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De acordo com o princípio de clean code, o uso de polimorfismo deve ser evitado, uma vez que esse método dificulta o entendimento e, consequentemente, a manutenção do código.
Os critérios utilizados para avaliar a qualidade de software variam de acordo com o tipo de aplicação a ser avaliada.
Julgue o item a seguir, a respeito de desenvolvimento web em Java e de interoperabilidade de sistemas.
O desenvolvimento de aplicações disponibilizadas em
múltiplas interfaces de usuário é facilitado pela utilização do
modelo MVC, pois a principal característica deste é a
existência de uma camada de regra de negócios totalmente
isolada da interface de usuário.
Julgue o item a seguir, a respeito de desenvolvimento web em Java e de interoperabilidade de sistemas.
Além de ser muito utilizado em requisições AJAX em
função de sua simplicidade, o JSON possibilita resolver o
problema de domínios cruzados.
A possibilidade de um aumento de interdependências é uma limitação que deve ser considerada em sistemas de arquitetura orientada a serviços.
Julgue o item a seguir, relacionados a desenvolvimento web em Java.
A partir do Java 8 é possível ter métodos concretos em
interfaces, o que permite evoluir uma interface sem que haja
comprometimento à compatibilidade.
Julgue o item a seguir, relacionados a desenvolvimento web em Java.
Em JDBC, o uso da interface PreparedStatement para a
execução de consultas deve ser feito em casos específicos, já
que a consulta é compilada em tempo de execução.
Julgue o item a seguir, relacionados a desenvolvimento web em Java.
O JUnit considera que os resultados de um teste unidade não
devem depender da ordem de execução e não permite que se
interfira na ordem de execução de métodos de teste.
Julgue o item a seguir, relacionados a desenvolvimento web em Java.
Utilizando-se o CSS3, é possível criar efeitos animados por
meio do atributo transform em conjunto com scripts.
Caio, cidadão brasileiro, protocolou requerimento administrativo em uma autarquia federal, a fim de obter acesso a determinada informação de cunho pessoal. João, servidor público dessa autarquia, por ter amizade íntima com o requerente, atuou como seu intermediário junto à repartição pública.
Em relação a essa situação hipotética e aspectos de direito administrativo a ela relacionados, julgue os itens que se seguem.
Conforme a Lei n.º 9.784/1999, que rege o processo
administrativo, a amizade íntima entre Caio e João é
circunstância que motiva arguição de impedimento de João
para atuar no processo administrativo.
Caio, cidadão brasileiro, protocolou requerimento administrativo em uma autarquia federal, a fim de obter acesso a determinada informação de cunho pessoal. João, servidor público dessa autarquia, por ter amizade íntima com o requerente, atuou como seu intermediário junto à repartição pública.
Em relação a essa situação hipotética e aspectos de direito administrativo a ela relacionados, julgue os itens que se seguem.
As disposições da Lei de Acesso à Informação não se
aplicam às autarquias, uma vez que elas integram a
administração pública indireta.
Caio, cidadão brasileiro, protocolou requerimento administrativo em uma autarquia federal, a fim de obter acesso a determinada informação de cunho pessoal. João, servidor público dessa autarquia, por ter amizade íntima com o requerente, atuou como seu intermediário junto à repartição pública.
Em relação a essa situação hipotética e aspectos de direito administrativo a ela relacionados, julgue os itens que se seguem.
Autarquia é entidade da administração pública indireta
dotada de personalidade jurídica de direito privado e de
patrimônio próprio, sendo sua criação autorizada por lei.
À luz da vigente Constituição Federal (CF), julgue o item a seguir, a respeito dos direitos políticos, dos partidos políticos e do Poder Judiciário.
Os partidos políticos possuem autonomia para definir sua
estrutura e estabelecer as regras sobre sua organização e seu
funcionamento, mas não é permitida a previsão, em seus
estatutos, de recebimento de recursos financeiros de
entidades ou governos estrangeiros.
Text CB2A2
Anyone who has interacted with superbot ChatGPT or image generator DALL-E might be wondering what the future of artificial intelligence (AI) holds for humanity.
ChatGPT is an AI program that generates text in a very human-like manner when asked questions. Just ask DALL-E or similar programs to create a picture of a French bulldog driving a pink convertible and voila: you’ll see several versions in seconds.
Science fiction in the mid-20th century created good-natured AI such as the computer on Star Trek helping the Enterprise crew, as well as its evil twin set on destroying its creators like HAL in Arthur C. Clarke’s famous book (or Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film adaptation) 2001: A Space Odyssey. In 2023, however, we’re surrounded by AI that’s far more mundane than those examples. The virtual assistant in your smartphone, the airline chatbot and the robot vacuum cleaning your floors don’t seem to have any aspirations to rise above humanity and have been designed to help us.
