Questões de Vestibular Sobre inglês

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Ano: 2016 Banca: PUC - GO Órgão: PUC-GO Prova: PUC - GO - 2016 - PUC-GO - Vestibular |
Q768340 Inglês


Arandir — Posso ir?

Comissário Barros — Pode.

Arandir (recuando, com sofrida humildade) — Então, boa tarde, boa tarde.

Cunha — Um minutinho.

Arandir (incerto) — Comigo?

Cunha — Um momento.

Barros — Já prestou declarações.

Cunha (entre divertido e ameaçador) — Sei. Agora vai conversar comigo.

Aruba (baixo e veemente para Arandir) — O delegado.

Amado — Senta.

Arandir (sentindo a pressão de novo ambiente) — Mas é que eu estou com um pouquinho de pressa. (Arandir começa a ter medo. Ele próprio não sabe de quê.)

Cunha (com o riso ofegante) — Rapaz, a polícia não tem pressa.

Amado — Mas senta. (Arandir olha em torno, como um bicho apavorado. Senta-se, finalmente.)

Arandir (sem ter de quê) — Obrigado.

Barros (baixo e reverente, para o delegado) — Ele é apenas testemunha.

Cunha — Não te mete.

(Arandir ergue-se, sôfrego.)

Arandir — Posso telefonar?

Cunha — Mais tarde.

(Amado cutuca o fotógrafo.)

Amado — Bate agora! (flash estoura. Arandir toma um choque.)

Arandir — Retrato?

Amado — Nervoso, rapaz?

(Arandir senta-se, une os joelhos.)

Arandir — Absolutamente!

Cunha (lançando a pergunta como uma chicotada)

— Você é casado, rapaz?

Arandir — Não ouvi.

Cunha (num berro) — Tira a cera dos ouvidos!

Amado (inclinando-se para o rapaz) — Casado ou solteiro?

Arandir — Casado.

Cunha — Casado. Muito bem. (vira-se para Amado, com segunda intenção) O homem é casado. (para o Comissário Barros) Casado.

Barros — Eu sabia.

Arandir (com sofrida humildade) — O senhor deixa dar um telefonema rápido para minha mulher?

Cunha (rápido e incisivo) — Gosta de sua mulher, rapaz?

(Arandir, por um momento, acompanha o movimento do fotógrafo que se prepara para bater uma nova fotografia.)

Arandir — Naturalmente!

Cunha (com agressividade policial) — E não usa nada no dedo, por quê?

Arandir (atarantado) — Um dia, no banheiro, caiu. Caiu a aliança. No ralo do banheiro.

Amado — O que é que você estava fazendo na praça da Bandeira?

Arandir — Bem. Fui lá e...

Cunha (num berro) — Não gagueja, rapaz!

Arandir (falando rápido) — Fui levar uma joia.

Cunha (alto) — Joia!

Arandir — Joia. Aliás, empenhar uma joia na Caixa Econômica. (Amado e Cunha cruzam as perguntas para confundir e levar Arandir ao desespero.)

Amado — Casado há quanto tempo?

Arandir — Eu?

Cunha — Gosta de mulher, rapaz?

ARANDIR (desesperado) — Quase um ano!

Cunha (mais forte) — Gosta de mulher?

Arandir (quase chorando) — Casado há um ano. (Cunha muda de voz, sem transição. Põe a mão no joelho do rapaz.)

Cunha (caricioso e ignóbil) — Escuta. O que significa para ti. Sim, o que significa para “você” uma mulher!?

Arandir (lento e olhando em torno) — Mas eu estou preso?

Cunha (sem ouvi-lo e sempre melífluo) — Rapaz, escuta! Uma hipótese. Se aparecesse, aqui, agora, uma mulher, uma “boa”. Nua. Completamente nua. Qual seria. É uma curiosidade. Seria a tua reação? (Arandir olha, ora o Cunha, ora o Amado. Silêncio.)

(RODRIGUES, Nelson. O beijo no asfalto. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1995. p. 23-27.)

In English there are different ways to say “Completamente nua” (Text 6). Read the sentences below and choose the one or ones which has or have the same idea:

I - Someone is completely naked.

II - Someone has nothing on.

