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Q2238436 Português

Divórcio da Alma

Por Mario Corso

(Disponível em: – texto adaptado especialmente para esta prova).

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta adjetivo que NÃO poderia caracterizar a alma do autor, de acordo com as descrições que ele faz dela ao longo do texto.
Q2238435 Português

Divórcio da Alma

Por Mario Corso

(Disponível em: – texto adaptado especialmente para esta prova).

Considerando o exposto pelo texto, analise as assertivas a seguir:
I. O autor constrói uma narrativa ficcional para causar humor ao abordar o tema dos dilemas interiores.
II. O texto foi escrito empregando linguagem informal e alguns desvios da norma padrão.
III. Sem sua alma, o autor transformou-se em um desalmado e deixou de se preocupar com questões espirituais, tornando-se um ser mau.

Quais estão corretas?
Q2188982 Inglês
“A lesson plan is a set of notes that helps us think through what we are going to teach and how we are going to teach. It also guides us during and after the lesson. We can identify the most important components of a lesson plan by thinking carefully about what we want our learners to do and how we want them to do it. So, it helps the teacher before the lesson (writing down the aims and procedures for each stage of the lesson), during the lesson (timing each stage) and after the lesson (using the plan and notes to help plan the next lesson)”.
(THORNBURY, 2005, p. 91-92)
Considering Thornbury’s (a very famous applied linguistics in the early 2000s) quotation, put the numbers 1 – 5 in the correct place in the following lesson plan:  Imagem associada para resolução da questão

1. To enable students to use past tenses accurately and put events in order in simple narratives.
2. Students listen to the model story, then, in groups, plan and write their own stories.
3. Use gestures to remind students to use past tenses.
4. To follow on from work on past tenses and to prepare for the storytelling project.
5. To make sure that board writing is clear and readable.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.
Q2188981 Inglês
“Communicative activities are classroom activities designed to get learners to speak and listen to one another. We normally communicate when one of us has information (facts, opinions, ideas, etc.) that another does not have. This is known as an ‘information gap’. The aim of a communicative activity in class is to get learners to use the language they are learning to interact in realistic and meaningful ways, usually involving exchanges of information”. 
(SCRIVINER, 2003, p. 62)

Consider the definition above, choose the item that is a proposal for a communicative activity.
Q2188980 Inglês
Read the quote about error to get familiarized with the topic.
“Mistakes are often divided into errors and slips. Errors happen when learners try to say something that is beyond their current level of language processing. Usually, learners cannot correct errors themselves because they don’t understand what is wrong. Errors play a necessary and important part in language learning. Slips are the result of tiredness, worry or other temporary emotions or circumstances. These kinds of mistakes can be corrected by learners once they realize they have made them.”
Judge the items below as (T) True or (F) False.
1. There are two main reasons why learners make errors. The first reason is influence from the learner’s first language (L1) on the second language. This is called interference or transfer. Learners may use sound patterns, lexis or grammatical structures from their own language in English. The second reason is because they are unconsciously working out or organizing language, but this process is not yet complete. This kind of error is called a developmental error.
2. Errors in which learners wrongly apply a rule for one item of the language to another item are known as overgeneralization, and as a second language learners’ language ability increases, these kinds of errors also reduce.
3. Errors are part of learner’s interlanguage, which develops and progresses as they learn more. Experts think that interlanguage is an essential and unavoidable stage in language learning. In other words, interlanguage and errors are necessary to language learning.
4. Errors are a natural part of learning. They usually show that learners are learning and that their internal mental processes are working on experimenting with language.
5. Sometimes errors do not disappear, but get fossilized. These fossilized errors may be the result of lack of exposure to the second language and/or of a learner’s lack of motivation to improve their level of accuracy.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.
166: E
167: C
168: D
169: E
170: D