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Q2507435 Redação Oficial
Analise a linguagem e o formato do exemplo abaixo e assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao nome do documento.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q2507433 Português
Em qual das frases abaixo o tempo e o modo verbal estão empregados corretamente?
Q2507432 Português
Sobre as normas gramaticais da Língua Portuguesa, analise as assertivas abaixo:

I. As palavras “recém-casado” e “mal-sucedido” estão corretas quanto à utilização do hífen.
II. O acento gráfico em “pé” se dá pela regra das oxítonas.
III. A palavra “íris” é acentuada conforma a regra das paroxítonas.

Quais estão corretas?
Q2507431 Português
Leia o trecho a seguir, retirado do texto, e assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma análise correta sobre a estrutura morfossintática do período e o emprego das classes das palavras.

“O bairro Moinhos, onde a casa está localizada, era habitado, em sua maioria, por trabalhadores de baixa renda, como Odila. ___ ruas eram, inicialmente, cobertas com paralelepípedos, acentuando o ar bucólico do local. As casas eram cercadas por pequenos jardins de grama verde e baixa e, nos últimos anos, a prefeitura asfaltou algumas ruas do local. Elizandro disse ter uma relação especial com a vizinhança: ‘Ajudei a construir metade dessa vila’, contou com a voz embargada”.
Q2507430 Português
Qual das alternativas abaixo apresenta uma frase com a correta colocação do pronome átono?
Q2507429 Português
Leia o trecho a seguir, retirado do texto, e assinale a alternativa que apresenta a melhor reorganização da estrutura de orações e períodos.

“A casa onde criou a família levou décadas para ficar como ela queria. ‘Nós tínhamos uma casinha velha, de madeira, que ganhamos da Prefeitura. Nós fomos construindo. Juntamos uns troquinhos daqui e dali e fizemos uma parte da casa, em alvenaria’, contou. ‘A gente foi botando telhado. O piso, fomos pagando em prestações. Por último Imagem associada para resolução da questão foi feita uma área numa parte para fora, com churrasqueira’, e assim Odila ia descrevendo a casa”. 
Q2507428 Português
Na frase “O bairro já havia sido severamente atingido pela enchente de setembro do ano passado”, retirada do texto, se o termo sublinhado fosse flexionado em sua forma no plural, quantas outras alterações seriam necessárias para manter a correta concordância verbo-nominal?
Q2507427 Português
A expressão “uns troquinhos” (l. 08) poderia ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, pela expressão:
Q2507426 Português
Leia o trecho a seguir, retirado do texto, e assinale a alternativa que apresenta a reescrita correta, mantendo o sentido original e aplicando as normas gramaticais.

“Odila tem pouco mais de um metro e meio de altura e o cabelo liso e grisalho, preso para trás. O corpo parece frágil, num contraste com as mãos, grossas e fortes da vida na roça nos tempos da juventude. Ela diz viver com a pensão equivalente a pouco mais de um salário mínimo, advinda da morte do marido, há 21 anos”.
Q2507425 Português
Os símbolos das linhas 05, 10 e 21 podem ser substituídos, respectivamente, por quais sinais de pontuação? 
Q2507424 Português
Em relação ao acento indicativo de crase, assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas tracejadas das linhas 05, 13 e 28.
Q2507423 Português
Analise as assertivas a seguir, de acordo com o texto:

I. O pronome “eles” (l. 24) retoma a palavra “caminhão” (l. 23).
II. A expressão “A gente” (l. 09) pode indicar um vício de linguagem.
III. Ao falar “meter o pé”, Odila deu a entender que era preciso sair do seu bairro o mais rápido possível.

Quais estão corretas?
Q2507422 Português
A partir da leitura do texto, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q2467077 Inglês
        Global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions rose less strongly in 2023 than the year before, even as total energy demand growth accelerated, with continued expansion of solar photovoltaic (PV), wind, nuclear power and electric cars helping the world avoid greater use of fossil fuels. Without clean energy technologies, the global increase in CO2 emissions in the past five years would have been three times greater, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in one of its reports.
        Emissions increased by 410-million tons, or 1.1%, in 2023, compared with a 490-million-tonne increase in 2022, taking emissions to a record level of 37.4-billion tons. Specifically, an exceptional shortfall in hydropower owing to extreme droughts in China, the US and several other economies resulted in more than 40% of the rise in emissions in 2023, as countries turned largely to fossil fuel alternatives to plug the gap.
         “Had it not been for the unusually low hydropower output, global CO2 emissions from electricity generation would have declined in 2023 and made the overall rise in energy-related emissions significantly smaller,” the report pointed out. Additionally, advanced economies saw a record fall in their CO2 emissions in 2023 even as their gross domestic product (GDP) grew. Advanced economies’ emissions dropped to a 50-year low while coal demand fell back to levels not seen since the early 1900s. The decline in advanced economies’ emissions was driven by a combination of strong renewables deployment, coal-to-gas switching, energy efficiency improvements and softer industrial production.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

According to the text, judge the following statement. 

Without the impact of low hydropower output, global CO2 emissions from electricity generation would have decreased in 2023, making the overall rise in energy-related emissions significantly smaller.