III - Someone doesn’t have anything on.

IV - Someone ran through the yard with nothing on.

The correct choice is:

Ano: 2016 Banca: PUC - GO Órgão: PUC-GO Prova: PUC - GO - 2016 - PUC-GO - Vestibular |
Q768331 Inglês


É com certa sabedoria que se diz: pelos olhos se conhece uma pessoa. Bem, há olhares de todos os tipos — dos dissimulados aos da cobiça, seja pelo vil metal ou pelo sexo.

Garimpeiro se conhece pelos olhos. Olhos de febre, que flamejam e reluzem. Há, em suas pupilas, o ouro. O brilho dourado tatua a íris. Trata-se apenas de um reflexo de sua alma e daquilo que corre em suas veias. É um vírus. A princípio, um sonho distante, mas, ao correr dos dias, torna-se uma angustiante busca. Na primeira vez que o ouro fagulha na sua frente, na bateia, toda a alma se contamina e o vírus se transforma em doença incurável.

Todos, no garimpo, têm histórias semelhantes. Têm família, filhos, empregos em suas cidades, nos distantes estados, mas, de repente, espalha-se a notícia do ouro. Então, largam tudo, vendem a roupa do corpo e lá se vão. Caçar o rastro do ouro é a sina. Nos olhos, a febre — um brilho dourado doentio. Sim, é fácil conhecer um garimpeiro.

Todos sabem que, no garimpo, não é lugar para se viver. Mas ninguém abandona o seu posto. Suor, lama, pedregulhos, pepitas douradas, cansaço — é a vida que até o diabo rejeita.

Por onde passam, o rastro da destruição. A  Amazônia é nossa. Tratores e retroescavadeiras derrubam e limpam a floresta; as dragas chegam, os rios se contaminam rapidamente de mercúrio. Quem pode mais chora menos. Na trilha do brilho dourado, nada se preserva. Ai daqueles que levantarem alguma voz... No dia seguinte, o corpo é encontrado no meio da selva, um bom prato aos bichos.

(GONÇALVES, David. Sangue verde. Joinville: Sucesso Pocket, 2014. p. 5-6. Adaptado.)

Mark the alternative which deals with the Text 5:
Ano: 2016 Banca: PUC - GO Órgão: PUC-GO Prova: PUC - GO - 2016 - PUC-GO - Vestibular |
Q768324 Inglês


Não desejei a morte de minha filha. Ou desejei? Aí é que reside a dúvida, é onde habita o nó que nada nem ninguém no mundo tem o poder de desatar. O inconsciente, desculpe-me a vulgaridade do termo, minha filha, é uma merda. Sendo autônomo, o inconsciente age por si, sem pedir licença nem se revelar. Desejei ou não a morte de minha filha, hein? Você pode responder a essa pergunta? Alguém pode? Eu não posso. Busquei na fonte a resposta e ela não veio. Como minha filha havia feito, busquei nas águas do Cristal a cura imediata para uma dor que parecia infinda. A ferida tinha sido cavada pelas águas, então elas que tratassem de cicatrizá-la. O rio recusou meu corpo, mas não a dor. Nem o aconselhamento. Pediu tempo, apenas. Permaneci plantada no barranco, juntando ao seu caudal minhas lágrimas secas. Disseram que eu tinha enlouquecido, talvez tivesse mesmo. Em diálogo profundo, as águas me fizeram compreender verdades para as quais eu nunca havia me atinado. Todo rio tem seu leito, suas margens, seu limite, toda vez que ele avança além de seu leito original provoca estragos, descalabros. O rio de nossa vida não é diferente. Ele também está sujeito a limitações intransponíveis. Existe você e você; seu campo de visão, a capacidade de administrar o próprio caudal. Tem a hora de abrir e a hora de fechar as comportas. Felicidade ou dor, a escolha é sua, depende do grau de intensidade que você der a cada coisa. Hoje posso dizer que me conheço um pouquinho, mesmo assim, perguntas continuam sem resposta.

(BARROS, Adelice da Silveira. Mesa dos inocentes. Goiânia: Kelps, 2010. p. 23.)

