Questões de Concurso Para analista executivo em metrologia e qualidade - administração geral e pública

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Q499571 Inglês
                           The Office of Weights and Measures

The Office of Weights and Measures promotes uniformity in U.S. weights and measures laws, regulations, and standards to achieve equity between buyers and sellers in the marketplace. This enhances consumer confidence, enables U.S. businesses to compete fairly at home and abroad, and strengthens the U.S. economy.

OWM partners with the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM), an organization of State and local weights and measures officials and representatives of business, industry, consumer groups, and Federal agencies, to develop U.S. standards in the form of uniform laws, regulations, and methods of practice. OWM serves as the U.S. representative to the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) to bring efficiency and cost savings to U.S. manufacturers and other stakeholders doing business overseas, through the promotion of harmonized international standards and regulatory practices.

OWM ensures traceability of state weights and measures standards to the International System of Units (SI); develops procedures for legal metrology tests and inspections, and conducts training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials. OWM provides guidance on the model weights and measures laws and regulations adopted by the NCWM and coordinates the development and publication of key NCWM publications.

It is estimated that sales of products or services impacted by weights and measures laws in the United States represent approximately 50 percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product. Industry sectors potentially affected by the decisions of the NCWM include retail food sales, other retail sales, petroleum products, transportation, and chemicals.

The NIST Office of Weights and Measures analyzes weights and measures training needs, obtains input from the weights and measures community, designs and delivers training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials, measures the impact and effectiveness of training to ensure ongoing continual improvement, and consults with the weights and measures community to ensure ongoing professional development.

                                                                                (Available in:

Weights and Measures represent approximately 50 percent…" APPROXIMATELY is closest in meaning  tolaws in the US 
Q499570 Inglês
                           The Office of Weights and Measures

The Office of Weights and Measures promotes uniformity in U.S. weights and measures laws, regulations, and standards to achieve equity between buyers and sellers in the marketplace. This enhances consumer confidence, enables U.S. businesses to compete fairly at home and abroad, and strengthens the U.S. economy.

OWM partners with the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM), an organization of State and local weights and measures officials and representatives of business, industry, consumer groups, and Federal agencies, to develop U.S. standards in the form of uniform laws, regulations, and methods of practice. OWM serves as the U.S. representative to the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) to bring efficiency and cost savings to U.S. manufacturers and other stakeholders doing business overseas, through the promotion of harmonized international standards and regulatory practices.

OWM ensures traceability of state weights and measures standards to the International System of Units (SI); develops procedures for legal metrology tests and inspections, and conducts training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials. OWM provides guidance on the model weights and measures laws and regulations adopted by the NCWM and coordinates the development and publication of key NCWM publications.

It is estimated that sales of products or services impacted by weights and measures laws in the United States represent approximately 50 percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product. Industry sectors potentially affected by the decisions of the NCWM include retail food sales, other retail sales, petroleum products, transportation, and chemicals.

The NIST Office of Weights and Measures analyzes weights and measures training needs, obtains input from the weights and measures community, designs and delivers training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials, measures the impact and effectiveness of training to ensure ongoing continual improvement, and consults with the weights and measures community to ensure ongoing professional development.

                                                                                (Available in:

One of the outcomes of the OWM action is:
Q499569 Inglês
                           The Office of Weights and Measures

The Office of Weights and Measures promotes uniformity in U.S. weights and measures laws, regulations, and standards to achieve equity between buyers and sellers in the marketplace. This enhances consumer confidence, enables U.S. businesses to compete fairly at home and abroad, and strengthens the U.S. economy.

OWM partners with the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM), an organization of State and local weights and measures officials and representatives of business, industry, consumer groups, and Federal agencies, to develop U.S. standards in the form of uniform laws, regulations, and methods of practice. OWM serves as the U.S. representative to the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) to bring efficiency and cost savings to U.S. manufacturers and other stakeholders doing business overseas, through the promotion of harmonized international standards and regulatory practices.

OWM ensures traceability of state weights and measures standards to the International System of Units (SI); develops procedures for legal metrology tests and inspections, and conducts training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials. OWM provides guidance on the model weights and measures laws and regulations adopted by the NCWM and coordinates the development and publication of key NCWM publications.

It is estimated that sales of products or services impacted by weights and measures laws in the United States represent approximately 50 percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product. Industry sectors potentially affected by the decisions of the NCWM include retail food sales, other retail sales, petroleum products, transportation, and chemicals.

The NIST Office of Weights and Measures analyzes weights and measures training needs, obtains input from the weights and measures community, designs and delivers training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials, measures the impact and effectiveness of training to ensure ongoing continual improvement, and consults with the weights and measures community to ensure ongoing professional development.

