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Q1023883 Inglês

Text III

Here are some of the conclusions of a study conducted by The British Council to examine the policy, perceptions and influencing factors of English in Brazil:

[…] Brazil does not have a policy that focuses solely on teaching and learning English. The National Education Guidelines identify English as one of many foreign languages offered to students in primary and secondary education. Various English language learning initiatives have emerged at the federal, state and municipal levels however many English initiatives have limited success due to unbalanced curriculums, limited class time, teachers lacking the linguistic and pedagogical knowledge to effectively guide students, and minimal resources.[…]

Those working in internationalised industries, especially in management roles, do need English for employment though they may use it sparingly. As FDI ("Foreign Direct Investment") and interaction with other countries grow, especially in localised sectors, the demand for English as a medium of communication will increase. Currently, Brazil‘s average level of education and lack of English are perceived by some as detrimental to its economic growth and investment.[…] 

Perceptions of English language use are changing. Younger generations are more open to English and link it less to a political agenda and more with personal growth and opportunity. Although there seem to be deeply-rooted ideological barriers at a national level to prioritise English over other languages, at an individual level, the language is gaining increased value and influence.

(Source: British Council Education Intelligence. (2015). English in Brazil: An examination of policy, perceptions and

influencing factors. Retrieved and adapted from

From the statement "As FDI ("Foreign Direct Investment") and interaction with other countries grow, [...], the demand for English as a medium of communication will increase." (L.10) it can be inferred that it will be necessary to learn English to:
Q1023880 Inglês

Text III

Here are some of the conclusions of a study conducted by The British Council to examine the policy, perceptions and influencing factors of English in Brazil:

[…] Brazil does not have a policy that focuses solely on teaching and learning English. The National Education Guidelines identify English as one of many foreign languages offered to students in primary and secondary education. Various English language learning initiatives have emerged at the federal, state and municipal levels however many English initiatives have limited success due to unbalanced curriculums, limited class time, teachers lacking the linguistic and pedagogical knowledge to effectively guide students, and minimal resources.[…]

Those working in internationalised industries, especially in management roles, do need English for employment though they may use it sparingly. As FDI ("Foreign Direct Investment") and interaction with other countries grow, especially in localised sectors, the demand for English as a medium of communication will increase. Currently, Brazil‘s average level of education and lack of English are perceived by some as detrimental to its economic growth and investment.[…] 

Perceptions of English language use are changing. Younger generations are more open to English and link it less to a political agenda and more with personal growth and opportunity. Although there seem to be deeply-rooted ideological barriers at a national level to prioritise English over other languages, at an individual level, the language is gaining increased value and influence.

(Source: British Council Education Intelligence. (2015). English in Brazil: An examination of policy, perceptions and

influencing factors. Retrieved and adapted from

One of the conclusions of the study reported above is that:
Q1023879 Inglês


(Source: https://s-media-cache

The point of this cartoon is to:
Q1023878 Inglês


(Source: https://s-media-cache

In the cartoon, the student‘s complaint results from the fact that the teacher:
Q1023877 Inglês

Text I

CLT or a task-based approach is not a panacea to language teaching. There are numerous challenges to making communicative language teaching happen. These issues have to do with the choice of content, context, specific skill areas (e.g., vocabulary, grammar, etc.), and particular learning tasks that determine a curriculum. 

These choices are tightly linked to questions about what it means to ―know‖ a language, to be proficient in a language, and what communicative abilities entail. While the literature on language teaching has attempted to provide answers to such questions, there are no universally accepted standards. The proficiency and standards movements have attempted to provide some guidelines, but they often remain broad in learner performance descriptions. This ultimately makes assessment of individual learners‘ communicative ability challenging, and it essentially leaves judgment of learner progress up to the teachers. 