In Barros’s paragraph, there is a lot of emphasis on liquidity, that is, the state of being liquid. For example, tear, water, river. Read the sentences below:

I - There are lots of water lilies on the surface of river and lakes.

II - The village is famous for its spectacular waterfalls.

III - Can you tell me where the water fountain is? I am thirsty.

IV - According to authorities, the water supply for the summer will be normal.

Choose the ones which are related to this state. The best alternative is:

Ano: 2016 Banca: PUC - GO Órgão: PUC-GO Prova: PUC - GO - 2016 - PUC-GO - Vestibular |
Q768316 Inglês


                          Escalada para o inferno

Iniciava-se ali, meu estágio no inferno. A ardida solidão corroía cada passo que eu dava. Via crucis vivida aos seis anos de idade, ao sol das duas horas. Vermelhidão por todos os lados daquela rua íngreme e poeirenta. Meus olhos pediam socorro mas só encontravam uma infinitude de terra e desolação. Tentava acompanhar os passos de meu pai. E eles eram enormes. Não só os passos mas as pernas. Meus olhos olhavam duplamente: para os passos e para as pernas e não alcançavam nem um nem outro. Apenas se defrontavam com um vazio empoeirado que entrava no meu ser inteiro. Eu queria chorar mas tinha medo. Tropeçava a cada tentativa de correr para alcançar meu pai. E eu tinha medo de ter medo. E eu tinha medo de chorar. E era um sofrimento com todos os vórtices de agonia. À minha frente, até onde meus olhos conseguiram enxergar, estavam os pés e as pernas de meu pai que iam firmes subindo subindo subindo sem cessar. À minha volta eu podia ver e sentir a terra vermelha e minha vida envolta num turbilhão de desespero. Na verdade eu não sabia muito bem para onde estava indo. Eu era bestializado nos meus próprios passos. Nas minhas próprias pernas. Tinha a impressão que o ponto de chegada era aquele redemoinho em que me encontrava e que dele nunca mais sairia. Na ânsia de ir sem querer ir eu gaguejava no caminhar. E olhava com sofreguidão para os meus pés e via ainda com mais aflição que os bicos de meus sapatos novos estavam sujos daquela poeira impregnante, vasculhante, suja. Eu sempre gostei de sapatos. Eu sempre gostei de sapatos novos. Novos e luzidios. E eles estavam sujos. Cobertos de poeira. E a subida prosseguia inalterada. Tentava olhar para o alto e só conseguia ver os enormes joelhos de meu pai que dobravam num ritmo compassado. Via suas pernas e seus pés. E só. Sentia, lá no fundo, um desejo calado de dizer alguma coisa. De dizer-lhe que parasse. Que fosse mais devagar. Que me amparasse. Mas esse desejo era um calo na minha pequenina garganta que jamais seria curado. E eu prossegui ao extremo de meus limites. Tinha de acontecer: desamarrou o cadarço de meu sapato. A loucura do sol das duas horas parece ter se engraçado pelo meu desatino. Tudo ficou muito mais quente. Tudo ficou mais empoeirado e muito mais vermelho. O desatino me levou ao choro. Não sei se chorei ou se choraminguei. Só sei que dei índices de que eu precisava de meu pai. E ele atendeu. Voltou-se para mim e viu que estava pisando no cadarço. Que estava prestes a cair. Então me socorreu. Olhou-me nos olhos com a expressão casmurra. Levou suas enormes mãos aos meus pés e amarrou o cadarço firmemente com um intrincado nó. A cena me levou a um estado de cegueira anestésica tão intensa que sofri uma espécie de amnésia passageira. Estado de torpor. Quando dei por mim, já tinha chegado ao meu destino: cadeira do barbeiro. Alta, prepotente e giratória. Ele, o barbeiro, cabeça enorme, mãos enormes, enormes unhas, sorriso nos lábios dos quais surgiam grandes caninos. Ele portava enorme máquina que apontava em minha direção. E ouvi a voz do pai: pode tirar quase tudo! deixa só um pouco em cima! Ali, finalmente, para lembrar Rimbaud, ia se encerrar meu estágio no inferno.

(GONÇALVES, Aguinaldo. Das estampas. São Paulo: Nankin, 2013. p. 45-46.)

