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Q609390 Inglês

Everyone keeps data. Big organizations spend millions to look after their payroll, customer and transaction data. The penalties for getting it wrong are severe: businesses may collapse, shareholders and customers lose money, and for many organizations (airlines, health boards, energy companies), it is not exaggerating to say that even personal safety may be put at risk. And then there are the lawsuits. The problems in successfully designing, installing, and maintaining such large databases are the subject of numerous books on data management and software engineering. However, many small databases are used within large organizations and also for small businesses, clubs, and private concerns. When these go wrong, it doesn't make the front page of the papers; but the costs, often hidden, can be just as serious.

 Where do we find these smaller electronic databases? Sports clubs will have membership information and match results; small businesses might maintain their own customer data. Within large organizations, there will also be a number of small projects to maintain data information that isn't easily or conveniently managed by the large system-wide databases. Researchers may keep their own experiment and survey results; groups will want to manage their own rosters or keep track of equipment; departments may keep their own detailed accounts and submit just a summary to the organization's financial software.

Most of these small databases are set up by end users. These are people whose main job is something other than that of a Computer professional. They will typically be scientists, administrators, technicians, accountants, or teachers, and many will have only modest skills when it comes to spreadsheet or database software. 

The resulting databases often do not live up to expectations. Time and energy is expended to set up a few tables in a database product such as Microsoft Access, or in setting up a spreadsheet in a product such as Excel. Even more time is spent collecting and keying in data. But invariably (often within a short time frame) there is a problem producing what seems to be a quite simple report or query. Often this is because the way the tables have been set up makes the required result very awkward, if not impossible, to achieve. 

A database that does not fulfill expectations becomes a costly exercise in more ways than one. We clearly have the cost of the time and effort expended on setting up an unsatisfactory application. However, a much more serious problem is the unability to make the best use of valuable data. This is especially so for research data. Scientific and social researchers may spend considerable money and many years designing experiments, hiring assistants and collecting and analyzing data, but often very little thought goes into storing it in an appropriately designed database. Unfortunately, some quite simple mistakes in design can mean that much of the potential information is lost. The immediate objective may be satisfied, but unforeseen uses of the data may be seriously compromised. Next year's grant opportunities are lost.

The word awkward, in the fourth paragraph:
Q609388 Inglês

Everyone keeps data. Big organizations spend millions to look after their payroll, customer and transaction data. The penalties for getting it wrong are severe: businesses may collapse, shareholders and customers lose money, and for many organizations (airlines, health boards, energy companies), it is not exaggerating to say that even personal safety may be put at risk. And then there are the lawsuits. The problems in successfully designing, installing, and maintaining such large databases are the subject of numerous books on data management and software engineering. However, many small databases are used within large organizations and also for small businesses, clubs, and private concerns. When these go wrong, it doesn't make the front page of the papers; but the costs, often hidden, can be just as serious.

 Where do we find these smaller electronic databases? Sports clubs will have membership information and match results; small businesses might maintain their own customer data. Within large organizations, there will also be a number of small projects to maintain data information that isn't easily or conveniently managed by the large system-wide databases. Researchers may keep their own experiment and survey results; groups will want to manage their own rosters or keep track of equipment; departments may keep their own detailed accounts and submit just a summary to the organization's financial software.

Most of these small databases are set up by end users. These are people whose main job is something other than that of a Computer professional. They will typically be scientists, administrators, technicians, accountants, or teachers, and many will have only modest skills when it comes to spreadsheet or database software. 

The resulting databases often do not live up to expectations. Time and energy is expended to set up a few tables in a database product such as Microsoft Access, or in setting up a spreadsheet in a product such as Excel. Even more time is spent collecting and keying in data. But invariably (often within a short time frame) there is a problem producing what seems to be a quite simple report or query. Often this is because the way the tables have been set up makes the required result very awkward, if not impossible, to achieve. 

A database that does not fulfill expectations becomes a costly exercise in more ways than one. We clearly have the cost of the time and effort expended on setting up an unsatisfactory application. However, a much more serious problem is the unability to make the best use of valuable data. This is especially so for research data. Scientific and social researchers may spend considerable money and many years designing experiments, hiring assistants and collecting and analyzing data, but often very little thought goes into storing it in an appropriately designed database. Unfortunately, some quite simple mistakes in design can mean that much of the potential information is lost. The immediate objective may be satisfied, but unforeseen uses of the data may be seriously compromised. Next year's grant opportunities are lost.

In the last paragraph, the line in bold, there is a word not correctly written. It is:
Q609387 Inglês

Everyone keeps data. Big organizations spend millions to look after their payroll, customer and transaction data. The penalties for getting it wrong are severe: businesses may collapse, shareholders and customers lose money, and for many organizations (airlines, health boards, energy companies), it is not exaggerating to say that even personal safety may be put at risk. And then there are the lawsuits. The problems in successfully designing, installing, and maintaining such large databases are the subject of numerous books on data management and software engineering. However, many small databases are used within large organizations and also for small businesses, clubs, and private concerns. When these go wrong, it doesn't make the front page of the papers; but the costs, often hidden, can be just as serious.

