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Qual das habilidades motoras fundamentais listadas abaixo NÃO é um movimento locomotor fundamental?
Em relação às habilidades motoras fundamentais, analise as assertivas abaixo:
I. A criança cognitiva e fisicamente normal progride de um estágio a outro de suas habilidades motoras fundamentais de maneira não sequencial, sendo influenciada muito pouco pela maturação e tampouco pela experiência.
II. Condições ambientais, como as oportunidades para a prática, o encorajamento e a instrução, são cruciais para o desenvolvimento dos padrões maduros de movimentos fundamentais.
III. O desenvolvimento das habilidades motoras fundamentais é básico para o desenvolvimento motor das crianças. Uma grande variedade de experiências motoras fornece às crianças uma profusão de informações que são a base das percepções que elas têm de si mesmo e do mundo que as cerca.
Quais estão corretas?
Qual das alternativas abaixo NÃO representa uma habilidade a ser desenvolvida no 8º e 9º anos do Ensino Fundamental na unidade temática ginástica?
Relacione as dimensões do conhecimento, na Coluna 1, às suas definições, na Coluna 2.
Coluna 1
1. Experimentação.
2. Fruição.
3. Reflexão sobre a ação.
Coluna 2
( ) Implica a apreciação estética das experiências sensíveis geradas pelas vivências corporais, bem como das diferentes práticas corporais oriundas das mais diversas épocas, lugares e grupos. Essa dimensão está vinculada com a apropriação de um conjunto de conhecimentos que permita ao estudante desfrutar da realização de uma determinada prática corporal e/ou apreciar essa e outras tantas quando realizadas por outros.
( ) Refere-se aos conhecimentos originados na observação e na análise das próprias vivências corporais e daquelas realizadas por outros. Vai além da reflexão espontânea, gerada em toda experiência corporal. Trata-se de um ato intencional, orientado a formular e empregar estratégias de observação e análise para: (a) resolver desafios peculiares à prática realizada; (b) apreender novas modalidades; e (c) adequar as práticas aos interesses e às possibilidades próprios e aos das pessoas com quem compartilha a sua realização.
( ) Refere-se à dimensão do conhecimento que se origina pela vivência das práticas corporais, pelo envolvimento corporal na realização das mesmas. São conhecimentos que não podem ser acessados sem passar pela vivência corporal, sem que sejam efetivamente experimentados. Trata-se de uma possibilidade única de apreender as manifestações culturais tematizadas pela Educação Física e do estudante se perceber como sujeito “de carne e osso”. Faz parte dessa dimensão, além do imprescindível acesso à experiência, cuidar para que as sensações geradas no momento da realização de uma determinada vivência sejam positivas ou, pelo menos, não sejam desagradáveis a ponto de gerar rejeição à prática em si.
A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é:
Analise as seguintes assertivas relacionadas aos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental:
I. Ao longo do Ensino Fundamental – Anos Finais, os estudantes se deparam com desafios de maior complexidade, sobretudo devido à necessidade de se apropriarem das diferentes lógicas de organização dos conhecimentos relacionados às áreas. Tendo em vista essa maior especialização, é importante, nos vários componentes curriculares, retomar e ressignificar as aprendizagens do Ensino Fundamental – Anos Iniciais no contexto das diferentes áreas, visando ao aprofundamento e à ampliação de repertórios dos estudantes.
II. Os estudantes dessa fase inserem-se em uma faixa-etária que corresponde à transição entre infância e adolescência, marcada por intensas mudanças decorrentes de transformações biológicas, psicológicas, sociais e emocionais. Nesse período de vida, ampliam-se os vínculos sociais e os laços afetivos, as possibilidades intelectuais e a capacidade de raciocínios mais abstratos. Os estudantes tornam-se mais capazes de ver e avaliar os fatos pelo ponto de vista do outro, exercendo a capacidade de descentração, “importante na construção da autonomia e na aquisição de valores morais e éticos” (BRASIL, 2010).
III. Há que se considerar, ainda, que a cultura digital tem promovido mudanças sociais significativas nas sociedades contemporâneas. Em decorrência do avanço e da multiplicação das tecnologias de informação e comunicação e do crescente acesso a elas pela maior disponibilidade de computadores, telefones celulares, tablets e afins, os estudantes estão dinamicamente inseridos nessa cultura, não somente como consumidores. Os jovens têm se engajado cada vez mais como protagonistas da cultura digital, envolvendo-se diretamente em novas formas de interação multimidiática e multimodal e de atuação social em rede, que se realizam de modo cada vez mais ágil. Por sua vez, essa cultura também apresenta forte apelo emocional e induz ao imediatismo de respostas e à efemeridade das informações, privilegiando análises superficiais e o uso de imagens e formas de expressão mais sintéticas, diferentes dos modos de dizer e argumentar característicos da vida escolar.