In Text 3, at the begining of the paragraph, the narrator says “Iniciava-se ali, meu estágio no inferno” and finishes it with “ia se encerrar meu estágio no inferno. Choose the best definition for the underlined words:
Ano: 2016 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: USP Prova: FUVEST - 2016 - USP - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q765704 Inglês


    A study carried out by Lauren Sherman of the University of California and her colleagues investigated how use of the “like” button in social media affects the brains of teenagers lying in body scanners.

    Thirty-two teens who had Instagram accounts were asked to lie down in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner. This let Dr. Sherman monitor their brain activity while they were perusing both their own Instagram photos and photos that they were told had been added by other teenagers in the experiment. In reality, Dr. Sherman had collected all the other photos, which included neutral images of food and friends as well as many depicting risky behaviours like drinking, smoking and drug use, from other peoples’ Instagram accounts. The researchers told participants they were viewing photographs that 50 other teenagers had already seen and endorsed with a “like” in the laboratory.

    The participants were more likely themselves to “like” photos already depicted as having been “liked” a lot than they were photos depicted with fewer previous “likes”. When she looked at the fMRI results, Dr. Sherman found that activity in the nucleus accumbens, a hub of reward circuitry in the brain, increased with the number of “likes” that a photo had.

The Economist, June 13, 2016. Adaptado.

Conforme o texto, a região do cérebro que se mostrou mais ativa, quando da análise dos resultados da ressonância, corresponde a um sistema de
Ano: 2016 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: USP Prova: FUVEST - 2016 - USP - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q765703 Inglês


    A study carried out by Lauren Sherman of the University of California and her colleagues investigated how use of the “like” button in social media affects the brains of teenagers lying in body scanners.

    Thirty-two teens who had Instagram accounts were asked to lie down in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner. This let Dr. Sherman monitor their brain activity while they were perusing both their own Instagram photos and photos that they were told had been added by other teenagers in the experiment. In reality, Dr. Sherman had collected all the other photos, which included neutral images of food and friends as well as many depicting risky behaviours like drinking, smoking and drug use, from other peoples’ Instagram accounts. The researchers told participants they were viewing photographs that 50 other teenagers had already seen and endorsed with a “like” in the laboratory.

    The participants were more likely themselves to “like” photos already depicted as having been “liked” a lot than they were photos depicted with fewer previous “likes”. When she looked at the fMRI results, Dr. Sherman found that activity in the nucleus accumbens, a hub of reward circuitry in the brain, increased with the number of “likes” that a photo had.

The Economist, June 13, 2016. Adaptado.

Segundo o texto, como resultado parcial da pesquisa, observou-se que
Ano: 2016 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: USP Prova: FUVEST - 2016 - USP - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q765702 Inglês


    Plants not only remember when you touch them, but they can also make risky decisions that are as sophisticated as those made by humans, all without brains or complex nervous systems.

    Researchers showed that when faced with the choice between a pot containing constant levels of nutrients or one with unpredictable levels, a plant will pick the mystery pot when conditions are sufficiently poor.

    In a set of experiments, Dr. Shemesh, from Tel✄Hai College in Israel, and Alex Kacelnik, from Oxford University, grew pea plants and split their roots between two pots. Both pots had the same amount of nutrients on average, but in one, the levels were constant; in the other, they varied over time. Then the researchers switched the conditions so that the average nutrients in both pots would be equally high or low, and asked: Which pot would a plant prefer?

    When nutrient levels were low, the plants laid more roots in the unpredictable pot. But when nutrients were abundant, they chose the one that always had the same amount.

The New York Times, June 30, 2016. Adaptado.

De acordo com os experimentos relatados no texto, em condições adversas, as plantas de ervilha priorizaram o crescimento de raízes nos vasos que apresentaram níveis de nutrientes
Ano: 2016 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: USP Prova: FUVEST - 2016 - USP - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q765701 Inglês


    Plants not only remember when you touch them, but they can also make risky decisions that are as sophisticated as those made by humans, all without brains or complex nervous systems.

    Researchers showed that when faced with the choice between a pot containing constant levels of nutrients or one with unpredictable levels, a plant will pick the mystery pot when conditions are sufficiently poor.

