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Q552418 Noções de Informática
Assinale a alternativa em que está localizada a funcionalidade Classificar para ordenar o conteúdo de uma tabela, no MS WORD 2010.
Q552417 Noções de Informática
A configuração para ativar/desativar o Bloqueador de Pop-ups no Internet Explorer 9 pode ser acessada em:
Q552416 Noções de Informática
O que acontece quando uma pasta é arrastada pelo usuário para uma pasta em um disco rígido diferente?
Q552415 Noções de Informática
Sobre Bibliotecas no Windows 7, considere as seguintes afirmativas:

1. Uma pasta de rede deve ser adicionada ao índice ou ficar disponível offline para poder ser incluída em uma biblioteca.

2. Quando você remove uma pasta de uma biblioteca, a pasta e seu conteúdo são excluídos do seu local original.

3. Pastas de dispositivos de mídia removível (como CDs e DVDs) podem ser incluídas em uma biblioteca.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Q552412 Espanhol

Grifos y retretes marca España

    Una persona necesita entre 50 y 100 litros de agua al día “para garantizar que se cubren sus necesidades básicas y que no surjan grandes amenazas para su salud”, indica la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Pero 700 millones de personas, el 11% de la población mundial, carecen de ella. Esto significa que utilizan alrededor de cinco litros al día, “una décima parte de la media diaria que gasta un individuo al tirar de la cisterna del retrete en los países ricos”. Peor aún: 2.500 millones de seres humanos ni siquiera tienen un váter con una cadena de la que tirar, pues no cuentan con sistemas de saneamiento. De ellos, 1.000 millones defecan al aire libre. El reto de garantizar este derecho humano universal —así reconocido desde junio de 2010— al agua y saneamiento, recogido en el Objetivo del Milenio número siete, es todavía mayúsculo.


Considere a seguinte frase retirada do texto: “Esto significa que utilizan alrededor de cinco litros al día, 'una décima parte de la media diaria que gasta un individuo al tirar de la cisterna del retrete en los países ricos". Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o significado da expressão sublinhada.
Q552409 Espanhol

La opción de una minoría

    Cada año se generan 24 millones de toneladas de residuos urbanos en España, es decir, cada uno de nosotros genera, de media, 485 kilos, según datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). De estos 24 millones de toneladas, la mayoría sigue siendo basura mezclada que acaba yendo a los vertederos, mientras que solo 4,2 millones son separados para reciclar.

    Sigue siendo una minoría, pero España ha realizado un gran esfuerzo por situarse a la cabeza de los países europeos que más reciclan. Sin embargo, aún hará falta un esfuerzo mayor para alcanzar los objetivos del 50% de reciclado urbano para 2020. Estas son algunas de las conclusiones que Ecoembes, una de las principales entidades de gestión integral de residuos, presenta en su estudio.

    Esta organización se encarga de los envases, que representan un 8% del total de residuos urbanos, en total, 1,7 millones de toneladas, de las que casi un 74% han sido recicladas. Los envases representan casi la mitad de los residuos reciclados en nuestro país. Los que más se reciclan son los de metal y los de papel, ambos por encima del 80%, y bajan la media los plásticos, aunque el último año su tasa de reciclaje aumentó en 5 puntos, hasta el 61%.


Esta organización se encarga de los envases…". La expresión subrayada se refiere a:
Q552408 Espanhol

La opción de una minoría

    Cada año se generan 24 millones de toneladas de residuos urbanos en España, es decir, cada uno de nosotros genera, de media, 485 kilos, según datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). De estos 24 millones de toneladas, la mayoría sigue siendo basura mezclada que acaba yendo a los vertederos, mientras que solo 4,2 millones son separados para reciclar.

    Sigue siendo una minoría, pero España ha realizado un gran esfuerzo por situarse a la cabeza de los países europeos que más reciclan. Sin embargo, aún hará falta un esfuerzo mayor para alcanzar los objetivos del 50% de reciclado urbano para 2020. Estas son algunas de las conclusiones que Ecoembes, una de las principales entidades de gestión integral de residuos, presenta en su estudio.

    Esta organización se encarga de los envases, que representan un 8% del total de residuos urbanos, en total, 1,7 millones de toneladas, de las que casi un 74% han sido recicladas. Los envases representan casi la mitad de los residuos reciclados en nuestro país. Los que más se reciclan son los de metal y los de papel, ambos por encima del 80%, y bajan la media los plásticos, aunque el último año su tasa de reciclaje aumentó en 5 puntos, hasta el 61%.