Communicative abilities cannot be simply categorized as speaking, listening, reading, or writing skills, as it was done in a traditional four skills approach. For example, when two people talk to each other, the process normally involves speaking and listening skills as well as active communicative strategies such as asking for clarification and adjusting language to make each other understood. The endeavor to teach languages in a way that encompasses all skills, based on an interactive view of language behavior, has posed many challenges on how to go about integrating the four skills effectively in a daily and long-term curriculum. 

The teaching of proficiency and communicative-based skills raises the question not only about content but also about the choice of learning tasks or best teaching practices. CLT does not promote one standardized method or curriculum, but is eclectic in its approach. Being eclectic means it promotes the best or most effective techniques or methodologies. At the same time, the choice of techniques and learning tasks is not an arbitrary decision, but is firmly grounded in principles of learning as they are motivated by research in second language acquisition (SLA) and educational psychology. Learning what constitutes effective ways of learning and teaching initially requires intensive training and in the long run staying in touch with current SLA research findings. 

As a last point, the quality of CLT also often depends on the quality of teaching materials. Unfortunately, only in the most commonly taught languages—such as English, Spanish, French, and German—does an abundance of materials exist to support the development of communicative language abilities over a wide range of skills.

(Source: <> )

Read the following activities and select the one that is in line with a communicative approach:
Q1023873 Inglês

Text I

CLT or a task-based approach is not a panacea to language teaching. There are numerous challenges to making communicative language teaching happen. These issues have to do with the choice of content, context, specific skill areas (e.g., vocabulary, grammar, etc.), and particular learning tasks that determine a curriculum. 

These choices are tightly linked to questions about what it means to ―know‖ a language, to be proficient in a language, and what communicative abilities entail. While the literature on language teaching has attempted to provide answers to such questions, there are no universally accepted standards. The proficiency and standards movements have attempted to provide some guidelines, but they often remain broad in learner performance descriptions. This ultimately makes assessment of individual learners‘ communicative ability challenging, and it essentially leaves judgment of learner progress up to the teachers. 

Communicative abilities cannot be simply categorized as speaking, listening, reading, or writing skills, as it was done in a traditional four skills approach. For example, when two people talk to each other, the process normally involves speaking and listening skills as well as active communicative strategies such as asking for clarification and adjusting language to make each other understood. The endeavor to teach languages in a way that encompasses all skills, based on an interactive view of language behavior, has posed many challenges on how to go about integrating the four skills effectively in a daily and long-term curriculum. 

The teaching of proficiency and communicative-based skills raises the question not only about content but also about the choice of learning tasks or best teaching practices. CLT does not promote one standardized method or curriculum, but is eclectic in its approach. Being eclectic means it promotes the best or most effective techniques or methodologies. At the same time, the choice of techniques and learning tasks is not an arbitrary decision, but is firmly grounded in principles of learning as they are motivated by research in second language acquisition (SLA) and educational psychology. Learning what constitutes effective ways of learning and teaching initially requires intensive training and in the long run staying in touch with current SLA research findings. 

As a last point, the quality of CLT also often depends on the quality of teaching materials. Unfortunately, only in the most commonly taught languages—such as English, Spanish, French, and German—does an abundance of materials exist to support the development of communicative language abilities over a wide range of skills.

(Source: <> )

The sentence that is in line with what the author states in the third paragraph is:
Q1023872 Inglês

Text I

CLT or a task-based approach is not a panacea to language teaching. There are numerous challenges to making communicative language teaching happen. These issues have to do with the choice of content, context, specific skill areas (e.g., vocabulary, grammar, etc.), and particular learning tasks that determine a curriculum. 

These choices are tightly linked to questions about what it means to ―know‖ a language, to be proficient in a language, and what communicative abilities entail. While the literature on language teaching has attempted to provide answers to such questions, there are no universally accepted standards. The proficiency and standards movements have attempted to provide some guidelines, but they often remain broad in learner performance descriptions. This ultimately makes assessment of individual learners‘ communicative ability challenging, and it essentially leaves judgment of learner progress up to the teachers. 

