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Q1054089 Engenharia Civil
O sistema de recalque de uma linha de adução é composto de uma bomba centrífuga que atua com a velocidade de 1250 rpm para a vazão de água de 40 L/s. Se a bomba for substituída por outra de igual potência, mas com velocidade de 1750 rpm, a vazão que passará pelo sistema de adução, em L/s, é
Q1054087 Engenharia Civil
Para represar água em uma localidade, foi construída uma pequena barragem de concreto de seção triangular, conforme a figura a seguir.
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As alturas da barragem e da água são de 3 m. Considerando o peso específico da água 10 kN/m3, o empuxo na parede vertical da barragem e o seu ponto de aplicação a partir do nível da água são, correta e respectivamente,
Q1054077 Inglês
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National Solid Waste Policy
and its emerging challenges in Brazil

    The National Solid Waste Policy was approved in 2010 after almost 20 years of discussion in the National Congress. Its main goal is to decrease the total volume of waste produced nationally and increase the sustainability of solid waste management throughout the country. In order to do so, the policy establishes important instruments to deal with economic, social and environmental issues related to inappropriate waste management. The policy also promotes sustainable consumption patterns, as well as a more intense and efficient use of measures, such as recapturing, recycling, reusing and proper waste disposal systems.
    Although it is considered a groundbreaking policy, there are many concerns regarding its implementation due to the fact that it calls on states, regions and municipalities to expand local plans so that the policy can have full effect. In this sense, broad and integrated participation is demanded, not only from the government, but also from companies and consumers.
( Adaptado)
In the excerpt from the second paragraph – Although it is considered a groundbreaking policy –, the word in bold refers to
Q1054076 Inglês
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National Solid Waste Policy
and its emerging challenges in Brazil

    The National Solid Waste Policy was approved in 2010 after almost 20 years of discussion in the National Congress. Its main goal is to decrease the total volume of waste produced nationally and increase the sustainability of solid waste management throughout the country. In order to do so, the policy establishes important instruments to deal with economic, social and environmental issues related to inappropriate waste management. The policy also promotes sustainable consumption patterns, as well as a more intense and efficient use of measures, such as recapturing, recycling, reusing and proper waste disposal systems.
    Although it is considered a groundbreaking policy, there are many concerns regarding its implementation due to the fact that it calls on states, regions and municipalities to expand local plans so that the policy can have full effect. In this sense, broad and integrated participation is demanded, not only from the government, but also from companies and consumers.
( Adaptado)
De acordo com o segundo parágrafo, o motivo de preocupação quanto à implementação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos é que essa política
Q1054075 Inglês
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National Solid Waste Policy
and its emerging challenges in Brazil

    The National Solid Waste Policy was approved in 2010 after almost 20 years of discussion in the National Congress. Its main goal is to decrease the total volume of waste produced nationally and increase the sustainability of solid waste management throughout the country. In order to do so, the policy establishes important instruments to deal with economic, social and environmental issues related to inappropriate waste management. The policy also promotes sustainable consumption patterns, as well as a more intense and efficient use of measures, such as recapturing, recycling, reusing and proper waste disposal systems.
    Although it is considered a groundbreaking policy, there are many concerns regarding its implementation due to the fact that it calls on states, regions and municipalities to expand local plans so that the policy can have full effect. In this sense, broad and integrated participation is demanded, not only from the government, but also from companies and consumers.
( Adaptado)
No trecho do primeiro parágrafo – In order to do so, the policy establishes important instruments –, a expressão destacada indica
41: E
42: B
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44: A
45: E