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Q2188971 Inglês

Read the quote and choose the CORRECT statement that completes the given sentence.

“Throughout this paper I have been arguing that we have to go further than finding ways of improving techniques to create “real life” situations in the classroom. Teachers as decision-makers and agents need to consider the identities that are being (re)constructed by their pedagogical practices and choices. Considering that those identities are being shaped anyway, it is important that teachers become aware of the effects of their actions. One of the possible identities is that of a global citizen: not someone who knows many languages but someone who deals with the conflicts inherent in communicative events made possible by a language that has acquired a global dimension” (GIMENEZ, 2007, p. 27).

According to Gimenez, globalization and the spread of English around the world have posed new challenges to language teachers because:

Q2188970 Inglês
Rose, D. & Martin, J. (2012) have contributed to what is known as a genre approach to literacy development. According to them, genres are generic categories of written forms. The term is commonly used in literary circles to refer to the major genres of poetry, prose and drama. In relation to literacy studies, genres are broadened substantially, so as to include such generic forms as narratives, descriptions, information reports and procedural texts.
According to the authors, it is CORRECT to point that:
Q2188969 Inglês
The OCEM were published in 2006 for improving teacher’s practice in the classroom. They bring some examples of activities that teachers should put into practice in the classroom for achieving their aims concerning reading, writing and speaking (OCEM, 2006, p. 87).
Judge the items below as (T) True or (F) False about the aims of OCEM (2006).
I. To reflect on the educational function of teaching foreign languages in high school and to emphasize their importance in the curriculum;
II. To reaffirm the notion of citizenship and discuss the practice of this notion in the foreign languages teaching context without considering globalization;
III. To discuss the problem of exclusion in the teaching context in the face of “globalizing” values and the feeling of inclusion often combined with foreign languages knowledge;
IV. To introduce theories about language and new technologies emphasizing globalization and individualism.
V. To give suggestions on the practice of teaching foreign languages through literacies, multiliteracies, multimodality and hypertext.
Choose the statement with the TRUE items. 
Q2188968 Inglês
According to the "Orientações Curriculares para o Ensino Médio" (OCEM) (2006, p. 117), there are two types of reading that can be explored by teachers in the classroom: critical reading and critical literacy. They guide students to different ways of seeing themselves and the world in this context. Choose the FALSE statement about critical literacy.
Q2188967 Pedagogia
Segundo Marcuschi (2001, p. 21), “a fala é uma atividade muito mais central do que a escrita no dia a dia da maioria das pessoas. Contudo, as instituições escolares dão à fala atenção quase inversa à sua centralidade na relação com a escrita”.
Sobre o ensino da oralidade nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa, julgue como verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F) as afirmativas a seguir:
I. Os documentos orientadores curriculares publicados pelo MEC nas últimas duas décadas preveem apenas o ensino da linguagem escrita nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa.
II. O ensino da linguagem oral não pode tomar como base o construto teórico “gêneros discursivos”, uma vez que estes só se aplicam aos discursos que circulam por escrito, como nos gêneros romance, notícia, e-mail, bula de remédio, etc.
III. A morfossintaxe da oralidade na norma culta e da escrita na norma culta é a mesma, não havendo, portanto, necessidade de trabalhar, em sala de aula, com particularidades sintagmáticas ou paradigmáticas de cada um desses registros.
A sequência CORRETA é:
131: D
132: A
133: E
134: E
135: E