Quais estão corretas?
Dos objetivos listados abaixo, qual NÃO é para o Ensino Fundamental?
Para Moran, a convergência digital exige mudanças muito mais profundas que afetam a escola em todas as suas dimensões, quais sejam:
I. Infraestrutura.
II. Projeto pedagógico.
III. Formação docente.
IV. Mobilidade.
Quais estão corretas?
Instrução: As questões de números 01 a 10 referem-se ao texto abaixo. Os destaques ao longo do texto estão citados nas questões.
Desumanizado mundo novo
- Vivemos em um mundo repleto de ironias, de contradições, de paradoxos, em um mundo
- confuso e confusamente percebido, como escreveu Milton Santos. Vemos, de um lado, a
- tecnologia se desenvolver em uma velocidade cada vez maior, enquanto nós parecemos ir no
- sentido contrário, em um processo contínuo e acelerado de desumanização. É óbvio que o
- desenvolvimento tecnológico em si não é o causador do problema, mas o progresso humano
- está paulatinamente mais distante do progresso da máquina e das grandes cidades. É como se,
- para que um exista, o outro tenha que ceder espaço de si mesmo, adaptar-se, abnegar-se,
- transformar-se no que não é.
- Por mais que o desenvolvimento da ciência e da tecnologia seja importante e traga
- benefícios para a vida individual e coletiva, é preciso considerar que um mundo de coisas não é
- um mundo de pessoas. Todo “progresso” conseguido através da tecnologia deve servir como
- instrumento para que haja uma melhora na condição humana. Desse modo, caso não seja
- percebido um progresso similar entre o mundo das máquinas e o mundo dos homens, é
- necessário repensar e reorganizar as bases em que tal “desenvolvimento” tem ocorrido.
- Se analisarmos os altos índices (com projeções ainda maiores) de doenças psicológicas,
- perceberemos que as áreas com maior incidência são as grandes cidades, onde a modernidade,
- com todo o seu “progresso” material, consegue se “desenvolver” com maior êxito. Além disso,
- os jovens são o grupo mais afetado, o que não significa que outras pessoas não possam sofrer
- com os mesmos problemas. Esses dados separados podem não ter muito nexo. Contudo, se
- analisados juntos, fazem todo o sentido, já que há uma pressão muito maior sobre as atuais
- gerações para que elas consigam se afirmar e obter sucesso dentro dos parâmetros
- estabelecidos pela sociedade, pautada, evidentemente, pelo consumismo e espetacularização
- de bens que afirmam a magnificência do mundo líquido moderno.
- Com isso, na medida em que o “sucesso” não é atingido, uma vez que nem todos possuem
- os “pré-requisitos” necessários para adentrar no oásis de prazer da sociedade de consumo, nem
- os “talentos” necessários para agradar à plateia do espetáculo permanente, que é a nossa
- sociedade, passa-se a ter sujeitos frustrados, insatisfeitos e desindividualizados, que ao mesmo
- tempo em que não conseguem se encaixar no mundo, não conseguem reconhecer a si próprios.
- Em outras palavras, não há espaço para todos brilharem e/ou nem todos querem, de fato,
- “brilhar”. Logo, muitos acabam ficando no meio do caminho, entre ser um sujeito individual,
- mas desencaixado; ou ser um sujeito despersonalizado, porém ajustado. O preço cobrado por
- sair __ um lugar, mas não chegar __ outro, é ficar perdido da sociedade e, sobretudo, de si
- mesmo.
- Apesar desses casos serem, aparentemente, mais graves, não se deve entender que
- renunciar à própria individualidade em favor do cumprimento de protocolos sociais seja algo
- saudável ou normal. Pelo contrário, é no enquadramento, na subserviência às regras de uma
- sociedade que se apresenta em um temível estado patológico que reside o âmago do problema,
- pois é por meio da conversão de novas ovelhas que a “igreja” expande o seu rebanho e,
- consequentemente, o seu poder.
- É urgente repensar o nosso mundo e declarar a ironia de uma sociedade que transverte o
- fracasso em uma roupa de sucesso e que, ao criar a ilusão de uma sociedade de indivíduos,
- criou uma sociedade de massa, uniforme e prisioneira em um reino de ignorância, indiferença,
- egoísmo e apatia, em que todos, em alguma medida, vivem de forma mecânica, anônima,
- invisível e solitária, distantes de si, distantes do mundo, chorando as lágrimas escassas de
- quem não acredita mais no choro. Estamos todos doentes e precisamos nos curar. Entretanto, a
- cura não está na sanidade de um mundo aparentemente são, mas completamente adoecido, e
- sim na lou(cura) de ser a si mesmo e permitir que os outros também sejam, pois qualquer
- caminho que tomemos deve ter como destino o nosso ser.
