Questões de Concurso Público AL-RR 2010 para Tradutor Intérprete - Inglês
Foram encontradas 50 questões
I- Os navegadores Web (browsers) são programas usados para acessar os documentos disponibilizados pelo serviço Web (ou WWW) tanto da Internet quando da Intranet;
II- O serviço de correio eletrônico (E-mail) permite aos usuários enviar e receber mensagens entre si através da Internet ou Intranet. Um endereço de E-mail sempre contém as três letras "www";
III- A Intranet costuma ser usada para unificar as informações para todos os membros de uma organização. O acesso a essas informações deve apenas ser feito através do serviço de correio eletrônico;
IV- A busca de informações na Web é feita através de sítios que oferecem esse tipo de serviço;
V- O serviço conhecido Webmail consiste no acesso ao correio eletrônico através de programas cliente de E-mail como o Microsoft Outlook.
I- A realização de operações na Web que envolvem dados sigilosos, como operações bancárias e compras, só devem ser realizadas em sites confiáveis que não necessitam utilizar criptografia de dados;
II- Os vírus são programas de computador maliciosos que podem multiplicar-se copiando a si próprio. Os anti-vírus são softwares importantes que protegem o computador dos ataques dos vírus;
III- Um firewall de uso pessoal é um programa de computador que controla o tráfego de entrada e saída de dados de um computador permitindo ou negando o acesso de acordo com políticas de segurança;
IV- Spywares são programas de computador que coletam informações de um computador sem permissão. Alguns tipos de vírus utilizam spywares para roubar informações confidenciais;
V- Os anexos de emails recebidos podem estar infectados por vírus. Entretanto, caso o remetente seja alguém confiável podese abrir os anexos sem maiores preocupações.
I- Qualquer brasileiro poderá ter acesso aos cargos e funções públicas, desde que preencham os requisitos estabelecidos na legislação pertinente;
II- O Edital do Concurso Público que fixa as regras e condições de sua realização é o documento pertinente que definirá o prazo de validade do concurso, podendo este alcançar até 06 (seis) anos;
III- A estabilidade do servidor público é alcançada tão logo se dê a posse do concursado aprovado. É CORRETO o que se afirma em:
Legislativa n° 011/09, de 14.04.09) aprova o Regimento Interno
da Assembléia Legislativa, adaptando o seu funcionamento e
processo Legislativo próprio à Constituição do Estado de
Roraima. De acordo com o estudo realizado da referida
Resolução, analise e responda as questões de 27 a 30.
I- A eleição da Mesa da Assembléia é para o mandato de um ano;
II- O mandato da Mesa Diretora poderá ser prorrogado sob deliberação do Plenário;
III- A eleição da Mesa da Assembléia far-se-á por escrutínio secreto;
IV- Na apuração dos votos, persistindo o empate, considerarse- á eleito o candidato mais idoso.
Legislativa n° 011/09, de 14.04.09) aprova o Regimento Interno
da Assembléia Legislativa, adaptando o seu funcionamento e
processo Legislativo próprio à Constituição do Estado de
Roraima. De acordo com o estudo realizado da referida
Resolução, analise e responda as questões de 27 a 30.
Legislativa n° 011/09, de 14.04.09) aprova o Regimento Interno
da Assembléia Legislativa, adaptando o seu funcionamento e
processo Legislativo próprio à Constituição do Estado de
Roraima. De acordo com o estudo realizado da referida
Resolução, analise e responda as questões de 27 a 30.
Legislativa n° 011/09, de 14.04.09) aprova o Regimento Interno
da Assembléia Legislativa, adaptando o seu funcionamento e
processo Legislativo próprio à Constituição do Estado de
Roraima. De acordo com o estudo realizado da referida
Resolução, analise e responda as questões de 27 a 30.
Leia o texto seguinte e responda a questão.
Mother's day at
Mother's day is a good time to familiarize yourself with where shopping is quick and easy. There you can order books, CDs, and video tapes, always ideal gifts, which will be sent wrapped in festive gift paper. But this year has some new and exciting alternatives for you.
Perhaps the most entertaining of these, and certainly the cheapest (It's free), are their e-cards, greeting cards, some are animated, with personalized messages. Simply visit, click on “ecards”, and select the design and front you like.
Using your phone, you can even add a voice greeting to any card.
More traditional, but no less useful, gifts are gift certificates. Delivered via e-mail and free of charge, these certificates are perfect for those who have everything. More importantly, they are a blessing for the last minute shopper! Such online gift certificates can be sent up to the very last minute and still arrive on time. And, if you prefer a paper version of the gift certificate, that, too, is possible. Also sent free of charge, it will arrive in three to seven business days. For more information, visit Gift Certificate.
And don't forget to make shopping easier for your loved ones by filling out an ”wish list”. To do this, shop in any area of
When you come across an item that you'd like to receive, click the “Add to My Wish List” button. (It can be found under the “Add to my shopping”).
