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Q2877866 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 56 a 60 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Southwest pilot suspended for slur-laced rant on air-traffic frequency

By Ben Mutzabaugh, USA TODAY

Southwest Airlines says it has suspended a pilot after he went on an obscenity-laden rant from the cockpit, NBC affiliate KPRC Channel 2 of Houston reports.

The March 25 rant was inadvertently broadcast over a Houston air traffic control frequency after the pilot failed to shut off his flight's communications link with air traffic control, a move that also tied up the frequency for other flights in the area, according to NBC 2.

NBC 2 says the unidentified pilot "could be heard talking to his co-pilot in the cockpit, expressing frustration over the airline hiring so many flight attendants that he found to be unsuitable for dating."

An air traffic controller tried to interrupt the pilot's rant several times, though the pilot appeared to be unaware of the attempts.

NBC 2 says the tape became public after "air traffic controllers in Houston first alerted Federal Aviation Administration supervisors on March 25, 2011, around 1:30 p.m. and those supervisors forwarded a tape of the episode to Southwest Airlines to take action against the pilot."

After the rant ended, several other pilots on the frequency were quick to say the rant didn't come from their flight.

Speaking about the incident, the FAA issued a statement to NBC 2 saying "the incident occurred during a phase of flight in which personal conversations are permitted in the cockpit."

However, the FAA did not appear to be pleased with what had happened.

"Nevertheless, the FAA expects a higher level of professionalism from flight crews, regardless of the circumstances," the statement concluded.

(Adapted from: southwest-pilot/175250/1)

Segundo o texto, o piloto foi punido por ter

Q2877864 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 56 a 60 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Southwest pilot suspended for slur-laced rant on air-traffic frequency

By Ben Mutzabaugh, USA TODAY

Southwest Airlines says it has suspended a pilot after he went on an obscenity-laden rant from the cockpit, NBC affiliate KPRC Channel 2 of Houston reports.

The March 25 rant was inadvertently broadcast over a Houston air traffic control frequency after the pilot failed to shut off his flight's communications link with air traffic control, a move that also tied up the frequency for other flights in the area, according to NBC 2.

NBC 2 says the unidentified pilot "could be heard talking to his co-pilot in the cockpit, expressing frustration over the airline hiring so many flight attendants that he found to be unsuitable for dating."

An air traffic controller tried to interrupt the pilot's rant several times, though the pilot appeared to be unaware of the attempts.

NBC 2 says the tape became public after "air traffic controllers in Houston first alerted Federal Aviation Administration supervisors on March 25, 2011, around 1:30 p.m. and those supervisors forwarded a tape of the episode to Southwest Airlines to take action against the pilot."

After the rant ended, several other pilots on the frequency were quick to say the rant didn't come from their flight.

Speaking about the incident, the FAA issued a statement to NBC 2 saying "the incident occurred during a phase of flight in which personal conversations are permitted in the cockpit."

However, the FAA did not appear to be pleased with what had happened.

"Nevertheless, the FAA expects a higher level of professionalism from flight crews, regardless of the circumstances," the statement concluded.

(Adapted from: southwest-pilot/175250/1)

O tópico central do texto é

Q2877860 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 56 a 60 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Southwest pilot suspended for slur-laced rant on air-traffic frequency

By Ben Mutzabaugh, USA TODAY

Southwest Airlines says it has suspended a pilot after he went on an obscenity-laden rant from the cockpit, NBC affiliate KPRC Channel 2 of Houston reports.

The March 25 rant was inadvertently broadcast over a Houston air traffic control frequency after the pilot failed to shut off his flight's communications link with air traffic control, a move that also tied up the frequency for other flights in the area, according to NBC 2.

NBC 2 says the unidentified pilot "could be heard talking to his co-pilot in the cockpit, expressing frustration over the airline hiring so many flight attendants that he found to be unsuitable for dating."

An air traffic controller tried to interrupt the pilot's rant several times, though the pilot appeared to be unaware of the attempts.

NBC 2 says the tape became public after "air traffic controllers in Houston first alerted Federal Aviation Administration supervisors on March 25, 2011, around 1:30 p.m. and those supervisors forwarded a tape of the episode to Southwest Airlines to take action against the pilot."

After the rant ended, several other pilots on the frequency were quick to say the rant didn't come from their flight.