Communicative abilities cannot be simply categorized as speaking, listening, reading, or writing skills, as it was done in a traditional four skills approach. For example, when two people talk to each other, the process normally involves speaking and listening skills as well as active communicative strategies such as asking for clarification and adjusting language to make each other understood. The endeavor to teach languages in a way that encompasses all skills, based on an interactive view of language behavior, has posed many challenges on how to go about integrating the four skills effectively in a daily and long-term curriculum. 

The teaching of proficiency and communicative-based skills raises the question not only about content but also about the choice of learning tasks or best teaching practices. CLT does not promote one standardized method or curriculum, but is eclectic in its approach. Being eclectic means it promotes the best or most effective techniques or methodologies. At the same time, the choice of techniques and learning tasks is not an arbitrary decision, but is firmly grounded in principles of learning as they are motivated by research in second language acquisition (SLA) and educational psychology. Learning what constitutes effective ways of learning and teaching initially requires intensive training and in the long run staying in touch with current SLA research findings. 

As a last point, the quality of CLT also often depends on the quality of teaching materials. Unfortunately, only in the most commonly taught languages—such as English, Spanish, French, and German—does an abundance of materials exist to support the development of communicative language abilities over a wide range of skills.

(Source: <> )

In agreement with the main topic discussed in this text, the most adequate title is:
Q1017861 Inglês

The main issues of the Brazilian port system

Since the beginning of the privatization of the Brazilian ports in 1995, the lessee companies of container terminals have invested approximately USD 1 billion acquisition of modern equipment, physical infrastructure, training of manpower and infrastructure.

Particularly after the injection of resources by the Federal Government through the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), the situation at the Brazilian ports started to improve.

Part of the dredging works in the main Brazilian ports are finished. With the sea deeper along the ports’ area, it is estimated that around 30% of the vessels worldwide that could not dock in Brazil before, now can.

But what used to be an issue at the sea, now it is an issue at the land. The logistical problems of access are evident, the bottleneck of access from the cargo container terminals generate unproductive periods, which are highly detrimental to the foreign trade and financial activity of Brazil. It is a fact that the rail network and roads in the vicinity of the ports are insufficient.

Another great matter about the Brazilian ports is the bureaucracy. Besides making everything more expensive, slowness in the Brazilian ports invented a truly “congestion at sea”. Every ship that arrives in the country waits at least 5.5 days to have the goods delivered by agencies such as IRS, the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), the Ministry of Agriculture and the Docks. The world average is three days. 

In Brazil, the organs responsible for clearance of goods run only during business hours. It is the only country among the world’s major economies, which does not have these services available 24 hours.

According to the last paragraph, it is correct to say that:
Q1017858 Inglês

The main issues of the Brazilian port system

Since the beginning of the privatization of the Brazilian ports in 1995, the lessee companies of container terminals have invested approximately USD 1 billion acquisition of modern equipment, physical infrastructure, training of manpower and infrastructure.

Particularly after the injection of resources by the Federal Government through the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), the situation at the Brazilian ports started to improve.

Part of the dredging works in the main Brazilian ports are finished. With the sea deeper along the ports’ area, it is estimated that around 30% of the vessels worldwide that could not dock in Brazil before, now can.

But what used to be an issue at the sea, now it is an issue at the land. The logistical problems of access are evident, the bottleneck of access from the cargo container terminals generate unproductive periods, which are highly detrimental to the foreign trade and financial activity of Brazil. It is a fact that the rail network and roads in the vicinity of the ports are insufficient.

Another great matter about the Brazilian ports is the bureaucracy. Besides making everything more expensive, slowness in the Brazilian ports invented a truly “congestion at sea”. Every ship that arrives in the country waits at least 5.5 days to have the goods delivered by agencies such as IRS, the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), the Ministry of Agriculture and the Docks. The world average is three days. 

