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Q2744219 Inglês

Read texts 1 and 2 below to answer questions 66 to 68.

Text 1

Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 17 abr.2016.

Text 2

Disponível em:< >Acesso em: 17 abr. 2016.

From text 1, one can infer that the

Q2744218 Inglês

Read texts 1 and 2 below to answer questions 66 to 68.

Text 1

Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 17 abr.2016.

Text 2

Disponível em:< >Acesso em: 17 abr. 2016.

The students portrayed in the cartoons represent what Prensky (2001) has called the first generations to grow up with technological tools such as computers, videogames, digital music players, video cams, cell phones among others. According to the author, these students think and process information fundamentally differently from their predecessors and are called

Q2744217 Inglês

Read the text which follows. Questions 61 to 66 are based on it.

I am a tacher who is fascinated by educational technology; I put it on a high pedestal; I value it and all the opportunities it creates in the classroom. Why? What is it that makes me do so? I did not grow up with technology; what is it that triggered in me the urge to learn about it and integrate it in my teaching? As I reflect on that, just three words come to my mind: “You won’t understand!” A few years ago, I asked "a friend of mine" a question about the new desktop he had just purchased and, as he was in a hurry, the only answer he could come up with was, “You won’t understand!” I was mad! How could he tell me that?! And this is when my passion for technology exploration started. I taught myself how to type; how to use the word processor; how to use email; how to browse the Internet; and, finally, how to create and design web pages for educational purposes. I spent endless hours in front of that computer screen, and not once did I even feel like giving up.

As I was learning about technology, I started integrating it in my classrooms. I also taught my students how to create their own websites and publish their work. They were fascinated. They loved it! Suddenly, they were no longer working only "for the teacher" or "for a grade," they were working for a real, authentic audience. They started being extremely motivated to learn English as a Second/Foreign Language. Their whole attitude towards the language changed: it became the language of technology; the language of innovations; the language of new opportunities. I was thrilled to see my students thrive in my classes. I have always believed in John Dewey’s famous quote, "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow." So, it is our duty to teach today in a way that prepares our students for tomorrow. They are already halfway there... they have beaten us when it comes to technology; we should definitely catch up, and even more! It is crucial to acknowledge the importance of the role technology plays nowadays in schools. Integrating it in the classroom gives students the possibility of having a better future.

Disponivel em: <> Acesso em: 17 abr. 2016.


In the sentence “I was thrilled to see my students thrive in my classes”, the words 'thrilled' and 'thrive' mean, respectively,

Q2744216 Inglês

Read the text which follows. Questions 61 to 66 are based on it.

I am a tacher who is fascinated by educational technology; I put it on a high pedestal; I value it and all the opportunities it creates in the classroom. Why? What is it that makes me do so? I did not grow up with technology; what is it that triggered in me the urge to learn about it and integrate it in my teaching? As I reflect on that, just three words come to my mind: “You won’t understand!” A few years ago, I asked "a friend of mine" a question about the new desktop he had just purchased and, as he was in a hurry, the only answer he could come up with was, “You won’t understand!” I was mad! How could he tell me that?! And this is when my passion for technology exploration started. I taught myself how to type; how to use the word processor; how to use email; how to browse the Internet; and, finally, how to create and design web pages for educational purposes. I spent endless hours in front of that computer screen, and not once did I even feel like giving up.

As I was learning about technology, I started integrating it in my classrooms. I also taught my students how to create their own websites and publish their work. They were fascinated. They loved it! Suddenly, they were no longer working only "for the teacher" or "for a grade," they were working for a real, authentic audience. They started being extremely motivated to learn English as a Second/Foreign Language. Their whole attitude towards the language changed: it became the language of technology; the language of innovations; the language of new opportunities. I was thrilled to see my students thrive in my classes. I have always believed in John Dewey’s famous quote, "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow." So, it is our duty to teach today in a way that prepares our students for tomorrow. They are already halfway there... they have beaten us when it comes to technology; we should definitely catch up, and even more! It is crucial to acknowledge the importance of the role technology plays nowadays in schools. Integrating it in the classroom gives students the possibility of having a better future.

Disponivel em: <> Acesso em: 17 abr. 2016.