Speaking about the incident, the FAA issued a statement to NBC 2 saying "the incident occurred during a phase of flight in which personal conversations are permitted in the cockpit."

However, the FAA did not appear to be pleased with what had happened.

"Nevertheless, the FAA expects a higher level of professionalism from flight crews, regardless of the circumstances," the statement concluded.

(Adapted from: southwest-pilot/175250/1)

O trecho though the pilot appeared to be unaware of the attempts significa:

Q2877859 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 56 a 60 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Southwest pilot suspended for slur-laced rant on air-traffic frequency

By Ben Mutzabaugh, USA TODAY

Southwest Airlines says it has suspended a pilot after he went on an obscenity-laden rant from the cockpit, NBC affiliate KPRC Channel 2 of Houston reports.

The March 25 rant was inadvertently broadcast over a Houston air traffic control frequency after the pilot failed to shut off his flight's communications link with air traffic control, a move that also tied up the frequency for other flights in the area, according to NBC 2.

NBC 2 says the unidentified pilot "could be heard talking to his co-pilot in the cockpit, expressing frustration over the airline hiring so many flight attendants that he found to be unsuitable for dating."

An air traffic controller tried to interrupt the pilot's rant several times, though the pilot appeared to be unaware of the attempts.

NBC 2 says the tape became public after "air traffic controllers in Houston first alerted Federal Aviation Administration supervisors on March 25, 2011, around 1:30 p.m. and those supervisors forwarded a tape of the episode to Southwest Airlines to take action against the pilot."

After the rant ended, several other pilots on the frequency were quick to say the rant didn't come from their flight.

Speaking about the incident, the FAA issued a statement to NBC 2 saying "the incident occurred during a phase of flight in which personal conversations are permitted in the cockpit."

However, the FAA did not appear to be pleased with what had happened.

"Nevertheless, the FAA expects a higher level of professionalism from flight crews, regardless of the circumstances," the statement concluded.

(Adapted from: southwest-pilot/175250/1)

Um sinônimo para unsuitable conforme empregado no texto, é:

Q2877857 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 53 a 55 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Cumulonimbus (Cb)

Cumulonimbus is a heavy and dense cloud of considerable vertical extent in the form of a mountain or huge tower, often associated with heavy precipitation, lightning and thunder. The mature Cumulonimbus cloud has a distinctive flat, anvil shaped top.

Flight into a Cb is highly dangerous. The only sensible defence against the hazards associated with a Cb is therefore to avoid flying into one in the first place.

Planning. Predicting an individual Cb cell is difficult but it is possible to predict the conditions which will trigger formation of a Cb. Forecasters are therefore able to advise flight crews and controllers of the likely timing, location, direction of movement, and height of cells and whether or not they may be embedded. Airport authorities can plan aircraft movements to take into account the disruption to operations caused by storms, and approach controllers can consider how they will manage en-route, departing, and arriving traffic when storms are in the vicinity. Flight crews can alter their routings to avoid forecast Cb activity or decide to carry extra contingency fuel in case they have to re-route in flight to avoid the storms or burn additional fuel because of the potential use of aircraft de/anti-icing systems.

Awareness. Awareness of the conditions which lead to the formation of a Cb, recognition of a developing and mature Cb, and awareness of the signs which indicate the proximity of a Cb will help controllers and flight crews to plan operations to avoid the associated hazards.

Weather Radar. In addition to visual recognition, Weather Radar is a particularly valuable aid to avoiding Cb clouds. Airborne weather radar enables the flight crew to identify the areas of the storm cloud which hold the largest water droplets, which indicate the areas with strongest updrafts. The area of the cloud with the most severe turbulence is where the updrafts adjoin the downdrafts; ...[C]... the pilot must avoid flying through the edge of the areas of cloud with the largest water droplets. It should be remembered that a large cloud will absorb a great deal of the radar pulse which may therefore not penetrate all of the way through the storm. This can give a false impression that there are no Cb cells beyond the cell immediately ahead of the aircraft.

In flight avoidance. In certain circumstances, navigating through a line of Cb cells may be the only option open to a pilot, either because his destination is beyond the line of cells or because he is unable to climb over them. In such circumstances, the aircraft may have to diverge from track by many, perhaps hundreds of miles, in order to find a gap in the wall of Cb clouds. The aircraft captain will need to judge the least hazardous track to follow through a line of cells, something which will absorb the whole crew’s attention. The Weather Radar is invaluable in this situation.

