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Q1742668 Inglês
    A deep freeze this week in the Lone Star state, which relies on electricity to heat many homes, is causing power demand to skyrocket. At the same time, natural gas, coal, wind and nuclear facilities in Texas have been knocked offline by the unthinkably low temperatures.
    “The extreme cold is causing the entire system to freeze up,” said Jason Bordoff, director of Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. “All sources of energy are underperforming in the extreme cold because they’re not designed to handle these unusual conditions.”
     The ripple effects are being felt around the nation as Texas’ prolific oil-and-gas industry stumbles.
     It’s striking that these power outages are happening in a state with abundant energy resources. Texas produces more electricity than any other US state — generating almost twice as much as Florida, the next-closest, according to federal statistics.
     Wind power is also booming in Texas, which produced about 28% of all the US wind-powered electricity in 2019, the EIA said. But the problem is that not only is Texas an energy superpower, it tends to be an above-average temperature state. That means its infrastructure is ill-prepared for the cold spell currently wreaking havoc. And the consequences are being felt by millions.
     Critics of renewable energy have pointed out that wind turbines have frozen or needed to be shut down due to the extreme weather.
     Even though other places with colder weather (like Iowa and Denmark) rely on wind for even larger shares of power, experts said the turbines in Texas were not winterized for the unexpected freeze.
     But this is not just about wind turbines going down. Natural gas and coal-fired power plants need water to stay online. Yet those water facilities froze in the cold temperatures and others lost access to the electricity they require to operate.
     It’s too early to definitively say what went wrong in Texas and how to prevent similar outages. More information will need to be released by state authorities. Still, some experts say the criticism of wind power appears overdone already. “In terms of the blame game, the focus on wind is a red herring. It’s more of a political issue than what is causing the power problems on the grid,” said Dan Cohan, associate professor of environmental engineering at Rice University.
     The energy crisis in Texas raises also questions about the nature of the state’s deregulated and decentralized electric grid. Unlike other states, Texas has made a conscious decision to isolate its grid from the rest of the country.
     That means that when things are running smoothly, Texas can’t export excess power to neighboring states. And in the current crisis, it can’t import power either.

Internet: <>  (adapted).

About ideas stated in the text above and the words used in it, judge the following item.

There are places in the world where wind power works well in freezing temperatures.

Q1742667 Inglês
    A deep freeze this week in the Lone Star state, which relies on electricity to heat many homes, is causing power demand to skyrocket. At the same time, natural gas, coal, wind and nuclear facilities in Texas have been knocked offline by the unthinkably low temperatures.
    “The extreme cold is causing the entire system to freeze up,” said Jason Bordoff, director of Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. “All sources of energy are underperforming in the extreme cold because they’re not designed to handle these unusual conditions.”
     The ripple effects are being felt around the nation as Texas’ prolific oil-and-gas industry stumbles.
     It’s striking that these power outages are happening in a state with abundant energy resources. Texas produces more electricity than any other US state — generating almost twice as much as Florida, the next-closest, according to federal statistics.
     Wind power is also booming in Texas, which produced about 28% of all the US wind-powered electricity in 2019, the EIA said. But the problem is that not only is Texas an energy superpower, it tends to be an above-average temperature state. That means its infrastructure is ill-prepared for the cold spell currently wreaking havoc. And the consequences are being felt by millions.
     Critics of renewable energy have pointed out that wind turbines have frozen or needed to be shut down due to the extreme weather.
     Even though other places with colder weather (like Iowa and Denmark) rely on wind for even larger shares of power, experts said the turbines in Texas were not winterized for the unexpected freeze.
     But this is not just about wind turbines going down. Natural gas and coal-fired power plants need water to stay online. Yet those water facilities froze in the cold temperatures and others lost access to the electricity they require to operate.
     It’s too early to definitively say what went wrong in Texas and how to prevent similar outages. More information will need to be released by state authorities. Still, some experts say the criticism of wind power appears overdone already. “In terms of the blame game, the focus on wind is a red herring. It’s more of a political issue than what is causing the power problems on the grid,” said Dan Cohan, associate professor of environmental engineering at Rice University.
     The energy crisis in Texas raises also questions about the nature of the state’s deregulated and decentralized electric grid. Unlike other states, Texas has made a conscious decision to isolate its grid from the rest of the country.
     That means that when things are running smoothly, Texas can’t export excess power to neighboring states. And in the current crisis, it can’t import power either.