In Brazil, the organs responsible for clearance of goods run only during business hours. It is the only country among the world’s major economies, which does not have these services available 24 hours.

According to the first paragraph, it is correct to state that:
Q1015740 Inglês

Silicon Valley – America’s High Tech Centre

Silicon Valley is located in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay area. It originally got its name from the large number of companies that produced silicon chips. Today it is a general name for the high-tech industry of Northern California.

The beginning of Silicon Valley goes back to the early 20th century when the United States military and other companies started experimenting in the fields of radio, communications and electronics. The area also grew because Stanford and other universities and colleges produced a number of students who were interested in technology.

One of the first companies that started in Silicon Valley was Hewlett Packard. It was founded by two graduates of Stanford University in 1939. Today HP is the world’s largest technology company and operates in almost all countries in the world. After World War II an industrial park was built around Stanford University. Companies rented offices from the university and employed students as engineers and scientists.

In the 1950s the silicon transistor was developed and many companies started moving into the region. In the 1970s Silicon Valley became a well-known term in the United States because of the computer and software firms that were founded in the area. About a hundred new companies were established every year. Such growth was possible because people could found a company, get money and rent office space in only a few weeks. Among the well-known companies in the region are search engines Google and Yahoo!, chip producer Intel, computer and software manufacturers Apple and Adobe.

By 1992 Silicon Valley accounted for over 250,000 jobs and over 40% of California’s exports. Companies began calling in specialists from China and India because more and more high-tech scientists and engineers were needed.

When the Internet boom began in the 1990s a number of new so-called enterprises sprang up, including the online auction house eBay and others. When the boom collapsed at the beginning of the new millennium, thousands of high tech workers lost their jobs and couldn’t afford the high housing prices that the area produced. But even after the global financial crisis of 2008 Silicon Valley remains one of the top research and high-tech center in the world. 


Pode-se depreender do texto que:
Q1015739 Inglês

Silicon Valley – America’s High Tech Centre

Silicon Valley is located in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay area. It originally got its name from the large number of companies that produced silicon chips. Today it is a general name for the high-tech industry of Northern California.

The beginning of Silicon Valley goes back to the early 20th century when the United States military and other companies started experimenting in the fields of radio, communications and electronics. The area also grew because Stanford and other universities and colleges produced a number of students who were interested in technology.

One of the first companies that started in Silicon Valley was Hewlett Packard. It was founded by two graduates of Stanford University in 1939. Today HP is the world’s largest technology company and operates in almost all countries in the world. After World War II an industrial park was built around Stanford University. Companies rented offices from the university and employed students as engineers and scientists.

In the 1950s the silicon transistor was developed and many companies started moving into the region. In the 1970s Silicon Valley became a well-known term in the United States because of the computer and software firms that were founded in the area. About a hundred new companies were established every year. Such growth was possible because people could found a company, get money and rent office space in only a few weeks. Among the well-known companies in the region are search engines Google and Yahoo!, chip producer Intel, computer and software manufacturers Apple and Adobe.

By 1992 Silicon Valley accounted for over 250,000 jobs and over 40% of California’s exports. Companies began calling in specialists from China and India because more and more high-tech scientists and engineers were needed.

When the Internet boom began in the 1990s a number of new so-called enterprises sprang up, including the online auction house eBay and others. When the boom collapsed at the beginning of the new millennium, thousands of high tech workers lost their jobs and couldn’t afford the high housing prices that the area produced. But even after the global financial crisis of 2008 Silicon Valley remains one of the top research and high-tech center in the world. 


Leia atentamente as assertivas a seguir:

I O Vale do Silício, localizado na parte sul da Baía de são Francisco, recebeu esse nome por causa da enorme quantidade de silício encontrada no solo do local, o que atraiu um grande número de empresas de tecnologia.

II O Vale do Silício estabeleceu-se bem no início dos anos 2000, quando os militares e outras empresas dos Estados Unidos iniciaram experimentos nas áreas de rádio, comunicações e produtos eletrônicos.