If the Cb cell is situated over the destination aerodrome, then the pilot would be well advised to hold off or divert rather than attempt a landing.

(Adapted from

Aponte a afirmação correta, de acordo com o texto:

Q2877856 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 53 a 55 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Cumulonimbus (Cb)

Cumulonimbus is a heavy and dense cloud of considerable vertical extent in the form of a mountain or huge tower, often associated with heavy precipitation, lightning and thunder. The mature Cumulonimbus cloud has a distinctive flat, anvil shaped top.

Flight into a Cb is highly dangerous. The only sensible defence against the hazards associated with a Cb is therefore to avoid flying into one in the first place.

Planning. Predicting an individual Cb cell is difficult but it is possible to predict the conditions which will trigger formation of a Cb. Forecasters are therefore able to advise flight crews and controllers of the likely timing, location, direction of movement, and height of cells and whether or not they may be embedded. Airport authorities can plan aircraft movements to take into account the disruption to operations caused by storms, and approach controllers can consider how they will manage en-route, departing, and arriving traffic when storms are in the vicinity. Flight crews can alter their routings to avoid forecast Cb activity or decide to carry extra contingency fuel in case they have to re-route in flight to avoid the storms or burn additional fuel because of the potential use of aircraft de/anti-icing systems.

Awareness. Awareness of the conditions which lead to the formation of a Cb, recognition of a developing and mature Cb, and awareness of the signs which indicate the proximity of a Cb will help controllers and flight crews to plan operations to avoid the associated hazards.

Weather Radar. In addition to visual recognition, Weather Radar is a particularly valuable aid to avoiding Cb clouds. Airborne weather radar enables the flight crew to identify the areas of the storm cloud which hold the largest water droplets, which indicate the areas with strongest updrafts. The area of the cloud with the most severe turbulence is where the updrafts adjoin the downdrafts; ...[C]... the pilot must avoid flying through the edge of the areas of cloud with the largest water droplets. It should be remembered that a large cloud will absorb a great deal of the radar pulse which may therefore not penetrate all of the way through the storm. This can give a false impression that there are no Cb cells beyond the cell immediately ahead of the aircraft.

In flight avoidance. In certain circumstances, navigating through a line of Cb cells may be the only option open to a pilot, either because his destination is beyond the line of cells or because he is unable to climb over them. In such circumstances, the aircraft may have to diverge from track by many, perhaps hundreds of miles, in order to find a gap in the wall of Cb clouds. The aircraft captain will need to judge the least hazardous track to follow through a line of cells, something which will absorb the whole crew’s attention. The Weather Radar is invaluable in this situation.

If the Cb cell is situated over the destination aerodrome, then the pilot would be well advised to hold off or divert rather than attempt a landing.

(Adapted from

A palavra que completa corretamente a lacuna ...[C]... é:

Q2877855 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 53 a 55 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Cumulonimbus (Cb)

Cumulonimbus is a heavy and dense cloud of considerable vertical extent in the form of a mountain or huge tower, often associated with heavy precipitation, lightning and thunder. The mature Cumulonimbus cloud has a distinctive flat, anvil shaped top.

Flight into a Cb is highly dangerous. The only sensible defence against the hazards associated with a Cb is therefore to avoid flying into one in the first place.

Planning. Predicting an individual Cb cell is difficult but it is possible to predict the conditions which will trigger formation of a Cb. Forecasters are therefore able to advise flight crews and controllers of the likely timing, location, direction of movement, and height of cells and whether or not they may be embedded. Airport authorities can plan aircraft movements to take into account the disruption to operations caused by storms, and approach controllers can consider how they will manage en-route, departing, and arriving traffic when storms are in the vicinity. Flight crews can alter their routings to avoid forecast Cb activity or decide to carry extra contingency fuel in case they have to re-route in flight to avoid the storms or burn additional fuel because of the potential use of aircraft de/anti-icing systems.

Awareness. Awareness of the conditions which lead to the formation of a Cb, recognition of a developing and mature Cb, and awareness of the signs which indicate the proximity of a Cb will help controllers and flight crews to plan operations to avoid the associated hazards.

