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Choose which one of the following sentence illustrates the case of apposition.
Choose which one of the following sentences can be classified as complex sentences.
Choose which one of the following sentences can be correctly classified as a simple sentence.
Concerning the characteristics, skills and attitudes that make a good language teacher, choose which one of the following sentences is correct.
Concerning textbooks, choose which one of the following sentences is correct.
As far as the correction of errors is concerned, choose which of the following sentences is correct.
Choose which one of the following ideas expressed bellow describes the grammar translation method.
Choose which one of the following sentences can be correctly described as a feature of the audiolingual method.
In terms of methodologies and approaches of the teaching of English and a second or foreign language, choose which one at the following sentences that best illustrates cognitive learning.
Concerning the fundamental concepts in the field of the teaching and learning of a foreign language, choose the statement that most specifically refers to interlanguage.
Concerning the process of word formation, choose the alternative which contains borrowed words.
Concerning the process of word formation, choose the alternative which contains abbreviated words.
Concerning the process of word formation, analyse the word unfortunately and decide which is the only correct following statement.
As far as semantics is concerned, choose which one of the following sentences below contains an underlined word or expression that is used correctly.
As far as semantics is concerned, choose which one of the following sentences contains an underlined word or expression that is used correctly.
As far as semantics is concerned, choose which one of the sentences below contains an underlined word or expression that is used correctly.
1____On several levels, the well-being and life chances of
Brazilian children have improved. However, significant
issues remain, and new challenges have emerged, many of
4 which are linked to the COVID-19 crisis. National and
international evidence point to some key education
challenges that need to be addressed. Student misbehavior
7 and disruption in the classroom are common and take time
away from actual learning. Furthermore, relationships
within schools are strained and, at times, hostile. This
10 creates an unsafe environment where students feel little
connection, which – in combination with disengaging
curricula – encourages their truancy, dropout and
13 underperformance. While there is growing recognition of
the importance of the students’ well-being, many aspects of
their psychological, social and physical health remain
16 overlooked by school networks, schools and teachers.
OECD. Education in Brazil: an international perspective, OECD
Publishing, Paris, 238 pgs. with
After reading the text, choose which one of the following items is correct.
1____It is widely acknowledged that two of the most
important factors in determining the success of an
educational system are teachers and school leaders. For the
4 most part, the teaching profession fails to attract able young
entrants in Brazil: teacher salaries are lower than those of
tertiary education careers, the profession is not socially
7 valued, and part-time contracts of limited duration are
unattractive. Selection measures are not always effective in
selecting highly-qualified candidates. Initial teaching
10 education is weak and provides limited emphasis on
practical skills, leaving many teachers unprepared for the
classroom. Once on-the-job, teachers receive limited support
13 to improve their practice. Brazilian teachers rarely benefit
from systematic induction, and often face obstacles to
participate in continuous professional development
16 opportunities.
OECD. Education in Brazil: an international perspective,
OECD Publishing, Paris,
238 pgs. with adaptations.
After reading the text, choose which one of the following items is correct.
1____Despite increases in education spending over the
years, Brazil has only seen limited improvements in national
and international assessments. To sustain and accelerate
4 progresses in teaching and learning, Brazil will need to
retain current levels of education resources. However, there
is also significant scope to use resources more equitably and
7 effectively. For example, at present, Brazil invests more in
tertiary education than in ECEC, despite evidence that
access to high-quality ECEC not only contributes to better
10 learning outcomes but can also help reduce inequalities.
Even within tertiary education, funding arrangements tend
to disproportionately benefit students from advantaged
13 backgrounds.
OECD. Education in Brazil: an international perspective,
OECD Publishing, Paris, 238 pgs.
with adaptations.
After reading the text, choose which one of the following items is correct.
1____Over the last few decades, Brazil has enhanced the
participation of children and young people, closing the gap,
at least in some respects, with high-performing countries.
4 Early childhood education has been expanded, enrolment in
primary education is close to universal, and around 80% of
the cohort participate in lower secondary education, with
7 well over half now progressing to upper secondary
education. Tertiary participation has also grown, and access
enhanced for the most disadvantaged. Despite major
10 advances, attainment and participation is still behind the
OECD average. Moreover, disadvantaged individuals face
barriers both in accessing and remaining in education. As a
13 result, levels of attainment and participation in education
vary significantly across Brazil’s population. While socioeconomic
background and regional differences are factors in
16 all systems, their impacts are stronger in Brazil than in many
comparable countries. Moreover, a large proportion of
18 young people do not complete education on time or at all.
OECD. Education in Brazil: an international perspective, OECD
Publishing, Paris, 238 pgs. with
After reading the text, choose which one of the following items is correct.