Internet: <>  (adapted).

About ideas stated in the text above and the words used in it, judge the following item.

There are other states, like Florida, that produce energy on a level similar to that of Texas.

Q1742666 Inglês
    A deep freeze this week in the Lone Star state, which relies on electricity to heat many homes, is causing power demand to skyrocket. At the same time, natural gas, coal, wind and nuclear facilities in Texas have been knocked offline by the unthinkably low temperatures.
    “The extreme cold is causing the entire system to freeze up,” said Jason Bordoff, director of Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. “All sources of energy are underperforming in the extreme cold because they’re not designed to handle these unusual conditions.”
     The ripple effects are being felt around the nation as Texas’ prolific oil-and-gas industry stumbles.
     It’s striking that these power outages are happening in a state with abundant energy resources. Texas produces more electricity than any other US state — generating almost twice as much as Florida, the next-closest, according to federal statistics.
     Wind power is also booming in Texas, which produced about 28% of all the US wind-powered electricity in 2019, the EIA said. But the problem is that not only is Texas an energy superpower, it tends to be an above-average temperature state. That means its infrastructure is ill-prepared for the cold spell currently wreaking havoc. And the consequences are being felt by millions.
     Critics of renewable energy have pointed out that wind turbines have frozen or needed to be shut down due to the extreme weather.
     Even though other places with colder weather (like Iowa and Denmark) rely on wind for even larger shares of power, experts said the turbines in Texas were not winterized for the unexpected freeze.
     But this is not just about wind turbines going down. Natural gas and coal-fired power plants need water to stay online. Yet those water facilities froze in the cold temperatures and others lost access to the electricity they require to operate.
     It’s too early to definitively say what went wrong in Texas and how to prevent similar outages. More information will need to be released by state authorities. Still, some experts say the criticism of wind power appears overdone already. “In terms of the blame game, the focus on wind is a red herring. It’s more of a political issue than what is causing the power problems on the grid,” said Dan Cohan, associate professor of environmental engineering at Rice University.
     The energy crisis in Texas raises also questions about the nature of the state’s deregulated and decentralized electric grid. Unlike other states, Texas has made a conscious decision to isolate its grid from the rest of the country.
     That means that when things are running smoothly, Texas can’t export excess power to neighboring states. And in the current crisis, it can’t import power either.

Internet: <>  (adapted).

About ideas stated in the text above and the words used in it, judge the following item.

Changes in energy production in Texas are having an impact across the United States.

Q1742665 Inglês
    A deep freeze this week in the Lone Star state, which relies on electricity to heat many homes, is causing power demand to skyrocket. At the same time, natural gas, coal, wind and nuclear facilities in Texas have been knocked offline by the unthinkably low temperatures.
    “The extreme cold is causing the entire system to freeze up,” said Jason Bordoff, director of Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. “All sources of energy are underperforming in the extreme cold because they’re not designed to handle these unusual conditions.”
     The ripple effects are being felt around the nation as Texas’ prolific oil-and-gas industry stumbles.
     It’s striking that these power outages are happening in a state with abundant energy resources. Texas produces more electricity than any other US state — generating almost twice as much as Florida, the next-closest, according to federal statistics.
     Wind power is also booming in Texas, which produced about 28% of all the US wind-powered electricity in 2019, the EIA said. But the problem is that not only is Texas an energy superpower, it tends to be an above-average temperature state. That means its infrastructure is ill-prepared for the cold spell currently wreaking havoc. And the consequences are being felt by millions.
     Critics of renewable energy have pointed out that wind turbines have frozen or needed to be shut down due to the extreme weather.
     Even though other places with colder weather (like Iowa and Denmark) rely on wind for even larger shares of power, experts said the turbines in Texas were not winterized for the unexpected freeze.
     But this is not just about wind turbines going down. Natural gas and coal-fired power plants need water to stay online. Yet those water facilities froze in the cold temperatures and others lost access to the electricity they require to operate.
     It’s too early to definitively say what went wrong in Texas and how to prevent similar outages. More information will need to be released by state authorities. Still, some experts say the criticism of wind power appears overdone already. “In terms of the blame game, the focus on wind is a red herring. It’s more of a political issue than what is causing the power problems on the grid,” said Dan Cohan, associate professor of environmental engineering at Rice University.
     The energy crisis in Texas raises also questions about the nature of the state’s deregulated and decentralized electric grid. Unlike other states, Texas has made a conscious decision to isolate its grid from the rest of the country.
     That means that when things are running smoothly, Texas can’t export excess power to neighboring states. And in the current crisis, it can’t import power either.

