Questões de Concurso Público Câmara de Osasco - SP 2024 para Analista de Relações Internacionais e Instituições
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Assinale a alternativa que preenche da forma mais adequada a lacuna do texto:
Quando há a necessidade de selecionar itens de forma não consecutiva, ou seja, com intervalos entre eles, a ação correta a ser tomada é:
Ao acessar a guia 'Menu Iniciar' nas propriedades da barra de tarefas no Windows 7, qual das opções a seguir pode ser alterada:
CASTRO, Thales. Teoria das relações internacionais / Thales Castro. – Brasília: FUNAG, 2012.
A teoria cratológica explora o conceito de poder nas Relações Internacionais, destacando as relações entre força, poder e interesse (KFPI), contrapostos aos padrões de dissuasão, normas e valores (PDNV). Com base nesse conceito, qual das alternativas a seguir exemplifica uma interação entre KFPI e PDNV?
I. O "jus cogens" é reconhecido pela Convenção de Viena sobre o Direito dos Tratados de 1969.
II. Tratados que conflitem com uma norma de "jus cogens" são considerados nulos.
III. O conceito de "jus cogens" é aplicável apenas em situações de conflitos armados internacionais.
IV. A proibição do genocídio é um exemplo de norma considerada "jus cogens".
V. As normas de "jus cogens" podem ser derrogadas pelo consentimento mútuo dos Estados.
Está correto o que se afirma em:
Com base nessas premissas, qual das seguintes afirmações reflete corretamente o pensamento realista clássico sobre a anarquia no sistema internacional?
O sistema regional de proteção dos direitos humanos na África é regulamentado pela __________, adotada em 1981, que estabelece padrões de direitos humanos para os países africanos.
Dentre os países a seguir, um faz parte da OTAN e recentemente oficializou seu interesse em se juntar ao BRICS+. Assinale a alternativa correta:
1 - After a long day at work, I like to ________ my shoes and relax on the couch.
2 - We've ________ milk, so I'll need to go to the store.
3 - I can't find my keys anywhere. Can you help me ________ them?
4 - It's getting late. We should ________ now if we want to catch the last train.
5 - Don't ________ ! I'm sure you'll solve the problem if you keep trying.
Choose the correct option to fill in all the blanks:
"In the aftermath of the recent global economic crisis, many nations are reassessing their approach to __________ (1) and __________ (2). The United Nations has called for increased __________ (3) among member statesto address pressing issuessuch as climate change and regional conflicts. However, rising __________ (4) in some parts of the world, especially in Europe, threatens to undermine these efforts. Despite these challenges, diplomatic efforts continue. A recent __________ (5) between two longstanding rival nations has opened up new possibilities for peace in the region. Observers hope this will lead to greater stability and reduce the risk of __________ (6) in the future."
Choose the correct option to fill in all the blanks:
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov emphasized that BRICS membership decisions are made unanimously and expressed respect for Türkiye’s interest in joining. During a press conference on the summit’s preparations, Ryabkov was asked about Türkiye’s application. He stressed the importance of consensus within BRICS, stating, “We respect Türkiye’s desire to join, as we do with all countries interested in systematic engagement with BRICS.”
Ryabkov also confirmed that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will attend the 16th BRICS Summit. He stated, “President Erdoğan has confirmed his participation in the 16th BRICS Summit in the ‘Outreach/BRICS+’ format. When we welcome the Turkish leader in Kazan, the issue of Ukraine will also be discussed at the highest level.”
Ryabkov noted that BRICS summits address all major global issues, with the Ukraine conflict being a key topic. He added that Russia will use the platform to reiterate the causes of the crisis, emphasizing that Moscow considers Türkiye’s position on the matter."
Available at: - BRICS summit to discuss Türkiye’s membership and global issues - Oct 4, 2024
In the sentence "As the BRICS Summit approaches, scheduled for October 22-24 in Kazan," which verb tense can be replaced without changing the meaning?
"Paul is late again." (appear)
"She has forgotten her wallet." (seem)
1 - You aren’t allowed __________ pictures here.
2 - The film was very sad. It made me __________ .
3 - Lisa’s parents always encouraged her __________ hard at school.
4 - Please don’t interrupt me. Let me __________ .
5 - Sarah won’t let me __________ her car.