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Q2326051 Direito Administrativo
No regular exercício do poder de polícia, os agentes competentes da Administração Pública podem escolher o melhor momento para realizar a respectiva fiscalização, bem como devem determinar a sanção mais adequada ao caso concreto, notadamente nas situações em que duas ou mais penalidades sejam previstas para certa infração.

Tais situações retratam o atributo da
Q2326050 Direito Administrativo
Na hipótese de a União decidir editar uma lei que altere a forma de cálculo da remuneração de certa carreira de servidores públicos federais que exercem atividade tipicamente administrativa, a fim de determinar que ela será realizada por meio de subsídio, à luz dos ditames Constitucionais acerca dos agentes públicos, é correto afirmar que
Q2326049 Direito Administrativo
Ao ser aprovado em determinado concurso público, Clóvis decidiu rememorar as condutas especificadas na Lei nº 8.429/92, com a redação conferida pela Lei nº 14.230/2021, que estão entre os atos de improbidade que atentam contra os princípios da Administração Pública, concluindo corretamente que entre elas se enquadra a de 
Q2326048 Direito Administrativo
Recentemente, Gerusa estava lendo matéria jornalística que mencionava o sucesso de determinado termo de parceria formalizado entre a União e determinada organização da sociedade civil de interesse público – OSCIP, qualificação que teria sido obtida por determinada cooperativa que desenvolve atividade de relevante interesse social.

Ocorre que Gerusa vem estudando para concurso público e decidiu aprofundar o seu aprendizado em relação à organização administrativa e ao terceiro setor, vindo a concluir, acerca dos fatos mencionados na referida notícia, que ela
Q2326047 Direito Administrativo
Maristela pleiteou determinado ato vinculado junto à Administração Pública, mediante a apresentação de documentação que comprova o preenchimento de todos os requisitos previstos em lei.

Ocorre que o ato em questão foi negado pela autoridade competente, exclusivamente, sob a seguinte fundamentação genérica: “Indeferido, pois não atende ao interesse público”.

Diante dessa situação hipotética, considerando as normas acerca da motivação dos atos administrativos constantes da Lei nº 9.784/1999, é correto afirmar que
Q2326046 Direito Administrativo
Ao realizar um levantamento acerca das alegações de defesa da União nas ações indenizatórias em decorrência da responsabilidade civil do Estado ajuizadas em face do mencionado ente federativo, Kelvin verificou que: em algumas situações, foi alegada a culpa concorrente da vítima para o evento danoso; em outras, foi sustentada a existência de fato exclusivo de terceiro; além daquelas em que foi argumentado que os danos decorreram de caso fortuito ou força maior.

Diante de tais circunstâncias, Kelvin concluiu que causas excludentes da responsabilidade civil do Estado 
Q2326045 Direito Administrativo
Felício é servidor público federal estável, ocupante do cargo de analista legislativo da Câmara dos Deputados. Ele almeja pleitear a reconsideração de uma decisão administrativa que indeferiu pedido de licença para tratamento de assuntos pessoais por ele formulada, por acreditar que tem direito ao benefício pleiteado em razão de argumentos que não foram considerados pela autoridade que proferiu a primeira decisão.

Acerca dessa situação hipotética, à luz do direito de petição consagrado na Lei nº 8.112/1990, é correto afirmar que
Q2326044 Direito Digital
Jaqueline e Isabel são amigas muito próximas que tiveram que realizar o tratamento de dados pessoais no exercício de suas atividades profissionais, sendo certo que Jaqueline o fez para fim exclusivamente jornalístico e Isabel, para fim exclusivamente acadêmico.

Elas estão debatendo a aplicabilidade da Lei nº 13.709/2018 em cada um dos casos especificados, de modo que concluíram corretamente que tal norma
Q2326043 Direito Administrativo
As autoridades competentes no âmbito da Câmara dos Deputados almejam realizar um procedimento de manifestação de interesse, com vistas a viabilizar que a iniciativa privada contribua com soluções tecnológicas inovadoras, que possam causar impacto de relevância pública na otimização de suas atividades, sendo certo que pretende restringir a participação em tal procedimento às chamadas startups.

Diante da mencionada situação hipotética, à luz do disposto na Lei nº 14.133/2021, é correto afirmar que
Q2326042 Regimento Interno
Joana, servidora pública do Estado Alfa, foi eleita Deputada Federal, mas iniciara o gozo de licença maternidade dias antes da primeira sessão preparatória para a instalação da primeira sessão legislativa da legislatura.

Observados os termos da narrativa, é correto afirmar que a posse de Joana, nos termos do Regimento Interno da Câmara dos Deputados
Q2326041 Regimento Interno
No início de determinada legislatura, houve grande movimentação no âmbito da Câmara dos Deputados para a escolha dos denominados Líderes.