Internet: <>  (adapted).

About ideas stated in the text above and the words used in it, judge the following item.

Despite the cold temperatures, energy production in Texas continued unimpeded.

Q1742664 Inglês
    A deep freeze this week in the Lone Star state, which relies on electricity to heat many homes, is causing power demand to skyrocket. At the same time, natural gas, coal, wind and nuclear facilities in Texas have been knocked offline by the unthinkably low temperatures.
    “The extreme cold is causing the entire system to freeze up,” said Jason Bordoff, director of Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. “All sources of energy are underperforming in the extreme cold because they’re not designed to handle these unusual conditions.”
     The ripple effects are being felt around the nation as Texas’ prolific oil-and-gas industry stumbles.
     It’s striking that these power outages are happening in a state with abundant energy resources. Texas produces more electricity than any other US state — generating almost twice as much as Florida, the next-closest, according to federal statistics.
     Wind power is also booming in Texas, which produced about 28% of all the US wind-powered electricity in 2019, the EIA said. But the problem is that not only is Texas an energy superpower, it tends to be an above-average temperature state. That means its infrastructure is ill-prepared for the cold spell currently wreaking havoc. And the consequences are being felt by millions.
     Critics of renewable energy have pointed out that wind turbines have frozen or needed to be shut down due to the extreme weather.
     Even though other places with colder weather (like Iowa and Denmark) rely on wind for even larger shares of power, experts said the turbines in Texas were not winterized for the unexpected freeze.
     But this is not just about wind turbines going down. Natural gas and coal-fired power plants need water to stay online. Yet those water facilities froze in the cold temperatures and others lost access to the electricity they require to operate.
     It’s too early to definitively say what went wrong in Texas and how to prevent similar outages. More information will need to be released by state authorities. Still, some experts say the criticism of wind power appears overdone already. “In terms of the blame game, the focus on wind is a red herring. It’s more of a political issue than what is causing the power problems on the grid,” said Dan Cohan, associate professor of environmental engineering at Rice University.
     The energy crisis in Texas raises also questions about the nature of the state’s deregulated and decentralized electric grid. Unlike other states, Texas has made a conscious decision to isolate its grid from the rest of the country.
     That means that when things are running smoothly, Texas can’t export excess power to neighboring states. And in the current crisis, it can’t import power either.

Internet: <>  (adapted).

About ideas stated in the text above and the words used in it, judge the following item.

In the last paragraph of the text, “That” refers to the decision by Texas to isolate its energy grid from the rest of the country.

Q965670 Direitos Humanos

A respeito do tratamento constitucional dos tratados internacionais de direitos humanos, julgue o item que se segue.

A hierarquia constitucional dos tratados internacionais de direitos humanos depende de sua aprovação por três quintos dos membros de cada casa do Congresso Nacional.

Q965669 Direitos Humanos

A respeito do tratamento constitucional dos tratados internacionais de direitos humanos, julgue o item que se segue.

