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Sobre interpretação de texto | reading comprehension em inglês
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“Different learners have different preferred learning styles. This means that activities should be variable and should cater for all learning styles” (TOMLINSON, 2011, p. 17) Tomlinson (2011) presents the styles of learning which need to be catered for in language learning material.
Choose the alternative in which the exemplification of the learning style is correct:
Brown (2007, p. 62-79) proposes an approach to language teaching based on cognitive, socioaffective and linguistic principles.
Choose the alternative in which the SOCIOAFFECTIVE PRINCIPLES are presented.
A “method” is not a relevant issue in such a connection between approach and technique. As your teacher-trainees develop and carry out classroom techniques, they can benefit by grounding everything they do in well-established principles of language learning and teaching. In so doing, they will be less likely to bring a pre-packaged and possibly ineffective method to bear, and more likely to be directly responsive to their students’ purposes and goals.
(BROWN, H. Douglas. Beyond Method: Toward a principled approach to language learning and teaching. Anais do XIII ENPULI. 1995 p.45)
Which statement is correct according to Brown?
After analyzing the cartoons, answer the question:
What can be stated about students’ learning
On the other hand, one may wonder what role English for Specific Purposes (ESP) plays in Brazil? The answer is: ESP has also its place in the Brazilian educational c ontext. It is now a well-established area field of language teaching and learning in the country. As already attested elsewhere (Ramos, 2005) ESP is a part of innumerable new textbooks that were put on the market in the last 10 years. It is part of the content indicated for the tertiary level entrance exams (maned Vestibular) in the country. It is the name of many courses that are offered in Brazilian universities.
(RAMOS, R. C. G. ESP in Brazil: history, new trends and challenges. In: KRZANOWSKI, M. (Ed.). ESP and EAP in Developing and in Least Developing Countries. IATEFL, 2008. p. 68-83.)
Which of the following are characteristics of English for Specific Purposes?
1. Meets specific needs of learners.
2. Makes use of underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it serves.
3. Is centered on the language appropriate to these activities in terms of grammar, lexis, syntax, study skills, discourse and genre.
4. Is designed for business purposes only.
5. Follows a specific methodology.
Tomlinson (2011, p.7) states that materials should achieve impact. “Impact is achieved when materials have a noticeable effect on learners, that is when the learners’ curiosity, interest and attention are attracted. If this is achieved there is a better chance that some of the language in the materials will be taken in for processing”. According to the author, materials can achieve impact through some aspects.
Choose the alternative that is approached by Tomlinson (2006):
“Our concern is with language learning. We cannot simply assume that describing and exemplifying what people do with language will enable someone to learn it. If that were so, we would need to do more than read a grammar book and a dictionary in order to learn a language. A truly valid approach to ESP must be based on an understanding of the processes of language learning”
(HUTCHINSON & WATERS, 1987, p.14)
According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987), the subject of their book is:
Cow Threat
Cows are walking machines. They transform materials (grass, hay, water, and feed) into finished products (milk, beef, leather, and so on).
As any factory, cows produce waste. Solid waste is eliminated through the rear end of these ‘complex machines’, and it is used as fertilizer.
The fermentation process in their four stomachs produces gas. These walking machines have two chimneys: one in the front end, and other in the rear end. Gaseous emissions through the front end chimney are called burps. Cows burp a lot. Every minute and half these burps release methane gas. Methane is dangerous to the planet because it contributes to the greenhouse effect.
The world population is growing very fast. That means there are more people eating beef. Consequently, there is more cattle – more walking machines – producing more methane gas.
This is the problem, but very few people want to change their eating habits. What about you?
Cow Threat
Cows are walking machines. They transform materials (grass, hay, water, and feed) into finished products (milk, beef, leather, and so on).
As any factory, cows produce waste. Solid waste is eliminated through the rear end of these ‘complex machines’, and it is used as fertilizer.
The fermentation process in their four stomachs produces gas. These walking machines have two chimneys: one in the front end, and other in the rear end. Gaseous emissions through the front end chimney are called burps. Cows burp a lot. Every minute and half these burps release methane gas. Methane is dangerous to the planet because it contributes to the greenhouse effect.
The world population is growing very fast. That means there are more people eating beef. Consequently, there is more cattle – more walking machines – producing more methane gas.
This is the problem, but very few people want to change their eating habits. What about you?
Cow Threat
Cows are walking machines. They transform materials (grass, hay, water, and feed) into finished products (milk, beef, leather, and so on).
As any factory, cows produce waste. Solid waste is eliminated through the rear end of these ‘complex machines’, and it is used as fertilizer.
The fermentation process in their four stomachs produces gas. These walking machines have two chimneys: one in the front end, and other in the rear end. Gaseous emissions through the front end chimney are called burps. Cows burp a lot. Every minute and half these burps release methane gas. Methane is dangerous to the planet because it contributes to the greenhouse effect.
The world population is growing very fast. That means there are more people eating beef. Consequently, there is more cattle – more walking machines – producing more methane gas.
This is the problem, but very few people want to change their eating habits. What about you?
Read these sentences and, according to the text, decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ).
( ) Cows have more than one stomach.
( ) The production of methane is a serious problem.
( ) Cows eliminate gases through their front and rear ends.
( ) Burps are eliminations of gas through the rear end.
( ) Cows burp approximately 10 times in one hour.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence:
( ) Streaming has caused the fall of time spent watching TV. ( ) In all, APA analyzed around 50.000 responses from students every year. ( ) 12th graders read about three times more books in the 1970s than in 2016.
The correct sequence downwards is
Column I 1. Late 1970s 2. 1991 3. Mid-2010s 4. 2016
Column II ( ) About 20% of high school seniors reported reading every day. ( ) The majority of 12th graders declared reading for pleasure almost daily. ( ) 8th- and 10th-grade subjects started to participate in the MTF survey project. ( ) 12th graders reported devoting 1/4 of their daily hours to digital media.
The correct sequence downwards is