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[Disponível em: desenvolvimento-neuropsicomotor-dnpm/.
Associe a segunda coluna de acordo com a primeira, que relaciona a aquisição das principais habilidade em diferentes áreas:
Primeira coluna:
(1) Motora.
(2) Linguagem.
(3) Psicossocial.
Segunda coluna:
(__) Sentar, engatinhar, andar.
(__) Estranhar, interagir, adquirir independência.
(__) Chorar, sorrir, falar.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a correta associação entre as colunas:
I. As modalidades cíclicas são caracterizadas pela repetição contínua e prolongada de um determinado gesto esportivo; corrida, ciclismo, natação e handebol são alguns de seus exemplos.
II. As modalidades acíclicas são aquelas que não têm repetição contínua do movimento, e em que a naturalidade e a espontaneidade dos gestos técnicos são marcantes; esportes de equipe como futebol, voleibol, basquetebol e remo então entre as modalidades mais populares dessa caracterização.
III. Por sua vez, as modalidades semicíclicas integram simultaneamente atividades repetitivas e espontâneas, o que pode ocorrer durante a prática de várias modalidades, inclusive aquelas mencionadas anteriormente.
[Fisiologia do exercício. − Brasília: Fundação Vale, UNESCO, 2013. 74 p. − Cadernos de referência de esporte; 2].
É correto o que se afirma em:
(__) Os vocábulos "América " e "décadas" são acentuados pela mesma regra de "lêvedo" e "bígamo".
(__) Os vocábulos "Vírus" e "possível" são paroxítonas , assim como "clímax" e "fluído".
(__) O vocábulo "desconfortáveis" é um exemplo de palavra que ganha acento quando é adicionado prefixo ao seu radical.
(__) O vocábulo "bebês" é acentuado para ser diferenciado do verbo "bebes" na 2ª pessoa do singular.
(__) O vocábulo "café" é uma oxítona acentuada, assim como hindú.
(__) O vocábulo "tifoide" de acordo com o novo acordo, não leva mais acento.
A sequência correta do preenchimento dos parênteses é:
I. O Município promoverá a realização de pelo menos 2 (duas) conferências municipais de educação até o final do decênio, precedidas de amplo debate e coordenadas pelo Fórum Municipal de Educação.
II. O Sistema de Ensino Municipal criará mecanismos para o acompanhamento local da consecução das metas do PME.
III. Caberá apenas aos gestores municipais a adoção das medidas governamentais necessárias ao alcance das metas previstas no PME.
Está(ão) CORRETA(S) a(s) seguinte(s) proposição(ões).
"Outras terminologias, mais recentemente propostas, também provocam um intenso debate no campo [...]. Em que pese as diferenças entre uma terminologia e outra, suas ênfases, pontos de contato e eventuais sobreposições, o tratamento dado ao componente na BNCC prioriza o foco da função social e política de inglês e, nesse sentido, passa a tratá-la em seu status de
Fonte: Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), 2017, p. 241.
Assinale a alternativa que completa a lacuna corretamente.
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.
Why is it called the Avenue of Volcanoes?
The "Avenue of Volcanoes" is a term used to describe a geographical feature in South America, specifically in Ecuador. This name is due to a long stretch of the Andes Mountain range in Ecuador, where several volcanoes are located near each other, creating a breathtaking natural spectacle you should visit. The Avenue of the Volcanoes is a geological wonder and significant. It is part of Ecuador's natural beauty and biodiversity. It attracts tourists and mountaineers from all over the world who come to explore the volcanoes, their surrounding landscapes, and the rich ecosystems that thrive in this region.
Predominant Volcanoes
The "Avenue of the Volcanoes" in Ecuador is characterized by numerous volcanoes, some very prominent and easily visible from the road. Discover some of the predominant volcanoes that Ecuador has for you.
Volcan Cayambe is a stratovolcano that is part of the Andes Mountain range. It is situated in the province of Pichincha, in the north-central region of Ecuador. The volcano is famous for its unique double summit, with the main panel located at 5,790 meters above sea level and the secondary summit just slightly lower. The volcanic cone of Cayambe is composed of alternating layers of lava, ash, and volcanic materials. Its last eruption resulted in a lava flow and ash that covered the surrounding area.
Volcan Antisana sits at an impressive 18,891 feet above sea level. Located in the Andes mountains, it is surrounded by stunning wilderness and unique ecosystems for a breathtaking view. From the highest points, it is possible to catch glimpses of the surrounding glaciers, lava landscapes, and stunning birds and animals that call this area their home.