Na frase “Sin embargo, aún hará falta un esfuerzo mayor para alcanzar los objetivos…", retirada do texto, a expressão sublinhada pode ser substituída, sem que a frase perca o seu sentido, por:
Q552406 Inglês

Washington gumbo lover leaves $2,000 tip on $93 restaurant bill

    A Washington man shocked the staff of a neighborhood restaurant earlier this week by leaving a $2,000 for a meal of beer and gumbo he shared with a friend, the proprietor said Wednesday.

    The man, described by Blue 44's owner Chris Nardelli as a gumbo-loving regular who lives nearby, left the tip on a $93 bill on Monday night.

    “Thank you for the gumbo!” he wrote on the bill after indulging his taste for the Louisiana Creole dish, a specialty of the house.

    “It was pretty shocking to say the least”, said Nardelli, who also is a chef and bartender at the four-year-old restaurant in the Chevy Chase neighborhood. “It made everybody do a triple take”.

    The customer, who was not identified, asked on the bill that $1,000 go to chef James Turner and $500 each for Nardelli and waitress Laura Dally.


A equipe que trabalha no Blue 44 ficou impressionada com o cliente porque ele:
Q552405 Inglês

Washington gumbo lover leaves $2,000 tip on $93 restaurant bill

    A Washington man shocked the staff of a neighborhood restaurant earlier this week by leaving a $2,000 for a meal of beer and gumbo he shared with a friend, the proprietor said Wednesday.

    The man, described by Blue 44's owner Chris Nardelli as a gumbo-loving regular who lives nearby, left the tip on a $93 bill on Monday night.

    “Thank you for the gumbo!” he wrote on the bill after indulging his taste for the Louisiana Creole dish, a specialty of the house.

    “It was pretty shocking to say the least”, said Nardelli, who also is a chef and bartender at the four-year-old restaurant in the Chevy Chase neighborhood. “It made everybody do a triple take”.

    The customer, who was not identified, asked on the bill that $1,000 go to chef James Turner and $500 each for Nardelli and waitress Laura Dally.


O proprietário do Blue 44:
Q552404 Inglês

Washington gumbo lover leaves $2,000 tip on $93 restaurant bill

    A Washington man shocked the staff of a neighborhood restaurant earlier this week by leaving a $2,000 for a meal of beer and gumbo he shared with a friend, the proprietor said Wednesday.

    The man, described by Blue 44's owner Chris Nardelli as a gumbo-loving regular who lives nearby, left the tip on a $93 bill on Monday night.

    “Thank you for the gumbo!” he wrote on the bill after indulging his taste for the Louisiana Creole dish, a specialty of the house.

    “It was pretty shocking to say the least”, said Nardelli, who also is a chef and bartender at the four-year-old restaurant in the Chevy Chase neighborhood. “It made everybody do a triple take”.

    The customer, who was not identified, asked on the bill that $1,000 go to chef James Turner and $500 each for Nardelli and waitress Laura Dally.


According to the text, the man who went to Blue 44 in Washington:
Q552403 Inglês

Germany's oldest student, 102, gets PhD denied by Nazis

    Ingeborg Rapoport (then Syllm) finished her medical studies in 1937 and wrote her doctoral thesis on diphtheria – a serious problem in Germany at the time. But because of Nazi oppression she has had to wait almost eight decades before being awarded her PhD. Her mother was a Jewish pianist. So, under Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic race laws, Ingeborg was refused entry to the final oral exam. She had written confirmation from Hamburg University that she would have received her doctorate “if the applicable laws did not prohibit Ms. Syllm's admission to the doctoral exam due to her ancestry”.

'For the victims'

    Now the university has set right that wrong. Three professors from Hamburg University's medical faculty travelled last month to Ingeborg's sitting room in East Berlin to test her on the work she carried out in pre-war Germany. They were impressed and a special ceremony took place at Hamburg University Medical Centre on Tuesday, in which she finally received the PhD that the Nazis stole from her. “It was about the principle”, she said. “I didn't want to defend my thesis for my own sake. After all, at the age of 102 all of this wasn´t exactly easy for me. I did it for the victims [of the Nazis]”. To prepare for last month's exam, Ingeborg enlisted friends to help her research online what developments there had been in the field of diphtheria over the last 80 years.

     In 1938, as Germany became an increasingly dangerous place for Jews, Ingeborg fled to the US where she went back to university, finally to qualify as a doctor. Within a few years she met her husband, the biochemist Samuel Mitja Rapoport, who was himself a Jewish refugee from Vienna.

