Questões de Concurso Comentadas para secretário executivo

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Ano: 2016 Banca: IF-PA Órgão: IF-PA Prova: IF-PA - 2016 - IF-PA - Secretário Executivo |
Q810499 Gestão de Pessoas

Observa-se que a relação interpessoal entre colaboradores de uma empresa pode tornar e manter o ambiente de trabalho harmonioso, prazeroso, levando ao cooperativismo espontâneo, voluntário, isso porque:

I - relacionamento interpessoal possibilita também uma boa relação com os clientes externos, mesmo que dentro da organização o profissional apresente dificuldades de relacionamento;

II - as relações interpessoais fortalecem não apenas o desempenho do profissional, mas também cria boas expectativas para que as equipes atinjam objetivos e superem metas que agregam valor ao negócio;

III - a falta de interação profissional pode gerar sentimentos de antipatia e rejeição, e um afastamento entre os colegas repercute negativamente na produtividade;

IV - a aquisição da competência interpessoal não exige aquisição e aperfeiçoamento de habilidades de comunicação. Essas habilidades são inatas ao ser humano;

V - a produtividade está mais relacionada com o desempenho individual do que com o grupal.

Marque a opção CORRETA:

Ano: 2016 Banca: IF-PA Órgão: IF-PA Prova: IF-PA - 2016 - IF-PA - Secretário Executivo |
Q810498 Secretariado
Os sonhos em si não são irrealizáveis, impossíveis de acontecer, o problema encontra-se na inércia de quem sonha. São incontáveis as histórias de sucesso encontradas em toda parte, quantas pessoas já superaram inúmeros obstáculos e venceram grandes desafios. Pode ser sorte de estar no lugar certo e na hora certa? Para quem acredita, sim. Sorte de ter a oportunidade de fazer aquele curso de inglês completo? Sorte de conhecer aquela pessoa influente que deu um empurrãozinho que facilitou o acesso ao dono daquela multinacional que lhe contratou? Um olhar mais reflexivo e criterioso, no entanto, leva à conclusão de que sorte apenas não é suficiente para se obter sucesso. Ela não é uma ferramenta com que se pode contar sempre. Determinação, disciplina e perseverança, somadas ao estabelecimento de prioridades e à capacidade de tornar adversidades em oportunidades, estão por trás de muitos dos casos de sucesso. Ritossa (2009), em seu livro Marketing Pessoal, chega à constatação de que o sucesso de um indivíduo, assim como de uma empresa, não depende apenas de uma excelente ideia, trabalhar incansavelmente ou ter um destino generoso. Precisa-se planejar um curso de ações e decidir o que devemos fazer, como e quando, de acordo com nossas prioridades e aspirações pessoais. Dentre os princípios mercadológicos que podem ser readequados e aplicados ao desenvolvimento individual, encontra-se a estratégia do Marketing Pessoal, entendido como:
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF-PA Órgão: IF-PA Prova: IF-PA - 2016 - IF-PA - Secretário Executivo |
Q810497 Secretariado

Uma das temáticas muito discutidas atualmente é como ser assertivo tanto na vida como no trabalho. O protagonismo secretarial exige do profissional essa assertividade, que nada mais é do que:

I - fortalecer o senso do eu, do valor pessoal e da autoconfiança quando se fala como as pessoas nos afetam tanto positiva quanto negativamente;

II - saber tomar decisões, criar oportunidades, autogerenciar-se e buscar qualidade de vida;

III - uma postura não comportamental diante das pessoas e das situações cotidianas;

IV - é uma capacidade de se afirmar de maneira clara, objetiva e transparente, sem delongas;

V - Utilizar seu poder de influência amedrontando seus colegas de trabalho.

Estão CORRETAS as afirmativas:

Ano: 2016 Banca: IF-PA Órgão: IF-PA Prova: IF-PA - 2016 - IF-PA - Secretário Executivo |
Q810496 Administração Geral

Formar empreendedores apresenta-se com grande tônica nessa última década. Essa tarefa vem se tornando cada vez mais significativa e necessária, considerando o decréscimo dos postos de trabalho no mundo inteiro. Sua relevância parece ainda maior ao se focar a necessidade de conciliar, cada vez mais, “o mundo do trabalho” com o prazer da realização humana, ou seja, pensando em saúde e qualidade de vida.

