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Q1335079 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.  

Virtual reality may help relieve phantom limb pain.

In a recent study, patients experienced reduced phantom limb pain after playing an augmented reality car racing game that required them to move the missing limb. Phantom limb pain is the experience of pain in a limb after it has been amputated. 
The underlying mechanisms responsible for phantom limb pain remain unclear. However, it appears that it may arise as a consequence of abnormal neural circuitry in central areas of the brain.
Limited success has been achieved with mirror therapy in which reflections of the unaffected limb can be used to create the illusion that the amputated limb is moving. 
The latest study has taken the mirror therapy concept a step further; patients visualise and 'move' the phantom limb using augmented reality—‘phantom motor execution’. It was conducted in 14 patients who had been experiencing phantom limb pain since the amputation of an arm. 
Sensors that could detect muscular activity were attached to the stump of the missing arm. The signals received by these sensors were then used to produce an image of an active arm on a computer screen. 
Patients were trained to use these signals to control the virtual arm, drive a virtual race car around a track and to copy the movements of an arm on screen with their phantom movements. After twelve 2-hour treatment sessions, the patients underwent follow-up interviews 1, 3 and 6 months later. 
Based on the patients' ratings, the intensity, quality, and frequency of pain had reduced by 50% after the treatment.
At the start of the study, 12 patients reported feeling constant pain whereas only 6 did 6months after the treatment. However, one patient thought that there was not a considerable difference in the levels of phantom pain before and after treatment.

The experiment can be said to have been
Q1335078 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the following question based on it.  

Virtual reality may help relieve phantom limb pain.

In a recent study, patients experienced reduced phantom limb pain after playing an augmented reality car racing game that required them to move the missing limb. Phantom limb pain is the experience of pain in a limb after it has been amputated. 
The underlying mechanisms responsible for phantom limb pain remain unclear. However, it appears that it may arise as a consequence of abnormal neural circuitry in central areas of the brain.
Limited success has been achieved with mirror therapy in which reflections of the unaffected limb can be used to create the illusion that the amputated limb is moving. 
The latest study has taken the mirror therapy concept a step further; patients visualise and 'move' the phantom limb using augmented reality—‘phantom motor execution’. It was conducted in 14 patients who had been experiencing phantom limb pain since the amputation of an arm. 
Sensors that could detect muscular activity were attached to the stump of the missing arm. The signals received by these sensors were then used to produce an image of an active arm on a computer screen. 
Patients were trained to use these signals to control the virtual arm, drive a virtual race car around a track and to copy the movements of an arm on screen with their phantom movements. After twelve 2-hour treatment sessions, the patients underwent follow-up interviews 1, 3 and 6 months later. 
Based on the patients' ratings, the intensity, quality, and frequency of pain had reduced by 50% after the treatment.
At the start of the study, 12 patients reported feeling constant pain whereas only 6 did 6months after the treatment. However, one patient thought that there was not a considerable difference in the levels of phantom pain before and after treatment.

Phantom limb pain
Q1335077 Literatura
Analise o poema seguinte, da autoria do alagoano Jorge de Lima, poeta pertencente ao segundo período do movimento modernista.

Mulher proletária

Mulher proletária – única fábrica
que o operário tem, (fabrica filhos)
na tua superprodução de máquina humana
forneces anjos para o Senhor Jesus
forneces braços para o senhor burguês. 

Mulher proletária,
o operário, teu proprietário,
há de ver, há de ver:
a tua produção,
a tua superprodução,
ao contrário das máquinas burguesas,
salvar o teu proprietário. 

(Jorge de Lima. Poesia completa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1980. 

O poema de Jorge de Lima pode exemplificar:

1) a opção da literatura brasileira por admitir como temática de sua produção as condições de vida precárias de setores da sociedade. 2) as desigualdades sociais vigentes na época do poeta entre proprietários e empregados. 3) a idealização com que os poetas enxergam a intervenção da mulher, em seu cotidiano. 4) a esperança de melhorias que nutre o suposto operário que dialoga com a mulher nos versos do poema.

Estão corretas as indicações em:

Q1335076 Literatura
Os romancistas, por vezes, criam em suas obras ‘figuras e espaços fantasiosos’ que, de tão significativos, passam a ganhar notoriedade e uma identidade quase real. É o caso de:
1) Brás Cubas, de Machado de Assis, e Macunaíma, de Oswald de Andrade.
2) Jeca Tatu, de Monteiro Lobato, e Iracema, de José de Alencar.
3) João Miramar, de Mário de Andrade, e Pasárgada, de Manuel Bandeira.
4) Poti, de José de Alencar, e Capitu, de Machado de Assis.
5) Severino, de João Cabral, e a cadela Baleia, em Vidas Secas, de Graciano Ramos.
Estão corretas as indicações em:
Q1335075 Literatura

Analise o fragmento de um poema transcrito abaixo.

Senhor Deus dos desgraçados! Dizei-me vós, Senhor Deus! Se eu deliro... ou se é verdade Tanto horror perante os céus?... Ó mar! por que não apagas Co’a esponja de tuas vagas? Do teu manto este borrão? Astros! noites! tempestades! Rolais das imensidades! Varrei os mares, tufão!...

(Castro Alves. Canto V de O navio negreiro).

O fragmento do poema transcrito acima poderia aplicar-se a fatos que temos presenciado nos dias de hoje, embora a literatura tenha como universo de referência a ficção. No caso desse poema – que se refere a fatos do mundo real:

31: A
32: E
33: D
34: C
35: C