(Extraído da Revista Speak up, Maio/2000.)
Leia o texto seguinte e responda a questão.
Mother's day at
Mother's day is a good time to familiarize yourself with where shopping is quick and easy. There you can order books, CDs, and video tapes, always ideal gifts, which will be sent wrapped in festive gift paper. But this year has some new and exciting alternatives for you.
Perhaps the most entertaining of these, and certainly the cheapest (It's free), are their e-cards, greeting cards, some are animated, with personalized messages. Simply visit, click on “ecards”, and select the design and front you like.
Using your phone, you can even add a voice greeting to any card.
More traditional, but no less useful, gifts are gift certificates. Delivered via e-mail and free of charge, these certificates are perfect for those who have everything. More importantly, they are a blessing for the last minute shopper! Such online gift certificates can be sent up to the very last minute and still arrive on time. And, if you prefer a paper version of the gift certificate, that, too, is possible. Also sent free of charge, it will arrive in three to seven business days. For more information, visit Gift Certificate.
And don't forget to make shopping easier for your loved ones by filling out an ”wish list”. To do this, shop in any area of
When you come across an item that you'd like to receive, click the “Add to My Wish List” button. (It can be found under the “Add to my shopping”).
(Extraído da Revista Speak up, Maio/2000.)
Leia o texto seguinte e responda a questão.
Mother's day at
Mother's day is a good time to familiarize yourself with where shopping is quick and easy. There you can order books, CDs, and video tapes, always ideal gifts, which will be sent wrapped in festive gift paper. But this year has some new and exciting alternatives for you.
Perhaps the most entertaining of these, and certainly the cheapest (It's free), are their e-cards, greeting cards, some are animated, with personalized messages. Simply visit, click on “ecards”, and select the design and front you like.
Using your phone, you can even add a voice greeting to any card.
More traditional, but no less useful, gifts are gift certificates. Delivered via e-mail and free of charge, these certificates are perfect for those who have everything. More importantly, they are a blessing for the last minute shopper! Such online gift certificates can be sent up to the very last minute and still arrive on time. And, if you prefer a paper version of the gift certificate, that, too, is possible. Also sent free of charge, it will arrive in three to seven business days. For more information, visit Gift Certificate.
And don't forget to make shopping easier for your loved ones by filling out an ”wish list”. To do this, shop in any area of
When you come across an item that you'd like to receive, click the “Add to My Wish List” button. (It can be found under the “Add to my shopping”).
(Extraído da Revista Speak up, Maio/2000.)
Leia o texto seguinte e responda a questão.
Mother's day at
Mother's day is a good time to familiarize yourself with where shopping is quick and easy. There you can order books, CDs, and video tapes, always ideal gifts, which will be sent wrapped in festive gift paper. But this year has some new and exciting alternatives for you.
Perhaps the most entertaining of these, and certainly the cheapest (It's free), are their e-cards, greeting cards, some are animated, with personalized messages. Simply visit, click on “ecards”, and select the design and front you like.
Using your phone, you can even add a voice greeting to any card.
More traditional, but no less useful, gifts are gift certificates. Delivered via e-mail and free of charge, these certificates are perfect for those who have everything. More importantly, they are a blessing for the last minute shopper! Such online gift certificates can be sent up to the very last minute and still arrive on time. And, if you prefer a paper version of the gift certificate, that, too, is possible. Also sent free of charge, it will arrive in three to seven business days. For more information, visit Gift Certificate.
And don't forget to make shopping easier for your loved ones by filling out an ”wish list”. To do this, shop in any area of
When you come across an item that you'd like to receive, click the “Add to My Wish List” button. (It can be found under the “Add to my shopping”).
(Extraído da Revista Speak up, Maio/2000.)
Leia o texto seguinte e responda a questão.
Mother's day at
Mother's day is a good time to familiarize yourself with where shopping is quick and easy. There you can order books, CDs, and video tapes, always ideal gifts, which will be sent wrapped in festive gift paper. But this year has some new and exciting alternatives for you.
Perhaps the most entertaining of these, and certainly the cheapest (It's free), are their e-cards, greeting cards, some are animated, with personalized messages. Simply visit, click on “ecards”, and select the design and front you like.
Using your phone, you can even add a voice greeting to any card.
More traditional, but no less useful, gifts are gift certificates. Delivered via e-mail and free of charge, these certificates are perfect for those who have everything. More importantly, they are a blessing for the last minute shopper! Such online gift certificates can be sent up to the very last minute and still arrive on time. And, if you prefer a paper version of the gift certificate, that, too, is possible. Also sent free of charge, it will arrive in three to seven business days. For more information, visit Gift Certificate.
And don't forget to make shopping easier for your loved ones by filling out an ”wish list”. To do this, shop in any area of
When you come across an item that you'd like to receive, click the “Add to My Wish List” button. (It can be found under the “Add to my shopping”).
(Extraído da Revista Speak up, Maio/2000.)