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Q482198 Inglês
Choose the alternative that fills in correctly and respectively the blanks in the sentences below with the correct verb tense and form.

“When I _____________ (meet) 1 Serge, it ____________ (be) 2 love at first sight for me – I absolutely adored him, he was this wonderful mad, extrovert Russian Jew who _____________ (spend) 3 half of World War II up a tree, according to him. I _____________ (think) 4 he actually spent a couple of nights up a tree, although he’d worn the yellow star for years in occupied France. For a project, I met Hitler’s architect Albert Speer at his Heidelberg eyrie in 1971, and he asked if Jane and Serge would sign a copy of Je t’aime] for him. Serge did so, probably relishing the irony, and when he made his Rock Around The Bunker album a few years later [featuring lyrics about Nazi Germany], he gave me a copy _______________ (send) 5 to Speer. His parents had arrived in Paris after _____________ (flee) 6 the 1917 Russian Revolution, and his father – who was a brilliant pianist – had to perform in casinos.”
Q482195 Inglês
Read the excerpt below, taken from the text “World Cup 2014: Golden goals, golf carts and other innovations” published by BBC Sport, and choose the alternative that only has cognate words.

The 2014 World Cup has seen innovations such as goal-line technology and vanishing spray introduced to football’s showpiece global event for the first time.

France benefited from the use of goal-line technology in their opening win over Honduras.

With language barriers no longer a problem, red and yellow cards were introduced at the 1970 World Cup and have been adopted worldwide since, with variants appearing in many other sports.
Q444293 Noções de Informática
Com relação aos conceitos e à utilização do correio eletrônico, analise as assertivas abaixo.

I. Possui ferramentas básicas tais como: Caixa de Entrada, Caixa de Saída, Lixeira e CCO.

II. Quando utilizada a interface de webmail, obrigatoriamente requer a instalação de um aplicativo gerenciador de e-mail, como o Microsoft Outlook, por exemplo.

III. Podem ser instalados, no computador, aplicativos de criptografia do tipo PGP. Sua função é aumentar a segurança nos e-mails, fornecida, por exemplo, pelo Norton antivírus.

É correto o que se afirma em
Q444291 Noções de Informática
Correlacione os ícones encontrados no pacote Office 2010 com suas respectivas características e, em seguida, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta.

Q444290 Noções de Informática
Assinale a alternativa que caracteriza pequenos arquivos que os sites gravam no disco rígido de um computador quando o usuário os visita pela primeira vez, com a função de notificar um site quando o usuário vier a fazer uma segunda visita.
56: E
57: A
58: D
59: A
60: B