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Q747156 Raciocínio Lógico
Quando um teorema na Matemática afirma que um fato A é verdade se, e somente se, um fato B é verdade, pode-se entender corretamente que:  
Q736491 Direito Administrativo
Cremilda Apolinário Bezerra, servidora federal efetiva do Ministério da Fazenda, ocupa cargo de comissão na organização administrativa do órgão. No exercício de suas atividades possui várias informações sigilosas e relevantes para a Administração Pública Federal. Pretendendo agradar amigos, Cremilda revela importante segredo do qual se apropriou em razão do cargo. Dentro do regime disciplinar ao qual está submetido o servidor público federal, Cremilda é processada administrativamente e considerada, ao final do trânsito em julgado, responsável e culpada. Diante das punições administrativas previstas na lei 8.112/90, independente de outras providências que poderão ser tomadas do ponto de vista civil e criminal, Cremilda deverá ser punida com
Q736490 Direito Administrativo
Pela lei 8.112/90, é contado para todos os efeitos o tempo de serviço público federal, inclusive o prestado às Forças Armadas. A apuração do tempo de serviço será feita em dias, que serão convertidos em anos, considerado o ano como de trezentos e sessenta e cinco dias. Felismino Custódio Praça, servidor público, afastou-se do serviço público federal e exerceu por 8 anos cargo em comissão em Município brasileiro, retornando, posteriormente à suas atividades no âmbito federal. sobre o tempo de afastamento de Felismino, é CORRETO afirmar que:
Q736488 Direito Administrativo
O direito de petição do servidor público federal está resguardado pela lei 8.112/90. É assegurado ao servidor o direito de requerer aos Poderes Públicos, em defesa de direito ou interesse legítimo, sendo cabível pedido de reconsideração à autoridade que houver expedido o ato ou proferido a primeira decisão, não podendo ser renovado. Do indeferimento do pedido de reconsideração pode ser interposto Recurso. Diante desta afirmação, é INCORRETO afirmar que:
Q736487 Direito Administrativo
A lei 8.112/90 regula os adicionais a que os servidores público federais fazem jus. Com relação a estes adicionais, é INCORRETO dizer que:
Q736486 Português

Leia o texto que se segue e responda à questão.
A frase em que as regras de concordância NÃO estão plenamente respeitadas é:
Q736485 Português

Leia o texto que se segue e responda à questão.
Não é, porém, o aspecto eleitoral que me interessa aqui, mas a questão mais substantiva de definir se a imigração é boa para o país (linhas 10 e 11). Os elementos grifados remetem, respectivamente, à ideia de
Q736484 Português

Leia o texto que se segue e responda à questão.
A substituição do elemento grifado pelo pronome correspondente, com os necessários ajustes, foi realizada de modo INCORRETO em:
Q736483 Português

Leia o texto que se segue e responda à questão.
Mas, mesmo que nada disso fosse verdade... (linha 20). O verbo empregado nos mesmos tempo e modo que o grifado na frase acima está em:
Q736481 Português

Leia o texto que se segue e responda à questão.
... definir se a imigração é boa para o país (linhas 10 e 11). O verbo que exige o mesmo tipo de complemento que o grifado acima está empregado em:
Q736480 Português

Leia o texto que se segue e responda à questão.
Também é falsa a ideia de que imigrantes drenam recursos do “welfare state” (linhas 15 e 16). A expressão assinalada foi empregada em sentido figurado. Um segmento do texto em que se nota também sentido figurado é:
Q736479 Português

Leia o texto que se segue e responda à questão.
Considerando-se o contexto de produção e o veículo no qual foi publicado, pode-se afirmar que o texto lido pertence ao gênero:
Q736478 Português

Leia o texto que se segue e responda à questão.
Ao utilizar a frase de Friedrich Schiller “Contra a estupidez lutam os próprios deuses em vão” (linha 01), o autor do texto pretende:
Q736477 Português

Leia o texto que se segue e responda à questão.
Com base no texto lido, é CORRETO afirmar:
Q466033 Inglês
Computers are used to control a wide range of systems from simple domestic machines, through games controllers, to entire manufacturing plants. These computers interact directly with hardware devices. Their software must react to events generated by the hardware and, often, issue control signals in response to these events. These signals result in an action, such as the initiation of a phone call, the movement of a character on the screen, the opening of a valve, or the display of the system status. The software in these systems is embedded in system hardware, often in read-only memory, and usually responds, in real time, to events from the system’s environment. By real time, I mean that the software system has a deadline for responding to external events. If this deadline is missed, then the overall hardware-software system will not operate correctly.

Embedded software is very important economically because almost every electrical device now includes software. There are therefore many more embedded software systems than other types of software system. If you look around your house you may have three or four personal computers. But you probably have 20 or 30 embedded systems, such as systems in phones, cookers, microwaves etc

Responsiveness in real time is the critical difference between embedded systems and other software systems, such as information systems, web-based systems, or personal software systems, whose main purpose is data processing. For non-real- time systems, the correctness of a system can be defined by specifying how system inputs map to corresponding outputs that should be produced by the system. In response to an input, a corresponding output should be generated by the system and, often, some data should be stored. For example, if you choose a create command in a patient information system, then the correct system response is to create a new patient record in a database, and to confirm that this has been done. Within reasonable limits, it does not matter how long this takes.