Texto adaptado especialmente para esta prova. Disponível em Acesso em 14 mar. 2019.
Qual das seguintes propostas de pontuação no lugar dos parênteses localizados na linha 15 do texto mantém a coerência da mensagem, sem, portanto, truncá-la ou distorcê-la?
Instruções: As perguntas de 56 a 60 são relacionadas à Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) do Ensino Fundamental - Ensino de Inglês.
Assinale a alternativa que NÃO apresenta uma competência específica de língua inglesa para o ensino fundamental.
Instruções: As perguntas de 56 a 60 são relacionadas à Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) do Ensino Fundamental - Ensino de Inglês.
Relacione a Coluna 1 à Coluna 2, associando os eixos organizadores às suas descrições.
Coluna 1
1. Oralidade.
2. Leitura.
3. Escrita.
4. Conhecimento linguístico.
5. Dimensão intercultural.
Coluna 2
( ) Foco em práticas de uso, análise e reflexão sobre a língua, de modo contextualizado e articulado.
( ) Foco na compreensão e produção oral, com base em diferentes recursos midiáticos verbais-visuais.
( ) Foco na construção de significados, com base em gêneros verbais e híbridos escritos em língua inglesa.
( ) Foco no entendimento de inglês como língua franca, problematizando os diferentes papes da língua inglesa.
( ) Foco no aspecto processual e colaborativo do ato de escrever, partindo de textos com poucos recursos verbais até textos mais elaborados.
A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é:
Instruções: As perguntas de 56 a 60 são relacionadas à Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) do Ensino Fundamental - Ensino de Inglês.
A compreensão de inglês como ‘língua franca’ implica que:
I. Há um inglês único que deve ser ensinado, buscando uma padronização cultural.
II. Variantes como ‘ain’t’ devem ser acolhidos e legitimados.
III. É preciso romper com aspectos relativos à correção, precisão e proficiência linguística.
Quais estão corretas?
Instruções: As perguntas de 56 a 60 são relacionadas à Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) do Ensino Fundamental - Ensino de Inglês.
O ensino de inglês carrega implicações importantes, quais sejam:
I. Revisão das relações entre língua, território e cultura.
II. Ampliação da visão de multiletramentos.
III. Revisão da abordagem de ensino.
Quais estão corretas?
Instruções: As perguntas de 56 a 60 são relacionadas à Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) do Ensino Fundamental - Ensino de Inglês.
Considere as seguintes assertivas sobre o ensino de inglês:
I. O aprendizado de língua inglesa possui um caráter informativo.
II. Aprender inglês significa fazer parte de um ambiente cada vez mais globalizado e plural.
III. A educação linguística é importante para que o aluno consiga entender a existente e crítica divisão pedagógica e política.
Quais estão corretas?
Instruction: Answer questions 41 to 53 based on the following text.
Why Learning Is A New Procrastination
- The tremendous world of online courses, blogs, social media, free eBooks, podcasts, and
- webinars provides the best ever opportunity to broaden your knowledge in almost every sphere
- you can imagine. Thanks to technological advancement and the instant access to the internet,
- everyone can now study from home. It seems like it would be foolishly not to seize this
- opportunity and improve your skills and knowledge. Moreover, you are kind of forced to do so
- since the contemporary world has raised the bar higher than ever before. It literally invited you
- to gather the pace and ___________ even more.
- It is not surprising that, ultimately, you try to be everywhere and do everything. No doubt,
- you do your best to constantly gather tiny bits of information from as many channels as
- possible, because you are afraid that you will fall behind if you stop. After all, you enter a
- learning crunch mode. You do not afford to miss anything and try to read every book you could
- get your hands on. You listen to every single podcast your smartphone could download and take
- every online course your paycheck would allow to take.
- All in all, you learn. As much as possible. As intense as you manage to. You learn how to
- write and publish a new book. You learn how to launch a successful blog. You learn how to hit
- your goal on Kickstarter. You learn how to build the next “unicorn”. You learn how to land a job
- of your dream. You learn how to successfully sell thousands of items on Amazon. You learn how
- to make millions of dollars in passive income.
- However, the problem is that you do everything except taking action. All those activities do
- not take you closer to the things you want to accomplish. Better knowledge does not make you
- more influential, powerful, and successful unless you apply it. The key secret to success is not
- ________ expertise, but the ability to use it.
- Knowledge is worthless unless it is applied. Needless to say that studying is crucial.
