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Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: FAPESP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - FAPESP - Procurador |
Q905171 Inglês

                       Rule of Law and Democracy: Addressing

                        the Gap Between Policies and Practices


      The Declaration adopted on 24 September 2012 by the United Nations General Assembly at the High-level Meeting on the Rule of Law at the National and International Levels reaffirmed that “human rights, the rule of law and democracy are interlinked and mutually reinforcing and that they belong to the universal and indivisible core values and principles of the United Nations”. Indeed, government responsiveness to the interests and needs of the greatest number of citizens is strictly associated with the capacity of democratic institutions and processes to bolster the dimensions of rights, equality and accountability.

      If considered not solely an instrument of the government but as a rule to which the entire society, including the government, is bound, the rule of law is fundamental in advancing democracy. Strengthening the rule of law has to be approached not only by focusing on the application of norms and procedures. One must also emphasize its fundamental role in protecting rights and advancing inclusiveness, in this way framing the protection of rights within the broader discourse on human development.

      A common feature of both democracy and the rule of law is that a purely institutional approach does not say anything about actual outcomes of processes and procedures, even if the latter are formally correct. When addressing the rule of law and democracy nexus, a fundamental distinction has to be drawn between “rule by law”, whereby law is an instrument of government and government is considered above the law, and “rule of law”, which implies that everyone in society is bound by the law, including the government. Essentially, constitutional limits on power, a key feature of democracy, require adherence to the rule of law.

      Another key dimension of the rule of law-democracy nexus is the recognition that building democracy and the rule of law may be convergent and mutually reinforcing processes whenever the rule of law is defined in broad, endsbased terms rather than in narrow, formal and exclusively procedural terms. The nexus is strong whenever the rule of law is conceived in its relationship with substantive outcomes, like justice and democratic governance.

( Adaptado)

No trecho do quarto parágrafo – democracy and the rule of law may be convergent and mutually reinforcing processes whenever the rule of law is defined in broad, ends-based terms – o termo em destaque tem sentido equivalente, em português, a
Ano: 2018 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Transpetro Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Administrador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Advogado Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Contador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Economista Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Enfermeiro do Trabalho Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Engenheiro Júnior - Civil | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Engenheiro Júnior - Elétrica | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Engenheiro Júnior - Produção | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Médico do Trabalho Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Analista Financeiro Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Engenheiro Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Analista de Sistemas Júnior - Processos de Negócio | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Analista de Sistemas Júnior - Infraestrutura | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Engenheiro Júnior - Telecomunicações | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Jornalismo | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Profissional de Meio Ambiente Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Engenheiro Júnior - Geotécnica | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Engenheiro Júnior - Naval | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Engenheiro Júnior - Processamento (Químico) | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Analista de Comercialização e Logística Júnior - Comércio e Suprimento | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Analista de Comercialização e Logística Júnior - Transporte Marítimo | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Analista de Sistemas Júnior - SAP | CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Engenheiro Júnior - Automação |
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The key energy questions for 2018

The renewables industry has had a great year.

How fast can it grow now?

Available at: <

ec85-11e7-8713-513b1d7ca85a>. Retrieved on:

Feb 18, 2018. Adapted.

In the fragments “some recent data suggests that as economic growth has picked up” (lines 47-48) and “Beijing has high ambitions for a much cleaner energy economy, driven not least by the levels of air pollution in many of the major cities” (lines 49-51), picked up and driven by mean, respectively,
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426: A
427: D
428: B
429: A
430: C