João, servidor do Partido Político Alfa, ao se inteirar sobre as regras a serem observadas nesse processo de escolha, concluiu corretamente, à luz do Regimento Interno da Câmara dos Deputados, que a referida escolha
Q2326040 Direito Constitucional
Maria e Helena, estudiosas do direito constitucional, travaram intenso debate a respeito da possibilidade, ou não, de o não pagamento da dívida pública ensejar a decretação de intervenção federal, pelo Presidente da República, em algum Estado da Federação.

Maria defendia que a suspensão do pagamento da dívida pública, desde que flutuante, poderia ensejar essa medida, que se daria na modalidade de intervenção espontânea. Helena, por sua vez, apregoava que a suspensão do pagamento da dívida pública, desde que consolidada, permitiria a adoção dessa medida, que observaria a modalidade de intervenção provocada.

Inês, ao analisar o posicionamento de Maria e Helena, concluiu corretamente, à luz da sistemática constitucional, considerando, de um lado, o fato deflagrador da intervenção, e, do outro, de modo autônomo, a respectiva modalidade de intervenção, na perspectiva da suspensão do pagamento da dívida pública, que
Q2326039 Direito Constitucional
Maria, servidora pública federal ocupante de cargo de provimento efetivo, após cumprir os requisitos para a aposentadoria voluntária, teve sua aposentadoria deferida pela autoridade federal competente.

Essa autoridade, seguindo orientação de um assessor, encaminhou ao Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), dias depois, o processo administrativo que resultou no ato de aposentação. O Tribunal, ao apreciar o caso no ano seguinte, identificou o não preenchimento do requisito do tempo de contribuição mínimo e se negou a realizar o registro do ato, sem ter ouvido previamente Maria.

Considerando os termos dessa narrativa, à luz dos balizamentos estabelecidos pela Constituição da República de 1988, é correto afirmar que
Q2326038 Direito Constitucional
Pedro, Deputado Federal, recebeu, na última semana, diversos representantes do funcionalismo público nos segmentos estadual, distrital e municipal, ocasião em que solicitaram a apresentação de projeto de lei ordinária dispondo sobre a disciplina a ser observada pelos entes federativos que desejassem instituir regimes próprios de previdência social.

Após ouvir todos os segmentos interessados, Pedro concluiu corretamente, à luz da sistemática constitucional, que a proposição 
Q2326037 Direito Constitucional
Ingo, de nacionalidade alemã, era casado com Brigitte, de nacionalidade austríaca. Dessa união, nasceu Júlia, que se naturalizou mexicana. Ingo tinha um apartamento no Brasil, onde a família passava férias regularmente e que passou a ser a residência de Júlia nos três últimos anos, considerando a sua afinidade com a cultura brasileira.

Com o falecimento de Ingo, Júlia consultou um advogado a respeito da aplicação, ou não, da lei brasileira, na disciplina da sucessão do referido apartamento.

À luz da Constituição da República de 1988, o advogado respondeu corretamente que a sucessão do referido apartamento 
Q2326036 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Boy cries Wolf

     After astonishing breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, many people worry that they will end up on the economic scrapheap. Global Google searches for “is my job safe?” have doubled in recent months, as people fear that they will be replaced with large language models (LLMS). Some evidence suggests that widespread disruption is coming. In a recent paper Tyna Eloundou of OpenAI and colleagues say that “around 80% of the US workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of LLMS”. Another paper suggests that legal services, accountancy and travel agencies will face unprecedented upheaval.

     Economists, however, tend to enjoy making predictions about automation more than they enjoy testing them. In the early 2010s many of them loudly predicted that robots would kill jobs by the millions, only to fall silent when employment rates across the rich world rose to all-time highs. Few of the doom-mongers have a good explanation for why countries with the highest rates of tech usage around the globe, such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea, consistently have among the lowest rates of unemployment.

     Here we introduce our first attempt at tracking AI’s impact on jobs. Using American data on employment by occupation, we single out white-collar workers. These include people working in everything from back-office support and financial operations to copy-writers. White-collar roles are thought to be especially vulnerable to generative AI, which is becoming ever better at logical reasoning and creativity.

     However, there is as yet little evidence of an AI hit to employment. In the spring of 2020 white-collar jobs rose as a share of the total, as many people in service occupations lost their job at the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The white-collar share is lower today, as leisure and hospitality have recovered. Yet in the past year the share of employment in professions supposedly at risk from generative AI has risen by half a percentage point.

     It is, of course, early days. Few firms yet use generative-AI tools at scale, so the impact on jobs could merely be delayed. Another possibility, however, is that these new technologies will end up destroying only a small number of roles. While AI may be efficient at some tasks, it may be less good at others, such as management and working out what others need.

