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Q2492934 Inglês

Analyse the sentences below to choose the option pointing out inconsistencies.

a. Chris is taller than I am.

b. Since dad is in a bad mood, don’t bother him. 

c. On no account should you repeat that action. 

d. The doctor urged that she be in hospital for further testing. 

e. My favorite series are “Handmaid’s Tale”. 

f. The police is looking for the man who broke into the store. 

g. They will have returned by midnight. 

h. When she came to, she was lying on the floor and had a sore head. 

i. Two children were run over and killed.  

j. Always check four spelling mistakes before sending e-mails. 

l. Jeff was bored in class and could not keep focus. 

m. She has been married to Peter for many years. 

Q2492933 Inglês
Read the text to answer. 


pues estoy creando spanglish
bi-cultural systems
scientific lexicographical
inter-textual integrations
two expressions
existentially wired
two dominant languages
continentally abrazándose
en colloquial combate
en las aceras del soil
imperio spanglish emerges
control pandillaje
sobre territorio bi-lingual
las novelas mexicanas
mixing with radiorocknroll
condimented cocina lore
nasal mispronouncements
baraja chismeteos social club
hip-hop prieto street salsa
corner soul enmixturando
spanish pop farándula
standard english classroom
with computer technicalities
spanglish is literally perfect
spanglish is ethnically snobbish
spanglish is cara-holy inteligencia
which u.s. slang do you speak?
(Available in: Benedición: The Complete Poetry of Tato Laviera. Arte Público Press, 2014.) 
Taking into account text clues, there is compatible information in: 
Q2492932 Inglês

As we adopted more and more technology, troublesome new trends have emerged and caused widespread negative effects in society, especially among the younger ones. Read the definitions below to choose the sequence which matches them.

I. __________ is criticizing and blaming one unfairly or speaking in a away that shows disrespect.

II. __________ refers to the act of one player intentionally disrupting another player’s game experience for personal pleasure and possibly potential gain.

III. __________ is sharing private/sensitive information about a victim by forwarding messages or posting them online in order to embarrass or humiliate.

IV. __________ is the process of luring someone into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona. 

Q2492931 Inglês

Humor is produced with the ability to place an everyday situation in the position for amusement or critical analysis. Humor construction in the comic image is based on:

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                                                           Available in:

Q2492890 Pedagogia

A escola enquanto espaço legitimado de construção de saberes está permeada por processos avaliativos. Todo ato de avaliar necessita de um sentido que o justifique e o oriente em suas ações. Nesse sentido, os professores, as políticas públicas e a comunidade escolar devem problematizar os sentidos que a avaliação escolar tem assumido nas práticas educativas. É nela, na avaliação, que se reproduz, em forma de questões, o conhecimento que se quer apreendido e, no caso específico da história escolar, a concepção de história a ser difundida com vistas a criar leituras de mundo específicas que atendam a objetivos mais gerais. (MONTEIRO, 2002.)

Tendo em vista o papel imperioso que representa no processo do conhecimento, não só histórico, mas também de outras ciências, espera-se que:

166: C
167: B
168: A
169: C
170: A