Marque a alternativa CORRETA quanto ao perfil do profissional com característica empreendedora:

Ano: 2016 Banca: IF-PA Órgão: IF-PA Prova: IF-PA - 2016 - IF-PA - Secretário Executivo |
Q810495 Secretariado
Não é mais novidade que o mercado de trabalho globalizado exige mais do que nunca qualificação profissional. Inúmeras são as mudanças no mundo corporativo. Inúmeros são os desafios na construção da carreira do profissional de secretariado executivo, então torna-se indispensável para ele:
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF-PA Órgão: IF-PA Prova: IF-PA - 2016 - IF-PA - Secretário Executivo |
Q810494 Secretariado
Até o século passado, a excelência era privilégio das empresas privadas. No entanto, a partir do século XXI, iniciou-se um movimento de pressão por qualidade na gestão pública. Demanda-se a excelência no serviço público. O profissional de secretariado, frente ao cenário muitas vezes burocrático da gestão pública, deve ter o entendimento de que:
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF-PA Órgão: IF-PA Prova: IF-PA - 2016 - IF-PA - Secretário Executivo |
Q810493 Administração Geral
A ação de liderança se constitui atualmente como uma estratégia de qualquer organização sólida. Esse novo cenário tem levado muitos administradores de empresas a investirem em cursos de formação e preparação de líderes. O profissional de secretariado, por exemplo, vem construindo um novo perfil, o de secretário gestor, capaz de tomar decisões, de exercer a liderança com clientes externos e internos, de planejar ações, de controle e organização de seu ambiente de trabalho. Esse protagonismo secretarial deve considerar que lidar com pessoas é um dos maiores desafios das organizações. Ser líder é:
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF-PA Órgão: IF-PA Prova: IF-PA - 2016 - IF-PA - Secretário Executivo |
Q810492 Secretariado
Ainda sobre o relato de experiência acima e levando em consideração que a inteligência emocional e o controle das emoções, na tomada de decisões, são fatores imprescindíveis nas relações interpessoais, Goleman (2007), com seu livro Inteligência Emocional e Desempenho, nos apresenta quatro domínios da inteligência emocional, dentre eles está a gestão de relações, definida como:
Ano: 2016 Banca: IF-PA Órgão: IF-PA Prova: IF-PA - 2016 - IF-PA - Secretário Executivo |
Q810491 Secretariado

SÃO PAULO - O ser humano é racional e emocional, invariavelmente e ao mesmo tempo, diz o coach executivo e de equipes Carlos Cruz. O indivíduo emocionalmente inteligente consegue mobilizar o que sente de forma estratégica, com o objetivo de alcançar suas metas. Ele reconhece, aceita e gerencia suas emoções. "Conheço muitas pessoas que deixaram de alcançar melhores cargos por terem perdido o equilíbrio em determinado momento. Quem nunca teve vontade de mandar tudo para o ar? Acredito que a maioria de nós. O importante é saber que isso pode dar uma sensação de alívio na hora, mas será que não trará problemas depois?", questiona. Não elimine a emoção. Isso não significa que você precisa eliminar ou ignorar o que sente e focar somente na razão. "Imagine um goleiro que vai defender um pênalti sem um dos braços. Impossível, não é? O mesmo aconteceria com uma pessoa que eliminasse a razão ou a emoção no seu diaadia. Precisamos buscar a harmonia e, quanto mais a razão trabalhar com a emoção, mais força e potencial a pessoa terá", afirma o coach.

Considerando o excerto acima e o relato da secretária executiva, quais são os cinco passos necessários para desenvolver a inteligência emocional?

Ano: 2016 Banca: IF-PA Órgão: IF-PA Prova: IF-PA - 2016 - IF-PA - Secretário Executivo |
Q810490 Secretariado

Agir corretamente hoje não é só uma questão de consciência. É um dos quesitos fundamentais para quem quer ter uma carreira longa e respeitada. Em escolhas aparentemente simples, muitas carreiras brilhantes podem ser jogadas fora. Atualmente, mais do que nunca, a atitude dos profissionais em relação às questões éticas pode ser a diferença entre o seu sucesso e o seu fracasso. Basta um deslize, uma escorregadela, e pronto. A imagem do profissional ganha no mercado a mancha vermelha da desconfiança”.

O Código de ética do Profissional de Secretariado, em seu Capítulo IV, Art. 6 e Art. 7, determina que:

Ano: 2016 Banca: IF-PA Órgão: IF-PA Prova: IF-PA - 2016 - IF-PA - Secretário Executivo |
Q810489 Secretariado
Relato de uma Secretária Executiva: A atuação profissional, na prática, é bem diferente do que se imagina, quando se está na faculdade. A gama de conhecimentos adquiridos em sala de aula precisa de uma dose extra de coragem para encarar os desafios. Um dia, já com cinco anos de experiência como Secretária Executiva de uma Instituição Pública, deparei-me com a seguinte situação: após lavrada a ata de reunião da Congregação do Instituto e colhidas as assinaturas dos presentes, os processos apreciados seguiram a tramitação devida. Uma semana depois, a Coordenadora Acadêmica dirigiu-se a mim e disse que ela precisava que eu fizesse uma errata da ata, pois um dos processos estava com parecer errado. Então, expliquei muito educadamente que era melhor fazer a retificação do parecer e voltar o processo para ser aprovado em outra reunião. Falei que a errata deve ser redigida quando quem a redigiu cometeu um erro e, então, admite oficialmente. O que não foi o caso. Resposta da Coordenadora: “Quando o chefe erra, a culpa é do subordinado”. Concluí mais uma vez que muito mais que coragem deve ter o secretário executivo. De acordo com o relato, marque a opção correta, considerando os deveres fundamentais da profissão de Secretariado Executivo:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805352 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