Weather Radar. In addition to visual recognition, Weather Radar is a particularly valuable aid to avoiding Cb clouds. Airborne weather radar enables the flight crew to identify the areas of the storm cloud which hold the largest water droplets, which indicate the areas with strongest updrafts. The area of the cloud with the most severe turbulence is where the updrafts adjoin the downdrafts; ...[C]... the pilot must avoid flying through the edge of the areas of cloud with the largest water droplets. It should be remembered that a large cloud will absorb a great deal of the radar pulse which may therefore not penetrate all of the way through the storm. This can give a false impression that there are no Cb cells beyond the cell immediately ahead of the aircraft.

In flight avoidance. In certain circumstances, navigating through a line of Cb cells may be the only option open to a pilot, either because his destination is beyond the line of cells or because he is unable to climb over them. In such circumstances, the aircraft may have to diverge from track by many, perhaps hundreds of miles, in order to find a gap in the wall of Cb clouds. The aircraft captain will need to judge the least hazardous track to follow through a line of cells, something which will absorb the whole crew’s attention. The Weather Radar is invaluable in this situation.

If the Cb cell is situated over the destination aerodrome, then the pilot would be well advised to hold off or divert rather than attempt a landing.

(Adapted from

NÃO corresponde ao significado de hazards, no texto:

Q2877854 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 50 a 52 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Crucial part of new US air traffic system in trouble


WASHINGTON (AP) – An information-sharing program essential to government plans for a new national air traffic control system is about $105 million over budget and has been delayed two years, a government watchdog said Thursday.

The first phase of the Federal Aviation Administration program known as System-Wide Information Management, or SWIM, was supposed to be completed by 2013, but has now been pushed back to 2015, said a report by the Transportation Department's Office of Inspector General.

The FAA is in the midst of switching from an air traffic system based on World War II-era radar technology to one that uses GPS. The transition, which is expected to take more than a decade to complete, was to cost the government as much as $22 billion. The cost to the airline industry to equip their planes to use the new system is likely to be almost as much.

Crucial to that transition is a program to share information, including which airports are experiencing delays, which runways are closed, weather reports, pilot observations, flight plans and security restrictions on where planes can fly.

The idea is to create a one-stop place for FAA employees, the military, other government agencies, airlines and the international aviation community to get real-time information.

(Adapted from

Conforme empregado no texto, a one-stop place tem o sentido de

Q2877853 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 50 a 52 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Crucial part of new US air traffic system in trouble


WASHINGTON (AP) – An information-sharing program essential to government plans for a new national air traffic control system is about $105 million over budget and has been delayed two years, a government watchdog said Thursday.

The first phase of the Federal Aviation Administration program known as System-Wide Information Management, or SWIM, was supposed to be completed by 2013, but has now been pushed back to 2015, said a report by the Transportation Department's Office of Inspector General.

The FAA is in the midst of switching from an air traffic system based on World War II-era radar technology to one that uses GPS. The transition, which is expected to take more than a decade to complete, was to cost the government as much as $22 billion. The cost to the airline industry to equip their planes to use the new system is likely to be almost as much.

Crucial to that transition is a program to share information, including which airports are experiencing delays, which runways are closed, weather reports, pilot observations, flight plans and security restrictions on where planes can fly.

The idea is to create a one-stop place for FAA employees, the military, other government agencies, airlines and the international aviation community to get real-time information.

(Adapted from

Segundo o texto,

Q2877851 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 50 a 52 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Crucial part of new US air traffic system in trouble


WASHINGTON (AP) – An information-sharing program essential to government plans for a new national air traffic control system is about $105 million over budget and has been delayed two years, a government watchdog said Thursday.

The first phase of the Federal Aviation Administration program known as System-Wide Information Management, or SWIM, was supposed to be completed by 2013, but has now been pushed back to 2015, said a report by the Transportation Department's Office of Inspector General.

The FAA is in the midst of switching from an air traffic system based on World War II-era radar technology to one that uses GPS. The transition, which is expected to take more than a decade to complete, was to cost the government as much as $22 billion. The cost to the airline industry to equip their planes to use the new system is likely to be almost as much.

Crucial to that transition is a program to share information, including which airports are experiencing delays, which runways are closed, weather reports, pilot observations, flight plans and security restrictions on where planes can fly.

The idea is to create a one-stop place for FAA employees, the military, other government agencies, airlines and the international aviation community to get real-time information.

