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Q1709231 Inglês
Analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. A grafia e a tradução do trecho a seguir em inglês: you can’t know him from his brother (você não pode distingui-lo do seu irmão), estão corretas. II. O trecho “to cut a long story short”, em inglês, está corretamente grafado e possui um verbo cuja ideia principal é equivalente a “reduzir”, “cortar” ou “encurtar”.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1709230 Inglês
Analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. Está correta a grafia do trecho seguinte: a person-to-person phone call (ligação telefônica de pessoa para pessoa). II. Estão corretas a grafia e a tradução do trecho a seguir em inglês: to come down to earth (voltar à realidade, pôr os pés no chão).
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1709229 Inglês
Analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. A grafia e a tradução do trecho a seguir em inglês: please let me know your arrival (queira por favor informar-me da sua chegada), estão corretas. II. O trecho em inglês “it is for him to escuse hinself” possui a grafia correta e pode ser adequadamente traduzido para: ele é quem deve pedir desculpas.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1709216 Inglês
Analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. O trecho “there are no flies on him”, em inglês, está corretamente grafado e seu significado equivale a “ele não é bobo e não se deixa enganar”. II. A grafia do trecho a seguir, em inglês, está correta: please lety me know your arrival. A tradução mais correta para esse trecho é: reunir-se com a família; reencontrar os familiares.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1708870 Inglês
Talking about money, don’t count on Pedro. He is such a deadbeat. 
Count on means:
Q1708869 Inglês
Talking about money, don’t count on Pedro. He is such a deadbeat. 
Qual o tempo verbal da sentença: ―Don’t count on Pedro”?
Q1708868 Inglês
Talking about money, don’t count on Pedro. He is such a deadbeat. 
In this context, the word deadbeat means:
Q1708867 Inglês
My old sister is very stubborn. Nesse contexto, a palavra em inglês stubborn significa:
Q1708866 Inglês
Based on the English Grammar, we use the simple past tense to talk about:
Q1708865 Inglês
Based on your grammar knowledge, choose the correct alternative
Q1708864 Inglês
Frank gets on well with his new roommates. The phrasal verb “get on with” means:
Q1708863 Inglês

Don´t worry, this decision will be duck soup for him.

The expression ―duck soup” means:

Q1708862 Inglês
Based on your knowledge about English expressions, analyze the following statement.
Technology has turned people into couch potatoes.
The expression ―couch potatoes” means:
Q1708861 Inglês

CrashDetech: The app that could save your life in a car crash

    (CNN) It's the killer that, by some measures, takes more young lives each year than conflict or some forms of cancer. Every 30 seconds a person is killed in a road crash, according to figures from the Global Road Safety Partnership. That's more than 3,400 people per day and 1.25 million people per year. Perhaps even more arresting is World Health Organization (WHO) analysis which says that 90% of all road based fatalities occur in low to middle income countries, despite such nations having only half of the world's vehicles. It's a tragedy that even takes a toll on development costing some nations up to 5% of GDP, according to the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP). The problem is so pressing that the U.N. declared the years between 2011 and 2020 as the "Decade of Action for Road Safety," with over 100 countries pledging to reduce killer car accidents. Some of the highest rates of road deaths can be found in Africa. According to the WHO's 2015 Global Status on Road safety report, Libya is at the top of the table (73 deaths per 100,000 people), followed by Thailand (36) and Malawi (35). Automatic detection
    Yet one South African company has designed a system that it believes can help cut Africa's dismal rate of road fatalities. CrashDetech is a smartphone application designed by Johannesburg- based entrepreneur Jaco Gerrits. It operates while a user is driving and detects the sudden motion and G-forces of a car crash. The app then pinpoints the location of the accident and automatically calls an emergency response center, which will dispatch the nearest medical emergency team. CrashDetechs also sends personal medical information, such as allergies and blood type, to enable doctors and paramedics to offer more effective treatment. The aim is to reduce waiting times, and in doing so, save lives. Race against time
    In South Africa, the WHO estimate that roughly 38 people are killed in road accidents each day. "It's a major global public health problem," Gerrits told CNN. "They [the WHO] have identified that how quickly you respond to a crash and how effectively obviously can make a massive difference‖. Let's say in a rural area you're involved in a crash and you're off the road. There's a good chance that nobody might even notice the crash. You can't speak for yourself, and those patients will probably never get the right kind of treatment to them in time." According to Dr Pieter Venter of the Global Road Safety partnership, mobile technology start-up's like CrashDetech have exciting potential. "A number of providers of such services have launched both here in South Africa and right around the world, and there is a growing body of anecdotal evidence which supports the position that this technology can play a key role in helping to save lives," Venter said. But Venter also states that changing attitudes to the wearing of seatbelts and highlighting the dangers of drink-driving are also important factors in reducing road fatalities in the likes of South Africa.
    One of the app's key advantages is it has grouped together 113 different private emergency medical providers in South Africa, meaning its customers have a greater chance of accessing an ambulance that's near. "You might be familiar with one specific [ambulance] number, for example ER24, [but] there's a good chance they're half an hour away. Whereas let's say Netcare 911 might be 5 minutes away," Gerrits continued "If you've got medical aid [insurance], it normally has a relationship with one of the private companies. They'll typically try and dispatch the company's resources that they have a relationship with," said Gerrits.

