Questões de Inglês - Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa para Concurso
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The textual inference can be seen as a form of
interpretation of the central theme of a text or book, but it
is essential for the reader to have previous knowledge of
this theme to be able to fully comprehend the message of
the text/book.
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The learning of Instrumental English will not become
useful even with dedication, due to its situational uses,
being applied mostly for specific professional areas and
not seen as a way of learning english as a whole
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In english Inflectional suffixes follow regular patterns and
are added to words in a consistent manner, while
derivational suffixes have the ability to change the
meaning of the base word, frequently leading to a related
yet distinct idea.
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According to Annex of Law No. 5.156/2023, the total
number of positions for specialist teachers in the areas of
Mathematics, Portuguese Language, Science, History,
Physical Education, English Language, and Geography is
sixty six.
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The school planning must be practical, and should focus
mostly on getting through the school subjects in the most
efficient way instead of coordinating the whole processes
of organization, functioning and pedagogical proposition
of the school, since it is too time consuming.
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According to the Guidelines and Bases Law of Education– Federal Law nº 9.394/1996 and its amendments, it is
only the teachers responsibility to zeal for the students
attendency to classes.
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The Communicative Teaching Method for foreign
languages emphasizes on learning using interaction at
the aiming language, using errors as something positive,
a proof of the students effort to learn.
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It is ensured by the Guidelines and Bases Law of
Education – Federal Law nº 9.394/1996 and its
amendments that there must be a guarantee to the
quality of education even in the gratuitous public
established schools, as well of the appretiation of the
public school servants.
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In terms of the assessment process in English language
learning, it is correct to assert that the learning of English
should preferably be evaluated through qualitative tools,
aiming to prepare students for exams.
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The Brazilian Inclusion Law nº 13.146/2015 states that
private educational institutions are obliged to secure
every right of people with disabilities, but are also able to
charge higher monetary values from the families.
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According to the National Common Curricular Base there
are three groups of general competencies that must be
present in the educational enviroment: personal/social,
cognitive and communicative.
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The Comprehensive Education is a contemporary
proposition of schooling focused on the formation of
more independent and critical citizens, which makes it
unable to include all.
Choose the alternative that presents an active learning strategy.
Choose the alternative that contains some examples of teaching methods and strategies.
O ensino de Língua Inglesa como X representa uma abordagem que reconhece o inglês não apenas como uma língua estrangeira, mas como uma ferramenta de comunicação global entre pessoas de diferentes línguas. Nessa perspectiva, o foco vai além da aquisição de uma cultura específica ou da reprodução de padrões linguísticos tradicionais, priorizando a eficácia da comunicação intercultural. No contexto de ensino de Língua Inglesa como X, o objetivo principal é capacitar os alunos a se comunicarem de forma clara e eficaz em situações diversas, onde o inglês é usado como um meio de interação internacional. Isso implica uma abordagem flexível que valoriza a compreensão mútua acima da conformidade rígida com normas linguísticas específicas.
Marque a alternativa que substitui corretamente o X no texto acima.
Julgue as sentenças abaixo como VERDADEIRAS ou FALSAS:
1.(__)A metodologia lexical enfatiza o papel das palavras e expressões unidades lexicais na comunicação eficaz.
2.(__)A abordagem comunicativa é baseada na ideia de que a aprendizagem de uma língua é um hábito que pode ser desenvolvido por meio da leitura e da escrita.
3.(__)A aprendizagem baseada em tarefas (Task-Based Learning) dá ênfase na prática oral, repetição controlada, treinos e diálogos memorizados.
A sequência CORRETA é:
Plurilingualism and translanguaging: commonalities and divergences
Both plurilingual and translanguaging pedagogical practices in the education of language minoritized students remain controversial, for schools have a monolingual and monoglossic tradition that is hard to disrupt, even when the disrupting stance brings success to learners. At issue is the national identity that schools are supposed to develop in their students, and the Eurocentric system of knowledge, circulated through standardized named languages, that continues to impose what Quijano (2000) has called a coloniality of power.
All theories emerge from a place, an experience, a time, and a position, and in this case, plurilingualism and translanguaging have developed, as we have seen, from different loci of enunciation. But concepts do not remain static in a time and place, as educators and researchers take them up, as they travel, and as educators develop alternative practices. Thus, plurilingual and translanguaging pedagogical practices sometimes look the same, and sometimes they even have the same practical goals. For example, educators who say they use plurilingual pedagogical practices might insist on developing bilingual identities, and not solely use plurilingualism as a scaffold. And educators who claim to use translanguaging pedagogical practices sometimes use them only as a scaffold to the dominant language, not grasping its potential. In the United States, translanguaging pedagogies are often used in English-as-a-Second Language programs only as a scaffold. And although the potential for translanguaging is more likely to be found in bilingual education programs, this is also at times elusive. The potential is curtailed, for example, by the strict language allocation policies that have accompanied the growth of dual language education programs in the last decade in the USA, which come close to the neoliberal understanding of multilingualism espoused in the European Union.