(Adapted from

O novo programa de compartilhamento de informações

Q2877850 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 45 a 49 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Radio Discipline

Communication between pilots and air traffic controllers is a process that is vital for the safe and efficient control of air traffic. Pilots must report their situation, intentions and requests to the controller in a clear and unambiguous way; and the controller must respond by issuing instructions that are equally clear and unambiguous. ...[B]... data link communication has reached an advanced stage of development, verbal communication is likely to remain the prime means of air-ground communication for many years.

t is of course important that radio equipment should be reliable and easy to use, and should be capable of conveying the spoken word clearly and without distortion over long distances. However, the process of communication is equally important and must be successful even in the most difficult conditions.

Of the many factors involved in the process of communication, phraseology is perhaps the most important, because it enables us to communicate quickly and effectively despite differences in language and reduces the opportunity for misunderstanding. Standardised phraseology reduces the risk that a message will be misunderstood and aids the readback/ hear-back process so that any error is quickly detected.

Radio communications (including party-line communications) contribute to building the pilot’s and the controller’s situational awareness. Flight crew and controllers may prevent misunderstandings by providing each other with timely information, for better anticipation.

Good radio discipline is essential to this process. Poor radio discipline is the most common cause of breakdown in the RTF communication process.

Aspects of Radio Discipline

1. Always listen out before transmitting − unless flight crew listen out before making a first call on a new frequency, they may interrupt an exchange between other traffic and ATC.

2. Always use standard phraseology.

3. Follow best practice on message format and content.

4. Ensure the use of a high standard of English language and pronounce as clearly as possible whilst speaking at a sensible pace.

5. Do not communicate with aircraft in the national language when there is a risk of loss of situational awareness for nonlocal pilots.

6. Follow best-practice with regard to speed and timeliness of communication.

7. Always apply the read-back/hear-back procedure. 8. Always request a repeat of a transmission when in any doubt as to the content or meaning of it.

(Adapted from bookshelf/books/113.pdf)

Examine the situation below and point what might have led to it.

The ATC issues a clearance: “Rushair 1234, climb FL240 heading 260”.

As a consequence, the pilot climbs to FL260, instead of to FL240.

Q2877849 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 45 a 49 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Radio Discipline

Communication between pilots and air traffic controllers is a process that is vital for the safe and efficient control of air traffic. Pilots must report their situation, intentions and requests to the controller in a clear and unambiguous way; and the controller must respond by issuing instructions that are equally clear and unambiguous. ...[B]... data link communication has reached an advanced stage of development, verbal communication is likely to remain the prime means of air-ground communication for many years.

t is of course important that radio equipment should be reliable and easy to use, and should be capable of conveying the spoken word clearly and without distortion over long distances. However, the process of communication is equally important and must be successful even in the most difficult conditions.

Of the many factors involved in the process of communication, phraseology is perhaps the most important, because it enables us to communicate quickly and effectively despite differences in language and reduces the opportunity for misunderstanding. Standardised phraseology reduces the risk that a message will be misunderstood and aids the readback/ hear-back process so that any error is quickly detected.

Radio communications (including party-line communications) contribute to building the pilot’s and the controller’s situational awareness. Flight crew and controllers may prevent misunderstandings by providing each other with timely information, for better anticipation.

Good radio discipline is essential to this process. Poor radio discipline is the most common cause of breakdown in the RTF communication process.

Aspects of Radio Discipline

1. Always listen out before transmitting − unless flight crew listen out before making a first call on a new frequency, they may interrupt an exchange between other traffic and ATC.

2. Always use standard phraseology.

3. Follow best practice on message format and content.

4. Ensure the use of a high standard of English language and pronounce as clearly as possible whilst speaking at a sensible pace.

5. Do not communicate with aircraft in the national language when there is a risk of loss of situational awareness for nonlocal pilots.

6. Follow best-practice with regard to speed and timeliness of communication.

7. Always apply the read-back/hear-back procedure. 8. Always request a repeat of a transmission when in any doubt as to the content or meaning of it.

(Adapted from bookshelf/books/113.pdf)

Point out what is likely to happen as a direct consequence of failure to follow best-practice with regard to speed and timeliness of communication (aspect 6 above).