“A secretary or personal assistant is a person whose work consists of supporting management, including executives, using a variety of project management, communication, or organizational skills. These functions may be entirely carried out to assist one other employee or may be for the benefit of more than one. In other situations a secretary is an officer of a society or organization who deals with correspondence, admits new members, and organizes official meetings and events." (Wikipedia)

(Taken from Access in 04/02/2017)

The word that best replaces the underlined expression is: 

Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805351 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

One of the trickiest gramar aspects in any language is subject-verb agreement. Considering subject-verb agreement, the only correct alternative is:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805350 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

Acronyms are used to shorten email messages. The alternative that stands for its correct definition is:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805349 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

When addressing people in formal contexts, we it is appropriate to use a title. In the alternatives below, the one which indicates the correct relationship between title and status is:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805348 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

When we are writing formal e-mails, we can use the formal letter-writing phrases:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805347 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

When writing a correspondence, it is essential to be careful about the tone of the language to communicate the content.

According to ASHLEY (2005:34), "[i]t is important to try to get the right 'tone' in your letter. This means that, generally speaking, you should aim for a neutral tone, avoiding pompous language on the one hand and language which is too informal or colloquial on the other."

The best alternative to illustrate the appropriate tone for opening a commercial letter to Ron Barron, CEO of an educational startup, is:

Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805346 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

The phrasal verb highlighted in the fragment: "I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence" can be substituted by an expression which adds more formality to its tone. The alternative that best fits the passage is:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805345 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The underlined expression refers to:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805344 Inglês

Text 2

The Case for Executive Assistants

Melba J. Duncan

Among the most striking details of the corporate era depicted in the AMC series Mad Men, along with constant smoking and mid-day drinking, is the army of secretaries who populate Sterling Cooper, the 1960s ad agency featured in the show. The secretary of those days has gone the way of the carbon copy and been replaced by the executive assistant, now typically reserved for senior management. Technologies like e-mail, voice mail, mobile devices, and online calendars have allowed managers at all levels to operate with a greater degree of self-sufficiency. At the same time, companies have faced enormous pressure to cut costs, reduce head count, and flatten organizational structures. As a result, the numbers of assistants at lower corporate levels have dwindled in most corporations. That’s unfortunate, because effective assistants can make enormous contributions to productivity at all levels of the organization.

At very senior levels, the return on investment from a skilled assistant can be substantial. Consider a senior executive whose total compensation package is $1 million annually, who works with an assistant who earns $80,000. For the organization to break even, the assistant must make the executive 8% more productive than he or she would be working solo—for instance, the assistant needs to save the executive roughly five hours in a 60-hour workweek. In reality, good assistants save their bosses much more than that. They ensure that meetings begin on time with prep material delivered in advance. They optimize travel schedules and enable remote decision making, keeping projects on track. And they filter the distractions that can turn a manager into a reactive type who spends all day answering e-mail instead of a leader who proactively sets the organization’s agenda. As Robert Pozen writes in this issue: A top-notch assistant "is crucial to being productive."

That’s true not only for top executives. In their zeal to cut administrative expenses, many companies have gone too far, leaving countless highly paid middle and upper managers to arrange their own travel, file expense reports, and schedule meetings. Some companies may be drawn to the notion of egalitarianism they believe this assistant-less structure represents—when workers see the boss loading paper into the copy machine, the theory goes, a ―we’re all in this together‖ spirit is created. But as a management practice, the structure rarely makes economic sense. Generally speaking, work should be delegated to the lowest-cost employee who can do it well. (I)................. companies have embraced this logic by outsourcing work to vendors or to operations abroad, back at headquarters they ignore it, forcing top talent to misuse their time. As a longtime recruiter for executive assistants, I’ve worked with many organizations suffering from the same problem: There’s too much administrative work and too few assistants to whom it can be assigned.

Granting middle managers access to an assistant—or shared resources—can give a quick boost to productivity even at lean, well-run companies. Firms should also think about the broader developmental benefits of providing assistants for up-and-coming managers. The real payoff may come when the manager arrives in a job a few levels up better prepared and habitually more productive. An experienced assistant can be particularly helpful if the manager is a new hire. The assistant becomes a crucial on-boarding resource, helping the manager read and understand the organizational culture, guiding him or her through its different (and difficult) personalities, and serving as a sounding board during the crucial acclimation. In this way, knowledgeable assistants are more than a productivity asset: They’re reverse mentors, using their experience to teach new executives how people are expected to behave at that level in the organization.

(Extract taken from, in 12/01/2017)

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