Conforme a maneira como são internalizados, os tratados internacionais sobre direitos humanos podem receber status normativo-hierárquico constitucional ou legal.

Q965668 Direitos Humanos

Acerca de aspectos da teoria geral dos direitos humanos, da sua afirmação histórica e da sua relação com a responsabilidade do Estado, julgue o próximo item.

Todos os direitos humanos foram afirmados em um único momento histórico.

Q965667 Direitos Humanos

Acerca de aspectos da teoria geral dos direitos humanos, da sua afirmação histórica e da sua relação com a responsabilidade do Estado, julgue o próximo item.

Apenas por atos de seus agentes o Estado pode ser responsabilizado por violação de direitos humanos reconhecidos na Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos.

Q965666 Direitos Humanos

Acerca de aspectos da teoria geral dos direitos humanos, da sua afirmação histórica e da sua relação com a responsabilidade do Estado, julgue o próximo item.

As pessoas naturais que violam direitos humanos continuam a gozar da proteção prevista nas normas que dispõem sobre direitos humanos.

Q965665 Direito Ambiental

No que se refere à Lei dos Crimes contra o Meio Ambiente e à legislação nacional acerca do tráfico de pessoas, julgue o próximo item.

Situação hipotética: João foi autuado por policial rodoviário federal, por supostamente ter praticado conduta prevista como crime contra a fauna. Assertiva: Nessa situação, João necessariamente responderá pela conduta praticada.

Q965662 Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990

No item a seguir é apresentada uma situação hipotética seguida de uma assertiva a ser julgada considerando-se o Estatuto do Desarmamento, o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e o Sistema Nacional de Políticas Públicas sobre Drogas.

João foi flagrado, em operação da PRF, submetendo uma adolescente a exploração sexual em rodovia federal. Nessa situação, João poderá não responder pelo crime se comprovar o consentimento da menor.

Q965661 Direito Penal

No item a seguir é apresentada uma situação hipotética seguida de uma assertiva a ser julgada considerando-se o Estatuto do Desarmamento, o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e o Sistema Nacional de Políticas Públicas sobre Drogas.

Em uma operação da PRF, foram encontradas, no veículo de Sandro, munições de arma de fogo de uso permitido e, no veículo de Eurípedes, munições de uso restrito. Nenhum deles tinha autorização para o transporte desses artefatos. Nessa situação, considerando-se o previsto no Estatuto de Desarmamento, Sandro responderá por infração administrativa e Eurípedes responderá por crime.

Q965657 Direito Constitucional

O art. 1.º do Código Penal brasileiro dispõe que “não há crime sem lei anterior que o defina. Não há pena sem prévia cominação legal”.

Considerando esse dispositivo legal, bem como os princípios e as repercussões jurídicas dele decorrentes, julgue o item que se segue.

O presidente da República, em caso de extrema relevância e urgência, pode editar medida provisória para agravar a pena de determinado crime, desde que a aplicação da pena agravada ocorra somente após a aprovação da medida pelo Congresso Nacional.

Q965656 Direito Penal

O art. 1.º do Código Penal brasileiro dispõe que “não há crime sem lei anterior que o defina. Não há pena sem prévia cominação legal”.

Considerando esse dispositivo legal, bem como os princípios e as repercussões jurídicas dele decorrentes, julgue o item que se segue.

A norma penal deve ser instituída por lei em sentido estrito, razão por que é proibida, em caráter absoluto, a analogia no direito penal, seja para criar tipo penal incriminador, seja para fundamentar ou alterar a pena.

Q965655 Direito Processual Penal

Em decorrência de um homicídio doloso praticado com o uso de arma de fogo, policiais rodoviários federais foram comunicados de que o autor do delito se evadira por rodovia federal em um veículo cuja placa e características foram informadas. O veículo foi abordado por policiais rodoviários federais em um ponto de bloqueio montado cerca de 200 km do local do delito e que os policiais acreditavam estar na rota de fuga do homicida. Dada voz de prisão ao condutor do veículo, foi apreendida arma de fogo que estava em sua posse e que, supostamente, tinha sido utilizada no crime.