Los Illinizas
Los Ilinizas is a composite volcano comprised of layers of lava, ash, and debris built up over time. The mountain is part of the Andes Mountain range and is located between the provinces of Cotopaxi and Pichincha. The volcano's height is roughly 17,267 ft (5,260 m). The Illinizas are two volcanoes located in the Andes region of Ecuador; the two central volcanoes in this area are Illiniza Norte (also known as Illiniza Falsa) and Illiniza Sur (Illiniza Verdadero).
Cotopaxi is one of Ecuador's best-known and most prominent volcanoes and is part of the "Avenue of the Volcanoes," a chain of volcanoes in the Andean region of the country. It has an altitude of approximately 5,897 meters above sea level. Its summit is covered with snow and ice for much of the year. Cotopaxi has significant cultural and mythological importance for the indigenous peoples of the Andean region of Ecuador. In Andean cosmology, the Cotopaxi volcano is associated with divinities and legends.
The Volcan Quilotoa is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular destinations for tourists from all around the world. Quilotoa is a caldera that sits at an altitude of 3,914 meters above sea level, and visitors can find a small, emerald-green lake inside the crater, surrounded by the most stunning scenery you can imagine. However, its caldera and the lagoon are evidence of its volcanic past and past activities.
The Tungurahua volcano in the Cordillera Central of the Ecuadorian Andes is notable for its imposing altitude of approximately 5,023 meters above sea level. The Tungurahua volcano has been significant in local mythology and culture. Its name translates as "Throat of Fire" in the Quechua language, and nearby communities have developed a cultural and spiritual connection with the volcano over the years.
Chimborazo is the highest mountain in Ecuador and one of the highest volcanoes in the world, with an altitude of approximately 6,310 meters above sea level. Its summit is covered with snow and ice all year round, making it a popular destination for mountaineers and climbers.
El Altar is a volcanic complex composed of several peaks and craters, which gives it an impressive and unique appearance. Some of the most prominent peaks include El Obispo, El Fraile, El Monja, La Virgen, and others. The volcanic complex resembles a considerable fortress or altar, hence its name.
It is in the Andes region, specifically in the province of Morona Santiago, in the south-central part of the country. Sangay is approximately 5,230 meters above sea level and is one of the most active volcanoes in Ecuador and the world. It has had frequent eruptions throughout history, with almost constant eruptive activity during the 20th and early 21st century. s-in-Ecuador/
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.
Why is it called the Avenue of Volcanoes?
The "Avenue of Volcanoes" is a term used to describe a geographical feature in South America, specifically in Ecuador. This name is due to a long stretch of the Andes Mountain range in Ecuador, where several volcanoes are located near each other, creating a breathtaking natural spectacle you should visit. The Avenue of the Volcanoes is a geological wonder and significant. It is part of Ecuador's natural beauty and biodiversity. It attracts tourists and mountaineers from all over the world who come to explore the volcanoes, their surrounding landscapes, and the rich ecosystems that thrive in this region.
Predominant Volcanoes
The "Avenue of the Volcanoes" in Ecuador is characterized by numerous volcanoes, some very prominent and easily visible from the road. Discover some of the predominant volcanoes that Ecuador has for you.
Volcan Cayambe is a stratovolcano that is part of the Andes Mountain range. It is situated in the province of Pichincha, in the north-central region of Ecuador. The volcano is famous for its unique double summit, with the main panel located at 5,790 meters above sea level and the secondary summit just slightly lower. The volcanic cone of Cayambe is composed of alternating layers of lava, ash, and volcanic materials. Its last eruption resulted in a lava flow and ash that covered the surrounding area.
Volcan Antisana sits at an impressive 18,891 feet above sea level. Located in the Andes mountains, it is surrounded by stunning wilderness and unique ecosystems for a breathtaking view. From the highest points, it is possible to catch glimpses of the surrounding glaciers, lava landscapes, and stunning birds and animals that call this area their home.
Los Illinizas
Los Ilinizas is a composite volcano comprised of layers of lava, ash, and debris built up over time. The mountain is part of the Andes Mountain range and is located between the provinces of Cotopaxi and Pichincha. The volcano's height is roughly 17,267 ft (5,260 m). The Illinizas are two volcanoes located in the Andes region of Ecuador; the two central volcanoes in this area are Illiniza Norte (also known as Illiniza Falsa) and Illiniza Sur (Illiniza Verdadero).
