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Q3183698 Inglês
        Augmented reality is enhancing the patient experience in dental procedures. Dentists can now use AR technology to create interactive and immersive simulations of dental treatments. Patients can visualize the entire process, from tooth restoration to orthodontic adjustments, before the actual procedure takes place. This not only alleviates anxiety but also allows patients to make informed decisions about their dental care. By incorporating AR into their practices, dentists enhance communication, build trust, and ensure a more comfortable experience for their patients.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on the text and general knowledge, judge the following item.

The word “their” in “By incorporating AR into their practices” is an object pronoun and indicates that the practices belong to the dentists.

Q3183697 Inglês
        Augmented reality is enhancing the patient experience in dental procedures. Dentists can now use AR technology to create interactive and immersive simulations of dental treatments. Patients can visualize the entire process, from tooth restoration to orthodontic adjustments, before the actual procedure takes place. This not only alleviates anxiety but also allows patients to make informed decisions about their dental care. By incorporating AR into their practices, dentists enhance communication, build trust, and ensure a more comfortable experience for their patients.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on the text and general knowledge, judge the following item.

The adjective “comfortable” in “ensure a more comfortable experience” is in the superlative form.

Q3183696 Inglês
        Augmented reality is enhancing the patient experience in dental procedures. Dentists can now use AR technology to create interactive and immersive simulations of dental treatments. Patients can visualize the entire process, from tooth restoration to orthodontic adjustments, before the actual procedure takes place. This not only alleviates anxiety but also allows patients to make informed decisions about their dental care. By incorporating AR into their practices, dentists enhance communication, build trust, and ensure a more comfortable experience for their patients.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on the text and general knowledge, judge the following item.

The use of the phrase “not only... but also” indicates a correlative conjunction, connecting two related clauses.

Q3183695 Inglês

        Imagine a world where dental crowns, bridges, and even braces can be custom‑made within hours. This vision is now a reality, thanks to 3D printing technology. Dentists in Robstown and around the globe are utilizing 3D printers to create precise and tailored dental prosthetics. By using digital impressions, dentists can design prosthetics that perfectly match the patient’s oral anatomy. This not only reduces production time but also enhances the overall quality and fit of the dental devices.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on the text and general knowledge, judge the following item.

The use of 3D printing technology in dentistry increases production time and reduces the quality of dental devices. 

Q3183694 Inglês

        Imagine a world where dental crowns, bridges, and even braces can be custom‑made within hours. This vision is now a reality, thanks to 3D printing technology. Dentists in Robstown and around the globe are utilizing 3D printers to create precise and tailored dental prosthetics. By using digital impressions, dentists can design prosthetics that perfectly match the patient’s oral anatomy. This not only reduces production time but also enhances the overall quality and fit of the dental devices.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on the text and general knowledge, judge the following item.

The innovations in dental technology have led to significant improvements in the quality and fit of dental devices.

Q3183693 Inglês
        Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing diagnostics in dentistry. With the power of AI algorithms, dental specialists can analyze complex data sets, such as X‑rays and patient records, to identify patterns and detect abnormalities. This technology enables early detection of oral diseases, leading to more effective and timely treatments. AI‑driven diagnostic tools not only enhance the accuracy of diagnoses but also streamline the decision‑making process for dental professionals.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on the text and general knowledge, judge the following item.

The use of the present continuous tense in “is revolutionizing” indicates that the process of revolutionizing diagnostics is not currently happening but is a completed action.

Q3183692 Inglês
        Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing diagnostics in dentistry. With the power of AI algorithms, dental specialists can analyze complex data sets, such as X‑rays and patient records, to identify patterns and detect abnormalities. This technology enables early detection of oral diseases, leading to more effective and timely treatments. AI‑driven diagnostic tools not only enhance the accuracy of diagnoses but also streamline the decision‑making process for dental professionals.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on the text and general knowledge, judge the following item.

The infinitive “to identify” in “to identify patterns and detect abnormalities” suggests purpose, showing what AI algorithms can do.

Q3183691 Inglês
        Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing diagnostics in dentistry. With the power of AI algorithms, dental specialists can analyze complex data sets, such as X‑rays and patient records, to identify patterns and detect abnormalities. This technology enables early detection of oral diseases, leading to more effective and timely treatments. AI‑driven diagnostic tools not only enhance the accuracy of diagnoses but also streamline the decision‑making process for dental professionals.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on the text and general knowledge, judge the following item.

The phrase “leading to more effective and timely treatments” suggests that the use of AI contributes to better treatment outcomes, emphasizing its positive impact. 