Q2877847 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 45 a 49 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Radio Discipline

Communication between pilots and air traffic controllers is a process that is vital for the safe and efficient control of air traffic. Pilots must report their situation, intentions and requests to the controller in a clear and unambiguous way; and the controller must respond by issuing instructions that are equally clear and unambiguous. ...[B]... data link communication has reached an advanced stage of development, verbal communication is likely to remain the prime means of air-ground communication for many years.

t is of course important that radio equipment should be reliable and easy to use, and should be capable of conveying the spoken word clearly and without distortion over long distances. However, the process of communication is equally important and must be successful even in the most difficult conditions.

Of the many factors involved in the process of communication, phraseology is perhaps the most important, because it enables us to communicate quickly and effectively despite differences in language and reduces the opportunity for misunderstanding. Standardised phraseology reduces the risk that a message will be misunderstood and aids the readback/ hear-back process so that any error is quickly detected.

Radio communications (including party-line communications) contribute to building the pilot’s and the controller’s situational awareness. Flight crew and controllers may prevent misunderstandings by providing each other with timely information, for better anticipation.

Good radio discipline is essential to this process. Poor radio discipline is the most common cause of breakdown in the RTF communication process.

Aspects of Radio Discipline

1. Always listen out before transmitting − unless flight crew listen out before making a first call on a new frequency, they may interrupt an exchange between other traffic and ATC.

2. Always use standard phraseology.

3. Follow best practice on message format and content.

4. Ensure the use of a high standard of English language and pronounce as clearly as possible whilst speaking at a sensible pace.

5. Do not communicate with aircraft in the national language when there is a risk of loss of situational awareness for nonlocal pilots.

6. Follow best-practice with regard to speed and timeliness of communication.

7. Always apply the read-back/hear-back procedure. 8. Always request a repeat of a transmission when in any doubt as to the content or meaning of it.

(Adapted from bookshelf/books/113.pdf)

Segundo o texto, é possível inferir que:

Q2877846 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 45 a 49 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Radio Discipline

Communication between pilots and air traffic controllers is a process that is vital for the safe and efficient control of air traffic. Pilots must report their situation, intentions and requests to the controller in a clear and unambiguous way; and the controller must respond by issuing instructions that are equally clear and unambiguous. ...[B]... data link communication has reached an advanced stage of development, verbal communication is likely to remain the prime means of air-ground communication for many years.

t is of course important that radio equipment should be reliable and easy to use, and should be capable of conveying the spoken word clearly and without distortion over long distances. However, the process of communication is equally important and must be successful even in the most difficult conditions.

Of the many factors involved in the process of communication, phraseology is perhaps the most important, because it enables us to communicate quickly and effectively despite differences in language and reduces the opportunity for misunderstanding. Standardised phraseology reduces the risk that a message will be misunderstood and aids the readback/ hear-back process so that any error is quickly detected.

Radio communications (including party-line communications) contribute to building the pilot’s and the controller’s situational awareness. Flight crew and controllers may prevent misunderstandings by providing each other with timely information, for better anticipation.

Good radio discipline is essential to this process. Poor radio discipline is the most common cause of breakdown in the RTF communication process.

Aspects of Radio Discipline

1. Always listen out before transmitting − unless flight crew listen out before making a first call on a new frequency, they may interrupt an exchange between other traffic and ATC.

2. Always use standard phraseology.

3. Follow best practice on message format and content.

4. Ensure the use of a high standard of English language and pronounce as clearly as possible whilst speaking at a sensible pace.

5. Do not communicate with aircraft in the national language when there is a risk of loss of situational awareness for nonlocal pilots.

6. Follow best-practice with regard to speed and timeliness of communication.

7. Always apply the read-back/hear-back procedure. 8. Always request a repeat of a transmission when in any doubt as to the content or meaning of it.

(Adapted from bookshelf/books/113.pdf)

Sobre comunicações de rádio, segundo o texto, é INCORRETO afirmar:

Q2877845 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 45 a 49 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Radio Discipline

Communication between pilots and air traffic controllers is a process that is vital for the safe and efficient control of air traffic. Pilots must report their situation, intentions and requests to the controller in a clear and unambiguous way; and the controller must respond by issuing instructions that are equally clear and unambiguous. ...[B]... data link communication has reached an advanced stage of development, verbal communication is likely to remain the prime means of air-ground communication for many years.

t is of course important that radio equipment should be reliable and easy to use, and should be capable of conveying the spoken word clearly and without distortion over long distances. However, the process of communication is equally important and must be successful even in the most difficult conditions.