We should be prepared for bigger things to come than games, better chatbots or photo generators. Connectivity is key: think of AI as a general-purpose innovation like electricity that powers and connects other technologies, including sensors, robots, genomic devices and 3D printers. AI’s use will only intensify and accelerate as faster computing technology is developed, along with greater sensors capturing data, often called the Internet of Things (IoT). In the future, AI will be interwoven in virtually every aspect of commercial and personal activities.
Peter Marber. Artificial Intelligence: Why Should We Care?.
Considering the linguistic and semantic aspects of text CB2A2, judge the following item.
In the second sentence of the last paragraph, if the phrase
“Connectivity is key” were rewritten as “The key to
connectivity is”, there would be no difference in the meaning
of the sentence.
Text CB2A2
Anyone who has interacted with superbot ChatGPT or image generator DALL-E might be wondering what the future of artificial intelligence (AI) holds for humanity.
ChatGPT is an AI program that generates text in a very human-like manner when asked questions. Just ask DALL-E or similar programs to create a picture of a French bulldog driving a pink convertible and voila: you’ll see several versions in seconds.
Science fiction in the mid-20th century created good-natured AI such as the computer on Star Trek helping the Enterprise crew, as well as its evil twin set on destroying its creators like HAL in Arthur C. Clarke’s famous book (or Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film adaptation) 2001: A Space Odyssey. In 2023, however, we’re surrounded by AI that’s far more mundane than those examples. The virtual assistant in your smartphone, the airline chatbot and the robot vacuum cleaning your floors don’t seem to have any aspirations to rise above humanity and have been designed to help us.
We should be prepared for bigger things to come than games, better chatbots or photo generators. Connectivity is key: think of AI as a general-purpose innovation like electricity that powers and connects other technologies, including sensors, robots, genomic devices and 3D printers. AI’s use will only intensify and accelerate as faster computing technology is developed, along with greater sensors capturing data, often called the Internet of Things (IoT). In the future, AI will be interwoven in virtually every aspect of commercial and personal activities.
Peter Marber. Artificial Intelligence: Why Should We Care?.
Considering the linguistic and semantic aspects of text CB2A2, judge the following item.
The adverb “virtually”, as used in the last sentence of text,
means nearly.
Text CB2A2
Anyone who has interacted with superbot ChatGPT or image generator DALL-E might be wondering what the future of artificial intelligence (AI) holds for humanity.
ChatGPT is an AI program that generates text in a very human-like manner when asked questions. Just ask DALL-E or similar programs to create a picture of a French bulldog driving a pink convertible and voila: you’ll see several versions in seconds.
Science fiction in the mid-20th century created good-natured AI such as the computer on Star Trek helping the Enterprise crew, as well as its evil twin set on destroying its creators like HAL in Arthur C. Clarke’s famous book (or Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film adaptation) 2001: A Space Odyssey. In 2023, however, we’re surrounded by AI that’s far more mundane than those examples. The virtual assistant in your smartphone, the airline chatbot and the robot vacuum cleaning your floors don’t seem to have any aspirations to rise above humanity and have been designed to help us.
We should be prepared for bigger things to come than games, better chatbots or photo generators. Connectivity is key: think of AI as a general-purpose innovation like electricity that powers and connects other technologies, including sensors, robots, genomic devices and 3D printers. AI’s use will only intensify and accelerate as faster computing technology is developed, along with greater sensors capturing data, often called the Internet of Things (IoT). In the future, AI will be interwoven in virtually every aspect of commercial and personal activities.
Peter Marber. Artificial Intelligence: Why Should We Care?.
Considering the linguistic and semantic aspects of text CB2A2, judge the following item.
The word “wonder”, in the first paragraph, is used here in the
sense of “decide”.
Text CB2A2
Anyone who has interacted with superbot ChatGPT or image generator DALL-E might be wondering what the future of artificial intelligence (AI) holds for humanity.
ChatGPT is an AI program that generates text in a very human-like manner when asked questions. Just ask DALL-E or similar programs to create a picture of a French bulldog driving a pink convertible and voila: you’ll see several versions in seconds.
Science fiction in the mid-20th century created good-natured AI such as the computer on Star Trek helping the Enterprise crew, as well as its evil twin set on destroying its creators like HAL in Arthur C. Clarke’s famous book (or Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film adaptation) 2001: A Space Odyssey. In 2023, however, we’re surrounded by AI that’s far more mundane than those examples. The virtual assistant in your smartphone, the airline chatbot and the robot vacuum cleaning your floors don’t seem to have any aspirations to rise above humanity and have been designed to help us.
We should be prepared for bigger things to come than games, better chatbots or photo generators. Connectivity is key: think of AI as a general-purpose innovation like electricity that powers and connects other technologies, including sensors, robots, genomic devices and 3D printers. AI’s use will only intensify and accelerate as faster computing technology is developed, along with greater sensors capturing data, often called the Internet of Things (IoT). In the future, AI will be interwoven in virtually every aspect of commercial and personal activities.