                                                                                (Available in:

All of the itens fit into the same category EXCEPT:
Q499568 Inglês
                           The Office of Weights and Measures

The Office of Weights and Measures promotes uniformity in U.S. weights and measures laws, regulations, and standards to achieve equity between buyers and sellers in the marketplace. This enhances consumer confidence, enables U.S. businesses to compete fairly at home and abroad, and strengthens the U.S. economy.

OWM partners with the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM), an organization of State and local weights and measures officials and representatives of business, industry, consumer groups, and Federal agencies, to develop U.S. standards in the form of uniform laws, regulations, and methods of practice. OWM serves as the U.S. representative to the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) to bring efficiency and cost savings to U.S. manufacturers and other stakeholders doing business overseas, through the promotion of harmonized international standards and regulatory practices.

OWM ensures traceability of state weights and measures standards to the International System of Units (SI); develops procedures for legal metrology tests and inspections, and conducts training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials. OWM provides guidance on the model weights and measures laws and regulations adopted by the NCWM and coordinates the development and publication of key NCWM publications.

It is estimated that sales of products or services impacted by weights and measures laws in the United States represent approximately 50 percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product. Industry sectors potentially affected by the decisions of the NCWM include retail food sales, other retail sales, petroleum products, transportation, and chemicals.

The NIST Office of Weights and Measures analyzes weights and measures training needs, obtains input from the weights and measures community, designs and delivers training for laboratory metrologists and weights and measures officials, measures the impact and effectiveness of training to ensure ongoing continual improvement, and consults with the weights and measures community to ensure ongoing professional development.

                                                                                (Available in:

One of the OWM’ duties is to
Q499567 Português
A partir da década de 70, tendo como marco histórico a Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Meio Ambiente e diante dos problemas oriundos da degradação ambiental, iniciou-se no mundo uma crescente consciência de que seria necessária uma forma diferenciada do ser humano se relacionar com a natureza, e de gerar e distribuir riquezas.

Por outro lado, em paralelo a este movimento chamado “verde", a desigualdade social foi nas últimas décadas expandindo numa velocidade vertiginosa e com ela crescendo a exclusão social e a violência.

Em decorrência destes dois fatores deparamo-nos, na década de 90, com um novo fenômeno social, qual seja a proliferação do 3º setor: a esfera pública não-estatal. Somado a isto, ganharam força os movimentos da qualidade empresarial e dos consumidores. De agente passivo de consumo, o consumidor passa a ser agente de transformação social, por meio do exercício do seu poder de compra, uso e descarte de produtos, de sua capacidade de poder privilegiar empresas que tinham valores outros que não somente o lucro na sua visão de negócios. Assim, sociedade civil e empresas passam a estabelecer parcerias na busca de soluções, diante da convicção de que o Estado sozinho não é capaz de solucionar a todos os problemas e a responder a tantas demandas

É diante desta conjuntura que nasce o movimento da responsabilidade social. Movimento este que vem crescendo e ganhando apoio em todo o mundo, e que propõe uma aliança estratégica entre 1º, 2º e 3º setores na busca da inclusão social, da promoção da cidadania, da preservação ambiental e da sustentabilidade planetária, na qual todos os setores têm responsabilidades compartilhadas e cada um é convidado a exercer aquilo que lhe é mais peculiar, mais característico. E, para que essa aliança seja possível, a ética e a transparência são princípios fundamentais no modo de fazer negócios e de relacionar-se com todas as partes interessadas.

À sociedade civil organizada cabe papel fundamental pelo seu poder ideológico - valores, conhecimento, inventividade e capacidades de mobilização e transformação.
A responsabilidade social conclama todos os setores da sociedade a assumirem a responsabilidade pelos impactos que suas decisões geram na sociedade e meio ambiente. Nesse sentido, os setores produtivos e empresariais ganham um papel particularmente importante,
pelo impacto que geram na sociedade e seu poder econômico e sua capacidade de formular estratégias e concretizar ações.

Essa nova postura, de compartilhamento de responsabilidades, não implica, entretanto, em menor responsabilidade dos governos, ao contrário, fortalece o papel inerente ao governo de grande formulador de políticas públicas de grande alcance, visando o bem comum e a equidade social, aumentando sua responsabilidade em bem gerenciar a sua máquina, os recursos públicos e naturais na sua prestação de contas à sociedade. Além disso, pode e deve ser o grande fomentador, articulador e facilitador desse novo modelo que se configura de fazer negócios.

                                                                                                                                       (Disponível em:                            Acesso em dezembro de 2014.)

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