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Q112904 Inglês
GadgetDesigners Push the Limits of Size, Safety
By Brian X. Chen, August 28, 2008

Just as small, fast-moving mammals replaced lumbering
dinosaurs, pocketable gadgets are evolving to fill niches that
larger, deskbound computers can't reach. But as they shrink,
these gadgets are faced with problems mammals face, too,
such as efficiently dissipating heat.

The recent example of Apple's first-generation iPod nanos
causing fires in Japan raises the question of whether
increasingly innovative product designs are impinging on
safety. The nano incident illustrates how risk can increase as
devices decrease in size, says Roger Kay, an analyst at

"As [gadgets] get smaller, the tradeoffs become more difficult,
the balance becomes more critical and there's less room for
error," Kay said. "I'm not surprised it's happening to the nano
because that's the small one. You're asking it to do a lot in a
very, very small package and that's pushing the envelope.”

There's no question that industrial designers' jobs have
become much more difficult as the industry demands ever
more powerful and smaller gadgets. With paper-thin
subnotebooks, ultrasmall MP3 players, and pinkie finger-
sized Bluetooth headsets becoming increasingly popular, it's
questionable where exactly designers draw the line between
innovation and safety.

If this scientific breakthrough is reliable, after years testing it, it _____ lead to the cure of this type of cancer in the future.
Q112902 Inglês
GadgetDesigners Push the Limits of Size, Safety
By Brian X. Chen, August 28, 2008

Just as small, fast-moving mammals replaced lumbering
dinosaurs, pocketable gadgets are evolving to fill niches that
larger, deskbound computers can't reach. But as they shrink,
these gadgets are faced with problems mammals face, too,
such as efficiently dissipating heat.

The recent example of Apple's first-generation iPod nanos
causing fires in Japan raises the question of whether
increasingly innovative product designs are impinging on
safety. The nano incident illustrates how risk can increase as
devices decrease in size, says Roger Kay, an analyst at

"As [gadgets] get smaller, the tradeoffs become more difficult,
the balance becomes more critical and there's less room for
error," Kay said. "I'm not surprised it's happening to the nano
because that's the small one. You're asking it to do a lot in a
very, very small package and that's pushing the envelope.”

There's no question that industrial designers' jobs have
become much more difficult as the industry demands ever
more powerful and smaller gadgets. With paper-thin
subnotebooks, ultrasmall MP3 players, and pinkie finger-
sized Bluetooth headsets becoming increasingly popular, it's
questionable where exactly designers draw the line between
innovation and safety.

Boeing ____ this week that it ____ successfully ____ a manned airplane powered _____ hydrogen fuel cells.
Q112901 Inglês
GadgetDesigners Push the Limits of Size, Safety
By Brian X. Chen, August 28, 2008

Just as small, fast-moving mammals replaced lumbering
dinosaurs, pocketable gadgets are evolving to fill niches that
larger, deskbound computers can't reach. But as they shrink,
these gadgets are faced with problems mammals face, too,
such as efficiently dissipating heat.

The recent example of Apple's first-generation iPod nanos
causing fires in Japan raises the question of whether
increasingly innovative product designs are impinging on
safety. The nano incident illustrates how risk can increase as
devices decrease in size, says Roger Kay, an analyst at

"As [gadgets] get smaller, the tradeoffs become more difficult,
the balance becomes more critical and there's less room for
error," Kay said. "I'm not surprised it's happening to the nano
because that's the small one. You're asking it to do a lot in a
very, very small package and that's pushing the envelope.”

There's no question that industrial designers' jobs have
become much more difficult as the industry demands ever
more powerful and smaller gadgets. With paper-thin
subnotebooks, ultrasmall MP3 players, and pinkie finger-
sized Bluetooth headsets becoming increasingly popular, it's
questionable where exactly designers draw the line between
innovation and safety.

Choose the best option.

Dumping your entire music collection _____ your iPod is a simple, one click process. But what about getting your music _____ your iPod?
Q112900 Inglês
GadgetDesigners Push the Limits of Size, Safety
By Brian X. Chen, August 28, 2008

Just as small, fast-moving mammals replaced lumbering
dinosaurs, pocketable gadgets are evolving to fill niches that
larger, deskbound computers can't reach. But as they shrink,
these gadgets are faced with problems mammals face, too,
such as efficiently dissipating heat.