Infant mortality

     But, by the 1950s, Ingeborg suddenly found herself once again on the wrong side of the authorities. The McCarthy anticommunist trials meant that Ingeborg and her husband were at risk because of their left-wing views. So they fled again – back to Germany. This time Ingeborg Rapoport went to communist East Berlin, where she worked as a paediatrician. Eventually she became a paediatrics professor, holding Europe's first chair in neonatal medicine, at the renowned Charite Hospital in East Berlin. She was given a national prize for her work in dramatically reducing infant mortality in East Germany. But for all her achievements, winning back at the age of 102 the doctorate stolen from her by the Nazis must rank among her most impressive.


According to the text, Ingeborg Rapoport was not awarded her PhD back in 1937 because:
Q552402 Inglês

Germany's oldest student, 102, gets PhD denied by Nazis

    Ingeborg Rapoport (then Syllm) finished her medical studies in 1937 and wrote her doctoral thesis on diphtheria – a serious problem in Germany at the time. But because of Nazi oppression she has had to wait almost eight decades before being awarded her PhD. Her mother was a Jewish pianist. So, under Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic race laws, Ingeborg was refused entry to the final oral exam. She had written confirmation from Hamburg University that she would have received her doctorate “if the applicable laws did not prohibit Ms. Syllm's admission to the doctoral exam due to her ancestry”.

'For the victims'

    Now the university has set right that wrong. Three professors from Hamburg University's medical faculty travelled last month to Ingeborg's sitting room in East Berlin to test her on the work she carried out in pre-war Germany. They were impressed and a special ceremony took place at Hamburg University Medical Centre on Tuesday, in which she finally received the PhD that the Nazis stole from her. “It was about the principle”, she said. “I didn't want to defend my thesis for my own sake. After all, at the age of 102 all of this wasn´t exactly easy for me. I did it for the victims [of the Nazis]”. To prepare for last month's exam, Ingeborg enlisted friends to help her research online what developments there had been in the field of diphtheria over the last 80 years.

     In 1938, as Germany became an increasingly dangerous place for Jews, Ingeborg fled to the US where she went back to university, finally to qualify as a doctor. Within a few years she met her husband, the biochemist Samuel Mitja Rapoport, who was himself a Jewish refugee from Vienna.

Infant mortality

     But, by the 1950s, Ingeborg suddenly found herself once again on the wrong side of the authorities. The McCarthy anticommunist trials meant that Ingeborg and her husband were at risk because of their left-wing views. So they fled again – back to Germany. This time Ingeborg Rapoport went to communist East Berlin, where she worked as a paediatrician. Eventually she became a paediatrics professor, holding Europe's first chair in neonatal medicine, at the renowned Charite Hospital in East Berlin. She was given a national prize for her work in dramatically reducing infant mortality in East Germany. But for all her achievements, winning back at the age of 102 the doctorate stolen from her by the Nazis must rank among her most impressive.


One of the reasons Ingeborg Rapoport decided to leave Germany, go to the USA and after a time go back to Germany was due to the fact that:
Q552401 Inglês

Germany's oldest student, 102, gets PhD denied by Nazis

    Ingeborg Rapoport (then Syllm) finished her medical studies in 1937 and wrote her doctoral thesis on diphtheria – a serious problem in Germany at the time. But because of Nazi oppression she has had to wait almost eight decades before being awarded her PhD. Her mother was a Jewish pianist. So, under Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic race laws, Ingeborg was refused entry to the final oral exam. She had written confirmation from Hamburg University that she would have received her doctorate “if the applicable laws did not prohibit Ms. Syllm's admission to the doctoral exam due to her ancestry”.

'For the victims'

    Now the university has set right that wrong. Three professors from Hamburg University's medical faculty travelled last month to Ingeborg's sitting room in East Berlin to test her on the work she carried out in pre-war Germany. They were impressed and a special ceremony took place at Hamburg University Medical Centre on Tuesday, in which she finally received the PhD that the Nazis stole from her. “It was about the principle”, she said. “I didn't want to defend my thesis for my own sake. After all, at the age of 102 all of this wasn´t exactly easy for me. I did it for the victims [of the Nazis]”. To prepare for last month's exam, Ingeborg enlisted friends to help her research online what developments there had been in the field of diphtheria over the last 80 years.

     In 1938, as Germany became an increasingly dangerous place for Jews, Ingeborg fled to the US where she went back to university, finally to qualify as a doctor. Within a few years she met her husband, the biochemist Samuel Mitja Rapoport, who was himself a Jewish refugee from Vienna.