Adaptado de (
In the statement from the text: ―There's a good chance that nobody might even notice the crash.‖
Q1708860 Inglês

CrashDetech: The app that could save your life in a car crash

    (CNN) It's the killer that, by some measures, takes more young lives each year than conflict or some forms of cancer. Every 30 seconds a person is killed in a road crash, according to figures from the Global Road Safety Partnership. That's more than 3,400 people per day and 1.25 million people per year. Perhaps even more arresting is World Health Organization (WHO) analysis which says that 90% of all road based fatalities occur in low to middle income countries, despite such nations having only half of the world's vehicles. It's a tragedy that even takes a toll on development costing some nations up to 5% of GDP, according to the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP). The problem is so pressing that the U.N. declared the years between 2011 and 2020 as the "Decade of Action for Road Safety," with over 100 countries pledging to reduce killer car accidents. Some of the highest rates of road deaths can be found in Africa. According to the WHO's 2015 Global Status on Road safety report, Libya is at the top of the table (73 deaths per 100,000 people), followed by Thailand (36) and Malawi (35). Automatic detection
    Yet one South African company has designed a system that it believes can help cut Africa's dismal rate of road fatalities. CrashDetech is a smartphone application designed by Johannesburg- based entrepreneur Jaco Gerrits. It operates while a user is driving and detects the sudden motion and G-forces of a car crash. The app then pinpoints the location of the accident and automatically calls an emergency response center, which will dispatch the nearest medical emergency team. CrashDetechs also sends personal medical information, such as allergies and blood type, to enable doctors and paramedics to offer more effective treatment. The aim is to reduce waiting times, and in doing so, save lives. Race against time
    In South Africa, the WHO estimate that roughly 38 people are killed in road accidents each day. "It's a major global public health problem," Gerrits told CNN. "They [the WHO] have identified that how quickly you respond to a crash and how effectively obviously can make a massive difference‖. Let's say in a rural area you're involved in a crash and you're off the road. There's a good chance that nobody might even notice the crash. You can't speak for yourself, and those patients will probably never get the right kind of treatment to them in time." According to Dr Pieter Venter of the Global Road Safety partnership, mobile technology start-up's like CrashDetech have exciting potential. "A number of providers of such services have launched both here in South Africa and right around the world, and there is a growing body of anecdotal evidence which supports the position that this technology can play a key role in helping to save lives," Venter said. But Venter also states that changing attitudes to the wearing of seatbelts and highlighting the dangers of drink-driving are also important factors in reducing road fatalities in the likes of South Africa.
    One of the app's key advantages is it has grouped together 113 different private emergency medical providers in South Africa, meaning its customers have a greater chance of accessing an ambulance that's near. "You might be familiar with one specific [ambulance] number, for example ER24, [but] there's a good chance they're half an hour away. Whereas let's say Netcare 911 might be 5 minutes away," Gerrits continued "If you've got medical aid [insurance], it normally has a relationship with one of the private companies. They'll typically try and dispatch the company's resources that they have a relationship with," said Gerrits.