     AI could even have a positive effect on jobs. If workers using it become more efficient, profits at their company could rise which would then allow bosses to ramp up hiring. A recent survey by Experis, an IT-recruitment firm, points to this possibility. More than half of Britain’s employers expect AI technologies to have a positive impact on their headcount over the next two years, it finds.

     To see how it all shakes out, we will publish updates to this analysis every few months. But for now, a jobs apocalypse seems a way off.

From The Economist June 17th 2023, p. 71
“as yet” in “there is as yet little evidence” (4th paragraph) can be replaced without significant change of meaning by
Q2326035 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Boy cries Wolf

     After astonishing breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, many people worry that they will end up on the economic scrapheap. Global Google searches for “is my job safe?” have doubled in recent months, as people fear that they will be replaced with large language models (LLMS). Some evidence suggests that widespread disruption is coming. In a recent paper Tyna Eloundou of OpenAI and colleagues say that “around 80% of the US workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of LLMS”. Another paper suggests that legal services, accountancy and travel agencies will face unprecedented upheaval.

     Economists, however, tend to enjoy making predictions about automation more than they enjoy testing them. In the early 2010s many of them loudly predicted that robots would kill jobs by the millions, only to fall silent when employment rates across the rich world rose to all-time highs. Few of the doom-mongers have a good explanation for why countries with the highest rates of tech usage around the globe, such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea, consistently have among the lowest rates of unemployment.

     Here we introduce our first attempt at tracking AI’s impact on jobs. Using American data on employment by occupation, we single out white-collar workers. These include people working in everything from back-office support and financial operations to copy-writers. White-collar roles are thought to be especially vulnerable to generative AI, which is becoming ever better at logical reasoning and creativity.

     However, there is as yet little evidence of an AI hit to employment. In the spring of 2020 white-collar jobs rose as a share of the total, as many people in service occupations lost their job at the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The white-collar share is lower today, as leisure and hospitality have recovered. Yet in the past year the share of employment in professions supposedly at risk from generative AI has risen by half a percentage point.

     It is, of course, early days. Few firms yet use generative-AI tools at scale, so the impact on jobs could merely be delayed. Another possibility, however, is that these new technologies will end up destroying only a small number of roles. While AI may be efficient at some tasks, it may be less good at others, such as management and working out what others need.

     AI could even have a positive effect on jobs. If workers using it become more efficient, profits at their company could rise which would then allow bosses to ramp up hiring. A recent survey by Experis, an IT-recruitment firm, points to this possibility. More than half of Britain’s employers expect AI technologies to have a positive impact on their headcount over the next two years, it finds.

     To see how it all shakes out, we will publish updates to this analysis every few months. But for now, a jobs apocalypse seems a way off.

From The Economist June 17th 2023, p. 71
In the last sentence of the first paragraph, when the paper mentions an “upheaval”, it refers to the possibility of a future 
Q2326034 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Boy cries Wolf

     After astonishing breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, many people worry that they will end up on the economic scrapheap. Global Google searches for “is my job safe?” have doubled in recent months, as people fear that they will be replaced with large language models (LLMS). Some evidence suggests that widespread disruption is coming. In a recent paper Tyna Eloundou of OpenAI and colleagues say that “around 80% of the US workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of LLMS”. Another paper suggests that legal services, accountancy and travel agencies will face unprecedented upheaval.

     Economists, however, tend to enjoy making predictions about automation more than they enjoy testing them. In the early 2010s many of them loudly predicted that robots would kill jobs by the millions, only to fall silent when employment rates across the rich world rose to all-time highs. Few of the doom-mongers have a good explanation for why countries with the highest rates of tech usage around the globe, such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea, consistently have among the lowest rates of unemployment.

     Here we introduce our first attempt at tracking AI’s impact on jobs. Using American data on employment by occupation, we single out white-collar workers. These include people working in everything from back-office support and financial operations to copy-writers. White-collar roles are thought to be especially vulnerable to generative AI, which is becoming ever better at logical reasoning and creativity.

     However, there is as yet little evidence of an AI hit to employment. In the spring of 2020 white-collar jobs rose as a share of the total, as many people in service occupations lost their job at the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The white-collar share is lower today, as leisure and hospitality have recovered. Yet in the past year the share of employment in professions supposedly at risk from generative AI has risen by half a percentage point.

     It is, of course, early days. Few firms yet use generative-AI tools at scale, so the impact on jobs could merely be delayed. Another possibility, however, is that these new technologies will end up destroying only a small number of roles. While AI may be efficient at some tasks, it may be less good at others, such as management and working out what others need.

     AI could even have a positive effect on jobs. If workers using it become more efficient, profits at their company could rise which would then allow bosses to ramp up hiring. A recent survey by Experis, an IT-recruitment firm, points to this possibility. More than half of Britain’s employers expect AI technologies to have a positive impact on their headcount over the next two years, it finds.