The recent example of Apple's first-generation iPod nanos
causing fires in Japan raises the question of whether
increasingly innovative product designs are impinging on
safety. The nano incident illustrates how risk can increase as
devices decrease in size, says Roger Kay, an analyst at

"As [gadgets] get smaller, the tradeoffs become more difficult,
the balance becomes more critical and there's less room for
error," Kay said. "I'm not surprised it's happening to the nano
because that's the small one. You're asking it to do a lot in a
very, very small package and that's pushing the envelope.”

There's no question that industrial designers' jobs have
become much more difficult as the industry demands ever
more powerful and smaller gadgets. With paper-thin
subnotebooks, ultrasmall MP3 players, and pinkie finger-
sized Bluetooth headsets becoming increasingly popular, it's
questionable where exactly designers draw the line between
innovation and safety.

The expression in the last line of the first paragraph could be changed by ____ and its meaning would not altered.
Q112899 Inglês
GadgetDesigners Push the Limits of Size, Safety
By Brian X. Chen, August 28, 2008

Just as small, fast-moving mammals replaced lumbering
dinosaurs, pocketable gadgets are evolving to fill niches that
larger, deskbound computers can't reach. But as they shrink,
these gadgets are faced with problems mammals face, too,
such as efficiently dissipating heat.

The recent example of Apple's first-generation iPod nanos
causing fires in Japan raises the question of whether
increasingly innovative product designs are impinging on
safety. The nano incident illustrates how risk can increase as
devices decrease in size, says Roger Kay, an analyst at

"As [gadgets] get smaller, the tradeoffs become more difficult,
the balance becomes more critical and there's less room for
error," Kay said. "I'm not surprised it's happening to the nano
because that's the small one. You're asking it to do a lot in a
very, very small package and that's pushing the envelope.”

There's no question that industrial designers' jobs have
become much more difficult as the industry demands ever
more powerful and smaller gadgets. With paper-thin
subnotebooks, ultrasmall MP3 players, and pinkie finger-
sized Bluetooth headsets becoming increasingly popular, it's
questionable where exactly designers draw the line between
innovation and safety.

According to the text industrial designers' jobs have becomemore difficult because they…
Q112898 Inglês
GadgetDesigners Push the Limits of Size, Safety
By Brian X. Chen, August 28, 2008

Just as small, fast-moving mammals replaced lumbering
dinosaurs, pocketable gadgets are evolving to fill niches that
larger, deskbound computers can't reach. But as they shrink,
these gadgets are faced with problems mammals face, too,
such as efficiently dissipating heat.

The recent example of Apple's first-generation iPod nanos
causing fires in Japan raises the question of whether
increasingly innovative product designs are impinging on
safety. The nano incident illustrates how risk can increase as
devices decrease in size, says Roger Kay, an analyst at

"As [gadgets] get smaller, the tradeoffs become more difficult,
the balance becomes more critical and there's less room for
error," Kay said. "I'm not surprised it's happening to the nano
because that's the small one. You're asking it to do a lot in a
very, very small package and that's pushing the envelope.”

There's no question that industrial designers' jobs have
become much more difficult as the industry demands ever
more powerful and smaller gadgets. With paper-thin
subnotebooks, ultrasmall MP3 players, and pinkie finger-
sized Bluetooth headsets becoming increasingly popular, it's
questionable where exactly designers draw the line between
innovation and safety.

The reason given in the third paragraph of the text for the problemwith smaller gadgets is that…
Q112897 Inglês
GadgetDesigners Push the Limits of Size, Safety
By Brian X. Chen, August 28, 2008

Just as small, fast-moving mammals replaced lumbering
dinosaurs, pocketable gadgets are evolving to fill niches that
larger, deskbound computers can't reach. But as they shrink,
these gadgets are faced with problems mammals face, too,
such as efficiently dissipating heat.

The recent example of Apple's first-generation iPod nanos
causing fires in Japan raises the question of whether
increasingly innovative product designs are impinging on
safety. The nano incident illustrates how risk can increase as
devices decrease in size, says Roger Kay, an analyst at

"As [gadgets] get smaller, the tradeoffs become more difficult,
the balance becomes more critical and there's less room for
error," Kay said. "I'm not surprised it's happening to the nano
because that's the small one. You're asking it to do a lot in a
very, very small package and that's pushing the envelope.”

There's no question that industrial designers' jobs have
become much more difficult as the industry demands ever
more powerful and smaller gadgets. With paper-thin
subnotebooks, ultrasmall MP3 players, and pinkie finger-
sized Bluetooth headsets becoming increasingly popular, it's
questionable where exactly designers draw the line between
innovation and safety.

