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Q1607903 Inglês
There are different kinds of approaches when teaching English. A reflexive teaching approach involves the use of…
Q1607902 Inglês
Being literate can be defined in a number of ways, yet, the most known all over the world is related to:
Q1607901 Inglês
Phrasal verbs are very used on a daily basis. One simple particle may change the whole meaning of it. In the sentence from Michael Buble’s song he sings: “And I know someday that it'll all turn                                                                     up You'll make me work so we can work to work it out And I promise you kid that I'll give so much more than I get yeah I just haven't met you yet.”
Consider the phrasal verb turn up. Read the sentences below and mark the one that has the same meaning as in the song.
Q1607900 Inglês
In order to teach vocabulary in a more direct and effective way the teacher must know some of the vocabulary features such as meaning, word parts, grammatical function, collocation and constraints. Taking “constraints” it is correct to affirm that
Q1607899 Inglês
Phonology, also known as phonemics, is the study of the particular sound units (phonemes) in languages. It can be compared to phonetics, which is the study of human speech in general, and includes the articulation and perception of sounds. About this area it is correct to affirm that it includes:
236: A
237: A
238: C
239: A
240: A