Questões Militares Para marinha

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Q839232 Contabilidade Pública
Quando ocorre o cancelamento da inscrição da despesa inscrita em restos a pagar, o pagamento que vier a ser reclamado poderá ser atendido à conta de dotação destinada a:
Q839231 Direito Administrativo
Segundo Meireiies (2015), a competência administrativa é condição para a validade dos atos administrativos visto que não existe validade de um ato emanado por autoridade que não seja apta a praticá-lo. Com relação á competência e aos atos administrativos, marque a opção correta.
Q839230 Contabilidade Pública
Considere que a Marinha do Brasil obteve um empréstimo com vencimento a longo prazo no valor de R$ 500.000.000, para construir uma nova Organização Militar. Segundo o Plano de Contas Aplicado ao Setor Público, no Balanço Patrimonial esse valor será classificado como:
Q839229 Inglês

Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?


Scientists _______ for the objectivity, but that ______ they don't have a sense of humour. When DrVazrickNatari______the white tufts capping the head of a new species of moth he ______around Baja California, one person______to mind: Donald J Trump. Explaining why he ______Neopalpadonaidtrumpi for the organism in 2017, Natari said: The specific epithet______because of the resemblance of the scales on the frons (head) of the moth to Mr. Trump’s hairstyle’.

(Adapted from http: / / blog.oxforddicttonaries. com)

Q839228 Inglês

Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below.


      Our mind likes_____ our brain into_____that it’s right. Over time, this leads to us ______biases. Biases can be positive or negative, but it’s important______these deeply rooted subconscious factors.

(Adapted from https: / / www. makeuseof .com)

Q839227 Inglês

Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

Taking on the most extreme challenges

Some missions require______specialized talent - along with the training and the nerve to accomplish the most dangerous and______of tasks. Eliminating threats. Defusing bombs. Rescuing those in distress and salvaging vital equipment from ______, depths. Members of the Naval Special Warfare / Naval Special Operations (NSW / NSO) communities take on the most impossible missions - and target the most______objectives.

(Adapted from https: / / www. navy .com)

Q839226 Inglês

Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

Gaga Monstraparva

Scientists ______Duke University,_____ , the US named a new genus of ferns discovered throughout the Americas ______ pop superstar Lady Gaga. When examining the ferns' DNA, the scientists spotted the base pair sequence G-A-G-A - just like the singer. They also noted the ferns display gender fluidity, a major theme ______Lady Gaga’s work.

(Adapted from http: / / blog, oxforddictionaries .com)

Q839225 Inglês

Which option best completes the paragraph below?

What is Marine Engineering?

About a century ago no one______about a marine engineer, but today it ______as established as any other famous ones. Over the last 100 years, engineering as a field of study ______ and diversified far beyond what ______imagined prior to this period. Not only this, it has also branched out into various specialized fields that ______ great progress. Most of these new fields are aligned to any of the basic engineering branches like mechanical, electrical, civil, electronics, computers etc and have something or the other incorporated from them. One such branch is called marine engineering.

(Adapted from http: / / www. marineinsight. com / careers)

Q839224 Inglês

Read this paragraph.

"Innovative" IBM Kills Working from Home

If you would list the reasons why IBM's growth isn't what management wants it to be, geographic dispersal probably wouldn't be in the top ten. WFH only works if you can actually assess on an ongoing basis what work is getting done, but then again that's true for in-office work as well. Lazy managers assume work is getting done if you're in the office, just as delusional ones assume everyone works productively and independently if they are remote. But if the actual performance goes down due to lower motivation and wasted time, then it is a problem.

(Adapted from https: / / www. linkedin .com / pulse)

Which option contains a sentence with INCORRECT grammar?

Q839223 Inglês

What is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?

Robots and writers

This article wasn't written by a robot - but the next one you read______have been. Robots are already in our midst, and you______be surprised what they______ do. Robots are reporting on earthquakes, sports, and writing huge numbers of Wikipedia articles. Odds are pretty good you’ve already read articles written entirely by robots without realizing it.

(Adapted from https: / / www, makeuseof. com)

Q839222 Inglês

What is the correct option to complete the text below?

Navy Ships Respond to Piracy Attack

Late night on 08 April______distress call was received from ______foreign merchant vessel MV OS 35 (Tuvalu registered vessel), which was attacked and boarded by pirates in ______Gulf of Aden.

______Indian Navy ships Mumbai, Tarkash, Trishul and Aditya proceeding on deployment to ______ Mediterranean responded to ______ call and rapidly closed______merchant vessel by ______ early hours of 09 April.

(Adapted from http: // www. marineinsight .com / shipping)

Q839221 Inglês

U.S. Navy’s USS Carl Vinson in Rio

By Jaylan Boyle, Senior Contributing Reporter - March 9,2010

RIO DE JANEIRO - Late last month, fresh from playing a key role in Operation Unified Response, the international humanitarian aid mission to assist Haiti after the disastrous earthquake, the U.S. aircraft carrier USS Cari Vinson made a stopover in Rio de Janeiro. The purpose of the trip was to strengthen bilateral military relations, and a number of U.S, sailors also took part in a series of volunteer exercises in the city.

“We appreciate the strong relationship that has developed between the military forces of our two countries. It is an interaction based on mutual respect, and our intention is to further strengthen our partnerships and joint missions,” said Thomas Shannon, the U.S. Ambassador of Brazil.

