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Q858452 Pedagogia
A questão refere-se à Metodologia de Ensino de Inglês.  
Chamar a atenção ao gênero de um texto no ensino da leitura
Q858451 Inglês

Using "he or she" as a catch-all.

      In order to be inclusive of all people, we often use the socalled gender catch-all "he or she." But when making it a goal to be inclusive of all people under the transgender umbrella, it's important to remember that binary pronouns don't include all genders.

      Non-binary and transgender individuals sometimes use pronouns like they/them and ze/hir. Using "he or she" actually excludes a group that deserves to be recognized.

      The solution: The limitations of our language make correcting this problem tricky. Intentionally using "they" as a term to be deliberately inclusive to all genders works well, but may irritate some grammar lovers. Another option? Just rewrite the sentence. It's worth the trouble.

(From: “5 accidentally transphobic phrases allies use − and what to say instead”, Mashable, 10/18/transgender-ally-words/#Q0K4bAJH7kqV

De acordo com o texto, o uso intencional de ‘they’ para todos os gêneros
Q858449 Inglês

Using "he or she" as a catch-all.

      In order to be inclusive of all people, we often use the socalled gender catch-all "he or she." But when making it a goal to be inclusive of all people under the transgender umbrella, it's important to remember that binary pronouns don't include all genders.

      Non-binary and transgender individuals sometimes use pronouns like they/them and ze/hir. Using "he or she" actually excludes a group that deserves to be recognized.

      The solution: The limitations of our language make correcting this problem tricky. Intentionally using "they" as a term to be deliberately inclusive to all genders works well, but may irritate some grammar lovers. Another option? Just rewrite the sentence. It's worth the trouble.

(From: “5 accidentally transphobic phrases allies use − and what to say instead”, Mashable, 10/18/transgender-ally-words/#Q0K4bAJH7kqV

O texto aborda
Q858448 Inglês

                            On “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”

                                       (2015 − original title)

       The latest episode is not all bad. Most actors are good, and the actress is a nice choice. I give it three stars because I am disgusted by how they have literally copy-pasted the old trilogies, in the most commercial way. They've cloned everything, the story, the dynamics, and some aspects of the new characters. Even the new bad guy, Kylo Ren, is a laughable copy of Darth Vader, but at least Darth Vader was imposing, while Kylo would not scare a cat. He reminded me a bit of Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter, weak and insecure behind a mask of aggression. Speaking of Harry Potter, I notice more similarities: Rey is somehow like Hermione (strong, intelligent, beautiful, brave) and Finn is somehow like Ron (jumpy, rather sweet than beautiful, a bit of a clown and not so strong). (Edward Pond, Washington D.C.)

                                                                             (From: IMDB,

Sobre personagens da história-título, o texto afirma que:
Ano: 2016 Banca: FCC Órgão: SEDU-ES Prova: FCC - 2016 - SEDU-ES - Professor - Matemática |
Q747852 Matemática
Admita que a probabilidade de nascer um menino seja de 50%. Entre seis nascimentos, a probabilidade de que três sejam meninas é igual a
316: A
317: D
318: E
319: B
320: B