However, in a real-time system, the correctness depends both on the response to an input and the time taken to generate that response. If the system takes too long to respond, then the required response may be ineffective. For example, if embedded software controlling a car braking system is too slow, then an accident may occur because it is impossible to stop the car in time.

(Extraído de: Software Engineering, I. Sommerville, 9th Edition, 2011, pg. 538.)

Na frase “Within reasonable limits, it does not matter how long this takes.”, o termo reasonable, no contexto, tem o significado de
Q466032 Inglês
Computers are used to control a wide range of systems from simple domestic machines, through games controllers, to entire manufacturing plants. These computers interact directly with hardware devices. Their software must react to events generated by the hardware and, often, issue control signals in response to these events. These signals result in an action, such as the initiation of a phone call, the movement of a character on the screen, the opening of a valve, or the display of the system status. The software in these systems is embedded in system hardware, often in read-only memory, and usually responds, in real time, to events from the system’s environment. By real time, I mean that the software system has a deadline for responding to external events. If this deadline is missed, then the overall hardware-software system will not operate correctly.

Embedded software is very important economically because almost every electrical device now includes software. There are therefore many more embedded software systems than other types of software system. If you look around your house you may have three or four personal computers. But you probably have 20 or 30 embedded systems, such as systems in phones, cookers, microwaves etc

Responsiveness in real time is the critical difference between embedded systems and other software systems, such as information systems, web-based systems, or personal software systems, whose main purpose is data processing. For non-real- time systems, the correctness of a system can be defined by specifying how system inputs map to corresponding outputs that should be produced by the system. In response to an input, a corresponding output should be generated by the system and, often, some data should be stored. For example, if you choose a create command in a patient information system, then the correct system response is to create a new patient record in a database, and to confirm that this has been done. Within reasonable limits, it does not matter how long this takes.

However, in a real-time system, the correctness depends both on the response to an input and the time taken to generate that response. If the system takes too long to respond, then the required response may be ineffective. For example, if embedded software controlling a car braking system is too slow, then an accident may occur because it is impossible to stop the car in time.

(Extraído de: Software Engineering, I. Sommerville, 9th Edition, 2011, pg. 538.)

De acordo com o texto, em um sistema de tempo real, a exatidão depende
Q466031 Inglês
Computers are used to control a wide range of systems from simple domestic machines, through games controllers, to entire manufacturing plants. These computers interact directly with hardware devices. Their software must react to events generated by the hardware and, often, issue control signals in response to these events. These signals result in an action, such as the initiation of a phone call, the movement of a character on the screen, the opening of a valve, or the display of the system status. The software in these systems is embedded in system hardware, often in read-only memory, and usually responds, in real time, to events from the system’s environment. By real time, I mean that the software system has a deadline for responding to external events. If this deadline is missed, then the overall hardware-software system will not operate correctly.

Embedded software is very important economically because almost every electrical device now includes software. There are therefore many more embedded software systems than other types of software system. If you look around your house you may have three or four personal computers. But you probably have 20 or 30 embedded systems, such as systems in phones, cookers, microwaves etc

Responsiveness in real time is the critical difference between embedded systems and other software systems, such as information systems, web-based systems, or personal software systems, whose main purpose is data processing. For non-real- time systems, the correctness of a system can be defined by specifying how system inputs map to corresponding outputs that should be produced by the system. In response to an input, a corresponding output should be generated by the system and, often, some data should be stored. For example, if you choose a create command in a patient information system, then the correct system response is to create a new patient record in a database, and to confirm that this has been done. Within reasonable limits, it does not matter how long this takes.

However, in a real-time system, the correctness depends both on the response to an input and the time taken to generate that response. If the system takes too long to respond, then the required response may be ineffective. For example, if embedded software controlling a car braking system is too slow, then an accident may occur because it is impossible to stop the car in time.

(Extraído de: Software Engineering, I. Sommerville, 9th Edition, 2011, pg. 538.)

Pode-se afirmar que o tipo de software mencionado no texto é
Q466030 Inglês

A Capacity Management Information System or CMIS is a collection of IT infrastructure usage, capacity and performance information that has been gathered in a consistent manner and stored in one or more databases. It is the single book of record for all usage, capacity, and performance data, complete with associated business, application and service statistics. Any IT staffer needing access to capacity management data can potentially use a CMIS.

IT service management processes frequently accessing CMIS data are:

• Capacity planning
• Performance management
• Service level management
• Help/Service desk
• Incident management

•  Problem management

•  Configuration management

(Extraído de:…/ whitepaper /)

Na frase “Any IT staffer needing access to capacity management data can potentially use a CMIS" o termo staffer, no contexto, tem o significado de

Q466029 Inglês

A Capacity Management Information System or CMIS is a collection of IT infrastructure usage, capacity and performance information that has been gathered in a consistent manner and stored in one or more databases. It is the single book of record for all usage, capacity, and performance data, complete with associated business, application and service statistics. Any IT staffer needing access to capacity management data can potentially use a CMIS.

IT service management processes frequently accessing CMIS data are:

• Capacity planning
• Performance management
• Service level management
• Help/Service desk
• Incident management

•  Problem management

•  Configuration management

(Extraído de:…/ whitepaper /)

De acordo com o texto, um CMIS é uma coleção de informações de uso, capacidade e desempenho de infraestrutura de TI que tem sido

961: D
962: E
963: D
964: B
965: B
966: A
967: E
968: A
969: A
970: C
971: D
972: D
973: C
974: A
975: B
976: E
977: B
978: C
979: D
980: A