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Q1703923 Inglês
According to the Curricular Frameworks for High School Teaching in the State of Mato Grosso (Orientações Curriculares para o Ensino Médio do Estado de Mato Grosso-OCEM-MT), regarding language education, specifically related to the teaching of English, "[...] some political attitudes are necessary" (OCEM-MT, 2012, p. 92).
Which one of the attitudes below is not mentioned by the document?
Q1703922 Inglês
Read the text and choose the appropriate linking word below to fill in each gap (as, further, on the other hand, when, according to, moreover).
Review of the Literature: Importance of Active Learning
Swain (1985) avowed that language learning is more effective ______________________________the target language is used interactively, particularly in regard to understanding the language in general, and improving their reading or listening skills in particular._______________________ Ellis (1993), interaction within the classroom leads to many advantages for language learning such as comprehension checks, language practice and so on. Long and Porter (1985) found that when second language learners worked in groups, they were more motivated, took more initiative, and were less anxious concerning their learning. ______________________________, there may be a relationship between student oral participation and teachers' questioning techniques and types of classroom activities (Wei, 2008). Wei (2008) also found that students oral participation is increased if application and presentation activities are used; appropriate vocabulary is offered when students need it to continue; questions related to students' prior experiences are asked; and an informal and friendly classroom atmosphere is present. Khamwan (2007) found that after training the students to use interactional strategies _____________________ tools for initiating their interaction, their responses to the teacher's questions were longer and more meaningful. ______________________________, the average number of interaction turns was about two turns per three minutes. It was found that the students could comprehend the lesson better. They could ask their teacher when they could not understand something._________________________________, more students could respond to the teacher's questions. All above mentioned studies have supported the significance of learner's participation and interaction. Many research studies discuss the advantages of active learning techniques that can help students to initiate an interaction with their teachers and ultimately clarify unclear points to enhance their understanding of the lessons and improve creativities. [...] GHOLAMI, Valeh. Towards an Interactive EFL Class: Using Active Learning Strategies .Vol.4, No.19, 2014. (pág.190-1 91)
Q1703921 Inglês

After reading the abstract bellow, choose the INCORRECT alternative:

Abstract: This paper reports the experience of developing teaching materials for public school teachers and students in southern Brazil in a project funded by the Education Department of Paraná State. The materials were intended as resources to be used by teachers according to their needs and those of their local communities, rather than as a textbook per se. The theory underlying this project is based on critical literacy and the idea that language is discourse, i.e. embedded in cultural and ideological values which determine its meaning and establish power relations among texts, among readers and among texts and their readers - Freirean "readers of the wor(l)d". Student-readers are, in this sense, co-constructors of meanings and responsible for making sense of reality. We expect students and teachers who use the materials we designed to become more aware of their possibilities as agents and this way we intend to foster a sense of active citizenship.

Key-word: critical literacy, citizenship, English teaching, public schools.

JORDÃO, Clarissa Menezes & FOGAÇA, Francisco Carlos. CRITICAL LITERACY IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSROOM. D.E.L.T.A., 28:1,2012 (69-84).

According to the abstract, this research was based on critical literacy that understands language as a discourse.

Q1703920 Inglês
After reading Dirgeyasa's dialogue about genre-based approach, choose the alternative that it is not true. [...] Then recently, genre is also used in linguistics study. In linguistic study, genre becomes a kind language object to study. As a matter of fact, the study of genre in linguistics literacy is based on Systemic Functional Linguistic-SFL (Halliday, 1978; Swales, 1990; Hyland, 2003). Then, Christie dan Martin (2000) adds that linguistic functional becomes a basic and fundamental reference in the framework of the usage of the language in term of genre. So what is genre in terms of the language and linguistics? Martin (1999) states that genre is communication activity having and orienting goal. Then, Swales (1990) simply defines genre as a communication event in which the members have a set of communication goal. By referring two statements above, it can be said that genre is a process of communication which has a certain goal (goal oriented) for its members in a certain event of communication due to certain social context. Genre is a matter of communication event by social context. Consequently, the different social context then, tends to lead to different genre. [...] In addition, Swales (1990) further argues that: A class of communication events, the members of which share some ethnographical communication, but typically need further validation set of communicative purposes. The purposes are recognized by the expert members of the parent discourse community, and thereby constitute the rationale for the genre. This rationale shapes the schematic structure of the discourse and influences and constraints choice of the content and style. Communicative purpose is both a privileged criterion and one that operate to keep the scope of a genre as here conceived narrowly focused on comparable rhetorical action. In addition to purpose, exemplars of a genre exhibit various patterns of similarities in terms of structure, style, content and intended audiences..The genre name inherited and produced by discourse communities and imported by others constitute valuable.
What Swales has stated is seemingly clear that genre has a number of characteristic and features such as a) genre has a particular communication event, b) genre has a specific goal (goal oriented), c) genre is different and various in accordance to its typical features, d) each genre has a matter of limitation and rules including content, physical form, and shape, and e) every genre belongs to a certain discourse community. In line with discourse community, (Widdoson, 2007) adds that genre is shaped or existing due to the existing discourse community. It is a fact that different discourse community has different genre. Talking about discourse community and genre in connection to the discourse community, Swales (1990), as cited by (Ohoiwutun, 1996), clarifies that characteristics of discourse community in terms of the usage of language in social context is a) a certain discourse community has certain communication goals approved, b) the discourse community communicate within its members, c) a certain discourse community use a certain pattern of communication for its members, d) the discourse community tends to have more than one types of genre to communicate , and e) the discourse community, at last gains a number specific register. (p.45)
Dirgeyasa, I Wy. Genre-Based Approach: What and How to Teach and to Learn Writing. English Language Teaching; Vol. 9, No. 9; 2016
Q1703919 Inglês
For a long time, we have studied about language learning and new approaches. After reading the extract from Richards (2006, p. 32), choose the correct alternative that complements the argument against P-P-P (Presentation - Practice - Production).
"How does TBI (Task Based Instruction) in practice differ from more traditional teaching approaches? Recall our earlier discussion above of the principles of a P-P-P lesson or teaching format: Presentation: The new grammar structure is presented, often by means of a conversation or short text. The teacher explains the new structure and checks students' comprehension of it. Practice: Students practice using the new structure in a controlled context, through drills or substitution exercises. Production: Students practice using the new structure in different contexts often using their own content or information, in order to develop fluency with the new pattern. Advocates of TBI reject this model on the basis that (a) it doesn't work; and (b) it doesn't reflect current understanding of second language acquisition. They claim that students do not develop fluency or progress in their grammatical development through a P-P-P methodology."
276: E
277: B
278: D
279: E
280: E