The message one can grasp from John Dewey's claim in his famous quote "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow" is that education needs to

Q2744215 Inglês

Read the text which follows. Questions 61 to 66 are based on it.

I am a tacher who is fascinated by educational technology; I put it on a high pedestal; I value it and all the opportunities it creates in the classroom. Why? What is it that makes me do so? I did not grow up with technology; what is it that triggered in me the urge to learn about it and integrate it in my teaching? As I reflect on that, just three words come to my mind: “You won’t understand!” A few years ago, I asked "a friend of mine" a question about the new desktop he had just purchased and, as he was in a hurry, the only answer he could come up with was, “You won’t understand!” I was mad! How could he tell me that?! And this is when my passion for technology exploration started. I taught myself how to type; how to use the word processor; how to use email; how to browse the Internet; and, finally, how to create and design web pages for educational purposes. I spent endless hours in front of that computer screen, and not once did I even feel like giving up.

As I was learning about technology, I started integrating it in my classrooms. I also taught my students how to create their own websites and publish their work. They were fascinated. They loved it! Suddenly, they were no longer working only "for the teacher" or "for a grade," they were working for a real, authentic audience. They started being extremely motivated to learn English as a Second/Foreign Language. Their whole attitude towards the language changed: it became the language of technology; the language of innovations; the language of new opportunities. I was thrilled to see my students thrive in my classes. I have always believed in John Dewey’s famous quote, "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow." So, it is our duty to teach today in a way that prepares our students for tomorrow. They are already halfway there... they have beaten us when it comes to technology; we should definitely catch up, and even more! It is crucial to acknowledge the importance of the role technology plays nowadays in schools. Integrating it in the classroom gives students the possibility of having a better future.

Disponivel em: <> Acesso em: 17 abr. 2016.


The teacher's recent acquired practice points to the state of online technology called Web 2.0 in which users

Q2744214 Inglês

Read the text which follows. Questions 61 to 66 are based on it.

I am a tacher who is fascinated by educational technology; I put it on a high pedestal; I value it and all the opportunities it creates in the classroom. Why? What is it that makes me do so? I did not grow up with technology; what is it that triggered in me the urge to learn about it and integrate it in my teaching? As I reflect on that, just three words come to my mind: “You won’t understand!” A few years ago, I asked "a friend of mine" a question about the new desktop he had just purchased and, as he was in a hurry, the only answer he could come up with was, “You won’t understand!” I was mad! How could he tell me that?! And this is when my passion for technology exploration started. I taught myself how to type; how to use the word processor; how to use email; how to browse the Internet; and, finally, how to create and design web pages for educational purposes. I spent endless hours in front of that computer screen, and not once did I even feel like giving up.

As I was learning about technology, I started integrating it in my classrooms. I also taught my students how to create their own websites and publish their work. They were fascinated. They loved it! Suddenly, they were no longer working only "for the teacher" or "for a grade," they were working for a real, authentic audience. They started being extremely motivated to learn English as a Second/Foreign Language. Their whole attitude towards the language changed: it became the language of technology; the language of innovations; the language of new opportunities. I was thrilled to see my students thrive in my classes. I have always believed in John Dewey’s famous quote, "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow." So, it is our duty to teach today in a way that prepares our students for tomorrow. They are already halfway there... they have beaten us when it comes to technology; we should definitely catch up, and even more! It is crucial to acknowledge the importance of the role technology plays nowadays in schools. Integrating it in the classroom gives students the possibility of having a better future.

Disponivel em: <> Acesso em: 17 abr. 2016.


The objective of the first paragraph is to

Q2744213 Inglês

Read the text which follows. Questions 61 to 66 are based on it.

I am a tacher who is fascinated by educational technology; I put it on a high pedestal; I value it and all the opportunities it creates in the classroom. Why? What is it that makes me do so? I did not grow up with technology; what is it that triggered in me the urge to learn about it and integrate it in my teaching? As I reflect on that, just three words come to my mind: “You won’t understand!” A few years ago, I asked "a friend of mine" a question about the new desktop he had just purchased and, as he was in a hurry, the only answer he could come up with was, “You won’t understand!” I was mad! How could he tell me that?! And this is when my passion for technology exploration started. I taught myself how to type; how to use the word processor; how to use email; how to browse the Internet; and, finally, how to create and design web pages for educational purposes. I spent endless hours in front of that computer screen, and not once did I even feel like giving up.