The title of the text let us know that there must be a close relation between…
Q112890 Conhecimentos Gerais
O Programa Piloto para a Proteção das Florestas Tropicais do Brasil (PPG7) é uma iniciativa do governo e da sociedade brasileira, em parceria com a comunidade internacional. Tem como finalidade o desenvolvimento de estratégias inovadoras para a proteção e o uso sustentável da Floresta Amazônica e da Mata Atlântica, associadas a melhorias na qualidade de vida das populações locais. (...) Para tanto, foram definidos os seguintes objetivos específicos:

I. demonstrar a viabilidade da harmonização dos objetivos ambientais e econômicos nas florestas tropicais;

II. ajudar a preservar os enormes recursos genéticos de que estas dispõem;

III. reduzir a contribuição das florestas brasileiras na emissão de gás carbônico;

IV. fornecer um exemplo de cooperação entre os países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento nas questões ambientais globais.

(Disponível em: 43656.html)

Dentre os objetivos específicos do PPG7, aquele(s) que diretamente favorece(m) a preservação da biodiversidade local é(são) o(s):
Q112889 Conhecimentos Gerais
Veja o gráfico a seguir:

Imagem 005.jpg

Sobre amatriz energética brasileira pode-se afirmar que:
Q2277029 Direito Administrativo
Acerca do Sistema de Registro de Preços, consoante o Decreto n.º 11.462/2023, julgue o item seguinte. 

A gestão de atas é a ferramenta informatizada disponibilizada pelo governo federal para controle e gerenciamento dos quantitativos das atas de registro de preços e de seus saldos, bem como das solicitações de adesão e de remanejamento das quantidades.
Q2275593 Direito Administrativo
Em relação à contratação de obras e serviços de engenharia, julgue o item que se segue.
O Regime Diferenciado de Contratações Públicas (RDC) é aplicável às licitações e aos contratos necessários à realização de obras e serviços de engenharia para infraestrutura, construção, requalificação, urbanização e regularização fundiária no âmbito das políticas públicas de desenvolvimento urbano e habitação.
Q2275175 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

Em relação ao programa de controle médico de saúde ocupacional (PCMSO), julgue o item a seguir.

O exame de mudança de função deve, obrigatoriamente, ser realizado antes da data de entrada em exercício na nova função.

Q2275159 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

A respeito da prevenção de doenças relacionadas ao trabalho, julgue o item a seguir.

Os resultados das avaliações das exposições ocupacionais previstas na Norma Regulamentadora (NR) n.º 9 devem ser incorporados tanto ao inventário de riscos do programa de gerenciamento de riscos quanto ao plano de ação.

Q2275158 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

A respeito da prevenção de doenças relacionadas ao trabalho, julgue o item a seguir.

As medidas de prevenção e controle das exposições ocupacionais referentes a cada agente físico, químico, biológico e ergonômico estão consolidadas nos anexos da Norma Regulamentadora (NR) n.º 9, que determina avaliações qualitativas ou quantitativas de acordo com o risco ocupacional identificado no programa de gerenciamento de riscos.

Q2275113 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Com relação a conceitos pertinentes ao programa de prevenção de riscos ambientais (PPRA), julgue o item seguinte.

Raios ultravioleta e aerodispersoides sólidos são exemplos de agentes de risco físicos à saúde do empregado exposto a eles.  
Q2274471 Direito Administrativo
A respeito do Sistema de Controle Interno do Poder Executivo Federal — Decreto n.º 3.591/2000 —, do regime diferenciado de contratações públicas (RDC) — Lei n.º 12.462/2011 — e das disposições da Lei de Acesso à Informação — Lei n.º 12.527/2011 —, julgue o item subsequente. 

No caso de licitação para aquisição de bens, à luz do RDC, a indicação de marca ou modelo somente é válida se for necessária para padronizar o objeto. 
Q443153 Direito Administrativo
Segundo o artigo 109 da Lei Federal nº 8.666/93, quais dos seguintes recursos administrativos automaticamente possuem efeito suspensivo?
Q113145 Engenharia de Software
Diagrama usado na análise em engenharia de software que contém a modelagem de elementos comportamentais:
1999: C
2000: C
2001: D
2002: B
2003: B
2004: A
2005: D
2006: C
2007: C
2008: C
2009: C
2010: E
2011: C
2012: E
2013: E
2014: E
2015: B
2016: A