Cotopaxi is one of Ecuador's best-known and most prominent volcanoes and is part of the "Avenue of the Volcanoes," a chain of volcanoes in the Andean region of the country. It has an altitude of approximately 5,897 meters above sea level. Its summit is covered with snow and ice for much of the year. Cotopaxi has significant cultural and mythological importance for the indigenous peoples of the Andean region of Ecuador. In Andean cosmology, the Cotopaxi volcano is associated with divinities and legends.
The Volcan Quilotoa is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular destinations for tourists from all around the world. Quilotoa is a caldera that sits at an altitude of 3,914 meters above sea level, and visitors can find a small, emerald-green lake inside the crater, surrounded by the most stunning scenery you can imagine. However, its caldera and the lagoon are evidence of its volcanic past and past activities.
The Tungurahua volcano in the Cordillera Central of the Ecuadorian Andes is notable for its imposing altitude of approximately 5,023 meters above sea level. The Tungurahua volcano has been significant in local mythology and culture. Its name translates as "Throat of Fire" in the Quechua language, and nearby communities have developed a cultural and spiritual connection with the volcano over the years.
Chimborazo is the highest mountain in Ecuador and one of the highest volcanoes in the world, with an altitude of approximately 6,310 meters above sea level. Its summit is covered with snow and ice all year round, making it a popular destination for mountaineers and climbers.
El Altar is a volcanic complex composed of several peaks and craters, which gives it an impressive and unique appearance. Some of the most prominent peaks include El Obispo, El Fraile, El Monja, La Virgen, and others. The volcanic complex resembles a considerable fortress or altar, hence its name.
It is in the Andes region, specifically in the province of Morona Santiago, in the south-central part of the country. Sangay is approximately 5,230 meters above sea level and is one of the most active volcanoes in Ecuador and the world. It has had frequent eruptions throughout history, with almost constant eruptive activity during the 20th and early 21st century. s-in-Ecuador/
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.
Why is it called the Avenue of Volcanoes?
The "Avenue of Volcanoes" is a term used to describe a geographical feature in South America, specifically in Ecuador. This name is due to a long stretch of the Andes Mountain range in Ecuador, where several volcanoes are located near each other, creating a breathtaking natural spectacle you should visit. The Avenue of the Volcanoes is a geological wonder and significant. It is part of Ecuador's natural beauty and biodiversity. It attracts tourists and mountaineers from all over the world who come to explore the volcanoes, their surrounding landscapes, and the rich ecosystems that thrive in this region.
Predominant Volcanoes
The "Avenue of the Volcanoes" in Ecuador is characterized by numerous volcanoes, some very prominent and easily visible from the road. Discover some of the predominant volcanoes that Ecuador has for you.
Volcan Cayambe is a stratovolcano that is part of the Andes Mountain range. It is situated in the province of Pichincha, in the north-central region of Ecuador. The volcano is famous for its unique double summit, with the main panel located at 5,790 meters above sea level and the secondary summit just slightly lower. The volcanic cone of Cayambe is composed of alternating layers of lava, ash, and volcanic materials. Its last eruption resulted in a lava flow and ash that covered the surrounding area.
Volcan Antisana sits at an impressive 18,891 feet above sea level. Located in the Andes mountains, it is surrounded by stunning wilderness and unique ecosystems for a breathtaking view. From the highest points, it is possible to catch glimpses of the surrounding glaciers, lava landscapes, and stunning birds and animals that call this area their home.
Los Illinizas
Los Ilinizas is a composite volcano comprised of layers of lava, ash, and debris built up over time. The mountain is part of the Andes Mountain range and is located between the provinces of Cotopaxi and Pichincha. The volcano's height is roughly 17,267 ft (5,260 m). The Illinizas are two volcanoes located in the Andes region of Ecuador; the two central volcanoes in this area are Illiniza Norte (also known as Illiniza Falsa) and Illiniza Sur (Illiniza Verdadero).
Cotopaxi is one of Ecuador's best-known and most prominent volcanoes and is part of the "Avenue of the Volcanoes," a chain of volcanoes in the Andean region of the country. It has an altitude of approximately 5,897 meters above sea level. Its summit is covered with snow and ice for much of the year. Cotopaxi has significant cultural and mythological importance for the indigenous peoples of the Andean region of Ecuador. In Andean cosmology, the Cotopaxi volcano is associated with divinities and legends.
The Volcan Quilotoa is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular destinations for tourists from all around the world. Quilotoa is a caldera that sits at an altitude of 3,914 meters above sea level, and visitors can find a small, emerald-green lake inside the crater, surrounded by the most stunning scenery you can imagine. However, its caldera and the lagoon are evidence of its volcanic past and past activities.
