Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre ensino da língua estrangeira inglesa em inglês

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Q2346888 Inglês
Julgue as sentenças abaixo como VERDADEIRAS ou FALSAS:

(    )Através da interdisciplinaridade, é possível integrar conceitos científicos com o ensino de inglês. Por exemplo, ao estudar um tema como a sustentabilidade, os alunos podem explorar vocabulário relacionado ao meio ambiente em inglês, ao mesmo tempo em que aprendem sobre questões ambientais.  
(    )A interação entre o ensino de inglês e história pode envolver a exploração de eventos históricos, personagens e contextos culturais por meio de textos e atividades em inglês. Isso enriquece a compreensão dos alunos sobre a língua e a cultura.

(    )A interdisciplinaridade no ensino de Língua Inglesa rompe com os limites das próprias disciplinas, buscando uma compreensão holística e incorporando não apenas conhecimentos, mas também valores, experiências e perspectivas.

A sequência CORRETA é:
Q2346887 Inglês
Considere a seguinte situação:

Diante de uma turma heterogênea, um(a) professor(a) percebe que alguns estudantes apresentam dificuldades de aprendizado. Após uma análise mais aprofundada, ele(ela) identifica que um aluno possui dislexia. Como as aulas de Língua Inglesa poderiam ser adaptadas para atender às necessidades desse estudante?
Q2346886 Inglês
Julgue as sentenças abaixo como VERDADEIRAS ou FALSAS.

1.(    )Os temas transversais no ensino de Língua Inglesa são abordagens educacionais que buscam integrar questões relevantes e significativas no contexto social, cultural e global ao ensino da língua.

2.(    )Os temas transversais não se limitam apenas ao desenvolvimento das habilidades linguísticas, mas também visam promover a consciência crítica, a cidadania ativa e a compreensão intercultural.

3.(    )Além do aprimoramento das habilidades linguísticas, o ensino com temas transversais também contribui para o desenvolvimento de competências transversais, como pensamento crítico, comunicação eficaz, colaboração e resolução de problemas.

A sequência CORRETA é: 
Q2343031 Inglês
English writer Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) is the author of:
Q2342572 Inglês
Leia o Texto 4 para responder à questão.

Texto 4

Promoting inclusion in a classroom requires providing a range of materials and activities that supports all students’ learning styles, incorporates a variety of cultural backgrounds and perspectives, and fosters courageous thinking. Teaching a single topic using visual, auditory, and tactile assignments that are completed individually, in small groups, or through a field trip, means that students of all learning styles can access the same concepts in multiple ways. In our increasingly multi-cultural communities, effective educators must understand the importance of diversity and multicultural awareness, and teachers should incorporate into their teaching materials that reflect a diverse range of racial, cultural, socio-economic, religious, and gender identities, among many other expressions of the human experience. An inclusive classroom also provides creative activities for students to think outside the box and encourages students to take intellectual risks, and even make mistakes, as they explore approaches to innovative problem solving.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 02 out.
According to the passage, one of the advantages of an inclusive classroom environment for students is
Q2342571 Inglês
Leia o Texto 4 para responder à questão.

Texto 4

Promoting inclusion in a classroom requires providing a range of materials and activities that supports all students’ learning styles, incorporates a variety of cultural backgrounds and perspectives, and fosters courageous thinking. Teaching a single topic using visual, auditory, and tactile assignments that are completed individually, in small groups, or through a field trip, means that students of all learning styles can access the same concepts in multiple ways. In our increasingly multi-cultural communities, effective educators must understand the importance of diversity and multicultural awareness, and teachers should incorporate into their teaching materials that reflect a diverse range of racial, cultural, socio-economic, religious, and gender identities, among many other expressions of the human experience. An inclusive classroom also provides creative activities for students to think outside the box and encourages students to take intellectual risks, and even make mistakes, as they explore approaches to innovative problem solving.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 02 out.
According to the passage, why is it important to provide a variety of learning materials and activities in the classroom? 
Q2342557 Inglês
Look at the following image.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Based on the image, what aspect of inclusive classrooms and special education is highlighted?
Q2342554 Inglês
Considering the importance of inclusion in education, what modal verb should teachers of English use to indicate the necessity of providing support for students with special needs to ensure their participation in classroom activities?
Q2337760 Inglês
Text 2

Communicative Language Teaching aims broadly to apply the theoretical perspective of the Communicative Approach by making communicative competence the goal of language teaching and by acknowledging the interdependence of language and communication. What this looks like in the classroom may depend on how the tenets are interpreted and applied. Nevertheless, we will follow our usual way of und erstanding the theor y and ussocia rcd practices by visiting a class in which a form of Communicative Language Teaching is being practiced. The class we will visit is one being conducted for adult immigrants to Canada . These twenty people have lived in Canada for two years and are at a high-intermediate level of English proficiency. They meet two evenings a week for two hours each class.

LARSEN-FREEMAN, Diane. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. 3rd ed. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
About the Communicative Language Teaching, its the typical features are:
Q2334625 Inglês

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In technicism education has been reduced to something that can be measured in numbers alone. Teachers are made into technicians, who simply pull the levers and push the buttons assigned to them by the ruling technocrats. Technicism focuses on quantities and techniques, rather than quality and values. 
Q2334615 Inglês

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In communicative language teaching, the students must learn the grammar first and then apply it in conversational situations.

Q2334613 Inglês

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In communicative language teaching, errors are not tolerated, because if the student repeats the wrong form, he may internalize it.

Q2334590 Inglês

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In Communicative Language Teaching, the students’ writing skill is assessed by the use of formal written tests. 

Q2334565 Inglês

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The concepts of assimilation and accommodation were contributions of Jean Piaget.

Q2330011 Inglês
A variety of methods and approaches to foreign language teaching has been developed over the last decades. All of them aim to promote foreign language learning based on principles that support their choices concerning the syllabus, activities, learner/teacher roles etc. One of these approaches is Task Based Language Learning that asserts that:
Q2316901 Inglês

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Proficient interpretation of texts necessitates a meticulous analysis of contextual elements. Unraveling the intricacies of the setting, cultural background, and historical context enhances readers' ability to discern implicit meanings, tones, and underlying messages within diverse written materials. 

Q2316882 Inglês

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As abordagens da avaliação autêntica buscam mensurar o aprendizado por meio de tarefas contextualizadas e aplicáveis à vida real.

Q2316875 Inglês

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O ensino da Língua Inglesa nas escolas deve desconsiderar os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos sobre a cultura de outros países, assim como deve tolher os interesses individuais dos educandos por músicas ou filmes de artistas estrangeiros. 

Q2316873 Inglês

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The theory of schema theory, rooted in the work of Anderson and Pearson, suggests an approach to reading that involves the activation of background knowledge. Exploring this theory demands a sophisticated understanding of how readers use prior knowledge to comprehend and interpret new information, considering the dynamic interplay between text and reader.

Q2316870 Inglês

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The perspective of reader-response theory, inspired by the work of Rosenblatt, proposes an approach that emphasizes the reader's subjective response to the text. Delving into this theory requires a refined understanding of how individual experiences, emotions, and perspectives influence the interpretation of literary and informational texts. 

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