As I was learning about technology, I started integrating it in my classrooms. I also taught my students how to create their own websites and publish their work. They were fascinated. They loved it! Suddenly, they were no longer working only "for the teacher" or "for a grade," they were working for a real, authentic audience. They started being extremely motivated to learn English as a Second/Foreign Language. Their whole attitude towards the language changed: it became the language of technology; the language of innovations; the language of new opportunities. I was thrilled to see my students thrive in my classes. I have always believed in John Dewey’s famous quote, "If we teach today as we taught yesterday, then we rob our children of tomorrow." So, it is our duty to teach today in a way that prepares our students for tomorrow. They are already halfway there... they have beaten us when it comes to technology; we should definitely catch up, and even more! It is crucial to acknowledge the importance of the role technology plays nowadays in schools. Integrating it in the classroom gives students the possibility of having a better future.

Disponivel em: <> Acesso em: 17 abr. 2016.


An appropriate tittle for the text is

Q2744212 Inglês

Ao mencionar uma atividade comum no ensino de leitura, como a solicitação de leitura em voz alta pelos estudantes, os PCNs (1998) argumentam que tal prática

Q2744211 Inglês

Segundo os PCNs de língua estrangeira (1998), para que o processo de construção de significados de natureza sociointeracional seja possível, as pessoas utilizam três tipos de conhecimento. Ao chamar a atenção dos alunos para o título do texto a ser lido e solicitar que eles “think about the topic – what do you know about it?”, o professor de língua inglesa está acionando o conhecimento

Q2744210 Inglês

Ao tratar da questão do método, os PCNs de língua estrangeira (1998) fazem uma breve discussão sobre a recorrente busca por um método ideal, afirmando que, no final da década de 1980, os métodos de ensino-aprendizagem

Q2744209 Inglês

Scrivener (2005, p. 109) also claims that teachers “should be prepared to respond to the learners and adapt what they have planned as they go, even to the extent of throwing the plan away if appropriate.” This claim corresponds to which of the following teachers' approaches to planning?

Q2744208 Inglês

In a chapter entitled 'Planning lessons and courses', Scrivener (2005) suggests that before teaching an actual class, it helps if a teacher is clear about what they want to do. Although one can not ever completely predict how learners will respond to anything in the class, a lot is going to happen and the better prepared a teacher is, the more likely it is that he/she will be ready to cope with whatever happens. In this sense, planning is a

Q2744207 Inglês

Read the text to answer question 55.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 9 abr. 2016.

The cartoon refers to a sort of thought that is the basis of a trend in modern languages teaching and learning. Which theory is that?

Q2744206 Inglês

Read the text to answer question 54.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 9 abr. 2016.

Regarding cultural clash, the cartoon illustrates that

Q2744205 Inglês

In the following elements, the ones considered to be the key reversal in the Flipped Classroom are

Q2744204 Inglês

Social and psychological distance between the second or foreign language learner and the target language community is a preeminent factor in the determination of the extent to which the language learner will acquire the target language, without developing pidginization. Which language learner theory is this statement part of?

Q2744203 Inglês

Memorization of vocabulary lists and extensive repetition of drills are typical examples of the procedures in the following language teaching methodologies, respectively, the:

Q2744202 Inglês

Read the text to answer question 50.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 4 abr. 2016.

In the cartoon, the humorous situation is settled due to the

Q2744201 Inglês

Questions 48 and 49 refer to the following picture:

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 13 abr. 2016.

Image B illustrates the principles in language teaching defended by the

Q2744200 Inglês

Questions 48 and 49 refer to the following picture:

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 13 abr. 2016.

Image A depicts a teaching model which

2421: B
2422: A
2423: C
2424: A
2425: D
2426: B
2427: C
2428: A
2429: C
2430: C
2431: D
2432: B
2433: D
2434: A
2435: C
2436: B
2437: D
2438: A
2439: B
2440: B