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Q2330023 Inglês

Complete the sentence below and mark the CORRECT alternative.

“I’m old. Forty years ago, I _________ swim very fast.” 

Q2330022 Inglês
Choose the alternative that CORRECTLY shows the simple past of these verbs: lend, keep, freeze and carry: 
Q2330021 Inglês

Choose the CORRECT option that completes the sentence below.

JULIA: Richard, the phone is ringing.

RICHARD: It's OK. I _______________ it.

Q2330020 Inglês
Complete the sentence with an irregular verb and mark the CORRECT alternative:

“The United States Congress has ___ together bill to cut off funding to the Department of Homeland Security.” 
Q2330019 Inglês

Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.

‘‘Three years ago, I ________ Portuguese to my pupils.’’

Q2330018 Inglês
Complete the following sentences by using the right form of the verb “to have” (have, has)

1 - I'm sorry, but I ____ to go now. 2 - ____ you ever been to Paris? 3 - Dave ____ passed his driving test. 4 - Can we _____ the bill, please? 5 - My boss never _____ time.
Q2330017 Inglês
Among the alternatives below, which one fills the blanks in the following sentence correctly?

____ you ____ visited the Buckingham Palace?
Q2330016 Inglês

Complete the sentence below and choose the CORRECT answer.

“Layla is in love with Rome. She can get around pretty easily as she _________ Italian.”

Q2330015 Inglês

Mark the CORRECT option that completes the sentence below.

Richard _____ a good electrician, Maria and Pamela _____ journalists and Mrs. Watson _____ a pathologist.

Q2330014 Inglês
What _______________ to do on Monday?
Q2330013 Inglês
If I __________ George had to get up early, I _______________ him up. 
Q2330012 Inglês
Choose the option that best completes the sentence given:

“I ______ to smoke. It is not good for my health. My sister _______ to eat fish every day. And you? ________ you like to drink beer?” 
Q2330011 Inglês
A variety of methods and approaches to foreign language teaching has been developed over the last decades. All of them aim to promote foreign language learning based on principles that support their choices concerning the syllabus, activities, learner/teacher roles etc. One of these approaches is Task Based Language Learning that asserts that:
Q2330010 Inglês

Complete the sentence with a modal verb:

“Teacher Paul ___ teach us about Math and Chemistry.”

Q2330009 Inglês
After years of inattention, the whole world has just awaken to what is happening in the Amazon. “Save the rain forest” is the cry of conservationists, politicians, and rock stars. The movement has already sparked a confrontation between rich industrials nations, which are new converts to the environmental cause, and the poorer nations of the Third World which consider outside interference as an assault on their sovereignty. Scientists think that destruction of the Amazon could lead to climatic chaos. Because of the huge volume of clouds it generates, the Amazon system plays a major role in the way the sun’s heat is distributed around the globe. Any disturbance of this process could produce unpredictable effects. As an American Senator has just said: “The devastation is unbelievable. It’s one of the great tragedies of all history”. (Adapted from Playing with Fire, by Eugene Linden)
According to the text, The Amazon system plays an important part:
Q2330008 Inglês
After years of inattention, the whole world has just awaken to what is happening in the Amazon. “Save the rain forest” is the cry of conservationists, politicians, and rock stars. The movement has already sparked a confrontation between rich industrials nations, which are new converts to the environmental cause, and the poorer nations of the Third World which consider outside interference as an assault on their sovereignty. Scientists think that destruction of the Amazon could lead to climatic chaos. Because of the huge volume of clouds it generates, the Amazon system plays a major role in the way the sun’s heat is distributed around the globe. Any disturbance of this process could produce unpredictable effects. As an American Senator has just said: “The devastation is unbelievable. It’s one of the great tragedies of all history”. (Adapted from Playing with Fire, by Eugene Linden)
Which of these statements is true according to the text?
Q2330007 Inglês
After years of inattention, the whole world has just awaken to what is happening in the Amazon. “Save the rain forest” is the cry of conservationists, politicians, and rock stars. The movement has already sparked a confrontation between rich industrials nations, which are new converts to the environmental cause, and the poorer nations of the Third World which consider outside interference as an assault on their sovereignty. Scientists think that destruction of the Amazon could lead to climatic chaos. Because of the huge volume of clouds it generates, the Amazon system plays a major role in the way the sun’s heat is distributed around the globe. Any disturbance of this process could produce unpredictable effects. As an American Senator has just said: “The devastation is unbelievable. It’s one of the great tragedies of all history”. (Adapted from Playing with Fire, by Eugene Linden)
According to the text, the Amazon forest generates: 
Q2330006 Direito Ambiental
“A política ambiental brasileira iniciou sua trajetória a partir da década de 1930, quando foram dados os primeiros passos na elaboração de normativos pioneiros afetos à gestão dos recursos naturais, tais como o Código de Águas e o Código Florestal, ambos instituídos em 1934. Desde então, o país tem avançado gradualmente tanto no estabelecimento de importantes marcos legais na temática como no processo de institucionalização das políticas públicas de meio ambiente.”

MOURA, Adriana Maria Magalhães de. (Org.) Governança ambiental no Brasil: instituições, atores e políticas públicas. Brasília: Ipea, 2016. 352 p. Disponível em:< > Acesso em: 12 ago. 2023.

O atual Código Florestal brasileiro está descrito na:
Q2330005 Pedagogia
“Os eixos temáticos organizadores dos conteúdos no ensino da Geografia deverão estar também contemplando os temas transversais. Isso não significa abrir mão dos objetivos e das metodologias específicos da área, mas abrir-se a possibilidade de introduzir esses temas para garantir uma formação integrada do aluno com o seu cotidiano, discutindo, compreendendo e explicando temas de relevância social.”
Brasil. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental. Parâmetros curriculares nacionais: geografia/Secretaria de Educação Fundamental. – Brasília: MEC/SEF, 1998. 156 p.

São temas transversais que, sempre que possível, deverão serem trabalhados pelos professores de Geografia do Ensino Fundamental segundo os PCNs, EXCETO:
Q2330004 Geografia
“O desmatamento no Brasil acontece principalmente pela expansão da fronteira agrícola no país, mas existem outras causas que contribuem para a devastação das matas, como a construção de estradas, de hidrelétricas e a prática de mineração.
Esse processo desencadeia diversos impactos negativos para o meio ambiente, levando a um desequilíbrio da biodiversidade brasileira e à redução da cobertura vegetal no país. Segundo a pesquisa Contas Econômicas Ambientais da Terra: Contabilidade Física do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), o Brasil perdeu 513 mil km² de área verde em duas décadas, o equivalente a 6% do território nacional.”
Desmatamento no Brasil: como começou, causas e cenário atual. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 12 ago. 2023.

O processo de desmatamento em território brasileiro data do início do processo colonizatório. No que tange à área de Mata Atlântica, foi um dos motivadores para o crescimento dessa prática, EXCETO:
1241: D
1242: A
1243: B
1244: D
1245: B
1246: B
1247: C
1248: C
1249: B
1250: B
1251: A
1252: C
1253: B
1254: B
1255: B
1256: A
1257: C
1258: C
1259: A
1260: D