Infant mortality

     But, by the 1950s, Ingeborg suddenly found herself once again on the wrong side of the authorities. The McCarthy anticommunist trials meant that Ingeborg and her husband were at risk because of their left-wing views. So they fled again – back to Germany. This time Ingeborg Rapoport went to communist East Berlin, where she worked as a paediatrician. Eventually she became a paediatrics professor, holding Europe's first chair in neonatal medicine, at the renowned Charite Hospital in East Berlin. She was given a national prize for her work in dramatically reducing infant mortality in East Germany. But for all her achievements, winning back at the age of 102 the doctorate stolen from her by the Nazis must rank among her most impressive.


In order to prepare for her exam, Ingeborg Rapoport:
Q552400 Inglês

Germany's oldest student, 102, gets PhD denied by Nazis

    Ingeborg Rapoport (then Syllm) finished her medical studies in 1937 and wrote her doctoral thesis on diphtheria – a serious problem in Germany at the time. But because of Nazi oppression she has had to wait almost eight decades before being awarded her PhD. Her mother was a Jewish pianist. So, under Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic race laws, Ingeborg was refused entry to the final oral exam. She had written confirmation from Hamburg University that she would have received her doctorate “if the applicable laws did not prohibit Ms. Syllm's admission to the doctoral exam due to her ancestry”.

'For the victims'

    Now the university has set right that wrong. Three professors from Hamburg University's medical faculty travelled last month to Ingeborg's sitting room in East Berlin to test her on the work she carried out in pre-war Germany. They were impressed and a special ceremony took place at Hamburg University Medical Centre on Tuesday, in which she finally received the PhD that the Nazis stole from her. “It was about the principle”, she said. “I didn't want to defend my thesis for my own sake. After all, at the age of 102 all of this wasn´t exactly easy for me. I did it for the victims [of the Nazis]”. To prepare for last month's exam, Ingeborg enlisted friends to help her research online what developments there had been in the field of diphtheria over the last 80 years.

     In 1938, as Germany became an increasingly dangerous place for Jews, Ingeborg fled to the US where she went back to university, finally to qualify as a doctor. Within a few years she met her husband, the biochemist Samuel Mitja Rapoport, who was himself a Jewish refugee from Vienna.

Infant mortality

     But, by the 1950s, Ingeborg suddenly found herself once again on the wrong side of the authorities. The McCarthy anticommunist trials meant that Ingeborg and her husband were at risk because of their left-wing views. So they fled again – back to Germany. This time Ingeborg Rapoport went to communist East Berlin, where she worked as a paediatrician. Eventually she became a paediatrics professor, holding Europe's first chair in neonatal medicine, at the renowned Charite Hospital in East Berlin. She was given a national prize for her work in dramatically reducing infant mortality in East Germany. But for all her achievements, winning back at the age of 102 the doctorate stolen from her by the Nazis must rank among her most impressive.


After almost eight decades, Ingeborg Rapoport:
Q552399 Inglês

Germany's oldest student, 102, gets PhD denied by Nazis

    Ingeborg Rapoport (then Syllm) finished her medical studies in 1937 and wrote her doctoral thesis on diphtheria – a serious problem in Germany at the time. But because of Nazi oppression she has had to wait almost eight decades before being awarded her PhD. Her mother was a Jewish pianist. So, under Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic race laws, Ingeborg was refused entry to the final oral exam. She had written confirmation from Hamburg University that she would have received her doctorate “if the applicable laws did not prohibit Ms. Syllm's admission to the doctoral exam due to her ancestry”.

'For the victims'

    Now the university has set right that wrong. Three professors from Hamburg University's medical faculty travelled last month to Ingeborg's sitting room in East Berlin to test her on the work she carried out in pre-war Germany. They were impressed and a special ceremony took place at Hamburg University Medical Centre on Tuesday, in which she finally received the PhD that the Nazis stole from her. “It was about the principle”, she said. “I didn't want to defend my thesis for my own sake. After all, at the age of 102 all of this wasn´t exactly easy for me. I did it for the victims [of the Nazis]”. To prepare for last month's exam, Ingeborg enlisted friends to help her research online what developments there had been in the field of diphtheria over the last 80 years.

     In 1938, as Germany became an increasingly dangerous place for Jews, Ingeborg fled to the US where she went back to university, finally to qualify as a doctor. Within a few years she met her husband, the biochemist Samuel Mitja Rapoport, who was himself a Jewish refugee from Vienna.

