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Ano: 2007 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Banco do Brasil
Q1200180 Direito Financeiro
Todo processo de evolução e desenvolvimento de uma economia exige a participação crescente de capitais, que são identificados por meio da poupança disponível em poder dos agentes econômicos e direcionados para os setores produtivos carentes de recursos, mediante intermediários e instrumentos financeiros. Esse processo de distribuição de recursos no mercado é que faz evidenciar a função econômica e social do sistema financeiro. No SFN, algumas instituições têm destacada atuação no processo de intermediação financeira, processo pelo qual os agentes que possuem recursos superavitários transferem esses recursos para aqueles que estejam deficitários. Acerca das instituições do SFN, julgue o próximo item.
Os bancos comerciais cooperativos, assim como os outros bancos comerciais, têm capital social aberto. Em seu capital social, devem constar cooperativas de créditos singulares e seu patrimônio de referência deve estar enquadrado nas regras do acordo da Basiléia.
Ano: 2014 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Banco do Brasil
Q1199009 Atendimento ao Público
O cross-selling é uma técnica de vendas que incrementa o relacionamento dos clientes com os bancos. Qual das situações a seguir representa um exemplo de cross-selling?
Ano: 2014 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Banco do Brasil
Q1198588 Inglês
Why Millennials Don’t Like Credit Cards by Holly Johnson Cheap, easy credit might have been tempting to young people in the past, but not to today’s millennials. According to a recent survey by Bankrate of over 1,161 consumers, 63% of adults ages 18 to 29 live without a credit card of any kind, and another 23% only carry one card. The Impact of the Great Recession Research shows that the environment millennials grew up in might have an impact on their finances. Unlike other generations, millennials lived through economic hardships during a time when their adult lives were beginning. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Great Recession caused millennials to stray from historic patterns when it comes to purchasing a home and having children, and a fear of credit cards could be another symptom of the economic environment of the times. And there’s much data when it comes to proving that millennials grew up on shaky economic ground. The Pew Research Center reports that 36% of millennials lived at home with their parents in 2012. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate for people ages 16 to 24 was 14.2% (more than twice the national rate) in early 2014, according to the BLS. With those figures, it’s no wonder that millennials are skittish when it comes to credit cards. It makes sense that young people would be afraid to take on any new forms of debt. A Generation Plagued with Student Loan Debt But the Great Recession isn’t the only reason millennials could be fearful of credit. Many experts believe that the nation’s student loan debt level might be related to it. According to the Institute for College Access & Success, 71% of millennials (or 1.3 million students) who graduated from college in 2012 left school with at least some student loan debt, with the average amount owed around $29,400. With so much debt already under their belts, millennials are worried about adding any credit card debt to the pile. After all, many adults with student loan debt need to make payments for years, and even decades. How Millennials Can Build Credit Without a Credit Card The fact that millennials are smart enough to avoid credit card debt is a good thing, but that doesn’t mean the decision has its drawbacks. According to Experian, most adults need a positive credit history in order to qualify for an auto loan or mortgage. Even worse, having no credit history is almost as bad as having a negative credit history in some cases. Still, there are plenty of ways millennials can build a credit history without a credit card. A few tips:     • Make payments on installment loans on time. Whether it’s a car loan, student loan or personal loan, make sure to mail in those payments on time and pay at least the minimum amount required.     • Put at least one household or utility bill in your name. Paying your utility or household bills on time can help you build a positive credit history.     • Get a secured credit card. Unlike traditional credit cards, the funds secured credit cards offer are backed by money the user deposits. Signing up for a secured card is one way to build a positive credit history without any risk. The fact that millennials are leery of credit cards is probably a good thing in the long run. After all, not having a credit card is the perfect way to stay out of credit card debt. Even though it might be harder to build a credit history without credit cards, the vast majority of millennials have decided that the plastic just isn’t worth it. Available at: < my-money/2014/11/04/why-millennials-dont-like-credit-cards> The sentence of the text “With so much debt already under their belts, millennials are worried about adding any credit card debt to the pile” conveys the idea that millenials have
Ano: 2014 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Banco do Brasil
Q1198540 Inglês
Why Millennials Don’t Like Credit Cards by Holly Johnson Cheap, easy credit might have been tempting to young people in the past, but not to today’s millennials. According to a recent survey by Bankrate of over 1,161 consumers, 63% of adults ages 18 to 29 live without a credit card of any kind, and another 23% only carry one card. The Impact of the Great Recession Research shows that the environment millennials grew up in might have an impact on their finances. Unlike other generations, millennials lived through economic hardships during a time when their adult lives were beginning. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Great Recession caused millennials to stray from historic patterns when it comes to purchasing a home and having children, and a fear of credit cards could be another symptom of the economic environment of the times. And there’s much data when it comes to proving that millennials grew up on shaky economic ground. The Pew Research Center reports that 36% of millennials lived at home with their parents in 2012. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate for people ages 16 to 24 was 14.2% (more than twice the national rate) in early 2014, according to the BLS. With those figures, it’s no wonder that millennials are skittish when it comes to credit cards. It makes sense that young people would be afraid to take on any new forms of debt. A Generation Plagued with Student Loan Debt But the Great Recession isn’t the only reason millennials could be fearful of credit. Many experts believe that the nation’s student loan debt level might be related to it. According to the Institute for College Access & Success, 71% of millennials (or 1.3 million students) who graduated from college in 2012 left school with at least some student loan debt, with the average amount owed around $29,400. With so much debt already under their belts, millennials are worried about adding any credit card debt to the pile. After all, many adults with student loan debt need to make payments for years, and even decades. How Millennials Can Build Credit Without a Credit Card The fact that millennials are smart enough to avoid credit card debt is a good thing, but that doesn’t mean the decision has its drawbacks. According to Experian, most adults need a positive credit history in order to qualify for an auto loan or mortgage. Even worse, having no credit history is almost as bad as having a negative credit history in some cases. Still, there are plenty of ways millennials can build a credit history without a credit card. A few tips:     • Make payments on installment loans on time. Whether it’s a car loan, student loan or personal loan, make sure to mail in those payments on time and pay at least the minimum amount required.     • Put at least one household or utility bill in your name. Paying your utility or household bills on time can help you build a positive credit history.     • Get a secured credit card. Unlike traditional credit cards, the funds secured credit cards offer are backed by money the user deposits. Signing up for a secured card is one way to build a positive credit history without any risk. The fact that millennials are leery of credit cards is probably a good thing in the long run. After all, not having a credit card is the perfect way to stay out of credit card debt. Even though it might be harder to build a credit history without credit cards, the vast majority of millennials have decided that the plastic just isn’t worth it. Available at: < my-money/2014/11/04/why-millennials-dont-like-credit-cards> In the sentence of the text “Still, there are plenty of ways millennials can build a credit history without a credit card”, the quantifier plenty of can be replaced, with no change in meaning, by
Q1197886 Noções de Informática
Quais são as opções para exibir um documento na tela do Microsoft Word? 