    In a set of experiments, Dr. Shemesh, from Tel✄Hai College in Israel, and Alex Kacelnik, from Oxford University, grew pea plants and split their roots between two pots. Both pots had the same amount of nutrients on average, but in one, the levels were constant; in the other, they varied over time. Then the researchers switched the conditions so that the average nutrients in both pots would be equally high or low, and asked: Which pot would a plant prefer?

    When nutrient levels were low, the plants laid more roots in the unpredictable pot. But when nutrients were abundant, they chose the one that always had the same amount.

The New York Times, June 30, 2016. Adaptado.

Conforme o texto, um dos elementos da metodologia empregada nos experimentos foi
Ano: 2016 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: USP Prova: FUVEST - 2016 - USP - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q765700 Inglês


    Plants not only remember when you touch them, but they can also make risky decisions that are as sophisticated as those made by humans, all without brains or complex nervous systems.

    Researchers showed that when faced with the choice between a pot containing constant levels of nutrients or one with unpredictable levels, a plant will pick the mystery pot when conditions are sufficiently poor.

    In a set of experiments, Dr. Shemesh, from Tel✄Hai College in Israel, and Alex Kacelnik, from Oxford University, grew pea plants and split their roots between two pots. Both pots had the same amount of nutrients on average, but in one, the levels were constant; in the other, they varied over time. Then the researchers switched the conditions so that the average nutrients in both pots would be equally high or low, and asked: Which pot would a plant prefer?

    When nutrient levels were low, the plants laid more roots in the unpredictable pot. But when nutrients were abundant, they chose the one that always had the same amount.

The New York Times, June 30, 2016. Adaptado.

Segundo uma das conclusões dos experimentos relatados no texto, as plantas de ervilha demonstraram
Ano: 2016 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2016 - CEDERJ - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q765476 Inglês

A new planet in our neighborhood - how likely is life there?

By Don Lincoln, August 24, 2016


Scientists working at the European Southern Observatory (ESO), using the La Silla telescope, claim to have discovered the closest exoplanet to Earth. Exoplanet means planets orbiting stars other than the Sun. Most of them are huge planets orbiting very near their star. The newly discovered planet, which orbits Proxima Centauri, a star within the so-called “habitable zone”, has been named Proxima b.

Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf, which is the most common type of star in the galaxy. Red dwarfs are much smaller than our Sun, and are very dim. For instance, in the visible spectrum that we use to see, Proxima Centauri gives off 0.0056% as much light as the Sun.

So what about life? Are there any chances that an alien lizard might bask in Proxima Centauri’s light or try to find shade under an alien tree? Dr. Guillem Anglada-Escudé, co-author of the research from London University, believes that “there is a reasonable expectation that this planet might be able to host life”

But this belief is not consensual as other scientists think the prospect of life is improbable. Although the temperature of the planet is thought to be such that liquid water could exist, it is unlikely that Proxima b is habitable, as the planet is subject to stellar wind pressures of more than 2000 times those experienced by Earth from the solar wind. These winds would likely blow any atmosphere away, leaving the undersurface as the only vaguely habitable location on that planet. You shouldn’t imagine, thus, a lush and verdant world, with lovely blue waters, sandy beaches and green plants.

So, what’s the bottom line? First, the discovery is extremely exciting. The existence of a nearby planet in the habitable zone will perhaps increase the interest in efforts like Project Starshot, which aims to send microprobes (instruments that apply a stable and wellfocused beam of charged particles -electrons or ions- to a sample) to Proxima Centauri. On the other hand, Proxima b is unlikely to be a haven for people trying to escape the ecological issues of Earth, so we should not view this discovery as a way to ignore our own ecosystem.

Adapted from: <> Access Oct. 2016.


claim: afirmar; dwarf: anão; dim: opaco; give off: emitir; lizard: lagarto; bask: aquecer-se; belief: crença; wind: vento; undersurface: camada inferior; lush: viçoso; bottom line: aspecto fundamental; aim: visar/ter por objetivo; sample: amostra; haven: refúgio.

Read the text again and answer question

What adjective, used in the text, conveys the same meaning as ‘improbable’ in the sentence “[...] scientists think the prospect of life is improbable.” (paragraph 4)?

