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Q2402993 Inglês

ESL Teaching and Post-Pandemic: What Changed?

Altiné Moumouni

        The pandemic that started in 2019 has shaken the world, and it has transformed the way we interact, the way we work, and even made us appreciate the simplest things we took for granted.
                1. Pandemic creates shortage of qualified ESL teachers
             Currently, there are still fewer ESL teachers willing to travel abroad and teach ESL. At the same, countries like the USA experience a massive reduction in ESL teachers. About 44% of public schools in the USA declare they need at least one teacher, and 61%, particularly of these vacancies, are due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including 51% resignations and 21% retirements (Source:
                2. Pandemic increases uncertainty among ESL teachers
             The pandemic increased the level of uncertainty as nobody actually knows what will happen next. The best way to prepare is to invest in yourself and become a better teacher.
              3. Parents may experience income reduction
            Most countries, including the USA, will experience postpandemic recession, reducing households’ discretionary spending for education. This may lead to fewer private tutoring jobs available for ESL teachers. In addition, some ESL students may need to drop out of school to support their families.
              4. ESL teachers less sure about teaching as a career
         A study from the Brookings Institution found that, during the pandemic, teachers have become less confident about their career choices. The researchers found that many teachers considered leaving or retiring during the 2020-2021 academic year.   
             5. Pandemic increases role of technology in ESL learning
            One of the biggest issues is the increased role of technology in ESL learning. In most western countries, including the UK, Canada, and the United States, many ESL students have at least some access to electronic devices and internet. 

(Adapted from

In the sentence "This may lead to fewer private tutoring jobs available for ESL teachers," what part of speech is the word "This"
Q2401702 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir e responda as questões de 30 a 40:

We crowded round, and over Miss Cathy's head I had a peep at a dirty, ragged, black-haired child; big enough both to walk and talk: indeed, its face looked older than Catherine's; yet when it was set on its feet, it only stared round, and repeated over and over again some gibberish that nobody could understand. I was frightened, and Mrs. Earnshaw was ready to fling it out of doors: she did fly up, asking how he could fashion to bring that gipsy brat into the house, when they had their own bairns to feed and fend for? What he meant to do with it, and whether he were mad? The master tried to explain the matter; but he was really half dead with fatigue, and all that I could make out, amongst her scolding, was a tale of his seeing it starving, and houseless, and as good as dumb, in the streets of Liverpool, where he picked it up and inquired for its owner. Not a soul knew to whom it belonged, he said; and his money and time being both limited, he thought it better to take it home with him at once, than run into vain expenses there: because he was determined he would not leave it as he found it. Well, the conclusion was, that my mistress grumbled herself calm; and Mr. Earnshaw told me to wash it, and give it clean things, and let it sleep with the children.

Hindley and Cathy contented themselves with looking and listening till peace was restored: then, both began searching their father's pockets for the presents he had promised them. The former was a boy of fourteen, but when he drew out what had been a fiddle, crushed to morsels in the great-coat, he blubbered aloud; and Cathy, when she learned the master had lost her whip in attending on the stranger, showed her humour by grinning and spitting at the stupid little thing; earning for her pains a sound blow from her father, to teach her cleaner manners. They entirely refused to have it in bed with them, or even in their room; and I had no more sense, so I put it on the landing of the stairs, hoping it might he gone on the morrow. By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept to Mr. Earnshaw's door, and there he found it on quitting his chamber. Inquiries were made as to how it got there; I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house.

BRONTE, Emily. Wuthering Heights. London: Thomas Cautley Newby, 1847

“Well, the conclusion was, that my mistress grumbled herself calm; and Mr. Earnshaw told me to wash it, and give it clean things, and let it sleep with the children.”

No fragmento acima, o subject pronoun “it” está se referindo a:

Q2389806 Inglês

        Drones are an integral part of the defense and supply-chain industry. However, their prowess and versatility extend beyond these sectors. As the demand for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) continues to increase, the drone market is now estimated to be valued at over 127 billion dollars.

        These uncrewed aircrafts can potentially develop numerous sectors, including transport and travel, exponentially. This is primarily due to their remarkable evolution of collision-avoidance technologies through computer vision and artificial intelligence, allowing them to operate autonomously.

        The dynamic innovation of drone transportation can positively impact emergency services by decreasing emergency response time, offering valuable data from inaccessible regions, and identifying victims via thermal imaging.

Though the concept of a UAV emerges from being “unmanned,” its autonomous power can be used to create functional, personal transportation. Well-known companies like Uber, Airbus, and Boeing are constantly working on developing self-flying drones that can take people from one place to another. 

        In conclusion, drone transportation has a lot of untapped potential beyond supply chain and security surveillance. Whether it is for emergencies, luxury, or space exploration, the future is optimistic for the travel industry.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item. 

The word “their” (second sentence of the second paragraph) refers back to “sectors” (first sentence of the second paragraph).  

Q2387708 Inglês
Audit data analytics, machine learning, and full population testing

Technologies are evolving at an unprecedented pace and pose significant challenges and opportunities to companies and related parties, including the accounting profession. In today’s business environment, it is inevitable for companies to react quickly to changing conditions and markets. Many companies are seeking better ways to utilize emerging technologies to transform how they conduct business. We live in an age of information explosion, with technologies capable of making revolutionary changes in various industries and reshaping business models. At present, many companies view data as one of their most valuable assets. They amass an unprecedented amount of data from their daily business operation and strive to harness the power of data through analytics. Emerging technologies like robotic process automation, machine learning, and data analytics also impact the accounting profession. It is important for the profession to understand the impacts, opportunities, and challenges of these technologies.

Specifically, in audit and assurance areas, data analytics and machine learning will lead to many changes in the foreseeable future. Audit sampling is one such potential change. The use of sampling in audits has been criticized since it only provides a small snapshot of the entire population. To address this major issue, this study introduces the idea of applying audit data analytics and machine learning for full population testing through the concept of “audit-by-exception” and “exceptional exceptions.” In this way, the emphasis of audit work shifts from “transaction examination” to “exception examination” and prioritizes the exceptions based on different criteria. Consequently, auditors can assess the associated risk based on the entire population of the transactions and thus enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit process.

Adapted from the introduction to a study published in:
In “They amass” (1st paragraph), the pronoun refers to:
Q2383639 Inglês

Text 18A3-I 

    The roar of a waterfall suggests the power of water. Rampaging floodwaters can uproot strong trees and twist railroad tracks. When the power of water is harnessed, however, it can do useful work for humans. 

    Since ancient times, people have put the energy in the flow of water to work. They first made water work for them with the waterwheel, a wheel with paddles around its rim. Flowing water rotated the waterwheel, which in turn ran machinery that was linked to it. Today, new kinds of waterwheels — turbines — spin generators that produce electricity. Electricity from water-turned generators is known as hydroelectricity. 

    By building a dam across a river, the natural upstream water level is elevated and a difference in head is created that can be used to drive turbines and generate electricity. A large upstream reservoir may balance seasonal water flow; rain or melted snow can be stored in the reservoir during the wet season to provide electricity during dry seasons. 

    Waterpower is distributed unevenly among the continents and nations of the world. Europe and North America have developed much of their waterpower. Asia, South America, and Africa have abundant waterpower potential, but while countries such as China and Brazil have become leading hydroelectric producers, much of the waterpower resource on those continents remains undeveloped. 

Elizabeth Lachner. Hydroelectricity. Rosen Publishing Group, 2018 (adapted). 

In the third sentence of the second paragraph of text 18A3-I, the pronouns “which” and “it” are both replacing 
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