On February 27th, sailors from the carrier were involved in volunteer work that involved painting facilities at two Recreio public schools, Escola Municipal Vice-Almirante Alvaro Alberto and Escola Municipal Vice-Almirante Paulo Moreira. They were joined by about 20 of their fellow Brazilian sailors, and had the opportunity to get to know their colleagues and share experiences of life in the navy. After work was completed, the two schools were presented with photo collages commemorating the visit.

Another project that U.S. sailors participated in took place at the People’s Centra! Institute, a local community center in the Gamboa neighborhood which was founded by an American missionary over a century ago. The center helps local working parents by offering a daycare service, and provides a venue for the hosting of various cultural and sporting activities.

In addition to helping with painting and other maintenance tasks, the sailors, perhaps wearied after their labors, were well defeated by a team of local children in a friendly game of soccer. All of the children were given a USS Carl Vinson baseball cap and packed lunches.

The goodwill mission also involved further sporting fixtures between the sailors of both nations, although results have not been reported. A reception for around 400 guests was also held aboard the carrier.

International media was mainly focusing on the positive aspects of the visit: the only aberration on that theme was a French Agency reportedly questioning the motive of the mission, seeing it as an attempt to sway Brazil’s government into buying American military hardware.

(Abridged from http: / / riotimesonline. com)

According to the text, it is correct to state that

Q839220 Inglês

If You Have These Skills, No Robot Will Ever Take Your Job

Kayla Matthews March 29, 2017 7 minutes

Losing your job to robots is no longer a sci-fi fantasy. Some estimates say robots may take over more than five million jobs across 15 developed countries. Machines could account for more than half the workforce in places like Cambodia and Indonesia, particularly in the garment industry.

The good news: there are some skills robots can’t embody, and if you have them, there’s no need to worry about losing your job due to robotic advancements. Better yet, many of them are transferable, meaning they can help you advance your career, even if you need to change industries.

Here are four skills that can keep your job from being handed off to a robot.

(I) _______ Skills

Robots seem smart. However, they only know what their programmers tell them. There are some exceptions, such as robots powered by machine learning that get smarter through acquired feedback over time. Even so, people able to demonstrate the ability to work out solutions using analytical thinking, such as IT personnel, can feel confident about job security during the rise of robots.

(II) ______Skills

This broad group of skills applies to many jobs, whether you’re leading a team of 20 people who are hard at work developing a new iPhone app or maintaining an upbeat, productive workforce at a Fortune 500 company. People often depend on robots to complete segments of projects, but those machines can’t manage huge organizational accomplishments from start to finish. Also, robots can’t feasibly handle all the things human resource experts do.

(III) ,_____ Skills

Even the most advanced robots can’t genuinely practice the crucial skill of understanding what people feel. This skill is especially useful if you work for a charity, support statistically disadvantaged segments of the population, or assist people in the healthcare industry.

(IV) _____ Skills

One inevitable thing about robots is they malfunction. When that happens, people need to know how to read error codes, make educated diagnoses, and perform repairs. (...).

(Abridged from https: / /www.

The headings below have been removed from the text and replaced by (I), (II), (III) and (IV). Choose the option that contains the correct heading sequence to complete the text.

Q839219 Inglês

Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

Millennium development goals: an overview

The millennium development goals (MDGs)______, eight key areas - poverty, education, gender equality, child mortality, maternal health, disease, the environment and global partnership. Each goal ,______ by 21 specific targets and more than 60 indicators. The UN ______the MDGs 'the most successful anti-poverty movement in history’, but what progress______ on each of the goals?

(Adapted from 

Q839218 Inglês
Which of the sentences below is correct?
Q839217 Inglês

Choose the correct option to complete this paragraph.

When to have an eye exam

School-age children and adolescents should have their vision_______ before they enter first grade. If your child has no symptoms of vision problems and no family history of vision problems, ______ every one to two years. Otherwise, schedule eye exams based on the advice of your eye doctor.

(Adapted from hltp ://

Q839216 Inglês

Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

If Brazilian industry is successful ______ producing submarines and stealth corvettes, demand for Brazilian military hardware will only grow (...). Of concern, however, are Brazil's long-term intentions with regard______ the construction of BNS Alvaro Alberto. (...) It will be necessary to keep a very close e ye ______ the Brazilian shipbuilding and nuclear industries in the 2030s, especially as domestic demand for this class of vessel is satisfied,

(https ://

Q839215 Inglês

Which is the correct way to complete the text below?

11 reasons why it is important to have dreams

Everyone always says: “Follow______ dreams!” But not everyone does______. Life interjects, bills pile up, and sometimes______have to do boring jobs just to make ______ through the day. However, there are a number of reasons to follow______ dreams, to break the trend, and to live the life you’ve always wanted. Here they are below,

(http: //www. 

Q839214 Inglês

Which of the options completes the dialogue correctly?

The Linden Tree

Mrs Linden: (...) You’d like some tea,,______you, Rex? Rex: A cup, certainly.

Jean: And______ Marion and I.

(Priestley, J.B. “The Linden Tree". An inspector calls and other plays.UK: Penguin, 2001.)

Q839213 Inglês

Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

Abandoned dog now works at a petrol station

Buying petrol is generally a trivial activity. You fill______ your car, head into the shop, possibly pick______a KitKat or motoring atlas, pay the cashier then set______for your destination. Wouldn't the whole process be more enjoyable if there was a dog to brighten up your visit?

(Adapted from http ://www,telegraph,

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