Questões de Inglês - Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa para Concurso
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Contextualizing teaching content is relevant to promote
meaningful learning, as the primary focus should be on
transmitting disciplinary information, regardless of
students' reality.
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In the Communicative Approach, the initial phase of the
teaching process is dedicated to establishing a conducive
environment for learning. In this phase, the focus is on
building confidence among participants and reducing
potential anxieties.
Julgue o item a seguir.
Learning to read based on textual genres is more
effective when the student is familiarized with each
form of language inserted in a context and a concrete
Associe corretamente alguns desses conceitos/fatores ao seu respectivo significado.
1 – Prática Situada
2 – Enquadramento Crítico
3 – Prática Transformada
( ) Define-se como prática de desnaturalização e estranhamento dos objetos de aprendizagem com potencial criativo de aplicação.
( ) Refere-se a um intenso investimento na experiência e emprego dos discursos à disposição.
( ) Considera a efetiva demonstração da capacidade de produção de designs e ações permeadas por valores e objetivos específicos.
A sequência correta para essa associação é:
I - A identidade atual dos professores de línguas no Brasil recebeu influências diretas das experiências vivenciadas no período de colonização e da ditadura militar.
II - a preservação da memória coletiva pode funcionar como importante ferramenta educacional uma vez que concorre para a formação da cidadania.
Sobre as asserções, é correto afirmar que
( ) A epistemologia do pluralismo busca possibilitar aos sujeitos acesso a símbolos de sucesso, reconhecimento e poder.
( ) O desenvolvimento do pluralismo democrático não deve ser incompatível à promoção de habilidades com vistas ao acesso dos estudantes às necessidades e linguagens do mercado de trabalho.
( ) A noção de pluralismo cidadão remete à valorização e adoção de modelos culturais e linguísticos que operam como base para uma sociedade forte e coesa.
( ) O pluralismo democrático e a eficiência econômica representam pilares antagônicos no que tange ao design de futuros sociais.
De acordo com as afirmações, a sequência correta é:
The information given is compatible with:
About cognate words and false cognates, as well as pedagogic trends, judge the item that follow.
Getting students to use their knowledge of the English
language to produce content for a podcast, for example, can
be considered as a project-based experience to learn with a
more practical approach.
Judge the following item, concerning the production of written texts as a process.
Revising is the stage of the writing process when writers
make changes to improve the clarity, coherence, and
correctness of their text.
Judge the following item, concerning the production of written texts as a process.
Editing is the stage of the writing process in which writers
make changes focused solely on improving the style and
tone of their text.
Judge the following item, concerning the production of written texts as a process.
Planning is an important stage of the writing process because
it helps writers to organize their thoughts and ideas.
Judge the following item, concerning the production of written texts as a process.
The writing process is a one-time event that only occurs once
the writer has a clear idea of what they want to say.
Judge the following item, concerning the production of written texts as a process.
Drafting is the most important stage of the writing process
because it is when writers actually write the text.
Concerning the relationship between language, culture and society, judge the item below.
Language reflects cultural nuances, with unique expressions
and idioms shaping the way individuals within a society
communicate and convey meaning.
Concerning the relationship between language, culture and society, judge the item below.
Societal structures often influence language evolution, as
languages adapt to reflect changes in power dynamics, social
roles, and technological advancements.