The Tungurahua volcano in the Cordillera Central of the Ecuadorian Andes is notable for its imposing altitude of approximately 5,023 meters above sea level. The Tungurahua volcano has been significant in local mythology and culture. Its name translates as "Throat of Fire" in the Quechua language, and nearby communities have developed a cultural and spiritual connection with the volcano over the years.
Chimborazo is the highest mountain in Ecuador and one of the highest volcanoes in the world, with an altitude of approximately 6,310 meters above sea level. Its summit is covered with snow and ice all year round, making it a popular destination for mountaineers and climbers.
El Altar is a volcanic complex composed of several peaks and craters, which gives it an impressive and unique appearance. Some of the most prominent peaks include El Obispo, El Fraile, El Monja, La Virgen, and others. The volcanic complex resembles a considerable fortress or altar, hence its name.
It is in the Andes region, specifically in the province of Morona Santiago, in the south-central part of the country. Sangay is approximately 5,230 meters above sea level and is one of the most active volcanoes in Ecuador and the world. It has had frequent eruptions throughout history, with almost constant eruptive activity during the 20th and early 21st century. s-in-Ecuador/
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.
Why is it called the Avenue of Volcanoes?
The "Avenue of Volcanoes" is a term used to describe a geographical feature in South America, specifically in Ecuador. This name is due to a long stretch of the Andes Mountain range in Ecuador, where several volcanoes are located near each other, creating a breathtaking natural spectacle you should visit. The Avenue of the Volcanoes is a geological wonder and significant. It is part of Ecuador's natural beauty and biodiversity. It attracts tourists and mountaineers from all over the world who come to explore the volcanoes, their surrounding landscapes, and the rich ecosystems that thrive in this region.
Predominant Volcanoes
The "Avenue of the Volcanoes" in Ecuador is characterized by numerous volcanoes, some very prominent and easily visible from the road. Discover some of the predominant volcanoes that Ecuador has for you.
Volcan Cayambe is a stratovolcano that is part of the Andes Mountain range. It is situated in the province of Pichincha, in the north-central region of Ecuador. The volcano is famous for its unique double summit, with the main panel located at 5,790 meters above sea level and the secondary summit just slightly lower. The volcanic cone of Cayambe is composed of alternating layers of lava, ash, and volcanic materials. Its last eruption resulted in a lava flow and ash that covered the surrounding area.
Volcan Antisana sits at an impressive 18,891 feet above sea level. Located in the Andes mountains, it is surrounded by stunning wilderness and unique ecosystems for a breathtaking view. From the highest points, it is possible to catch glimpses of the surrounding glaciers, lava landscapes, and stunning birds and animals that call this area their home.
Los Illinizas
Los Ilinizas is a composite volcano comprised of layers of lava, ash, and debris built up over time. The mountain is part of the Andes Mountain range and is located between the provinces of Cotopaxi and Pichincha. The volcano's height is roughly 17,267 ft (5,260 m). The Illinizas are two volcanoes located in the Andes region of Ecuador; the two central volcanoes in this area are Illiniza Norte (also known as Illiniza Falsa) and Illiniza Sur (Illiniza Verdadero).
Cotopaxi is one of Ecuador's best-known and most prominent volcanoes and is part of the "Avenue of the Volcanoes," a chain of volcanoes in the Andean region of the country. It has an altitude of approximately 5,897 meters above sea level. Its summit is covered with snow and ice for much of the year. Cotopaxi has significant cultural and mythological importance for the indigenous peoples of the Andean region of Ecuador. In Andean cosmology, the Cotopaxi volcano is associated with divinities and legends.
The Volcan Quilotoa is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular destinations for tourists from all around the world. Quilotoa is a caldera that sits at an altitude of 3,914 meters above sea level, and visitors can find a small, emerald-green lake inside the crater, surrounded by the most stunning scenery you can imagine. However, its caldera and the lagoon are evidence of its volcanic past and past activities.
The Tungurahua volcano in the Cordillera Central of the Ecuadorian Andes is notable for its imposing altitude of approximately 5,023 meters above sea level. The Tungurahua volcano has been significant in local mythology and culture. Its name translates as "Throat of Fire" in the Quechua language, and nearby communities have developed a cultural and spiritual connection with the volcano over the years.
Chimborazo is the highest mountain in Ecuador and one of the highest volcanoes in the world, with an altitude of approximately 6,310 meters above sea level. Its summit is covered with snow and ice all year round, making it a popular destination for mountaineers and climbers.