- However, the thing is that it should take the entirely new form now. You should stop learning
- from someone else’s experiences, knowledge, failures, and wins and start learning from your
- own mistakes, adventures, ___________, and bold actions.
- Learning has become a major trend of the 21st century. Sadly, it has also become a new
- form of procrastination. You consciously postpone the first step justifying this by your eagerness
- to broaden the knowledge and learn new things. You put the start date off justifying this by
- your desire to pick up new skills that would help you succeed faster. You procrastinate over
- chasing your own aspirations because doing the things on your own and creating your own story
- of success is far more complicated than reading about someone else’s one. Meanwhile, no one
- would really reproach you for wasting your time. Also, you feel comfortable about staying within
- this zone of ease and convenience forever.
- However, the point is that you already have and know everything you need to start off. In
- fact, there is nothing more you need to learn in order to take the first step. Embrace the truth.
- No matter how good your theoretical knowledge is, you will face a lot of obstacles while
- applying it. You will have to deal with issues that have never been described or covered in any
- book. You will have to look for the solutions and make the spontaneous decisions that no one
- probably has ever thought of. You will have to design your own road to success.
- Transform your learning process from the continuous the procrastination into an
- unstoppable process of absorbing invaluable expertise based on your own experience. It might
- seem counterintuitive, but the old-fashioned way of learning is what holds you back. This is
- what makes your triumphs suck.
- Constant learning, evaluating of ideas, thinking, and visualizing your journey towards your
- major aspirations will not take you far from the place you are now. Actions will. You can sit and
- research, and research, and research, while someone else is already reaping huge rewards for
- his or her fruitful and hard work. Stop learning now. Become bold enough to take the first step
- and start learning from your own experience.
Consider the following statements about the ideas presented in the text:
I. Nowadays, there are many different possibilities to learn whatever you want to learn.
II. A new form of procrastination is to consume loads of knowledge but hardly ever applying it to real life.
III. Learning is only possible if it is based on other people’s experiences.
Which ones are in agreement with the text?
Instruction: Answer questions 41 to 53 based on the following text.
Why Learning Is A New Procrastination
- The tremendous world of online courses, blogs, social media, free eBooks, podcasts, and
- webinars provides the best ever opportunity to broaden your knowledge in almost every sphere
- you can imagine. Thanks to technological advancement and the instant access to the internet,
- everyone can now study from home. It seems like it would be foolishly not to seize this
- opportunity and improve your skills and knowledge. Moreover, you are kind of forced to do so
- since the contemporary world has raised the bar higher than ever before. It literally invited you
- to gather the pace and ___________ even more.
- It is not surprising that, ultimately, you try to be everywhere and do everything. No doubt,
- you do your best to constantly gather tiny bits of information from as many channels as
- possible, because you are afraid that you will fall behind if you stop. After all, you enter a
- learning crunch mode. You do not afford to miss anything and try to read every book you could
- get your hands on. You listen to every single podcast your smartphone could download and take
- every online course your paycheck would allow to take.
- All in all, you learn. As much as possible. As intense as you manage to. You learn how to
- write and publish a new book. You learn how to launch a successful blog. You learn how to hit
- your goal on Kickstarter. You learn how to build the next “unicorn”. You learn how to land a job
- of your dream. You learn how to successfully sell thousands of items on Amazon. You learn how
- to make millions of dollars in passive income.
- However, the problem is that you do everything except taking action. All those activities do
- not take you closer to the things you want to accomplish. Better knowledge does not make you
- more influential, powerful, and successful unless you apply it. The key secret to success is not
- ________ expertise, but the ability to use it.
- Knowledge is worthless unless it is applied. Needless to say that studying is crucial.
- However, the thing is that it should take the entirely new form now. You should stop learning
- from someone else’s experiences, knowledge, failures, and wins and start learning from your
- own mistakes, adventures, ___________, and bold actions.
- Learning has become a major trend of the 21st century. Sadly, it has also become a new
- form of procrastination. You consciously postpone the first step justifying this by your eagerness
- to broaden the knowledge and learn new things. You put the start date off justifying this by
- your desire to pick up new skills that would help you succeed faster. You procrastinate over
- chasing your own aspirations because doing the things on your own and creating your own story
- of success is far more complicated than reading about someone else’s one. Meanwhile, no one
- would really reproach you for wasting your time. Also, you feel comfortable about staying within
- this zone of ease and convenience forever.
- However, the point is that you already have and know everything you need to start off. In
- fact, there is nothing more you need to learn in order to take the first step. Embrace the truth.