Ano: 2016 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2016 - CEDERJ - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q765475 Inglês

A new planet in our neighborhood - how likely is life there?

By Don Lincoln, August 24, 2016


Scientists working at the European Southern Observatory (ESO), using the La Silla telescope, claim to have discovered the closest exoplanet to Earth. Exoplanet means planets orbiting stars other than the Sun. Most of them are huge planets orbiting very near their star. The newly discovered planet, which orbits Proxima Centauri, a star within the so-called “habitable zone”, has been named Proxima b.

Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf, which is the most common type of star in the galaxy. Red dwarfs are much smaller than our Sun, and are very dim. For instance, in the visible spectrum that we use to see, Proxima Centauri gives off 0.0056% as much light as the Sun.

So what about life? Are there any chances that an alien lizard might bask in Proxima Centauri’s light or try to find shade under an alien tree? Dr. Guillem Anglada-Escudé, co-author of the research from London University, believes that “there is a reasonable expectation that this planet might be able to host life”

But this belief is not consensual as other scientists think the prospect of life is improbable. Although the temperature of the planet is thought to be such that liquid water could exist, it is unlikely that Proxima b is habitable, as the planet is subject to stellar wind pressures of more than 2000 times those experienced by Earth from the solar wind. These winds would likely blow any atmosphere away, leaving the undersurface as the only vaguely habitable location on that planet. You shouldn’t imagine, thus, a lush and verdant world, with lovely blue waters, sandy beaches and green plants.

So, what’s the bottom line? First, the discovery is extremely exciting. The existence of a nearby planet in the habitable zone will perhaps increase the interest in efforts like Project Starshot, which aims to send microprobes (instruments that apply a stable and wellfocused beam of charged particles -electrons or ions- to a sample) to Proxima Centauri. On the other hand, Proxima b is unlikely to be a haven for people trying to escape the ecological issues of Earth, so we should not view this discovery as a way to ignore our own ecosystem.

Adapted from: <> Access Oct. 2016.


claim: afirmar; dwarf: anão; dim: opaco; give off: emitir; lizard: lagarto; bask: aquecer-se; belief: crença; wind: vento; undersurface: camada inferior; lush: viçoso; bottom line: aspecto fundamental; aim: visar/ter por objetivo; sample: amostra; haven: refúgio.

Read the text again and answer question.

Which sentence below (adapted from the text) expresses an advice concerning the conservation of Planet Earth?

Ano: 2016 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2016 - CEDERJ - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q765474 Inglês

A new planet in our neighborhood - how likely is life there?

By Don Lincoln, August 24, 2016


Scientists working at the European Southern Observatory (ESO), using the La Silla telescope, claim to have discovered the closest exoplanet to Earth. Exoplanet means planets orbiting stars other than the Sun. Most of them are huge planets orbiting very near their star. The newly discovered planet, which orbits Proxima Centauri, a star within the so-called “habitable zone”, has been named Proxima b.

Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf, which is the most common type of star in the galaxy. Red dwarfs are much smaller than our Sun, and are very dim. For instance, in the visible spectrum that we use to see, Proxima Centauri gives off 0.0056% as much light as the Sun.

So what about life? Are there any chances that an alien lizard might bask in Proxima Centauri’s light or try to find shade under an alien tree? Dr. Guillem Anglada-Escudé, co-author of the research from London University, believes that “there is a reasonable expectation that this planet might be able to host life”

But this belief is not consensual as other scientists think the prospect of life is improbable. Although the temperature of the planet is thought to be such that liquid water could exist, it is unlikely that Proxima b is habitable, as the planet is subject to stellar wind pressures of more than 2000 times those experienced by Earth from the solar wind. These winds would likely blow any atmosphere away, leaving the undersurface as the only vaguely habitable location on that planet. You shouldn’t imagine, thus, a lush and verdant world, with lovely blue waters, sandy beaches and green plants.

So, what’s the bottom line? First, the discovery is extremely exciting. The existence of a nearby planet in the habitable zone will perhaps increase the interest in efforts like Project Starshot, which aims to send microprobes (instruments that apply a stable and wellfocused beam of charged particles -electrons or ions- to a sample) to Proxima Centauri. On the other hand, Proxima b is unlikely to be a haven for people trying to escape the ecological issues of Earth, so we should not view this discovery as a way to ignore our own ecosystem.