Q2467076 Inglês
        Global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions rose less strongly in 2023 than the year before, even as total energy demand growth accelerated, with continued expansion of solar photovoltaic (PV), wind, nuclear power and electric cars helping the world avoid greater use of fossil fuels. Without clean energy technologies, the global increase in CO2 emissions in the past five years would have been three times greater, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in one of its reports.
        Emissions increased by 410-million tons, or 1.1%, in 2023, compared with a 490-million-tonne increase in 2022, taking emissions to a record level of 37.4-billion tons. Specifically, an exceptional shortfall in hydropower owing to extreme droughts in China, the US and several other economies resulted in more than 40% of the rise in emissions in 2023, as countries turned largely to fossil fuel alternatives to plug the gap.
         “Had it not been for the unusually low hydropower output, global CO2 emissions from electricity generation would have declined in 2023 and made the overall rise in energy-related emissions significantly smaller,” the report pointed out. Additionally, advanced economies saw a record fall in their CO2 emissions in 2023 even as their gross domestic product (GDP) grew. Advanced economies’ emissions dropped to a 50-year low while coal demand fell back to levels not seen since the early 1900s. The decline in advanced economies’ emissions was driven by a combination of strong renewables deployment, coal-to-gas switching, energy efficiency improvements and softer industrial production.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

According to the text, judge the following statement. 

Global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions increased by a smaller percentage in 2023 compared to 2022.

Q2467075 Inglês
        Global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions rose less strongly in 2023 than the year before, even as total energy demand growth accelerated, with continued expansion of solar photovoltaic (PV), wind, nuclear power and electric cars helping the world avoid greater use of fossil fuels. Without clean energy technologies, the global increase in CO2 emissions in the past five years would have been three times greater, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in one of its reports.
        Emissions increased by 410-million tons, or 1.1%, in 2023, compared with a 490-million-tonne increase in 2022, taking emissions to a record level of 37.4-billion tons. Specifically, an exceptional shortfall in hydropower owing to extreme droughts in China, the US and several other economies resulted in more than 40% of the rise in emissions in 2023, as countries turned largely to fossil fuel alternatives to plug the gap.
         “Had it not been for the unusually low hydropower output, global CO2 emissions from electricity generation would have declined in 2023 and made the overall rise in energy-related emissions significantly smaller,” the report pointed out. Additionally, advanced economies saw a record fall in their CO2 emissions in 2023 even as their gross domestic product (GDP) grew. Advanced economies’ emissions dropped to a 50-year low while coal demand fell back to levels not seen since the early 1900s. The decline in advanced economies’ emissions was driven by a combination of strong renewables deployment, coal-to-gas switching, energy efficiency improvements and softer industrial production.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

According to the text, judge the following statement. 

The text mentions up to five different sources of energy, whether they are renewable or not. 

Q2467074 Inglês
        Global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions rose less strongly in 2023 than the year before, even as total energy demand growth accelerated, with continued expansion of solar photovoltaic (PV), wind, nuclear power and electric cars helping the world avoid greater use of fossil fuels. Without clean energy technologies, the global increase in CO2 emissions in the past five years would have been three times greater, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in one of its reports.
        Emissions increased by 410-million tons, or 1.1%, in 2023, compared with a 490-million-tonne increase in 2022, taking emissions to a record level of 37.4-billion tons. Specifically, an exceptional shortfall in hydropower owing to extreme droughts in China, the US and several other economies resulted in more than 40% of the rise in emissions in 2023, as countries turned largely to fossil fuel alternatives to plug the gap.
         “Had it not been for the unusually low hydropower output, global CO2 emissions from electricity generation would have declined in 2023 and made the overall rise in energy-related emissions significantly smaller,” the report pointed out. Additionally, advanced economies saw a record fall in their CO2 emissions in 2023 even as their gross domestic product (GDP) grew. Advanced economies’ emissions dropped to a 50-year low while coal demand fell back to levels not seen since the early 1900s. The decline in advanced economies’ emissions was driven by a combination of strong renewables deployment, coal-to-gas switching, energy efficiency improvements and softer industrial production.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

According to the text, judge the following statement. 

The words ‘shortfall’ and ‘rise’ (in the 2nd paragraph) and ‘declined’ and ‘dropped’ (in the 3rd paragraph) convey the idea of a decrease or reduction in quantity or level.

Q2467073 Direito Administrativo

Julgue o item que se segue, referente aos papéis desempenhados em uma contratação e ao disposto na Lei n.º 14.133/2021. 

A assistência de terceiros contratados para subsidiar a equipe de fiscalização do contrato eximirá de responsabilidade o fiscal do contrato, nos limites das informações recebidas do terceiro contratado. 

Q2467072 Direito Administrativo

Julgue o item que se segue, referente aos papéis desempenhados em uma contratação e ao disposto na Lei n.º 14.133/2021. 

Cabe ao fiscal do contrato autorizar o faturamento com base nas informações produzidas no termo de recebimento definitivo (TRD), que, ao término desta etapa, deve ser encaminhado ao preposto da contratada. 

Q2467071 Direito Administrativo

Julgue o item que se segue, referente aos papéis desempenhados em uma contratação e ao disposto na Lei n.º 14.133/2021. 

O projeto básico é o documento executado como parte da primeira etapa do planejamento da contratação, com o propósito de validar ou refutar a viabilidade da contratação.

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