Questões de Inglês - Sinônimos | Synonyms para Concurso

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Q1651666 Inglês
Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:
“I have taught brilliant students of color, many of them seniors, Students of color, many of them seniors, who have skillfully managed never to speak in classroom settings. Some express the feeling that they are less likely to suffer any kind of assault if they simply do not assert their subjectivity.”
The words “skillfully” and “simply” can be related in terms of language because they are:
Q1651664 Inglês
Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:
“Multiculturalism compels educators to recognize the narrow boundaries that have shaped the way knowledge is shared in the classroom. It forces us all to recognize our complicity in accepting and perpetuating biases of any kind. Students are eager to break through barriers to knowing. They are willing to surrender to the wonder of relearning and learning ways of knowing that go against the grain. When we, as educators, allow our pedagogy to be radically changed by our recognition of a multicultural world, we can give students the education they desire and deserve. We can teach in ways that transform consciousness, creating a climate of free expression that is the essence of education.”
About the expression “break through barriers” and the expression “go against the grain”, it is correct to say that:
Q1647984 Inglês

Pasta is a type of noodle typically made from an unleavened dough of durum wheat flour (semolina) mixed with water or eggs, and formed into sheets or various shapes, then cooked by boiling or baking. Rice flour, or legumes such as beans or lentils, are sometimes used in place of wheat flour to yield a different taste and texture, or as a gluten-free alternative. Pasta is a staple food of Italian cuisine.
Fonte: (com adaptações)
Com base no texto 'Pasta', leia as afirmativas a seguir:
I. O texto descreve um tipo de alimento cuja composição frequentemente compreende farinha de trigo, água e ovos. II. No texto, os termos "texture" e "eggs" são sinônimos. III. No texto, os termos "unleavened" e "lentils" são sinônimos.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1647983 Inglês

Pasta is a type of noodle typically made from an unleavened dough of durum wheat flour (semolina) mixed with water or eggs, and formed into sheets or various shapes, then cooked by boiling or baking. Rice flour, or legumes such as beans or lentils, are sometimes used in place of wheat flour to yield a different taste and texture, or as a gluten-free alternative. Pasta is a staple food of Italian cuisine.
Fonte: (com adaptações)
Com base no texto 'Pasta', leia as afirmativas a seguir:
I. No texto é possível identificar informações de caráter científico sobre os componentes nutricionais da "pasta", como a quantidade de carboidratos e proteínas nesse alimento. II. No texto, o vocábulo "food" é sinônimo de "cuisine". III. O texto apresenta ao leitor algumas informações relacionadas ao aumento na produção de trigo na Itália nos últimos dois anos.
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Q1640150 Inglês
The synonym of “whole” is:
406: C
407: E
408: B
409: A
410: A