Adapted from: <> Access Oct. 2016.


claim: afirmar; dwarf: anão; dim: opaco; give off: emitir; lizard: lagarto; bask: aquecer-se; belief: crença; wind: vento; undersurface: camada inferior; lush: viçoso; bottom line: aspecto fundamental; aim: visar/ter por objetivo; sample: amostra; haven: refúgio.

Read the text again and answer question

According to the text, some scientists, differently from Dr. Guillem Anglada-Escudé’s opinion, believe that the

Ano: 2016 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2016 - CEDERJ - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q765473 Inglês

A new planet in our neighborhood - how likely is life there?

By Don Lincoln, August 24, 2016


Scientists working at the European Southern Observatory (ESO), using the La Silla telescope, claim to have discovered the closest exoplanet to Earth. Exoplanet means planets orbiting stars other than the Sun. Most of them are huge planets orbiting very near their star. The newly discovered planet, which orbits Proxima Centauri, a star within the so-called “habitable zone”, has been named Proxima b.

Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf, which is the most common type of star in the galaxy. Red dwarfs are much smaller than our Sun, and are very dim. For instance, in the visible spectrum that we use to see, Proxima Centauri gives off 0.0056% as much light as the Sun.

So what about life? Are there any chances that an alien lizard might bask in Proxima Centauri’s light or try to find shade under an alien tree? Dr. Guillem Anglada-Escudé, co-author of the research from London University, believes that “there is a reasonable expectation that this planet might be able to host life”

But this belief is not consensual as other scientists think the prospect of life is improbable. Although the temperature of the planet is thought to be such that liquid water could exist, it is unlikely that Proxima b is habitable, as the planet is subject to stellar wind pressures of more than 2000 times those experienced by Earth from the solar wind. These winds would likely blow any atmosphere away, leaving the undersurface as the only vaguely habitable location on that planet. You shouldn’t imagine, thus, a lush and verdant world, with lovely blue waters, sandy beaches and green plants.

So, what’s the bottom line? First, the discovery is extremely exciting. The existence of a nearby planet in the habitable zone will perhaps increase the interest in efforts like Project Starshot, which aims to send microprobes (instruments that apply a stable and wellfocused beam of charged particles -electrons or ions- to a sample) to Proxima Centauri. On the other hand, Proxima b is unlikely to be a haven for people trying to escape the ecological issues of Earth, so we should not view this discovery as a way to ignore our own ecosystem.

Adapted from: <> Access Oct. 2016.


claim: afirmar; dwarf: anão; dim: opaco; give off: emitir; lizard: lagarto; bask: aquecer-se; belief: crença; wind: vento; undersurface: camada inferior; lush: viçoso; bottom line: aspecto fundamental; aim: visar/ter por objetivo; sample: amostra; haven: refúgio.

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De acordo com o texto, o brilho da estrela Proxima Centauri é

Ano: 2016 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2016 - CEDERJ - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q765472 Inglês

A new planet in our neighborhood - how likely is life there?

By Don Lincoln, August 24, 2016


Scientists working at the European Southern Observatory (ESO), using the La Silla telescope, claim to have discovered the closest exoplanet to Earth. Exoplanet means planets orbiting stars other than the Sun. Most of them are huge planets orbiting very near their star. The newly discovered planet, which orbits Proxima Centauri, a star within the so-called “habitable zone”, has been named Proxima b.

Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf, which is the most common type of star in the galaxy. Red dwarfs are much smaller than our Sun, and are very dim. For instance, in the visible spectrum that we use to see, Proxima Centauri gives off 0.0056% as much light as the Sun.

So what about life? Are there any chances that an alien lizard might bask in Proxima Centauri’s light or try to find shade under an alien tree? Dr. Guillem Anglada-Escudé, co-author of the research from London University, believes that “there is a reasonable expectation that this planet might be able to host life”

But this belief is not consensual as other scientists think the prospect of life is improbable. Although the temperature of the planet is thought to be such that liquid water could exist, it is unlikely that Proxima b is habitable, as the planet is subject to stellar wind pressures of more than 2000 times those experienced by Earth from the solar wind. These winds would likely blow any atmosphere away, leaving the undersurface as the only vaguely habitable location on that planet. You shouldn’t imagine, thus, a lush and verdant world, with lovely blue waters, sandy beaches and green plants.