Peter Marber. Artificial Intelligence: Why Should We Care?.
Judge the following item according to the information given in text CB2A2.
The focus of the text is to present innovative examples of
artificial intelligence from the 20th century.
Text CB2A2
Anyone who has interacted with superbot ChatGPT or image generator DALL-E might be wondering what the future of artificial intelligence (AI) holds for humanity.
ChatGPT is an AI program that generates text in a very human-like manner when asked questions. Just ask DALL-E or similar programs to create a picture of a French bulldog driving a pink convertible and voila: you’ll see several versions in seconds.
Science fiction in the mid-20th century created good-natured AI such as the computer on Star Trek helping the Enterprise crew, as well as its evil twin set on destroying its creators like HAL in Arthur C. Clarke’s famous book (or Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film adaptation) 2001: A Space Odyssey. In 2023, however, we’re surrounded by AI that’s far more mundane than those examples. The virtual assistant in your smartphone, the airline chatbot and the robot vacuum cleaning your floors don’t seem to have any aspirations to rise above humanity and have been designed to help us.
We should be prepared for bigger things to come than games, better chatbots or photo generators. Connectivity is key: think of AI as a general-purpose innovation like electricity that powers and connects other technologies, including sensors, robots, genomic devices and 3D printers. AI’s use will only intensify and accelerate as faster computing technology is developed, along with greater sensors capturing data, often called the Internet of Things (IoT). In the future, AI will be interwoven in virtually every aspect of commercial and personal activities.
Peter Marber. Artificial Intelligence: Why Should We Care?.
Judge the following item according to the information given in text CB2A2.
HAL and the computer on Star Trek are both examples
of malicious AI.
Text CB2A2
Anyone who has interacted with superbot ChatGPT or image generator DALL-E might be wondering what the future of artificial intelligence (AI) holds for humanity.
ChatGPT is an AI program that generates text in a very human-like manner when asked questions. Just ask DALL-E or similar programs to create a picture of a French bulldog driving a pink convertible and voila: you’ll see several versions in seconds.
Science fiction in the mid-20th century created good-natured AI such as the computer on Star Trek helping the Enterprise crew, as well as its evil twin set on destroying its creators like HAL in Arthur C. Clarke’s famous book (or Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film adaptation) 2001: A Space Odyssey. In 2023, however, we’re surrounded by AI that’s far more mundane than those examples. The virtual assistant in your smartphone, the airline chatbot and the robot vacuum cleaning your floors don’t seem to have any aspirations to rise above humanity and have been designed to help us.
We should be prepared for bigger things to come than games, better chatbots or photo generators. Connectivity is key: think of AI as a general-purpose innovation like electricity that powers and connects other technologies, including sensors, robots, genomic devices and 3D printers. AI’s use will only intensify and accelerate as faster computing technology is developed, along with greater sensors capturing data, often called the Internet of Things (IoT). In the future, AI will be interwoven in virtually every aspect of commercial and personal activities.
Peter Marber. Artificial Intelligence: Why Should We Care?.
Judge the following item according to the information given in text CB2A2.
There is an intrinsic relation between the speed of computers and the intensity of the use of AI.
Text CB2A2
Anyone who has interacted with superbot ChatGPT or image generator DALL-E might be wondering what the future of artificial intelligence (AI) holds for humanity.
ChatGPT is an AI program that generates text in a very human-like manner when asked questions. Just ask DALL-E or similar programs to create a picture of a French bulldog driving a pink convertible and voila: you’ll see several versions in seconds.
Science fiction in the mid-20th century created good-natured AI such as the computer on Star Trek helping the Enterprise crew, as well as its evil twin set on destroying its creators like HAL in Arthur C. Clarke’s famous book (or Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film adaptation) 2001: A Space Odyssey. In 2023, however, we’re surrounded by AI that’s far more mundane than those examples. The virtual assistant in your smartphone, the airline chatbot and the robot vacuum cleaning your floors don’t seem to have any aspirations to rise above humanity and have been designed to help us.
We should be prepared for bigger things to come than games, better chatbots or photo generators. Connectivity is key: think of AI as a general-purpose innovation like electricity that powers and connects other technologies, including sensors, robots, genomic devices and 3D printers. AI’s use will only intensify and accelerate as faster computing technology is developed, along with greater sensors capturing data, often called the Internet of Things (IoT). In the future, AI will be interwoven in virtually every aspect of commercial and personal activities.
Peter Marber. Artificial Intelligence: Why Should We Care?.
Judge the following item according to the information given in text CB2A2.
Interaction with existing AI prompts questions about the
future of humanity.