- No matter how good your theoretical knowledge is, you will face a lot of obstacles while
- applying it. You will have to deal with issues that have never been described or covered in any
- book. You will have to look for the solutions and make the spontaneous decisions that no one
- probably has ever thought of. You will have to design your own road to success.
- Transform your learning process from the continuous the procrastination into an
- unstoppable process of absorbing invaluable expertise based on your own experience. It might
- seem counterintuitive, but the old-fashioned way of learning is what holds you back. This is
- what makes your triumphs suck.
- Constant learning, evaluating of ideas, thinking, and visualizing your journey towards your
- major aspirations will not take you far from the place you are now. Actions will. You can sit and
- research, and research, and research, while someone else is already reaping huge rewards for
- his or her fruitful and hard work. Stop learning now. Become bold enough to take the first step
- and start learning from your own experience.
Mark the best possible translation for “All in all, you learn” (l.14).
Instruction: Answer questions 41 to 53 based on the following text.
Why Learning Is A New Procrastination
- The tremendous world of online courses, blogs, social media, free eBooks, podcasts, and
- webinars provides the best ever opportunity to broaden your knowledge in almost every sphere
- you can imagine. Thanks to technological advancement and the instant access to the internet,
- everyone can now study from home. It seems like it would be foolishly not to seize this
- opportunity and improve your skills and knowledge. Moreover, you are kind of forced to do so
- since the contemporary world has raised the bar higher than ever before. It literally invited you
- to gather the pace and ___________ even more.
- It is not surprising that, ultimately, you try to be everywhere and do everything. No doubt,
- you do your best to constantly gather tiny bits of information from as many channels as
- possible, because you are afraid that you will fall behind if you stop. After all, you enter a
- learning crunch mode. You do not afford to miss anything and try to read every book you could
- get your hands on. You listen to every single podcast your smartphone could download and take
- every online course your paycheck would allow to take.
- All in all, you learn. As much as possible. As intense as you manage to. You learn how to
- write and publish a new book. You learn how to launch a successful blog. You learn how to hit
- your goal on Kickstarter. You learn how to build the next “unicorn”. You learn how to land a job
- of your dream. You learn how to successfully sell thousands of items on Amazon. You learn how
- to make millions of dollars in passive income.
- However, the problem is that you do everything except taking action. All those activities do
- not take you closer to the things you want to accomplish. Better knowledge does not make you
- more influential, powerful, and successful unless you apply it. The key secret to success is not
- ________ expertise, but the ability to use it.
- Knowledge is worthless unless it is applied. Needless to say that studying is crucial.
- However, the thing is that it should take the entirely new form now. You should stop learning
- from someone else’s experiences, knowledge, failures, and wins and start learning from your
- own mistakes, adventures, ___________, and bold actions.
- Learning has become a major trend of the 21st century. Sadly, it has also become a new
- form of procrastination. You consciously postpone the first step justifying this by your eagerness
- to broaden the knowledge and learn new things. You put the start date off justifying this by
- your desire to pick up new skills that would help you succeed faster. You procrastinate over
- chasing your own aspirations because doing the things on your own and creating your own story
- of success is far more complicated than reading about someone else’s one. Meanwhile, no one
- would really reproach you for wasting your time. Also, you feel comfortable about staying within
- this zone of ease and convenience forever.
- However, the point is that you already have and know everything you need to start off. In
- fact, there is nothing more you need to learn in order to take the first step. Embrace the truth.
- No matter how good your theoretical knowledge is, you will face a lot of obstacles while
- applying it. You will have to deal with issues that have never been described or covered in any
- book. You will have to look for the solutions and make the spontaneous decisions that no one
- probably has ever thought of. You will have to design your own road to success.
- Transform your learning process from the continuous the procrastination into an
- unstoppable process of absorbing invaluable expertise based on your own experience. It might
- seem counterintuitive, but the old-fashioned way of learning is what holds you back. This is
- what makes your triumphs suck.
- Constant learning, evaluating of ideas, thinking, and visualizing your journey towards your
- major aspirations will not take you far from the place you are now. Actions will. You can sit and
- research, and research, and research, while someone else is already reaping huge rewards for
- his or her fruitful and hard work. Stop learning now. Become bold enough to take the first step
- and start learning from your own experience.
Consider the sentence “Knowledge is worthless unless it is applied” (l.23) how to form questions.
I. Is knowledge worthless unless is it applied?
II. Is knowledge worthless unless it is applied?
III. Does knowledge be worthless unless it is applied?
Which ones present the correct word order?
Instruction: Answer questions 41 to 53 based on the following text.