Adaptado de (
In the passage: ―Let’s say in a rural area you're involved in a crash and you're off the road.‖ The word ―rural” can be replaced by:
Q1708859 Inglês

CrashDetech: The app that could save your life in a car crash

    (CNN) It's the killer that, by some measures, takes more young lives each year than conflict or some forms of cancer. Every 30 seconds a person is killed in a road crash, according to figures from the Global Road Safety Partnership. That's more than 3,400 people per day and 1.25 million people per year. Perhaps even more arresting is World Health Organization (WHO) analysis which says that 90% of all road based fatalities occur in low to middle income countries, despite such nations having only half of the world's vehicles. It's a tragedy that even takes a toll on development costing some nations up to 5% of GDP, according to the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP). The problem is so pressing that the U.N. declared the years between 2011 and 2020 as the "Decade of Action for Road Safety," with over 100 countries pledging to reduce killer car accidents. Some of the highest rates of road deaths can be found in Africa. According to the WHO's 2015 Global Status on Road safety report, Libya is at the top of the table (73 deaths per 100,000 people), followed by Thailand (36) and Malawi (35). Automatic detection
    Yet one South African company has designed a system that it believes can help cut Africa's dismal rate of road fatalities. CrashDetech is a smartphone application designed by Johannesburg- based entrepreneur Jaco Gerrits. It operates while a user is driving and detects the sudden motion and G-forces of a car crash. The app then pinpoints the location of the accident and automatically calls an emergency response center, which will dispatch the nearest medical emergency team. CrashDetechs also sends personal medical information, such as allergies and blood type, to enable doctors and paramedics to offer more effective treatment. The aim is to reduce waiting times, and in doing so, save lives. Race against time
    In South Africa, the WHO estimate that roughly 38 people are killed in road accidents each day. "It's a major global public health problem," Gerrits told CNN. "They [the WHO] have identified that how quickly you respond to a crash and how effectively obviously can make a massive difference‖. Let's say in a rural area you're involved in a crash and you're off the road. There's a good chance that nobody might even notice the crash. You can't speak for yourself, and those patients will probably never get the right kind of treatment to them in time." According to Dr Pieter Venter of the Global Road Safety partnership, mobile technology start-up's like CrashDetech have exciting potential. "A number of providers of such services have launched both here in South Africa and right around the world, and there is a growing body of anecdotal evidence which supports the position that this technology can play a key role in helping to save lives," Venter said. But Venter also states that changing attitudes to the wearing of seatbelts and highlighting the dangers of drink-driving are also important factors in reducing road fatalities in the likes of South Africa.
    One of the app's key advantages is it has grouped together 113 different private emergency medical providers in South Africa, meaning its customers have a greater chance of accessing an ambulance that's near. "You might be familiar with one specific [ambulance] number, for example ER24, [but] there's a good chance they're half an hour away. Whereas let's say Netcare 911 might be 5 minutes away," Gerrits continued "If you've got medical aid [insurance], it normally has a relationship with one of the private companies. They'll typically try and dispatch the company's resources that they have a relationship with," said Gerrits.

Adaptado de (
In this piece from the text: ―The aim is to reduce waiting times, and in doing so, save lives.‖
Q1708858 Inglês

CrashDetech: The app that could save your life in a car crash

    (CNN) It's the killer that, by some measures, takes more young lives each year than conflict or some forms of cancer. Every 30 seconds a person is killed in a road crash, according to figures from the Global Road Safety Partnership. That's more than 3,400 people per day and 1.25 million people per year. Perhaps even more arresting is World Health Organization (WHO) analysis which says that 90% of all road based fatalities occur in low to middle income countries, despite such nations having only half of the world's vehicles. It's a tragedy that even takes a toll on development costing some nations up to 5% of GDP, according to the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP). The problem is so pressing that the U.N. declared the years between 2011 and 2020 as the "Decade of Action for Road Safety," with over 100 countries pledging to reduce killer car accidents. Some of the highest rates of road deaths can be found in Africa. According to the WHO's 2015 Global Status on Road safety report, Libya is at the top of the table (73 deaths per 100,000 people), followed by Thailand (36) and Malawi (35). Automatic detection
    Yet one South African company has designed a system that it believes can help cut Africa's dismal rate of road fatalities. CrashDetech is a smartphone application designed by Johannesburg- based entrepreneur Jaco Gerrits. It operates while a user is driving and detects the sudden motion and G-forces of a car crash. The app then pinpoints the location of the accident and automatically calls an emergency response center, which will dispatch the nearest medical emergency team. CrashDetechs also sends personal medical information, such as allergies and blood type, to enable doctors and paramedics to offer more effective treatment. The aim is to reduce waiting times, and in doing so, save lives. Race against time
    In South Africa, the WHO estimate that roughly 38 people are killed in road accidents each day. "It's a major global public health problem," Gerrits told CNN. "They [the WHO] have identified that how quickly you respond to a crash and how effectively obviously can make a massive difference‖. Let's say in a rural area you're involved in a crash and you're off the road. There's a good chance that nobody might even notice the crash. You can't speak for yourself, and those patients will probably never get the right kind of treatment to them in time." According to Dr Pieter Venter of the Global Road Safety partnership, mobile technology start-up's like CrashDetech have exciting potential. "A number of providers of such services have launched both here in South Africa and right around the world, and there is a growing body of anecdotal evidence which supports the position that this technology can play a key role in helping to save lives," Venter said. But Venter also states that changing attitudes to the wearing of seatbelts and highlighting the dangers of drink-driving are also important factors in reducing road fatalities in the likes of South Africa.
    One of the app's key advantages is it has grouped together 113 different private emergency medical providers in South Africa, meaning its customers have a greater chance of accessing an ambulance that's near. "You might be familiar with one specific [ambulance] number, for example ER24, [but] there's a good chance they're half an hour away. Whereas let's say Netcare 911 might be 5 minutes away," Gerrits continued "If you've got medical aid [insurance], it normally has a relationship with one of the private companies. They'll typically try and dispatch the company's resources that they have a relationship with," said Gerrits.