Q3183690 Inglês
        Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing diagnostics in dentistry. With the power of AI algorithms, dental specialists can analyze complex data sets, such as X‑rays and patient records, to identify patterns and detect abnormalities. This technology enables early detection of oral diseases, leading to more effective and timely treatments. AI‑driven diagnostic tools not only enhance the accuracy of diagnoses but also streamline the decision‑making process for dental professionals.

Internet:<>  (adapted).

Based on the text and general knowledge, judge the following item.

The text states that artificial intelligence is transforming diagnostics in dentistry by allowing specialists to analyze complex data sets.

Q3183689 Atualidades

Acerca do cenário atual que envolve novas tecnologias e inovações, julgue o item a seguir.

O investimento de bilhões nos carros elétricos envolve uma nova tecnologia de bateria sólida, que pode triplicar a autonomia dos veículos, mas o maior problema é que as reservas de lítio estão concentradas nos países subdesenvolvidos e com governos totalitários.

Q3183688 Atualidades

Acerca do cenário atual que envolve novas tecnologias e inovações, julgue o item a seguir.

O TikTok, plataforma de mídia social de propriedade da gigante chinesa ByteDance, foi obrigado pela justiça dos EUA a lançar um software que passou a proibir as crianças de assistirem o máximo de tempo e com a maior frequência possível, aumentando, assim, a eficácia de sua moderação de conteúdo.

Q3183687 Atualidades

Acerca do cenário atual que envolve novas tecnologias e inovações, julgue o item a seguir.

A tecnologia de ponta, chamada de Domo de Ferro, responde pelo único sistema de defesa de Israel, mas tem a maior eficiência do mundo na interceptação de mísseis em diferentes altitudes e distâncias.

Q3183686 Atualidades

Acerca do cenário atual que envolve novas tecnologias e inovações, julgue o item a seguir.

Investidores, acionistas e anunciantes associados às empresas de Elon Musk foram apontados por especialistas como os maiores responsáveis pela pressão sobre o fato de a rede social X (antigo Twitter) ter voltado a funcionar no Brasil, após ter sofrido bloqueio pela justiça do País.

Q3183685 Atualidades

No que concerne aos acontecimentos recentes do conflito que envolve o território da Faixa de Gaza, julgue o item seguinte.

Após um ano de guerra, as mortes em Gaza atingiram menos de 5% da população, contudo, o número de refugiados chegou a 90% da população palestina no interior do território. 

Q3183684 Atualidades

No que concerne aos acontecimentos recentes do conflito que envolve o território da Faixa de Gaza, julgue o item seguinte.

Explosões de walkie‑talkies no Líbano causaram baixas e ferimentos a membros do movimento islamita pró‑Irã, e esse evento aumentou a tensão já existente no contexto da guerra entre palestinos e israelenses.

Q3183683 Atualidades

No que concerne aos acontecimentos recentes do conflito que envolve o território da Faixa de Gaza, julgue o item seguinte.

O plano de Benjamin Netanyahu é ocupar o Líbano e, além de destruir a milícia do Hezbollah, destituir a república democrática parlamentarista que governa o país.

Q3183682 Atualidades

No que concerne aos acontecimentos recentes do conflito que envolve o território da Faixa de Gaza, julgue o item seguinte.

A invasão terrestre massiva das tropas israelenses no sul do Líbano fez com que o Hezbollah perdesse cidades que estavam sob o controle da milícia libanesa.

Q3183681 Atualidades

No que concerne aos acontecimentos recentes do conflito que envolve o território da Faixa de Gaza, julgue o item seguinte.

Israel matou o líder maior do Hezbollah em um ataque aéreo sobre a capital libanesa, tornando o conflito entre o Hamas e Israel ainda mais agudo. 

Q3183680 Raciocínio Lógico
Gael tem um caminhão, uma escavadeira e um ônibus de brinquedo. Sabe‑se que:

• se o caminhão for vermelho, então a escavadeira será laranja.
• se a escavadeira for laranja, então o ônibus será azul.
• ou a escavadeira não é laranja, ou o ônibus não é azul.
• o caminhão é vermelho ou o ônibus é azul.

Com base nessa situação hipotética, julgue o item a seguir.

O ônibus é azul.

Q3183679 Raciocínio Lógico
Gael tem um caminhão, uma escavadeira e um ônibus de brinquedo. Sabe‑se que:

• se o caminhão for vermelho, então a escavadeira será laranja.
• se a escavadeira for laranja, então o ônibus será azul.
• ou a escavadeira não é laranja, ou o ônibus não é azul.
• o caminhão é vermelho ou o ônibus é azul.

Com base nessa situação hipotética, julgue o item a seguir.

A escavadeira é laranja.

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100: E