III Fundada em 1939, sendo hoje a maior empresa de tecnologia do mundo, a Hewllett Packard, ou HP, foi a primeira empresa a iniciar suas atividades no Vale do Silício.

IV A construção de um parque industrial nos arredores da Universidade de Stanford durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial fez com que muitos estudantes dessa Universidade fossem contratados por empresas de tecnologia da região para trabalhar como engenheiros e cientistas.

Considerando as informações do texto, pode-se afirmar que está INCORRETO o encontrado em:

Q1015737 Inglês

Silicon Valley – America’s High Tech Centre

Silicon Valley is located in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay area. It originally got its name from the large number of companies that produced silicon chips. Today it is a general name for the high-tech industry of Northern California.

The beginning of Silicon Valley goes back to the early 20th century when the United States military and other companies started experimenting in the fields of radio, communications and electronics. The area also grew because Stanford and other universities and colleges produced a number of students who were interested in technology.

One of the first companies that started in Silicon Valley was Hewlett Packard. It was founded by two graduates of Stanford University in 1939. Today HP is the world’s largest technology company and operates in almost all countries in the world. After World War II an industrial park was built around Stanford University. Companies rented offices from the university and employed students as engineers and scientists.

In the 1950s the silicon transistor was developed and many companies started moving into the region. In the 1970s Silicon Valley became a well-known term in the United States because of the computer and software firms that were founded in the area. About a hundred new companies were established every year. Such growth was possible because people could found a company, get money and rent office space in only a few weeks. Among the well-known companies in the region are search engines Google and Yahoo!, chip producer Intel, computer and software manufacturers Apple and Adobe.

By 1992 Silicon Valley accounted for over 250,000 jobs and over 40% of California’s exports. Companies began calling in specialists from China and India because more and more high-tech scientists and engineers were needed.

When the Internet boom began in the 1990s a number of new so-called enterprises sprang up, including the online auction house eBay and others. When the boom collapsed at the beginning of the new millennium, thousands of high tech workers lost their jobs and couldn’t afford the high housing prices that the area produced. But even after the global financial crisis of 2008 Silicon Valley remains one of the top research and high-tech center in the world. 


Considerando as palavras ou expressões sublinhadas a seguir e seu devido contexto, pode-se afirmar que elas remetem à noção de grande quantidade ou quantidade considerável, COM EXCEÇÃO do que está exposto em:
Q1015545 Inglês

Reno, Nevada, Improves Efficiency while Complying with Stringent Open Meeting Law Requirements

The Reno City Council meets regularly to set priorities, approve the budget and address issues facing the community. These meetings are guided by incredibly stringent open meeting law requirements. Staff must post the agenda, along with all supporting materials, on their website at least three days prior to a meeting. Additionally, if any documents are presented during a Council meeting to help make a decision, it must be uploaded within 24 hours after the meeting.

As a Senior Management Analyst, Jaime Schroeder has been responsible for all staff reports, supporting materials and the agendas for the Reno City Council and the Reno Redevelopment Agency Board since early 2012. Back then, the agency was using a government shareware product. “We realized we had quickly outgrown that system,” recalls Jaime.

The City’s communications and technology departments conducted a thorough search of alternatives and narrowed the list down to three contenders. “We looked at Accela Legislative Management and realized it was the full package,” says Jaime. “It was something we felt we could implement and get comfortable with quickly.”


One of the things Jaime appreciates about Accela is that “they believe in their product so much, you don’t have to sign on for a year. With Accela, we didn’t feel they were trying to get the most money they could from the agency. We felt they truly were a company that wanted to work with us and were understanding of all the different requirements we had.”

City Council meetings are on average four to six hours long. In the past, citizens had to fast forward and rewind through an entire meeting online in order to find what they were looking for. “The great thing about this product and why we chose it is that the video of each meeting is integrated with the meeting documents and it also has time-stamp features, making it easy for staff and citizens to quickly find what they’re interested in. I love that transparency.” 