Of the many factors involved in the process of communication, phraseology is perhaps the most important, because it enables us to communicate quickly and effectively despite differences in language and reduces the opportunity for misunderstanding. Standardised phraseology reduces the risk that a message will be misunderstood and aids the readback/ hear-back process so that any error is quickly detected.

Radio communications (including party-line communications) contribute to building the pilot’s and the controller’s situational awareness. Flight crew and controllers may prevent misunderstandings by providing each other with timely information, for better anticipation.

Good radio discipline is essential to this process. Poor radio discipline is the most common cause of breakdown in the RTF communication process.

Aspects of Radio Discipline

1. Always listen out before transmitting − unless flight crew listen out before making a first call on a new frequency, they may interrupt an exchange between other traffic and ATC.

2. Always use standard phraseology.

3. Follow best practice on message format and content.

4. Ensure the use of a high standard of English language and pronounce as clearly as possible whilst speaking at a sensible pace.

5. Do not communicate with aircraft in the national language when there is a risk of loss of situational awareness for nonlocal pilots.

6. Follow best-practice with regard to speed and timeliness of communication.

7. Always apply the read-back/hear-back procedure. 8. Always request a repeat of a transmission when in any doubt as to the content or meaning of it.

(Adapted from bookshelf/books/113.pdf)

A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna ...[B]..., no texto, é:

Q2877844 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 41 a 44 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Industry gets the floor: Developing future Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM)

One of the key SESAR projects in the area of Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM) is Project 13.1.4, managed by Dominique Latgé, from Thales. He explained how the project will enable industry to contribute to future ATFCM systems through SESAR.

The project addresses the evolution of the Network Information Management System (NIMS) from a centralised regional system to a more collaborative and distributed system based on the Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs). One of its objectives is to help the transformation of the current regional CFMU system into marketable technical solutions for the subregional and local levels.

Project 13.1.4 also aims to define the collaborative decision making processes needed by this new organisation of the network. Driven by the new roles and responsibilities at the different levels (regional, sub-regional and local), the project ensures that each actor will find the right information at the right time to take the right decision.

Industry gets the floor

Project 13.1.4 is led by industry. Industry contributors will use the knowledge and experience they have developed in other parts of the world and with Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) at a local level in Europe.

Thales will use experience from work with South Africa’s air traffic & navigation system, where they helped to specify, develop and validate a sub-regional system for ...[A]... : CAMU (South Africa Central Airspace Management Unit). Indra, one of the other project partners, will use knowledge gained from work with Aena on local short term prediction tools and airspace management tools.

The project raises many questions, such as what products are needed inside Europe and at FAB level? What do we need to take into account for areas outside Europe?

The position of manufacturing industry in SESAR projects, in particular in system projects related to air traffic control (WP 10), airports (WP 12) and SWIM (WP 14), makes it a strong technical enabler for information sharing.

(Adaptado de Sesar Magazine, N. 6, Junho 2011, p. 6)

O pronome it, no último parágrafo do texto, substitui

Q2877841 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 41 a 44 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Industry gets the floor: Developing future Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM)

One of the key SESAR projects in the area of Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM) is Project 13.1.4, managed by Dominique Latgé, from Thales. He explained how the project will enable industry to contribute to future ATFCM systems through SESAR.

The project addresses the evolution of the Network Information Management System (NIMS) from a centralised regional system to a more collaborative and distributed system based on the Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs). One of its objectives is to help the transformation of the current regional CFMU system into marketable technical solutions for the subregional and local levels.

Project 13.1.4 also aims to define the collaborative decision making processes needed by this new organisation of the network. Driven by the new roles and responsibilities at the different levels (regional, sub-regional and local), the project ensures that each actor will find the right information at the right time to take the right decision.

Industry gets the floor

Project 13.1.4 is led by industry. Industry contributors will use the knowledge and experience they have developed in other parts of the world and with Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) at a local level in Europe.

Thales will use experience from work with South Africa’s air traffic & navigation system, where they helped to specify, develop and validate a sub-regional system for ...[A]... : CAMU (South Africa Central Airspace Management Unit). Indra, one of the other project partners, will use knowledge gained from work with Aena on local short term prediction tools and airspace management tools.

The project raises many questions, such as what products are needed inside Europe and at FAB level? What do we need to take into account for areas outside Europe?

