Questões de Concurso Sobre interpretação de texto | reading comprehension em inglês

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Q1075299 Inglês
WPA was created by the WiFi consortium in 2003 as a way to address WEP vulnerabilities. WPA is designed to work in two modes:
Q1074939 Inglês

[…] where competition between private operators has brought about improved services, he says.

In the context above, it is correct to say that the bold verb tense is relating to: 

Q1074937 Inglês

Observe the text below.

Accuracy Versus Fluency Activities

One of the goals of CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) is to develop fluency in language use. Fluency is developed by creating classroom activities in which students must negotiate meaning, use communication strategies, correct misunderstandings, and work to avoid communication breakdowns. 

(Richards, Jack C. Communicative Language Teaching Today. Cambridge University Press 2006)

By the context given, we can understand that: 

Q1074936 Inglês

Read the text below.

Proposals for a Communicative Syllabus: A functional syllabus

I. A functional syllabus is organized according to the functions the learner should be able to carry out in English, such as expressing likes and dislikes, offering and accepting apologies, introducing someone, and giving explanations;

II. Communicative competence is viewed as mastery of functions needed for communication across a wide range of situations. Vocabulary and grammar are then chosen according to the functions being taught;

III. A sequence of activities is then used to present and deprive of the function. Functional syllabuses could not be used as the basis for speaking and listening courses.

(Richards, Jack C. Communicative Language Teaching Today. Cambridge University Press 2006)

Indicate the correct alternative according to the context.

Q1074229 Inglês
Which practices can help students establish sense between the English learned in the classroom and the English used in real life situations?
Q1074228 Inglês
Look at the teacher’s actions with the introductory activities for different lessons and mark the correct alternative below:
Introductory activities A asking concept questions B eliciting language C doing a warmer D miming E setting the scene F drilling
Teacher’s actions a) The teacher asks the students to look at pictures of Paris before they listen to a recording about tourist attractions there. b) The teacher asks the students to repeat sentences after him/her. c) The teacher checks whether the students understand when the new language is used. d) The teacher does a short game with the students to give them energy. e) The teacher asks the students for examples of different kinds of fruit and writes them on the board. f) The teacher does an action which shows the meaning of a new word.
Mark the alternative that presents the correct sequence:
Q1074226 Inglês
Which is the correct sequence for the “Methodological Possibilities” baed on Blumenau Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education?
I- Use of Songs and Oral Practice Situations II- Play activities and interaction through games III- Role play of small pieces or textbook dialogues IV- Students reserach about cultural curiosities about the target language
Check the correct answer:
Q1074225 Inglês
What are the learning objectives related to the axis of orality (speaking / listening) to Preschool Classes III and 1st and 2nd grades, according to the Blumenau Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education?
( ) Know how to listen, wait for their turn, respect the speech of others. ( ) Whether in small or large groups, express their opinions, feelings, needs and curiosities, taking into account clarity, intonation, diction / articulation, gesture and posture. ( ) Respect the diversity of oral expression, language variants. ( ) Recognize and reproduce phonemes. ( ) Understand and differentiate the particularities (vocabulary, medium, intonation and purposes of the various oral genres circulating in society;
Mark the alternative that presents the correct sequence:
Q1074224 Inglês
Look at the language skills and their description. Which sequence shows the correct description of the language skill?
1- Speaking accurately involves paraphrasing parts of a text. 2- Productive skills involve expressing rather than understanding language. 3- Re-drafting involves making changes to a piece of writing. 4- Process writing involves speaking and writing 5- Listening for gist involves forming a general idea of what a text is about 6- Proofreading involves being able to understand every word of a text.
Mark the alternative that presents the correct sequence:
Q1074223 Inglês
What does the document of the Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education suggest about the contextualization in foreign language teaching? Identify the correct one (s):
I- Activities with instructions in the mother tongue II- Activities that focus on writing III- Using only subjects that interest students IV- Requires text work, excluding single isolated sentences
Check the correct answer:
Q1074222 Inglês
The teaching of English in Municipal schools in Blumenau follows which three axes:
Q1074221 Inglês
According to the Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education, it is through the genres of discourse that:
I- Learning will be materialized in daily life, with its own characteristics and specific social functions. II- social interactions of the user of this language and the exercise of citizenship are not observed. III- III. practicing help develop competences and skills in communication situations, whether oral or written. IV- possibilities for participation in social practices involving reading, writing, production and listening of texts are increased
Check the correct answer:
Q1074220 Inglês
Learning a language, according to the Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education, should be:
Q1074218 Inglês
Match the second column according to the first, which relates activity objectives with the steps that you can find in the teacher’s book. Identify the correct one (s):
ACTIVITY STEPS 1- objectives and steps 2- developing student interactive strategies 3- making students predict content
ACTIVITY OBJECTIVES ( ) reading activity ( ) planning a lesson ( ) acting out

Check the alternative presents the correct association between the columns:
Q1074217 Inglês
Match students’ activities with the correct teaching material:
I- Students in groups look at leaflets and brochures for content and language ideas for a formal writing assignment = authentic printed materials II- Students are asked by the teacher to call object names one after the other = flashcards III- Students act out conversations as doctors and patients = use of the dictionary IV- Students perform extra home grammar activities = workbook
Check the correct answer: 
Q1074216 Inglês
About the English language learning objectives for reading and writing, according to the Blumenau Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education, mark T for true sentences and with F for false ones:
( ) understand and appropriate only nonverbal language ( ) build and expand knowledge about discursive genre and knowing how and when to use it in real communication situations ( ) read, understand and produce different discursive genres ( ) progressively develop the ability to look up at words in a dictionary ( ) identify and use the rules and conventions of writing appropriately
Mark the alternative that presents the correct sequence:
Q1074215 Inglês
About the English language learning objectives for orality, according to the Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education, mark T for true sentences and with F for false ones:
( ) understanding different oral discursive genres, respecting objectives and conditions of production ( ) producing oral texts, respecting the pronunciation and intonation marks in order to be understood ( ) relying on the relevant characteristics of a genre to build meaning ( ) recognizing and respecting different cultures as well as linguistic variations ( ) taking ownership of new ways of acting and interacting, enabling greater understanding of their role as a citizen of the world
Mark the alternative that presents the correct sequence:
Q1074214 Inglês
According to the Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education, learning is based on:
Q1074213 Inglês
The methodology of English language teaching, proposed by the Municipal Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education is based on which theories?
Q1073319 Inglês
O texto a seguir deve ser utilizado para responder à questão.

The Future of Digital Video

    Digital Enrichment for the Home Intelligent set-top boxes will bring new levels of functionality to the home entertainment experience. Set-top boxes will stream programming from anywhere in the world to enable true video on demand, whether the programming is stored on a home computer or occurring live. Set-top boxes will also integrate home surveillance security systems into the heart of the home entertainment center to enable viewers to identify visitors at the front door visually on their TV screens without having to leave the couch. Through object/facial recognition technology, the security system will be able to automatically identify family members and let them in without a key. We will have our entertainment anywhere and at any time we want it. Set-top boxes will automatically set their own clocks, making recording programs as simple as a single button push. And with voice recognition technology, users will be able to adjust the volume or change channels by voice command without having to hunt for an elusive remote-control.
(Extraído de:
De acordo com o texto, os set-top boxes poderão identificar membros da família na entrada da casa mediante reconhecimento
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5542: A
5543: B
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5549: E
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5555: C
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5560: A