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Regarding the voiced and unvoiced ‘th’ sounds /ð,θ/, identify the sequence that is incoherent.
1____Fight, the vibrant word that lifts the weak and
determines the strong. Who will feel the life of these
pages… Generations that are yet to come from generations
4 that will be born. […] What is worth it in life is not the
starting point, but the walk. Walking and sowing, in the end,
6 you will be able to reap what you sowed.
TOREZAN, E. V. Cora and Me: Adventures of a lone cyclist.
Brasília, DF, 2021, p. 29 and 74, with adaptations.
After reading the text, choose which one of the following items is correct.
With regards to the vowel sound /әυ/, identify the sequence that is incoherent.
1____The Sower came out to sow. He sowed all day and
night caught him still with his hands full of seeds. He sowed
quietly, without thinking of harvest, because much had he
4 harvested from what others sowed. Young man, be that
sower. Sow with optimism. Sow with idealism the living
6 seeds of Peace and Justice. Cora Coralina (APUD TOREZAN, 2021)
TOREZAN, E. V. Cora and Me: Adventures of a lone cyclist.
Brasília, DF, 2021, p. 6, with adaptations.
After reading the text, choose which one of the following items is correct.
Which one of the following verbs is pronounced with a “t” sound at the end, in opposition to “d” and “id” sounds?
Text 6 to answer questions 48 and 49.
1____Cora Coralina ran away from home at the age of 22,
going to live in the interior of São Paulo with Cantídio
Tolentino, whom she married. By the time she moved back
4 to the city of Goiás, in 1956, she had become a widow, had
lived in the City of São Paulo, where she worked as a
bookseller to support her children; in addition, her children
7 had grown up and had got married. On return to Goiás, she
went to live at her childhood home, where she had been
9 born, on the banks of the Vermelho River.
TOREZAN, E. V. Cora and Me: Adventures of a lone cyclist.
Brasília, DF, 2021, p. 6, with adaptations.
In text 6, the verbs “had become”, “had lived”, “had grown up” and “had got married” are used in the
Text 6 to answer questions 48 and 49.
1____Cora Coralina ran away from home at the age of 22,
going to live in the interior of São Paulo with Cantídio
Tolentino, whom she married. By the time she moved back
4 to the city of Goiás, in 1956, she had become a widow, had
lived in the City of São Paulo, where she worked as a
bookseller to support her children; in addition, her children
7 had grown up and had got married. On return to Goiás, she
went to live at her childhood home, where she had been
9 born, on the banks of the Vermelho River.
TOREZAN, E. V. Cora and Me: Adventures of a lone cyclist.
Brasília, DF, 2021, p. 6, with adaptations.
After reading the text, choose which one of the following items is correct.
1____Anna Lins dos Guimarães Peixoto was born in 1889
in Villa Boa Goyaz, Cidade de Goiás (City of Goiás).
During her childhood, Anna studied two books. At the time,
4 levels of basic education were not divided based on grades,
but on books. From books, Anna learned to read, write and
perform basic mathematical operations. At the age of 14,
7 she began writing poems and short stories under the
pseudonym Cora Coralina, which means red heart,
9 according to her.
TOREZAN, E. V. Cora and Me: Adventures of a lone cyclist.
Brasília, DF, 2021, p. 6, with adaptations.
After reading the text, choose which one of the following items is correct
Which one of the following verbs is pronounced with an “id” sound at the end, in opposition to “d” and “t” sounds?
Text 5 to answer questions 44 and 45.
1____The town of Goiás was the state capital until 1937,
when it was superseded by Goiânia, located 70 miles (112
km) to the southeast. The town’s historic centre remains
4 intact and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site
in 2001. It was built between two series of hills, along a
small river, the Rio Vermelho. The areas on the right bank
7 are tight up against the north-western hills, and have a
popular character, indicated by the church of Rosario, which
was traditionally reserved for enslaved people. The areas on
10 the left bank, limited by the hills to the south-east, are
reserved for the more representative groups of buildings,
including the parish church (today the cathedral) of Santana,
13 the Governor’s Palace, the barracks, the Casa de Fundição
(foundry), extending to the Praça do Chafariz and climbing
towards the hill of Chapeu do Padre. Here are also to be
16 found the historic residential quarter and a characteristic
17 market place.
UNESCO. Historic Centre of the Town of Goiás.
Accessed in: Aug 10th 2022, with adaptations.
Looking back at text 5, say which one of the following items is correct.
Text 5 to answer questions 44 and 45.
1____The town of Goiás was the state capital until 1937,
when it was superseded by Goiânia, located 70 miles (112
km) to the southeast. The town’s historic centre remains
4 intact and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site
in 2001. It was built between two series of hills, along a
small river, the Rio Vermelho. The areas on the right bank
7 are tight up against the north-western hills, and have a
popular character, indicated by the church of Rosario, which
was traditionally reserved for enslaved people. The areas on
10 the left bank, limited by the hills to the south-east, are
reserved for the more representative groups of buildings,
including the parish church (today the cathedral) of Santana,
13 the Governor’s Palace, the barracks, the Casa de Fundição
(foundry), extending to the Praça do Chafariz and climbing
towards the hill of Chapeu do Padre. Here are also to be
16 found the historic residential quarter and a characteristic
17 market place.
UNESCO. Historic Centre of the Town of Goiás.
Accessed in: Aug 10th 2022, with adaptations.
After reading the text, choose which one of the following items is correct.
Which one of the following verbs is pronounced with a “d” sound at the end, in opposition to “t” and “id” sounds?
Text 4 to answer questions 41 and 42.
1____Goiás testifies to the occupation and colonization of
the lands of central Brazil in the 18th and 19th centuries. It
was the first officially recognized urban core, the first
4 borough to be planned West of the demarcation line of the
Treaty of Tordesillas that defined the boundaries of the
Portuguese possessions. The origins of the town of Goiás
7 are closely related to the history of the expeditions
(bandeiras), which left from São Paulo to explore the
interior of the Brazilian territory. The town was established
10 in 1727 and flourished during the colonial-era gold rush
11 period.
UNESCO. Historic Centre of the Town of Goiás.
Accessed in: Aug 10th 2022, with adaptations.
Looking back at text 4, choose which one of the following items is correct.
Text 4 to answer questions 41 and 42.
1____Goiás testifies to the occupation and colonization of
the lands of central Brazil in the 18th and 19th centuries. It
was the first officially recognized urban core, the first
4 borough to be planned West of the demarcation line of the
Treaty of Tordesillas that defined the boundaries of the
Portuguese possessions. The origins of the town of Goiás
7 are closely related to the history of the expeditions
(bandeiras), which left from São Paulo to explore the
interior of the Brazilian territory. The town was established
10 in 1727 and flourished during the colonial-era gold rush
11 period.
UNESCO. Historic Centre of the Town of Goiás.
Accessed in: Aug 10th 2022, with adaptations.
After reading the text, choose which one of the following items is correct.
“The pandemic that started in 2019 has shaken the world, and it has transformed the way we interact, the way we work, and even made us appreciate the simplest things we took for granted”.
The clause in bold in the sentence is not: