 Educação Física
Em caso de acidente envolvendo aluno, as ações de primeiros socorros devem priorizar os sinais vitais, observando-se as seguintes alterações:
Q1180870 Educação Física
No que se refere aos atendimentos de primeiros socorros, qual é o procedimento a ser adotado em se tratando de fratura no braço de um aluno?
Q1180869 Educação Física
No que se refere às diferenças entre jogo e esporte, assinale a alternativa correta:
Q1180868 Educação Física
Como se sabe, o treinamento intensivo de resistência por um longo período desencadeia uma considerável redução do trabalho cardíaco diário. Tal fenômeno pode ser atribuído:
Q1180867 Educação Física

Considerando a melhoria geral da condição física, pode-se afirmar metodologicamente que:

I – se o executante alcançou o seu limite, o nível de treinamento deve ser diminuído.

II – ao iniciar um programa de exercícios devem ser evitados intervalos com diminuição da intensidade.

III – o aumento progressivo do volume deve ocorrer antes da elevação da intensidade.

Q1180866 Pedagogia

O artigo 22 e seguintes da Lei n. 9.394/1996 (LDB) trata da Educação Básica. Sobre o tema, analise os itens a seguir e, ao final, assinale a alternativa correta:

I – A educação básica tem por finalidade desenvolver o educando, assegurar-lhe a formação comum indispensável para o exercício da cidadania e fornecer-lhe meios para progredir no trabalho e em estudos posteriores.

II – A escola não poderá reclassificar os alunos, mesmo quando se tratar de transferências entre estabelecimentos situados no País e no exterior.

III – O calendário escolar deverá adequar-se às peculiaridades locais, inclusive climáticas e econômicas, a critério do respectivo sistema de ensino, sem com isso reduzir o número de horas letivas.

21: E
22: A
23: D
24: E
25: A
26: C
27: B
28: C
29: C
30: B
31: A
32: D
33: B
34: A
35: B
36: A
37: E
38: E
39: C
40: D