It is important to keep the conceptual distinctions between plurilingualism and translanguaging at the forefront as we develop ways of enacting them in practice, even when pedagogies may turn out to look the same. Because the theoretical stance of translanguaging brings forth and affirms dynamic multilingual realities, it offers the potential to transform minoritized communities sense of self that the concept of plurilingualism may not always do. The purpose of translanguaging could be transformative of socio-political and socio-educational structures that legitimize the language hierarchies that exclude minoritized bilingual students and the epistemological understandings that render them invisible. In its theoretical formulation, translanguaging disrupts the concept of named languages and the power hierarchies in which languages are positioned. But the issue for the future is whether school authorities will allow translanguaging to achieve its potential, or whether it will silence it as simply another kind of scaffold. To the degree that educators act on translanguaging with political intent, it will continue to crack some openings and to open opportunities for bilingual students. Otherwise, the present conceptual differences between plurilingualism and translanguaging will be erased.
Source: GARCÍA, Ofelia; OTHEGUY, Ricardo. Plurilingualism and translanguaging: Commonalities and divergences. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, v. 23, n. 1, p. 17-35, 2020.
Garcia e Otheguy (2020)
Discourse genres refer to specific types or forms of communication that follow particular conventions, structures, and styles, and are used within specific contexts or communities to convey information, ideas, or meaning effectively. These genres can include various forms such as essays, reports, letters, conversations, speeches, and more, each tailored to suit the purpose and audience of the communication. Said that, consider the following statements about discourse genres in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages):
I.Discourse genres primarily focus on the structural aspects of language, such as grammar and vocabulary.
II.Discourse genres are a valuable pedagogical tool in TESOL as they provide students with the practical ability to use language in context, enabling effective communication and language acquisition.
III.In TESOL, discourse genres often revolve around written communication and are less relevant in spoken language instruction.
It is correct what is state in:
Plurilingualism and translanguaging: commonalities and divergences
Both plurilingual and translanguaging pedagogical practices in the education of language minoritized students remain controversial, for schools have a monolingual and monoglossic tradition that is hard to disrupt, even when the disrupting stance brings success to learners. At issue is the national identity that schools are supposed to develop in their students, and the Eurocentric system of knowledge, circulated through standardized named languages, that continues to impose what Quijano (2000) has called a coloniality of power.
All theories emerge from a place, an experience, a time, and a position, and in this case, plurilingualism and translanguaging have developed, as we have seen, from different loci of enunciation. But concepts do not remain static in a time and place, as educators and researchers take them up, as they travel, and as educators develop alternative practices. Thus, plurilingual and translanguaging pedagogical practices sometimes look the same, and sometimes they even have the same practical goals. For example, educators who say they use plurilingual pedagogical practices might insist on developing bilingual identities, and not solely use plurilingualism as a scaffold. And educators who claim to use translanguaging pedagogical practices sometimes use them only as a scaffold to the dominant language, not grasping its potential. In the United States, translanguaging pedagogies are often used in English-as-a-Second Language programs only as a scaffold. And although the potential for translanguaging is more likely to be found in bilingual education programs, this is also at times elusive. The potential is curtailed, for example, by the strict language allocation policies that have accompanied the growth of dual language education programs in the last decade in the USA, which come close to the neoliberal understanding of multilingualism espoused in the European Union.
It is important to keep the conceptual distinctions between plurilingualism and translanguaging at the forefront as we develop ways of enacting them in practice, even when pedagogies may turn out to look the same. Because the theoretical stance of translanguaging brings forth and affirms dynamic multilingual realities, it offers the potential to transform minoritized communities sense of self that the concept of plurilingualism may not always do. The purpose of translanguaging could be transformative of socio-political and socio-educational structures that legitimize the language hierarchies that exclude minoritized bilingual students and the epistemological understandings that render them invisible. In its theoretical formulation, translanguaging disrupts the concept of named languages and the power hierarchies in which languages are positioned. But the issue for the future is whether school authorities will allow translanguaging to achieve its potential, or whether it will silence it as simply another kind of scaffold. To the degree that educators act on translanguaging with political intent, it will continue to crack some openings and to open opportunities for bilingual students. Otherwise, the present conceptual differences between plurilingualism and translanguaging will be erased.
Source: GARCÍA, Ofelia; OTHEGUY, Ricardo. Plurilingualism and translanguaging: Commonalities and divergences. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, v. 23, n. 1, p. 17-35, 2020.
Garcia e Otheguy (2020)
In the field of TESOL, understanding language conceptions is crucial for effective language teaching. Which of the following statements accurately represents a commonly held language conception in TESOL?