El Altar is a volcanic complex composed of several peaks and craters, which gives it an impressive and unique appearance. Some of the most prominent peaks include El Obispo, El Fraile, El Monja, La Virgen, and others. The volcanic complex resembles a considerable fortress or altar, hence its name.
It is in the Andes region, specifically in the province of Morona Santiago, in the south-central part of the country. Sangay is approximately 5,230 meters above sea level and is one of the most active volcanoes in Ecuador and the world. It has had frequent eruptions throughout history, with almost constant eruptive activity during the 20th and early 21st century. s-in-Ecuador/
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.
Why is it called the Avenue of Volcanoes?
The "Avenue of Volcanoes" is a term used to describe a geographical feature in South America, specifically in Ecuador. This name is due to a long stretch of the Andes Mountain range in Ecuador, where several volcanoes are located near each other, creating a breathtaking natural spectacle you should visit. The Avenue of the Volcanoes is a geological wonder and significant. It is part of Ecuador's natural beauty and biodiversity. It attracts tourists and mountaineers from all over the world who come to explore the volcanoes, their surrounding landscapes, and the rich ecosystems that thrive in this region.
Predominant Volcanoes
The "Avenue of the Volcanoes" in Ecuador is characterized by numerous volcanoes, some very prominent and easily visible from the road. Discover some of the predominant volcanoes that Ecuador has for you.
Volcan Cayambe is a stratovolcano that is part of the Andes Mountain range. It is situated in the province of Pichincha, in the north-central region of Ecuador. The volcano is famous for its unique double summit, with the main panel located at 5,790 meters above sea level and the secondary summit just slightly lower. The volcanic cone of Cayambe is composed of alternating layers of lava, ash, and volcanic materials. Its last eruption resulted in a lava flow and ash that covered the surrounding area.
Volcan Antisana sits at an impressive 18,891 feet above sea level. Located in the Andes mountains, it is surrounded by stunning wilderness and unique ecosystems for a breathtaking view. From the highest points, it is possible to catch glimpses of the surrounding glaciers, lava landscapes, and stunning birds and animals that call this area their home.
Los Illinizas
Los Ilinizas is a composite volcano comprised of layers of lava, ash, and debris built up over time. The mountain is part of the Andes Mountain range and is located between the provinces of Cotopaxi and Pichincha. The volcano's height is roughly 17,267 ft (5,260 m). The Illinizas are two volcanoes located in the Andes region of Ecuador; the two central volcanoes in this area are Illiniza Norte (also known as Illiniza Falsa) and Illiniza Sur (Illiniza Verdadero).
Cotopaxi is one of Ecuador's best-known and most prominent volcanoes and is part of the "Avenue of the Volcanoes," a chain of volcanoes in the Andean region of the country. It has an altitude of approximately 5,897 meters above sea level. Its summit is covered with snow and ice for much of the year. Cotopaxi has significant cultural and mythological importance for the indigenous peoples of the Andean region of Ecuador. In Andean cosmology, the Cotopaxi volcano is associated with divinities and legends.
The Volcan Quilotoa is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular destinations for tourists from all around the world. Quilotoa is a caldera that sits at an altitude of 3,914 meters above sea level, and visitors can find a small, emerald-green lake inside the crater, surrounded by the most stunning scenery you can imagine. However, its caldera and the lagoon are evidence of its volcanic past and past activities.
The Tungurahua volcano in the Cordillera Central of the Ecuadorian Andes is notable for its imposing altitude of approximately 5,023 meters above sea level. The Tungurahua volcano has been significant in local mythology and culture. Its name translates as "Throat of Fire" in the Quechua language, and nearby communities have developed a cultural and spiritual connection with the volcano over the years.
Chimborazo is the highest mountain in Ecuador and one of the highest volcanoes in the world, with an altitude of approximately 6,310 meters above sea level. Its summit is covered with snow and ice all year round, making it a popular destination for mountaineers and climbers.
El Altar is a volcanic complex composed of several peaks and craters, which gives it an impressive and unique appearance. Some of the most prominent peaks include El Obispo, El Fraile, El Monja, La Virgen, and others. The volcanic complex resembles a considerable fortress or altar, hence its name.
It is in the Andes region, specifically in the province of Morona Santiago, in the south-central part of the country. Sangay is approximately 5,230 meters above sea level and is one of the most active volcanoes in Ecuador and the world. It has had frequent eruptions throughout history, with almost constant eruptive activity during the 20th and early 21st century. s-in-Ecuador/