Infant mortality

     But, by the 1950s, Ingeborg suddenly found herself once again on the wrong side of the authorities. The McCarthy anticommunist trials meant that Ingeborg and her husband were at risk because of their left-wing views. So they fled again – back to Germany. This time Ingeborg Rapoport went to communist East Berlin, where she worked as a paediatrician. Eventually she became a paediatrics professor, holding Europe's first chair in neonatal medicine, at the renowned Charite Hospital in East Berlin. She was given a national prize for her work in dramatically reducing infant mortality in East Germany. But for all her achievements, winning back at the age of 102 the doctorate stolen from her by the Nazis must rank among her most impressive.


Consider the following statements about Ingeborg Rapoport:

1. Her maiden name was Syllm.

2. She emigrated to the USA without her PhD degree.

3. She wrote her thesis on diphtheria, a disease that needed attention back in the late thirties.

4. She wasn´t allowed to defend her doctoral thesis under the Nazis because she was part-Jewish.

5. She married an Austrian refugee before travelling to the USA.

Mark the correct alternative. 

Q87682 Direito Civil
Considere as seguintes afirmativas:

1. A obrigação de dar coisa certa confere ao credor simples direito pessoal, e não real, havendo, contudo, no âmbito do direito, medidas destinadas a persuadir o devedor a cumprir a obrigação.

2. A legislação prevê uma série de limites específicos para a cláusula penal moratória. No entanto, como a cláusula penal é técnica de previsão indenizatória, o credor deve antever a possibilidade de seu prejuízo, em caso de inadimplemento, vir a ser maior que aquele estabelecido em lei. Nesses casos, o credor pode convencionar a possibilidade de indenização suplementar.

3. Para que se pretenda indenização suplementar aos juros moratórios, é necessário, além dos prejuízos excedentes, que não se exerça a cláusula penal.

4. O credor não é obrigado a receber prestação diversa da devida; se o fizer, estaremos diante da transação.

5. Das obrigações solidárias emerge o direito de regresso, o qual se confunde com a sub-rogação, eis que também no direito de regresso há o direito de reembolso do valor pago.

6. De acordo com a legislação brasileira, considera-se mora apenas o pagamento extemporâneo por parte do devedor ou a recusa injustificada do credor de receber o pagamento no prazo devido, caracterizando-se como inadimplemento o descumprimento de outras condições obrigacionais.

Assinale a alternativa correta.
Q87659 Direito Internacional Público
O Tratado Sobre a Não-Proliferação de Armas Nucleares (TNP), promovido pela Organização das Nações Unidas e assinado em 1968, tem por objetivo evitar uma guerra nuclear, instaurando a cooperação internacional para a utilização civil da energia nuclear e impedindo o desenvolvimento da energia nuclear para fins militares. Em seu Preâmbulo, enfatiza que uma guerra nuclear traria devastação para toda a humanidade e afirma a necessidade de se empreenderem todos os esforços para afastar tais riscos e de se tomarem medidas para resguardar a segurança dos povos. O mesmo Preâmbulo recorda, ainda, que, de acordo com a Carta das Nações Unidas, os Estados devem abster-se, em suas relações internacionais, da ameaça ou do uso da força contra a integridade territorial ou a independência política de qualquer Estado, ou agir de qualquer outra maneira contrária aos propósitos das Nações Unidas, e que o estabelecimento e a manutenção da paz e segurança internacionais devem ser promovidos com o menor desvio possível dos recursos humanos e econômicos mundiais para armamentos. O Brasil é Estado-parte do TNP desde 1998. Com relação a esse assunto, identifique as afirmativas a seguir como verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F):

( ) Uma vez tendo ratificado o tratado, o Brasil poderá dele desvincular-se, ainda que seu objetivo seja a manutenção da paz e da segurança internacional.

( ) O Brasil está violando o tratado ao manter relações diplomáticas com Estados que desenvolvem energia nuclear para fins militares, como supostamente o Irã.

( ) Na ordem jurídica internacional, os tratados passam a vigorar a partir do momento da sua ratificação pelos Poderes Legislativos dos Estados-parte.

( ) O TNP é um tratado aberto, e enquanto tal admite reservas.

( ) O TNP está em grau hierárquico superior ao Tratado de Assunção, que deu origem ao Mercosul.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Q87656 Direito Constitucional
Em relação aos princípios constitucionais da Administração Pública e às garantias fundamentais do cidadão, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Q87655 Direito Constitucional
Sobre o controle das omissões inconstitucionais no Brasil, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q971689 Direito Administrativo
Acerca da Lei 8.666/1993, qual dos princípios constitui também uma finalidade ou objetivo da licitação pública?
1321: A
1322: B
1323: C
1324: B
1325: B
1326: A
1327: D
1328: B
1329: B
1330: E
1331: A
1332: C
1333: D
1334: D
1335: E
1336: A
1337: C
1338: D
1339: D
1340: C