Why Learning Is A New Procrastination
- The tremendous world of online courses, blogs, social media, free eBooks, podcasts, and
- webinars provides the best ever opportunity to broaden your knowledge in almost every sphere
- you can imagine. Thanks to technological advancement and the instant access to the internet,
- everyone can now study from home. It seems like it would be foolishly not to seize this
- opportunity and improve your skills and knowledge. Moreover, you are kind of forced to do so
- since the contemporary world has raised the bar higher than ever before. It literally invited you
- to gather the pace and ___________ even more.
- It is not surprising that, ultimately, you try to be everywhere and do everything. No doubt,
- you do your best to constantly gather tiny bits of information from as many channels as
- possible, because you are afraid that you will fall behind if you stop. After all, you enter a
- learning crunch mode. You do not afford to miss anything and try to read every book you could
- get your hands on. You listen to every single podcast your smartphone could download and take
- every online course your paycheck would allow to take.
- All in all, you learn. As much as possible. As intense as you manage to. You learn how to
- write and publish a new book. You learn how to launch a successful blog. You learn how to hit
- your goal on Kickstarter. You learn how to build the next “unicorn”. You learn how to land a job
- of your dream. You learn how to successfully sell thousands of items on Amazon. You learn how
- to make millions of dollars in passive income.
- However, the problem is that you do everything except taking action. All those activities do
- not take you closer to the things you want to accomplish. Better knowledge does not make you
- more influential, powerful, and successful unless you apply it. The key secret to success is not
- ________ expertise, but the ability to use it.
- Knowledge is worthless unless it is applied. Needless to say that studying is crucial.
- However, the thing is that it should take the entirely new form now. You should stop learning
- from someone else’s experiences, knowledge, failures, and wins and start learning from your
- own mistakes, adventures, ___________, and bold actions.
- Learning has become a major trend of the 21st century. Sadly, it has also become a new
- form of procrastination. You consciously postpone the first step justifying this by your eagerness
- to broaden the knowledge and learn new things. You put the start date off justifying this by
- your desire to pick up new skills that would help you succeed faster. You procrastinate over
- chasing your own aspirations because doing the things on your own and creating your own story
- of success is far more complicated than reading about someone else’s one. Meanwhile, no one
- would really reproach you for wasting your time. Also, you feel comfortable about staying within
- this zone of ease and convenience forever.
- However, the point is that you already have and know everything you need to start off. In
- fact, there is nothing more you need to learn in order to take the first step. Embrace the truth.
- No matter how good your theoretical knowledge is, you will face a lot of obstacles while
- applying it. You will have to deal with issues that have never been described or covered in any
- book. You will have to look for the solutions and make the spontaneous decisions that no one
- probably has ever thought of. You will have to design your own road to success.
- Transform your learning process from the continuous the procrastination into an
- unstoppable process of absorbing invaluable expertise based on your own experience. It might
- seem counterintuitive, but the old-fashioned way of learning is what holds you back. This is
- what makes your triumphs suck.
- Constant learning, evaluating of ideas, thinking, and visualizing your journey towards your
- major aspirations will not take you far from the place you are now. Actions will. You can sit and
- research, and research, and research, while someone else is already reaping huge rewards for
- his or her fruitful and hard work. Stop learning now. Become bold enough to take the first step
- and start learning from your own experience.
Consider the following extract from the text and the sentences that follow:
“You will have to deal with issues that have never been described or covered in any book. You will have to look for the solutions and make the spontaneous decisions that no one probably has ever thought of.”
I. ‘have never been described’ is in the past perfect.
II. ‘will have to look for’ is in the future perfect.
III. ‘has ever thought of’ is in the passive voice.
Which ones are INCORRECT?
Instruction: Answer questions 41 to 53 based on the following text.
Why Learning Is A New Procrastination
- The tremendous world of online courses, blogs, social media, free eBooks, podcasts, and
- webinars provides the best ever opportunity to broaden your knowledge in almost every sphere
- you can imagine. Thanks to technological advancement and the instant access to the internet,
- everyone can now study from home. It seems like it would be foolishly not to seize this
- opportunity and improve your skills and knowledge. Moreover, you are kind of forced to do so
- since the contemporary world has raised the bar higher than ever before. It literally invited you
- to gather the pace and ___________ even more.
- It is not surprising that, ultimately, you try to be everywhere and do everything. No doubt,
- you do your best to constantly gather tiny bits of information from as many channels as
- possible, because you are afraid that you will fall behind if you stop. After all, you enter a
- learning crunch mode. You do not afford to miss anything and try to read every book you could
- get your hands on. You listen to every single podcast your smartphone could download and take
- every online course your paycheck would allow to take.
- All in all, you learn. As much as possible. As intense as you manage to. You learn how to
- write and publish a new book. You learn how to launch a successful blog. You learn how to hit
- your goal on Kickstarter. You learn how to build the next “unicorn”. You learn how to land a job
- of your dream. You learn how to successfully sell thousands of items on Amazon. You learn how
- to make millions of dollars in passive income.