Once a document is posted online, staff and citizens alike can access it through a meeting portal 24/7. When citizens request a Council or staff report, employees can simply direct them to the portal, where they can click on the meeting date, see the agenda and then click on the item that interests them. When the media requests information, the Communications department can send links to staff reports online, saving time, paper and money and helping to ensure accurate media coverage.

In the future, the City of Reno is looking forward to using the electronic voting feature available within Accela Digital Boardroom that shows meeting participants’ votes on a screen during the meeting in real time.
(Adapted from
Segundo o texto,
Q1015544 Inglês

Reno, Nevada, Improves Efficiency while Complying with Stringent Open Meeting Law Requirements

The Reno City Council meets regularly to set priorities, approve the budget and address issues facing the community. These meetings are guided by incredibly stringent open meeting law requirements. Staff must post the agenda, along with all supporting materials, on their website at least three days prior to a meeting. Additionally, if any documents are presented during a Council meeting to help make a decision, it must be uploaded within 24 hours after the meeting.

As a Senior Management Analyst, Jaime Schroeder has been responsible for all staff reports, supporting materials and the agendas for the Reno City Council and the Reno Redevelopment Agency Board since early 2012. Back then, the agency was using a government shareware product. “We realized we had quickly outgrown that system,” recalls Jaime.

The City’s communications and technology departments conducted a thorough search of alternatives and narrowed the list down to three contenders. “We looked at Accela Legislative Management and realized it was the full package,” says Jaime. “It was something we felt we could implement and get comfortable with quickly.”


One of the things Jaime appreciates about Accela is that “they believe in their product so much, you don’t have to sign on for a year. With Accela, we didn’t feel they were trying to get the most money they could from the agency. We felt they truly were a company that wanted to work with us and were understanding of all the different requirements we had.”

City Council meetings are on average four to six hours long. In the past, citizens had to fast forward and rewind through an entire meeting online in order to find what they were looking for. “The great thing about this product and why we chose it is that the video of each meeting is integrated with the meeting documents and it also has time-stamp features, making it easy for staff and citizens to quickly find what they’re interested in. I love that transparency.” 

Once a document is posted online, staff and citizens alike can access it through a meeting portal 24/7. When citizens request a Council or staff report, employees can simply direct them to the portal, where they can click on the meeting date, see the agenda and then click on the item that interests them. When the media requests information, the Communications department can send links to staff reports online, saving time, paper and money and helping to ensure accurate media coverage.

In the future, the City of Reno is looking forward to using the electronic voting feature available within Accela Digital Boardroom that shows meeting participants’ votes on a screen during the meeting in real time.
(Adapted from

De acordo com o texto,

Q1015543 Inglês

Reno, Nevada, Improves Efficiency while Complying with Stringent Open Meeting Law Requirements

The Reno City Council meets regularly to set priorities, approve the budget and address issues facing the community. These meetings are guided by incredibly stringent open meeting law requirements. Staff must post the agenda, along with all supporting materials, on their website at least three days prior to a meeting. Additionally, if any documents are presented during a Council meeting to help make a decision, it must be uploaded within 24 hours after the meeting.

As a Senior Management Analyst, Jaime Schroeder has been responsible for all staff reports, supporting materials and the agendas for the Reno City Council and the Reno Redevelopment Agency Board since early 2012. Back then, the agency was using a government shareware product. “We realized we had quickly outgrown that system,” recalls Jaime.

The City’s communications and technology departments conducted a thorough search of alternatives and narrowed the list down to three contenders. “We looked at Accela Legislative Management and realized it was the full package,” says Jaime. “It was something we felt we could implement and get comfortable with quickly.”


