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Q1696760 Pedagogia
Assinale a afirmativa incorreta no que concerne às informações orientadoras dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais.
Q1692536 Inglês

Mr. Floyd had big plans for life nearly 30 years ago. His death in police custody is powering a movement against police brutality and racial injustice.

HOUSTON — It was the last day of 11th grade at Jack Yates High School in Houston, nearly three decades ago. A group of close friends, on their way home, were contemplating what senior year and beyond would bring. They were black teenagers on the precipice of manhood. What, they asked one another, did they want to do with their lives?

 “George turned to me and said, ‘I want to touch the world,’” said Jonathan Veal, 45, recalling the aspiration of one of the young men — a tall, gregarious star athlete named George Floyd whom he had met in the school cafeteria on the first day of sixth grade. To their 17-year-old minds, touching the world maybe meant the N.B.A. or the N.F.L.

“It was one of the first moments I remembered after learning what happened to him,” Mr. Veal said. “He could not have imagined that this is the tragic way people would know his name.”

The world now knows George Perry Floyd Jr. through his final harrowing moments, as he begged for air, his face wedged for nearly nine minutes between a city street and a police officer’s knee.
“[...]a tall, gregarious star athlete named George Floyd whom he had met in the school cafeteria on the first day of sixth grade [...]”

What is the synonym for the word in bold?
Q1692530 Inglês

Mr. Floyd had big plans for life nearly 30 years ago. His death in police custody is powering a movement against police brutality and racial injustice.

HOUSTON — It was the last day of 11th grade at Jack Yates High School in Houston, nearly three decades ago. A group of close friends, on their way home, were contemplating what senior year and beyond would bring. They were black teenagers on the precipice of manhood. What, they asked one another, did they want to do with their lives?

 “George turned to me and said, ‘I want to touch the world,’” said Jonathan Veal, 45, recalling the aspiration of one of the young men — a tall, gregarious star athlete named George Floyd whom he had met in the school cafeteria on the first day of sixth grade. To their 17-year-old minds, touching the world maybe meant the N.B.A. or the N.F.L.

“It was one of the first moments I remembered after learning what happened to him,” Mr. Veal said. “He could not have imagined that this is the tragic way people would know his name.”

The world now knows George Perry Floyd Jr. through his final harrowing moments, as he begged for air, his face wedged for nearly nine minutes between a city street and a police officer’s knee.
“It was one of the first moments I remembered after learning what happened to him.”
Which sentence below has the same justification about the use of -ing as in the one above?
Q1692518 Inglês
In high school, what are the most important skills in teaching modern foreign languages and what is their essence concerning acquisition?
Q1692324 História
Leia o trecho a seguir:

Esse ‘quadro’, objeto da “nova política da oferta da esquerda”, opõe-se aos “últimos anos de laissez-faire [em francês no texto] neoliberal”, que são qualificados de ultrapassados. Vemos aqui como a interpretação equivocada do neoliberalismo permite a construção de uma falsa oposição e compreendemos também que, com essa premissa, o manifesto desenvolve, na prática o conjunto de argumentação autenticamente neoliberal: custo excessivamente elevado do trabalho, gastos públicos muito grandes, primazia perigosa dos direitos sobre as obrigações e confiança excessiva na gestão da economia pelo governo. Esse manifesto da esquerda moderna traduz particularmente bem o que chamamos aqui de “racionalidade neoliberal”. 

(DARDOT & LAVAL, A grande virada. In: A nova razão do mundo / Pierre
Dardot & Christian Laval, 2016, p.234-235)
As constatações feitas por P. Dardot & C. Laval (2016), indicam o contexto:
116: C
117: A
118: A
119: D
120: B