So, what’s the bottom line? First, the discovery is extremely exciting. The existence of a nearby planet in the habitable zone will perhaps increase the interest in efforts like Project Starshot, which aims to send microprobes (instruments that apply a stable and wellfocused beam of charged particles -electrons or ions- to a sample) to Proxima Centauri. On the other hand, Proxima b is unlikely to be a haven for people trying to escape the ecological issues of Earth, so we should not view this discovery as a way to ignore our own ecosystem.

Adapted from: <> Access Oct. 2016.


claim: afirmar; dwarf: anão; dim: opaco; give off: emitir; lizard: lagarto; bask: aquecer-se; belief: crença; wind: vento; undersurface: camada inferior; lush: viçoso; bottom line: aspecto fundamental; aim: visar/ter por objetivo; sample: amostra; haven: refúgio.

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

Segundo o texto, Proxima Centauri é uma estrela

Ano: 2016 Banca: PUC - SP Órgão: PUC - SP Prova: PUC - SP - 2016 - PUC - SP - Vestibular- Primeiro Semestre |
Q762695 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão 

A tirinha acima mostra que 

Ano: 2016 Banca: PUC - SP Órgão: PUC - SP Prova: PUC - SP - 2016 - PUC - SP - Vestibular- Primeiro Semestre |
Q762694 Inglês

The Future of Jobs Acessado em 19/09/2016

Today, we are at the beginning of a Fourth Industrial Revolution. Developments in genetics, artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, 3D printing and biotechnology, to name just a few, are all building on and amplifying one another. This will lay the foundation for a revolution more comprehensive and all-encompassing than anything we have ever seen. Smart systems — homes, factories, farms, grids or cities — will help tackle problems ranging from supply chain management to climate change. The rise of the sharing economy will allow people to monetize everything from their empty house to their car. 

No que se refere à Quarta Revolução Industrial, o texto acima nos informa que
Ano: 2016 Banca: PUC - SP Órgão: PUC - SP Prova: PUC - SP - 2016 - PUC - SP - Vestibular- Primeiro Semestre |
Q762693 Inglês
O comentário ao lado foi postado após um artigo sobre
Ano: 2016 Banca: PUC - SP Órgão: PUC - SP Prova: PUC - SP - 2016 - PUC - SP - Vestibular- Primeiro Semestre |
Q762692 Inglês

The company says it was a monster success 

People Bought Thousands of Hammocks and Crockpots on Amazon Prime Day

By Brad Tuttle July 13, 2016 

Maybe Amazon heard all of the complaints about Prime Day from last year and really took them to heart. Some combination of more competitive pricing, a better selection of deals, more awareness among shoppers, and the fact that there are simply way more Amazon Prime members compared with a year ago appears to have made the second edition of Prime Day, held on July 12, a huge success in terms of generating sales.

De acordo com o texto,

Ano: 2016 Banca: PUC - SP Órgão: PUC - SP Prova: PUC - SP - 2016 - PUC - SP - Vestibular- Primeiro Semestre |
Q762691 Inglês

Observando-se a tirinha acima, depreende-se que

Ano: 2016 Banca: PUC - SP Órgão: PUC - SP Prova: PUC - SP - 2016 - PUC - SP - Vestibular- Primeiro Semestre |
Q762690 Inglês

The Heyday of the Silents


By the middle of the 1920s the cinema had reached a peak of splendour which in certain respects it would never again surpass. It is true that there was not synchronized sound, nor Technicolor, except at a very experimental stage. Synchronized sound was to be introduced at the end of the decade, while Technicolor came into use only in the mid 1930s and beyond. Nor, except in isolated cases like Abel Gance's Napoléon (1927), was there anything approaching the wide screen that audiences were to be accustomed to from the 1950s onwards. It is also the case that viewing conditions in many parts of the world, particulary in rural areas, remained maskeshift and primitive.

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