Q1197847 Português
O substantivo coletivo de “cães” é 
Q1197823 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios
Quais são as siglas dos estados: MINAS GERAIS – PARANÁ, SERGIPE e RONDONIA. 
Q1197684 Noções de Informática
No Microsoft Word, temos como opção de alinhamento: 
Q1197607 Redação Oficial
Ao redigirmos uma correspondência ao Governador do Estado devemos utilizar como pronome de tratamento 
Q1197598 Direito Tributário
São impostos de competência dos Municípios sobre 
Ano: 2014 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Banco do Brasil
Q1197254 Administração Geral
Um importante aspecto do planejamento tático no segmento bancário é o mix de marketing, composto por:
Ano: 2008 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Banco do Brasil
Q1195572 Atendimento ao Público
Acerca da etiqueta empresarial, julgue o item subseqüente.
Os diversos aspectos da etiqueta empresarial são universais e constantes.
Ano: 2008 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Banco do Brasil
Q1195486 Atendimento ao Público
Acerca da etiqueta empresarial, julgue o item subseqüente.
Com o objetivo de superar as expectativas de seu interlocutor, em uma conversa telefônica desenvolvida no ambiente de trabalho, o funcionário deve prestar todas as informações de forma detalhada, abrangendo todas as dimensões do assunto, inclusive aquelas não solicitadas.
Ano: 2008 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Banco do Brasil
Q1193877 Conhecimentos Bancários
A Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM), autarquia vinculada ao Ministério da Fazenda, instituída pela Lei n.º 6.385/1976, é um órgão normativo do SFN voltado para o desenvolvimento, a disciplina e a fiscalização do mercado mobiliário. Com relação à CVM, julgue o item subseqüente.
Promover a expansão e o funcionamento eficiente e regular do mercado de ações e estimular as aplicações permanentes em ações do capital social das companhias abertas são funções da CVM.
Ano: 2008 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Banco do Brasil
Q1193868 Conhecimentos Bancários
O Comitê de Política Monetária (COPOM) do BACEN tem como objetivos estabelecer as diretrizes da política monetária e definir a taxa de juros. A criação desse comitê buscou proporcionar maior transparência e ritual adequado ao processo decisório da instituição. No que se refere ao COPOM, julgue o próximo item.
Desde a adoção da sistemática de metas para a inflação como diretriz de política monetária, as decisões do COPOM passaram a ter como objetivo cumprir as metas para a inflação definidas pelo CMN. Se as metas não forem atingidas, cabe ao presidente do BACEN divulgar, em carta aberta ao ministro da Fazenda, os motivos do descumprimento, bem como as providências e o prazo para retorno da taxa de inflação aos limites estabelecidos.
Ano: 2008 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Banco do Brasil
Q1193853 Conhecimentos Bancários
O Comitê de Política Monetária (COPOM) do BACEN tem como objetivos estabelecer as diretrizes da política monetária e definir a taxa de juros. A criação desse comitê buscou proporcionar maior transparência e ritual adequado ao processo decisório da instituição. No que se refere ao COPOM, julgue o próximo item.
É objetivo do COPOM implementar as políticas econômica e tributária do governo federal.
Ano: 2018 Banca: FCC Órgão: BANRISUL
Q1193462 Direito Financeiro
O gerenciamento do meio circulante para garantir, à população, o fornecimento adequado de dinheiro em espécie é competência
Ano: 2018 Banca: FCC Órgão: BANRISUL
Q1193371 Direito Financeiro
Como parte da missão de assegurar que o sistema financeiro seja sólido e eficiente, a autorização para funcionamento de instituições financeiras controladas por capitais nacionais é concedida
Ano: 2018 Banca: FCC Órgão: BANRISUL
Q1193361 Direito Financeiro
No âmbito do Sistema Financeiro Nacional, a atribuição da coordenação da Dívida Pública Federal externa e interna é
Ano: 2005 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: BRB
Q1193164 Contabilidade Geral
A elaboração de índices é fundamental para a interpretação das demonstrações contábeis. Acerca desse assunto, julgue os próximos itens.  O índice de liquidez geral considera as ações de outras companhias classificadas no ativo permanente — investimentos. 

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