One of the things Jaime appreciates about Accela is that “they believe in their product so much, you don’t have to sign on for a year. With Accela, we didn’t feel they were trying to get the most money they could from the agency. We felt they truly were a company that wanted to work with us and were understanding of all the different requirements we had.”

City Council meetings are on average four to six hours long. In the past, citizens had to fast forward and rewind through an entire meeting online in order to find what they were looking for. “The great thing about this product and why we chose it is that the video of each meeting is integrated with the meeting documents and it also has time-stamp features, making it easy for staff and citizens to quickly find what they’re interested in. I love that transparency.” 

Once a document is posted online, staff and citizens alike can access it through a meeting portal 24/7. When citizens request a Council or staff report, employees can simply direct them to the portal, where they can click on the meeting date, see the agenda and then click on the item that interests them. When the media requests information, the Communications department can send links to staff reports online, saving time, paper and money and helping to ensure accurate media coverage.

In the future, the City of Reno is looking forward to using the electronic voting feature available within Accela Digital Boardroom that shows meeting participants’ votes on a screen during the meeting in real time.
(Adapted from
De acordo com o texto,
Q1015542 Inglês

Legislative Management and Information System

    In May 2001, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP − Provincial Council in English) under the leadership of Vice-Governor Loreto Leo S. Ocampos embarked on the computerization of its legislative function through the acquisition of the “Legislative Management and Tracking System”. The “Legislative Management and Tracking System” or “Legtrack” as it is commonly called, is a software program developed as a tool to track, monitor and store communications, requests, proposed resolutions and ordinances, communications, Sangguniang Bayan Resolutions and ordinances from different municipalities and cities to be acted upon.
    The Provincial Government only spent sixty-six thousand pesos (P 66,000.00) for the cost of installation, airfare and accommodation of two Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) consultants and the training of five SP personnel on its operation and application. Now, over a million worth of software program was given to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan for free.
    The SP’s “Legtrack” can be considered as one of the most updated versions of the Tracking System used by different Local Government Units in the country. It also holds the distinction of being the first “Legtrack” to be synced to a Paperless Legislation Program.
    The actual performance of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan and its individual members can also be gauged through statistics on session attendance; committee meeting attendance; committee reports made, number of resolutions and ordinances authored, sponsored and passed.
     Furthermore, the System upgrade(s) enhances not only the intellectual capability of the Secretariat but also its technical competence in support to the Sanggunian’s Office vows to be responsive, active and sensitive to the needs of the people. It has undergone a total of seven upgrades over the years.
(Adapted from

Segundo o texto, o Legtrack
Q1015541 Inglês

Legislative Management and Information System

    In May 2001, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP − Provincial Council in English) under the leadership of Vice-Governor Loreto Leo S. Ocampos embarked on the computerization of its legislative function through the acquisition of the “Legislative Management and Tracking System”. The “Legislative Management and Tracking System” or “Legtrack” as it is commonly called, is a software program developed as a tool to track, monitor and store communications, requests, proposed resolutions and ordinances, communications, Sangguniang Bayan Resolutions and ordinances from different municipalities and cities to be acted upon.
    The Provincial Government only spent sixty-six thousand pesos (P 66,000.00) for the cost of installation, airfare and accommodation of two Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) consultants and the training of five SP personnel on its operation and application. Now, over a million worth of software program was given to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan for free.
    The SP’s “Legtrack” can be considered as one of the most updated versions of the Tracking System used by different Local Government Units in the country. It also holds the distinction of being the first “Legtrack” to be synced to a Paperless Legislation Program.
    The actual performance of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan and its individual members can also be gauged through statistics on session attendance; committee meeting attendance; committee reports made, number of resolutions and ordinances authored, sponsored and passed.
     Furthermore, the System upgrade(s) enhances not only the intellectual capability of the Secretariat but also its technical competence in support to the Sanggunian’s Office vows to be responsive, active and sensitive to the needs of the people. It has undergone a total of seven upgrades over the years.
(Adapted from

De acordo com o texto, o Legtrack
Q1015068 Inglês

Text VII

      The term ‘assessment literacy’ has been coined in recent years to denote what teachers need to know about assessment. Traditionally, it was regarded as the ability to select, design and evaluate tests and assessment procedures, as well as to score and grade them on the basis of theoretical knowledge. More recent approaches embrace a broader understanding of the concept when taking account of the implications of assessment for teaching. […] Knowing and understanding the key principles of sound assessment and translating those into quality information about students’ achievements and effective instruction are considered essential.