Adaptado de (
piece from the text: ―In South Africa, the WHO estimate that roughly 38 people are killed in road accidents each day.‖
Q1708857 Inglês

CrashDetech: The app that could save your life in a car crash

    (CNN) It's the killer that, by some measures, takes more young lives each year than conflict or some forms of cancer. Every 30 seconds a person is killed in a road crash, according to figures from the Global Road Safety Partnership. That's more than 3,400 people per day and 1.25 million people per year. Perhaps even more arresting is World Health Organization (WHO) analysis which says that 90% of all road based fatalities occur in low to middle income countries, despite such nations having only half of the world's vehicles. It's a tragedy that even takes a toll on development costing some nations up to 5% of GDP, according to the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP). The problem is so pressing that the U.N. declared the years between 2011 and 2020 as the "Decade of Action for Road Safety," with over 100 countries pledging to reduce killer car accidents. Some of the highest rates of road deaths can be found in Africa. According to the WHO's 2015 Global Status on Road safety report, Libya is at the top of the table (73 deaths per 100,000 people), followed by Thailand (36) and Malawi (35). Automatic detection
    Yet one South African company has designed a system that it believes can help cut Africa's dismal rate of road fatalities. CrashDetech is a smartphone application designed by Johannesburg- based entrepreneur Jaco Gerrits. It operates while a user is driving and detects the sudden motion and G-forces of a car crash. The app then pinpoints the location of the accident and automatically calls an emergency response center, which will dispatch the nearest medical emergency team. CrashDetechs also sends personal medical information, such as allergies and blood type, to enable doctors and paramedics to offer more effective treatment. The aim is to reduce waiting times, and in doing so, save lives. Race against time
    In South Africa, the WHO estimate that roughly 38 people are killed in road accidents each day. "It's a major global public health problem," Gerrits told CNN. "They [the WHO] have identified that how quickly you respond to a crash and how effectively obviously can make a massive difference‖. Let's say in a rural area you're involved in a crash and you're off the road. There's a good chance that nobody might even notice the crash. You can't speak for yourself, and those patients will probably never get the right kind of treatment to them in time." According to Dr Pieter Venter of the Global Road Safety partnership, mobile technology start-up's like CrashDetech have exciting potential. "A number of providers of such services have launched both here in South Africa and right around the world, and there is a growing body of anecdotal evidence which supports the position that this technology can play a key role in helping to save lives," Venter said. But Venter also states that changing attitudes to the wearing of seatbelts and highlighting the dangers of drink-driving are also important factors in reducing road fatalities in the likes of South Africa.
    One of the app's key advantages is it has grouped together 113 different private emergency medical providers in South Africa, meaning its customers have a greater chance of accessing an ambulance that's near. "You might be familiar with one specific [ambulance] number, for example ER24, [but] there's a good chance they're half an hour away. Whereas let's say Netcare 911 might be 5 minutes away," Gerrits continued "If you've got medical aid [insurance], it normally has a relationship with one of the private companies. They'll typically try and dispatch the company's resources that they have a relationship with," said Gerrits.