 Where do we find these smaller electronic databases? Sports clubs will have membership information and match results; small businesses might maintain their own customer data. Within large organizations, there will also be a number of small projects to maintain data information that isn't easily or conveniently managed by the large system-wide databases. Researchers may keep their own experiment and survey results; groups will want to manage their own rosters or keep track of equipment; departments may keep their own detailed accounts and submit just a summary to the organization's financial software.

Most of these small databases are set up by end users. These are people whose main job is something other than that of a Computer professional. They will typically be scientists, administrators, technicians, accountants, or teachers, and many will have only modest skills when it comes to spreadsheet or database software. 

The resulting databases often do not live up to expectations. Time and energy is expended to set up a few tables in a database product such as Microsoft Access, or in setting up a spreadsheet in a product such as Excel. Even more time is spent collecting and keying in data. But invariably (often within a short time frame) there is a problem producing what seems to be a quite simple report or query. Often this is because the way the tables have been set up makes the required result very awkward, if not impossible, to achieve. 

A database that does not fulfill expectations becomes a costly exercise in more ways than one. We clearly have the cost of the time and effort expended on setting up an unsatisfactory application. However, a much more serious problem is the unability to make the best use of valuable data. This is especially so for research data. Scientific and social researchers may spend considerable money and many years designing experiments, hiring assistants and collecting and analyzing data, but often very little thought goes into storing it in an appropriately designed database. Unfortunately, some quite simple mistakes in design can mean that much of the potential information is lost. The immediate objective may be satisfied, but unforeseen uses of the data may be seriously compromised. Next year's grant opportunities are lost.

According to the text above:
Q418152 Português
País está na agenda, mas perde espaço nos planos globais

Nações ricas recuperam prestígio, enquanto se fala em crise de meia-idade dos membros do Brics,
entre outros emergentes

      O Brasil perde importância nos planos de negócios, mas continua em quarto lugar na lista dos mais citados por executivos de todo o mundo, segundo pesquisa divulgada ontem pela consultoria PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). EUA e outras economias avançadas voltam a ganhar destaque no planejamento externo das companhias, tomando espaço dos Brics - com exceção da China - e também de outros emergentes.
      A mudança coincide com a retomada do crescimento no mundo rico, liderada pela economia americana. A alteração do cenário também se reflete no maior otimismo quanto à economia global: 44% dos entrevistados disseram acreditar em melhora. No ano anterior eram 18%. Curiosamente, uma parcela menor, 39%, aposta em maiores ganhos para a própria companhia em 2014. Os brasileiros estão acima dessa média, com 42% confiantes em maior receita neste ano, mas ficam bem longe dos mais otimistas - russos (53%), mexicanos (51%), coreanos (50%) e indianos (49%).
      A divulgação da pesquisa coincidiu com o anúncio das novas projeções do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), com menor crescimento estimado para o Brasil (2,3%) do que para a economia global (3,7%) neste ano. Com melhor desempenho que o do mundo rico na pior fase da crise, os Brics hoje exibem menor dinamismo e já se especula se estarão enfrentando uma crise de meia-idade - tema de discussão de uma (*1*) do Fórum Econômico Mundial na qual está prevista a participação do ministro da Fazenda, Guido Mantega.
      Na pesquisa da PwC, executivos foram convidados a apontar os três países, com exceção do próprio, mais importantes para suas perspectivas de crescimento neste ano. Foram entrevistados 1.344 dirigentes de empresas, distribuídos de acordo com o peso econômico dos países.
      China (33%), EUA (30%), Alemanha (17%), Brasil (12%) e Japão (7%) foram os cinco mais citados. Excetuado o Brasil, com perda de 3 pontos porcentuais, todos esses países tiveram ganhos em relação à pesquisa do ano anterior. Os Estados Unidos (*2*) o maior avanço (7 pontos). Os menores foram os da China e do Japão (2 pontos cada). Indonésia, México e Rússia nada ganharam ou perderam. A índia, como o Brasil, perdeu 3 pontos e ficou com 7%.
      A sondagem global da PwC com executivos é produzida (*3*) 17 anos e habitualmente divulgada um dia antes da abertura da reunião do Fórum de Davos.

(www. estodoo.

No último parágrafo do texto, aparece um espaço marcado por (*3*). A forma mais adequada de preenchê-lo, considerando-se o contexto, seria:
Q320042 Governança de TI
Acerca do gerenciamento de nível de serviço, julgue os itens a seguir, à luz da ITIL versão 3. Nesse sentido, considere que a sigla ANS/SLA, sempre que empregada, refere-se a acordo de nível de serviço (do inglês service level agreement).

Dado que o ANS/SLA compreende a definição de níveis mínimos de serviço esperados pelo cliente de TI, é comum o uso de indicadores para a mensuração quantitativa da qualidade do serviço recebido.
21: B
22: A
23: C
24: B
25: C