The position of manufacturing industry in SESAR projects, in particular in system projects related to air traffic control (WP 10), airports (WP 12) and SWIM (WP 14), makes it a strong technical enabler for information sharing.

(Adaptado de Sesar Magazine, N. 6, Junho 2011, p. 6)

NÃO há respaldo no texto para a seguinte afirmação:

Q2877840 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 41 a 44 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Industry gets the floor: Developing future Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM)

One of the key SESAR projects in the area of Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM) is Project 13.1.4, managed by Dominique Latgé, from Thales. He explained how the project will enable industry to contribute to future ATFCM systems through SESAR.

The project addresses the evolution of the Network Information Management System (NIMS) from a centralised regional system to a more collaborative and distributed system based on the Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs). One of its objectives is to help the transformation of the current regional CFMU system into marketable technical solutions for the subregional and local levels.

Project 13.1.4 also aims to define the collaborative decision making processes needed by this new organisation of the network. Driven by the new roles and responsibilities at the different levels (regional, sub-regional and local), the project ensures that each actor will find the right information at the right time to take the right decision.

Industry gets the floor

Project 13.1.4 is led by industry. Industry contributors will use the knowledge and experience they have developed in other parts of the world and with Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) at a local level in Europe.

Thales will use experience from work with South Africa’s air traffic & navigation system, where they helped to specify, develop and validate a sub-regional system for ...[A]... : CAMU (South Africa Central Airspace Management Unit). Indra, one of the other project partners, will use knowledge gained from work with Aena on local short term prediction tools and airspace management tools.

The project raises many questions, such as what products are needed inside Europe and at FAB level? What do we need to take into account for areas outside Europe?

The position of manufacturing industry in SESAR projects, in particular in system projects related to air traffic control (WP 10), airports (WP 12) and SWIM (WP 14), makes it a strong technical enabler for information sharing.

(Adaptado de Sesar Magazine, N. 6, Junho 2011, p. 6)

A melhor tradução para Project 13.1.4 also aims to define the collaborative decision making processes needed by this new organisation of the network é:

Q2877838 Inglês

Instruções: As questões de números 41 a 44 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Industry gets the floor: Developing future Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM)

One of the key SESAR projects in the area of Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management Systems (ATFCM) is Project 13.1.4, managed by Dominique Latgé, from Thales. He explained how the project will enable industry to contribute to future ATFCM systems through SESAR.

The project addresses the evolution of the Network Information Management System (NIMS) from a centralised regional system to a more collaborative and distributed system based on the Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs). One of its objectives is to help the transformation of the current regional CFMU system into marketable technical solutions for the subregional and local levels.

Project 13.1.4 also aims to define the collaborative decision making processes needed by this new organisation of the network. Driven by the new roles and responsibilities at the different levels (regional, sub-regional and local), the project ensures that each actor will find the right information at the right time to take the right decision.

Industry gets the floor

Project 13.1.4 is led by industry. Industry contributors will use the knowledge and experience they have developed in other parts of the world and with Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) at a local level in Europe.

Thales will use experience from work with South Africa’s air traffic & navigation system, where they helped to specify, develop and validate a sub-regional system for ...[A]... : CAMU (South Africa Central Airspace Management Unit). Indra, one of the other project partners, will use knowledge gained from work with Aena on local short term prediction tools and airspace management tools.

The project raises many questions, such as what products are needed inside Europe and at FAB level? What do we need to take into account for areas outside Europe?

The position of manufacturing industry in SESAR projects, in particular in system projects related to air traffic control (WP 10), airports (WP 12) and SWIM (WP 14), makes it a strong technical enabler for information sharing.

(Adaptado de Sesar Magazine, N. 6, Junho 2011, p. 6)

A expressão que completa corretamente a lacuna ...[A]... é:

Q2877822 Matemática

Os pontos x, y, z, k e w são pontos da circunferência λ de centro P e raio 2 cm. As semi-retas r, s e t são concorrentes em Q e, conforme indica a figura, passam por x, y, z, w, k e P. Sabe-se ainda que s divide ao meio o ângulo agudo formado por r e t com vértice em Q.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Com relação à situação descrita, é correto afirmar que a distância entre

81: C
82: E
83: A
84: C
85: B
86: A
87: D
88: B
89: D
90: E
91: B
92: D
93: A
94: C
95: C
96: B
97: C
98: A
99: B
100: D