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According to the text:
Q1708856 Inglês

CrashDetech: The app that could save your life in a car crash

    (CNN) It's the killer that, by some measures, takes more young lives each year than conflict or some forms of cancer. Every 30 seconds a person is killed in a road crash, according to figures from the Global Road Safety Partnership. That's more than 3,400 people per day and 1.25 million people per year. Perhaps even more arresting is World Health Organization (WHO) analysis which says that 90% of all road based fatalities occur in low to middle income countries, despite such nations having only half of the world's vehicles. It's a tragedy that even takes a toll on development costing some nations up to 5% of GDP, according to the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP). The problem is so pressing that the U.N. declared the years between 2011 and 2020 as the "Decade of Action for Road Safety," with over 100 countries pledging to reduce killer car accidents. Some of the highest rates of road deaths can be found in Africa. According to the WHO's 2015 Global Status on Road safety report, Libya is at the top of the table (73 deaths per 100,000 people), followed by Thailand (36) and Malawi (35). Automatic detection
    Yet one South African company has designed a system that it believes can help cut Africa's dismal rate of road fatalities. CrashDetech is a smartphone application designed by Johannesburg- based entrepreneur Jaco Gerrits. It operates while a user is driving and detects the sudden motion and G-forces of a car crash. The app then pinpoints the location of the accident and automatically calls an emergency response center, which will dispatch the nearest medical emergency team. CrashDetechs also sends personal medical information, such as allergies and blood type, to enable doctors and paramedics to offer more effective treatment. The aim is to reduce waiting times, and in doing so, save lives. Race against time
    In South Africa, the WHO estimate that roughly 38 people are killed in road accidents each day. "It's a major global public health problem," Gerrits told CNN. "They [the WHO] have identified that how quickly you respond to a crash and how effectively obviously can make a massive difference‖. Let's say in a rural area you're involved in a crash and you're off the road. There's a good chance that nobody might even notice the crash. You can't speak for yourself, and those patients will probably never get the right kind of treatment to them in time." According to Dr Pieter Venter of the Global Road Safety partnership, mobile technology start-up's like CrashDetech have exciting potential. "A number of providers of such services have launched both here in South Africa and right around the world, and there is a growing body of anecdotal evidence which supports the position that this technology can play a key role in helping to save lives," Venter said. But Venter also states that changing attitudes to the wearing of seatbelts and highlighting the dangers of drink-driving are also important factors in reducing road fatalities in the likes of South Africa.
    One of the app's key advantages is it has grouped together 113 different private emergency medical providers in South Africa, meaning its customers have a greater chance of accessing an ambulance that's near. "You might be familiar with one specific [ambulance] number, for example ER24, [but] there's a good chance they're half an hour away. Whereas let's say Netcare 911 might be 5 minutes away," Gerrits continued "If you've got medical aid [insurance], it normally has a relationship with one of the private companies. They'll typically try and dispatch the company's resources that they have a relationship with," said Gerrits.

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The main idea exposed by the text is:
Q1705163 Inglês



The Literary Influences of Superstar Musician David Bowie


David Bowie was a pop star for most of his career from the 1960s until his death in 2016. He was known for his flamboyant style, songwriting and the ability to artistically turn on a dime. But Bowie, who died of cancer at 69, was more than a multi-platinum rock and roller. He was also one of the more literate composers in the business.

So much so, in fact, that in conjunction with a career retrospective in 2013 at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, Bowie issued a list of the one hundred books he considered the most important and influential. British music columnist John O'Connell linked this list to Bowie's prolific music. The result? A book called Bowie's Bookshelf out this month from Gallery Books.

William S. Burroughs first made the link between Bowie's lyrics and T. S. Eliot's poetry. In a Rolling Stone interview, Burroughs asked if Hunky Dory's "Eight Line Poem" had been influenced by Eliot's "The Hollow Men." Bowie's reply: "Never read him." But Bowie was definitely exposed to Eliot's influence. "Goodnight Ladies" on Transformer, the album Bowie produced for Lou Reed in 1972, is a riff on the end of the second section, "A Game of Chess," from Eliot's poem "The Waste Land." Eliot, for his part, is deliberately quoting Ophelia's "Good night, sweet ladies" speech from Hamlet. Eliot's method established a new protocol for artistic theft—the modern poet in dialogue with his or her predecessors. Bowie, too, was candid about how much he took from other artists. "You can't steal from a thief," he said when LCD Soundsystem's James Murphy admitted to stealing from Bowie's songs.

Avaiable in :, accessed on February 20th, 2020. Adapted.
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