(BERGER, A. Creating Language ‐ Assessment Literacy: A Model for Teacher Education. In: HÜTTNER, J.; MEHLMAUER‐LARCHER, B.; REICH, S. (eds.)   Theory and Practice in EFL Teaching Education: Bridging the Gap. Multilingual Matters, 2012. pp.57‐82.)

Match the descriptions that apply to summative, formative or diagnostic assessment. Note that more than one description can apply to one type of assessment.

I. It can help the teacher to identify students' current knowledge of a subject.

II. It provides feedback and information during the instructional process.

III. It takes place when learning has been completed and provides information and feedback that sum up the teaching and learning process.

IV. It is typically given to students at the end of a set point.

Q1015066 Inglês

Text VII

      The term ‘assessment literacy’ has been coined in recent years to denote what teachers need to know about assessment. Traditionally, it was regarded as the ability to select, design and evaluate tests and assessment procedures, as well as to score and grade them on the basis of theoretical knowledge. More recent approaches embrace a broader understanding of the concept when taking account of the implications of assessment for teaching. […] Knowing and understanding the key principles of sound assessment and translating those into quality information about students’ achievements and effective instruction are considered essential.

(BERGER, A. Creating Language ‐ Assessment Literacy: A Model for Teacher Education. In: HÜTTNER, J.; MEHLMAUER‐LARCHER, B.; REICH, S. (eds.)   Theory and Practice in EFL Teaching Education: Bridging the Gap. Multilingual Matters, 2012. pp.57‐82.)

Within a “broader understanding” of the concept of assessment, teachers should reflect upon their practice taking some questions into account. Which of the four questions below SHOULD NOT be a priority for assessment concerned with effective instruction?
Q1015065 Inglês

Text VI.

                            Critical Discourse Analysis

      We have seen that among many other resources that define the power base of a group or institution, access to or control over public discourse and communication is an important "symbolic" resource, as is the case for knowledge and information (van Dijk 1996). Most people have active control only over everyday talk with family members, friends, or colleagues, and passive control over, e.g. media usage. In many situations, ordinary people are more or less passive targets of text and talk, e.g. of their bosses or teachers, or of the authorities, such as police officers, judges, welfare bureaucrats, or tax inspectors, who may simply tell them what (not) to believe or what to do.

      On the other hand, members of more powerful social groups and institutions, and especially their leaders (the elites), have more or less exclusive access to, and control over, one or more types of public discourse. Thus, professors control scholarly discourse, teachers educational discourse, journalists media discourse, lawyers legal discourse, and politicians policy and other public political discourse. Those who have more control over more ‒ and more influential ‒  discourse (and more properties) are by that definition also more powerful.

      These notions of discourse access and control are very general, and it is one of the tasks of CDA to spell out these forms of power. Thus, if discourse is defined in terms of complex communicative events, access and control may be defined both for the context and for the structures of text and talk themselves.

(van DIJK, T. A. Critical Discourse Analysis. In: SCHIFFRIN, D.; TANNEN, D.; HAMILTON, H. (eds.).   The Handbook of Discourse Analysis, Wiley‐Blackwell, 2003. pp. 352‐371.)

Identify the illocutionary force of the professor's utterance below:

Professor to Undergraduates during a class at the university: “How's that paper doing? It's due on Monday.”

(Adapted from: Accessed on October 24, 2014.)

5661: A
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5680: B