     To see how it all shakes out, we will publish updates to this analysis every few months. But for now, a jobs apocalypse seems a way off.

From The Economist June 17th 2023, p. 71
By calling some economists “doom-mongers” in “Few of the doom-mongers have a good explanation” (2nd paragraph), the authors
Q2326033 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Boy cries Wolf

     After astonishing breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, many people worry that they will end up on the economic scrapheap. Global Google searches for “is my job safe?” have doubled in recent months, as people fear that they will be replaced with large language models (LLMS). Some evidence suggests that widespread disruption is coming. In a recent paper Tyna Eloundou of OpenAI and colleagues say that “around 80% of the US workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of LLMS”. Another paper suggests that legal services, accountancy and travel agencies will face unprecedented upheaval.

     Economists, however, tend to enjoy making predictions about automation more than they enjoy testing them. In the early 2010s many of them loudly predicted that robots would kill jobs by the millions, only to fall silent when employment rates across the rich world rose to all-time highs. Few of the doom-mongers have a good explanation for why countries with the highest rates of tech usage around the globe, such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea, consistently have among the lowest rates of unemployment.

     Here we introduce our first attempt at tracking AI’s impact on jobs. Using American data on employment by occupation, we single out white-collar workers. These include people working in everything from back-office support and financial operations to copy-writers. White-collar roles are thought to be especially vulnerable to generative AI, which is becoming ever better at logical reasoning and creativity.

     However, there is as yet little evidence of an AI hit to employment. In the spring of 2020 white-collar jobs rose as a share of the total, as many people in service occupations lost their job at the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The white-collar share is lower today, as leisure and hospitality have recovered. Yet in the past year the share of employment in professions supposedly at risk from generative AI has risen by half a percentage point.

     It is, of course, early days. Few firms yet use generative-AI tools at scale, so the impact on jobs could merely be delayed. Another possibility, however, is that these new technologies will end up destroying only a small number of roles. While AI may be efficient at some tasks, it may be less good at others, such as management and working out what others need.

     AI could even have a positive effect on jobs. If workers using it become more efficient, profits at their company could rise which would then allow bosses to ramp up hiring. A recent survey by Experis, an IT-recruitment firm, points to this possibility. More than half of Britain’s employers expect AI technologies to have a positive impact on their headcount over the next two years, it finds.

     To see how it all shakes out, we will publish updates to this analysis every few months. But for now, a jobs apocalypse seems a way off.

From The Economist June 17th 2023, p. 71
If someone ends up “on the economic scrapheap” (1st paragraph), this person will feel
Q2326032 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Boy cries Wolf

     After astonishing breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, many people worry that they will end up on the economic scrapheap. Global Google searches for “is my job safe?” have doubled in recent months, as people fear that they will be replaced with large language models (LLMS). Some evidence suggests that widespread disruption is coming. In a recent paper Tyna Eloundou of OpenAI and colleagues say that “around 80% of the US workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected by the introduction of LLMS”. Another paper suggests that legal services, accountancy and travel agencies will face unprecedented upheaval.

     Economists, however, tend to enjoy making predictions about automation more than they enjoy testing them. In the early 2010s many of them loudly predicted that robots would kill jobs by the millions, only to fall silent when employment rates across the rich world rose to all-time highs. Few of the doom-mongers have a good explanation for why countries with the highest rates of tech usage around the globe, such as Japan, Singapore and South Korea, consistently have among the lowest rates of unemployment.

     Here we introduce our first attempt at tracking AI’s impact on jobs. Using American data on employment by occupation, we single out white-collar workers. These include people working in everything from back-office support and financial operations to copy-writers. White-collar roles are thought to be especially vulnerable to generative AI, which is becoming ever better at logical reasoning and creativity.

     However, there is as yet little evidence of an AI hit to employment. In the spring of 2020 white-collar jobs rose as a share of the total, as many people in service occupations lost their job at the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The white-collar share is lower today, as leisure and hospitality have recovered. Yet in the past year the share of employment in professions supposedly at risk from generative AI has risen by half a percentage point.

     It is, of course, early days. Few firms yet use generative-AI tools at scale, so the impact on jobs could merely be delayed. Another possibility, however, is that these new technologies will end up destroying only a small number of roles. While AI may be efficient at some tasks, it may be less good at others, such as management and working out what others need.

     AI could even have a positive effect on jobs. If workers using it become more efficient, profits at their company could rise which would then allow bosses to ramp up hiring. A recent survey by Experis, an IT-recruitment firm, points to this possibility. More than half of Britain’s employers expect AI technologies to have a positive impact on their headcount over the next two years, it finds.

     To see how it all shakes out, we will publish updates to this analysis every few months. But for now, a jobs apocalypse seems a way off.

From The Economist June 17th 2023, p. 71
The adjective in “astonishing breakthroughs” (1st paragraph) is similar in meaning to 
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