- However, the problem is that you do everything except taking action. All those activities do
- not take you closer to the things you want to accomplish. Better knowledge does not make you
- more influential, powerful, and successful unless you apply it. The key secret to success is not
- ________ expertise, but the ability to use it.
- Knowledge is worthless unless it is applied. Needless to say that studying is crucial.
- However, the thing is that it should take the entirely new form now. You should stop learning
- from someone else’s experiences, knowledge, failures, and wins and start learning from your
- own mistakes, adventures, ___________, and bold actions.
- Learning has become a major trend of the 21st century. Sadly, it has also become a new
- form of procrastination. You consciously postpone the first step justifying this by your eagerness
- to broaden the knowledge and learn new things. You put the start date off justifying this by
- your desire to pick up new skills that would help you succeed faster. You procrastinate over
- chasing your own aspirations because doing the things on your own and creating your own story
- of success is far more complicated than reading about someone else’s one. Meanwhile, no one
- would really reproach you for wasting your time. Also, you feel comfortable about staying within
- this zone of ease and convenience forever.
- However, the point is that you already have and know everything you need to start off. In
- fact, there is nothing more you need to learn in order to take the first step. Embrace the truth.
- No matter how good your theoretical knowledge is, you will face a lot of obstacles while
- applying it. You will have to deal with issues that have never been described or covered in any
- book. You will have to look for the solutions and make the spontaneous decisions that no one
- probably has ever thought of. You will have to design your own road to success.
- Transform your learning process from the continuous the procrastination into an
- unstoppable process of absorbing invaluable expertise based on your own experience. It might
- seem counterintuitive, but the old-fashioned way of learning is what holds you back. This is
- what makes your triumphs suck.
- Constant learning, evaluating of ideas, thinking, and visualizing your journey towards your
- major aspirations will not take you far from the place you are now. Actions will. You can sit and
- research, and research, and research, while someone else is already reaping huge rewards for
- his or her fruitful and hard work. Stop learning now. Become bold enough to take the first step
- and start learning from your own experience.
Considering the use of ‘that’ in the text, judge if in the occurrences below ‘that’ is used as a relative pronoun (R) or as a that-clause (C) according to the context of occurrence.
( ) Line 10.
( ) Line 23.
( ) Line 30.
The correct order of filling in the parenthesis, from the top to the bottom, is:
Instruction: Answer questions 41 to 53 based on the following text.
Why Learning Is A New Procrastination
- The tremendous world of online courses, blogs, social media, free eBooks, podcasts, and
- webinars provides the best ever opportunity to broaden your knowledge in almost every sphere
- you can imagine. Thanks to technological advancement and the instant access to the internet,
- everyone can now study from home. It seems like it would be foolishly not to seize this
- opportunity and improve your skills and knowledge. Moreover, you are kind of forced to do so
- since the contemporary world has raised the bar higher than ever before. It literally invited you
- to gather the pace and ___________ even more.
- It is not surprising that, ultimately, you try to be everywhere and do everything. No doubt,
- you do your best to constantly gather tiny bits of information from as many channels as
- possible, because you are afraid that you will fall behind if you stop. After all, you enter a
- learning crunch mode. You do not afford to miss anything and try to read every book you could
- get your hands on. You listen to every single podcast your smartphone could download and take
- every online course your paycheck would allow to take.
- All in all, you learn. As much as possible. As intense as you manage to. You learn how to
- write and publish a new book. You learn how to launch a successful blog. You learn how to hit
- your goal on Kickstarter. You learn how to build the next “unicorn”. You learn how to land a job
- of your dream. You learn how to successfully sell thousands of items on Amazon. You learn how
- to make millions of dollars in passive income.
- However, the problem is that you do everything except taking action. All those activities do
- not take you closer to the things you want to accomplish. Better knowledge does not make you
- more influential, powerful, and successful unless you apply it. The key secret to success is not
- ________ expertise, but the ability to use it.
- Knowledge is worthless unless it is applied. Needless to say that studying is crucial.
- However, the thing is that it should take the entirely new form now. You should stop learning
- from someone else’s experiences, knowledge, failures, and wins and start learning from your
- own mistakes, adventures, ___________, and bold actions.
- Learning has become a major trend of the 21st century. Sadly, it has also become a new
- form of procrastination. You consciously postpone the first step justifying this by your eagerness
- to broaden the knowledge and learn new things. You put the start date off justifying this by
- your desire to pick up new skills that would help you succeed faster. You procrastinate over
- chasing your own aspirations because doing the things on your own and creating your own story
- of success is far more complicated than reading about someone else’s one. Meanwhile, no one
- would really reproach you for wasting your time. Also, you feel comfortable about staying within
- this zone of ease and convenience forever.
