Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Pombos - PE 2023 para Professor de Língua Inglesa

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Q2316867 Inglês

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Subordinate clauses, also known as dependent clauses, are introduced by subordinating conjunctions such as “although,” “because,” or “while.” These clauses provide additional information and cannot stand alone as complete sentences. Proficiency in using subordinate clauses enhances sentence complexity, enabling the conveyance of intricate relationships and details in American English.

Q2316868 Inglês

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Reflexive pronouns, such as “myself” and “yourself,” reflect the action back onto the subject. Mastery of reflexive pronoun usage ensures grammatical accuracy and clarity in English sentences. Recognizing situations that warrant reflexive pronouns contributes to effective self-expression. 

Q2316869 Inglês

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Grammatical number distinguishes between singular and plural forms of nouns, affecting both their morphology and associated verbs. A nuanced understanding of number agreement is essential for constructing grammatically correct sentences, ensuring coherence and precision in English communication. 

Q2316870 Inglês

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The perspective of reader-response theory, inspired by the work of Rosenblatt, proposes an approach that emphasizes the reader's subjective response to the text. Delving into this theory requires a refined understanding of how individual experiences, emotions, and perspectives influence the interpretation of literary and informational texts. 

Q2316871 Inglês

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Prepositions, such as “in,” “on,” and “between,” convey relationships between elements in a sentence, specifying location, direction, or time. Mastering prepositions is crucial for accurate spatial and temporal communication, as their precise usage enhances the clarity and coherence of English sentences. 

Q2316872 Pedagogia

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A teoria da aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel defende que o papel do educador nas escolas públicas é o de conhecer a realidade de cada estudante com o objetivo de promover aulas e momentos de aprendizagem pouco significativos.

Q2316873 Inglês

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The theory of schema theory, rooted in the work of Anderson and Pearson, suggests an approach to reading that involves the activation of background knowledge. Exploring this theory demands a sophisticated understanding of how readers use prior knowledge to comprehend and interpret new information, considering the dynamic interplay between text and reader.

Q2316874 Inglês

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Indefinite articles, “a” and “an,” are used to introduce a non-specific item or entity. The choice between “a” and “an” depends on the phonetic sound that follows, with “a” preceding words that start with a consonant sound and “an” preceding words that begin with a vowel sound. 

Q2316875 Inglês

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O ensino da Língua Inglesa nas escolas deve desconsiderar os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos sobre a cultura de outros países, assim como deve tolher os interesses individuais dos educandos por músicas ou filmes de artistas estrangeiros. 

Q2316876 Inglês

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A nuanced understanding of literary devices is paramount in text interpretation. Identifying and comprehending metaphors, similes, and symbolism enriches the reader's experience by revealing layers of meaning beneath the surface of the text. This skillful interpretation unveils the author's artistic choices and contributes to a deeper appreciation of the written work.

Q2316877 Inglês

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The proper integration of coordinated and subordinate clauses contributes to syntactic variety and complexity in American English. Combining independent and dependent clauses allows for the expression of a range of relationships and ideas within a sentence. Recognizing the distinctions between these clause types is fundamental for constructing well-structured and communicative written and spoken discourse. 

Q2316878 Pedagogia

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A pedagogia de John Dewey, inspirada na aprendizagem pela experiência, busca uma educação voltada para a resolução de problemas fictícios, distantes da realidade dos educandos e pouco contextualizados. 

Q2316879 Inglês

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Sentence stress, also known as prosody, is essential in American English for conveying the intended meaning of a sentence. It involves emphasizing certain words or syllables to communicate nuances such as importance, contrast, or emotion. Mastering sentence stress contributes to effective communication in spoken English.

Q2316880 Inglês

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Adjective clauses, also known as relative clauses, provide additional information about a noun in a sentence. Mastering the use of adjective clauses is essential for constructing complex sentences and conveying detailed descriptions in American English.

Q2316881 Inglês

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Adjective order is a crucial aspect of English syntax, and there is a specific sequence that native speakers instinctively follow when using multiple adjectives before a noun. This order is based on categories such as opinion, size, age, shape, color, proper adjective, and purpose.

Q2316882 Inglês

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As abordagens da avaliação autêntica buscam mensurar o aprendizado por meio de tarefas contextualizadas e aplicáveis à vida real.

Q2316883 Inglês

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Possessive nouns, expressing ownership or association, play a vital role in sentence structure. Understanding how to form possessives, whether through apostrophes or other constructions, ensures grammatical accuracy. Proficiency in handling possessive nouns contributes to clear and effective communication in written and spoken English.

Q2316884 Pedagogia

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A abordagem por tarefas no ensino de língua estrangeira busca uma aprendizagem contextualizada por meio da realização de atividades práticas. Explorar essa abordagem exige uma compreensão aprofundada das estratégias de planejamento e implementação de tarefas significativas, considerando a aplicação prática dos conhecimentos linguísticos.

Q2316885 Pedagogia

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A gestão democrática na escola propõe a participação ativa de todos os membros da comunidade escolar nas decisões e no planejamento educacional.

Q2316886 Pedagogia

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A perspectiva da teoria das inteligências múltiplas de Gardner, que reconhece diferentes formas de inteligência, defende que o aluno possui um papel de protagonista na sala de aula e, portanto, se um conhecimento ou objetivo de aprendizado não despertar interesse entre os discentes, ele deve necessariamente ser retirado do currículo.

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