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Q177231 Inglês
                                                          Information Systems
Information Systems (IS) is concerned with the information that computer systems can provide to aid a company, non-profit or governmental organization in defining and achieving its goals. It is also concerned with the processes that an enterprise can implement and improve using information technology. IS professionals must understand both technical and organizational factors , 5 and must be able to help an organization determine how information and technology-enabled business processes can provide a foundation for superior organizational performance. They serve as a bridge between the technical and management communities within an organization. What information does the enterprise need? How is that information generated? Is it delivered to the people who need it? Is it presented to them in ways that permit them to use it readily? 10 Is the organization structured to be able to use technology effectively? Are the business processes of the organization well designed? Do they use the opportunities created by information technology fully? Does the organization use the communication and collaboration capabilities of information technologies appropriately? Is the organization capable of adapting quickly enough to changing external circumstances? These are the important issues that businesses rely on IS people to 15 address. A majority of IS programs are located in business schools; however, they may have different names such as management information systems, computer information systems, or business information systems. All IS degrees combine business and computing topics, but the emphasis between technical and organizational issues varies among programs. For example, 20 programs differ substantially in the amount of programming required. Traditionally, many graduates of IS programs have functioned in roles that are similar to the roles for which IT programs explicitly prepare their students. Information systems graduates continue to fill these roles, but the new programs in information technology offer an alternative path to these positions. INFORMATION Systems. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011. 
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Q177230 Inglês
                                                          Information Systems
Information Systems (IS) is concerned with the information that computer systems can provide to aid a company, non-profit or governmental organization in defining and achieving its goals. It is also concerned with the processes that an enterprise can implement and improve using information technology. IS professionals must understand both technical and organizational factors , 5 and must be able to help an organization determine how information and technology-enabled business processes can provide a foundation for superior organizational performance. They serve as a bridge between the technical and management communities within an organization. What information does the enterprise need? How is that information generated? Is it delivered to the people who need it? Is it presented to them in ways that permit them to use it readily? 10 Is the organization structured to be able to use technology effectively? Are the business processes of the organization well designed? Do they use the opportunities created by information technology fully? Does the organization use the communication and collaboration capabilities of information technologies appropriately? Is the organization capable of adapting quickly enough to changing external circumstances? These are the important issues that businesses rely on IS people to 15 address. A majority of IS programs are located in business schools; however, they may have different names such as management information systems, computer information systems, or business information systems. All IS degrees combine business and computing topics, but the emphasis between technical and organizational issues varies among programs. For example, 20 programs differ substantially in the amount of programming required. Traditionally, many graduates of IS programs have functioned in roles that are similar to the roles for which IT programs explicitly prepare their students. Information systems graduates continue to fill these roles, but the new programs in information technology offer an alternative path to these positions. INFORMATION Systems. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011. 
A função básica do texto é
Q177228 Direito Administrativo
Analise as assertivas acerca da Lei de Improbidade Administrativa:
I. Qualquer pessoa poderá representar ao Ministério Público para que seja apurada a prática de ato de improbidade administrativa, podendo a representação inclusive ser apócrifa.
II. As disposições da Lei de Improbidade Administrativa são aplicáveis àquele que, mesmo não sendo agente público, induza ou concorra para a prática do ato de improbidade, desde que se beneficie diretamente.
III. Constitui ato de improbidade que causa prejuízo ao erário realizar operação financeira aceitando garantia insuficiente ou inidônea.
IV. Quando o ato de improbidade administrativa ensejar enriquecimento ilícito, caberá à autoridade administrativa responsável pelo inquérito representar ao Ministério Público para a indisponibilidade dos bens do indiciado.
V. O sucessor do autor do ato de improbidade administrativa não está sujeito às cominações da Lei de Improbidade Administrativa.

Estão corretas as assertivas
Q177227 Direito Constitucional
Analise as seguintes assertivas acerca do Supremo Tribunal Federal:

I. A Mesa de Assembléia Legislativa de estado membro da Federação poderá propor ação direta de inconstitucionalidade perante o Supremo Tribunal Federal.

II. O cargo de Presidente do Conselho Nacional de Justiça será exercido, obrigatoriamente, pelo Presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal, sendo substituído, em suas ausências e impedimentos, pelo Vice-Presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal.

III. O Supremo Tribunal Federal poderá, de ofício ou por provocação, mediante decisão da maioria dos seus membros, após reiteradas decisões acerca de matéria constitucional, aprovar súmula, que, observadas as formalidades previstas na Constituição Federal, terá efeito vinculante em relação aos demais órgãos do Poder Judiciário e à administração pública direta e indireta, nas esferas federal, estadual e municipal.

IV. O Supremo Tribunal Federal é composto de quinze Ministros.

V. O Supremo Tribunal Federal tem competência originária para processamento e julgamento das infrações penais comuns praticadas pelos Comandantes do Exército e da Aeronáutica.

Estão corretas as assertivas
Q177225 Legislação Estadual
Analise as seguintes assertivas acerca do provimento e da vacância previstos na Lei Estadual 6.677/94 – Estatuto dos Servidores Públicos Civis do Estado da Bahia:
I. O servidor nomeado para o cargo de provimento permanente, ao entrar em exercício, ficará sujeito ao estágio probatório por um prazo de três anos.
II. O servidor que não esteja em efetivo exercício em órgão ou entidade da administração estadual não poderá obter a promoção.
III. O servidor estável poderá perder o cargo em virtude de processo administrativo disciplinar, observada, obrigatoriamente, a ampla defesa.
IV. A vacância do cargo ocorrerá em caso de aposentadoria, falecimento, demissão e exoneração.
V. O efetivo desempenho das atribuições do cargo ocorre no momento da posse.

Estão corretas as assertivas
1606: E
1607: C
1608: D
1609: B
1610: C