Considerando essa situação hipotética, julgue o seguinte item.

Durante o procedimento de lavratura do auto de prisão em flagrante pela autoridade policial competente, o policial rodoviário responsável pela prisão e condução do preso deverá ser ouvido logo após a oitiva das testemunhas e o interrogatório do preso. 

Q965654 Direito Penal

Em decorrência de um homicídio doloso praticado com o uso de arma de fogo, policiais rodoviários federais foram comunicados de que o autor do delito se evadira por rodovia federal em um veículo cuja placa e características foram informadas. O veículo foi abordado por policiais rodoviários federais em um ponto de bloqueio montado cerca de 200 km do local do delito e que os policiais acreditavam estar na rota de fuga do homicida. Dada voz de prisão ao condutor do veículo, foi apreendida arma de fogo que estava em sua posse e que, supostamente, tinha sido utilizada no crime.

.Considerando essa situação hipotética, julgue o seguinte item.

Quanto ao sujeito ativo da prisão, o flagrante narrado é classificado como obrigatório, hipótese em que a ação de prender e as eventuais consequências físicas dela advindas em razão do uso da força se encontram abrigadas pela excludente de ilicitude denominada exercício regular de direito.

Q965653 Direito Processual Penal

Em decorrência de um homicídio doloso praticado com o uso de arma de fogo, policiais rodoviários federais foram comunicados de que o autor do delito se evadira por rodovia federal em um veículo cuja placa e características foram informadas. O veículo foi abordado por policiais rodoviários federais em um ponto de bloqueio montado cerca de 200 km do local do delito e que os policiais acreditavam estar na rota de fuga do homicida. Dada voz de prisão ao condutor do veículo, foi apreendida arma de fogo que estava em sua posse e que, supostamente, tinha sido utilizada no crime.

Considerando essa situação hipotética, julgue o seguinte item.

De acordo com a classificação doutrinária dominante, a situação configura hipótese de flagrante presumido ou ficto.

Q965652 Direito Penal

Em uma rodovia federal, próxima à fronteira do Brasil com o Paraguai, um caminhão foi parado e vistoriado por policiais rodoviários federais. Além do motorista e de um passageiro, o veículo transportava, ilegalmente, grande quantidade de mercadoria lícita de procedência estrangeira, mas sem o pagamento dos devidos impostos de importação. O motorista, penalmente imputável e proprietário do caminhão, admitiu a propriedade dos produtos. O passageiro, que se identificou como servidor público alfandegário lotado no posto de fiscalização fronteiriço pelo qual o veículo havia passado para adentrar no território nacional, alegou desconhecer a existência dos produtos no caminhão e que apenas pegou carona com o motorista.

Tendo como referência essa situação hipotética, julgue o item a seguir.

Caso fique comprovada a participação do servidor público na conduta delituosa, ele responderá pelo delito de descaminho em sua forma qualificada: ela tinha o dever funcional de prevenir e de reprimir o crime.

Q965651 Direito Penal

Em uma rodovia federal, próxima à fronteira do Brasil com o Paraguai, um caminhão foi parado e vistoriado por policiais rodoviários federais. Além do motorista e de um passageiro, o veículo transportava, ilegalmente, grande quantidade de mercadoria lícita de procedência estrangeira, mas sem o pagamento dos devidos impostos de importação. O motorista, penalmente imputável e proprietário do caminhão, admitiu a propriedade dos produtos. O passageiro, que se identificou como servidor público alfandegário lotado no posto de fiscalização fronteiriço pelo qual o veículo havia passado para adentrar no território nacional, alegou desconhecer a existência dos produtos no caminhão e que apenas pegou carona com o motorista.

Tendo como referência essa situação hipotética, julgue o item a seguir.

A conduta do motorista configura crime de descaminho em sua forma consumada, ainda que não tenha havido constituição definitiva do crédito tributário e a ocorrência de efetivo prejuízo ao erário.

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