- However, the point is that you already have and know everything you need to start off. In
- fact, there is nothing more you need to learn in order to take the first step. Embrace the truth.
- No matter how good your theoretical knowledge is, you will face a lot of obstacles while
- applying it. You will have to deal with issues that have never been described or covered in any
- book. You will have to look for the solutions and make the spontaneous decisions that no one
- probably has ever thought of. You will have to design your own road to success.
- Transform your learning process from the continuous the procrastination into an
- unstoppable process of absorbing invaluable expertise based on your own experience. It might
- seem counterintuitive, but the old-fashioned way of learning is what holds you back. This is
- what makes your triumphs suck.
- Constant learning, evaluating of ideas, thinking, and visualizing your journey towards your
- major aspirations will not take you far from the place you are now. Actions will. You can sit and
- research, and research, and research, while someone else is already reaping huge rewards for
- his or her fruitful and hard work. Stop learning now. Become bold enough to take the first step
- and start learning from your own experience.
‘Moreover’ (l.05) could be replaced by:
Instruction: Answer questions 41 to 53 based on the following text.
Why Learning Is A New Procrastination
- The tremendous world of online courses, blogs, social media, free eBooks, podcasts, and
- webinars provides the best ever opportunity to broaden your knowledge in almost every sphere
- you can imagine. Thanks to technological advancement and the instant access to the internet,
- everyone can now study from home. It seems like it would be foolishly not to seize this
- opportunity and improve your skills and knowledge. Moreover, you are kind of forced to do so
- since the contemporary world has raised the bar higher than ever before. It literally invited you
- to gather the pace and ___________ even more.
- It is not surprising that, ultimately, you try to be everywhere and do everything. No doubt,
- you do your best to constantly gather tiny bits of information from as many channels as
- possible, because you are afraid that you will fall behind if you stop. After all, you enter a
- learning crunch mode. You do not afford to miss anything and try to read every book you could
- get your hands on. You listen to every single podcast your smartphone could download and take
- every online course your paycheck would allow to take.
- All in all, you learn. As much as possible. As intense as you manage to. You learn how to
- write and publish a new book. You learn how to launch a successful blog. You learn how to hit
- your goal on Kickstarter. You learn how to build the next “unicorn”. You learn how to land a job
- of your dream. You learn how to successfully sell thousands of items on Amazon. You learn how
- to make millions of dollars in passive income.
- However, the problem is that you do everything except taking action. All those activities do
- not take you closer to the things you want to accomplish. Better knowledge does not make you
- more influential, powerful, and successful unless you apply it. The key secret to success is not
- ________ expertise, but the ability to use it.
- Knowledge is worthless unless it is applied. Needless to say that studying is crucial.
- However, the thing is that it should take the entirely new form now. You should stop learning
- from someone else’s experiences, knowledge, failures, and wins and start learning from your
- own mistakes, adventures, ___________, and bold actions.
- Learning has become a major trend of the 21st century. Sadly, it has also become a new
- form of procrastination. You consciously postpone the first step justifying this by your eagerness
- to broaden the knowledge and learn new things. You put the start date off justifying this by
- your desire to pick up new skills that would help you succeed faster. You procrastinate over
- chasing your own aspirations because doing the things on your own and creating your own story
- of success is far more complicated than reading about someone else’s one. Meanwhile, no one
- would really reproach you for wasting your time. Also, you feel comfortable about staying within
- this zone of ease and convenience forever.
- However, the point is that you already have and know everything you need to start off. In
- fact, there is nothing more you need to learn in order to take the first step. Embrace the truth.
- No matter how good your theoretical knowledge is, you will face a lot of obstacles while
- applying it. You will have to deal with issues that have never been described or covered in any
- book. You will have to look for the solutions and make the spontaneous decisions that no one
- probably has ever thought of. You will have to design your own road to success.
- Transform your learning process from the continuous the procrastination into an
- unstoppable process of absorbing invaluable expertise based on your own experience. It might
- seem counterintuitive, but the old-fashioned way of learning is what holds you back. This is
- what makes your triumphs suck.
- Constant learning, evaluating of ideas, thinking, and visualizing your journey towards your
- major aspirations will not take you far from the place you are now. Actions will. You can sit and
- research, and research, and research, while someone else is already reaping huge rewards for
- his or her fruitful and hard work. Stop learning now. Become bold enough to take the first step
- and start learning from your own experience.
The pronoun ‘it’ (l.27) refers to: