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Q2383643 Espanhol

Texto 18A4

Isabel Allende: «Las sombras del fascismo, la violencia y la

injusticia no son inevitables, pero se repiten» 

    Cuando te gusta la literatura, abrir un nuevo libro provoca una emoción difícil de narrar. ¿Qué me contará esa obra? ¿Me emocionará? ¿Me aburrirá? ¿Acabaré recomendándosela a todo el mundo? ¿Qué cosas aprenderé? Pero cuando el libro que tienes entre manos es el nuevo de Isabel Allende, la cosa se pone muy seria. Porque es la escritora en lengua española más leída del mundo, y porque ha dejado claro que la buena literatura no está reñida con las emociones y, en el otro lado, la denuncia política y social. Tengo la ocasión de entrevistarla por su nuevo libro, El viento conoce mi nombre, en el que trata un tema más candente que nunca: la migración. 

    ¿Crees que la sociedad tiene el corazón demasiado endurecido para no percibir el drama de la inmigración y la deportación infantil? 

Es difícil entender y simpatizar con números abstractos. Nos dicen que hay millones de seres desplazados en el mundo, pero eso no significa nada si no conocemos a una de esa víctima, vemos su cara, escuchamos su historia, sabemos su nombre. Recién entonces la tragedia toma forma humana y podemos abrir el corazón. 

    Según lo que podemos leer en tu libro, por la historia de Samuel y Anita, ‘el hombre es el único animal que tropieza dos veces en la misma piedra’. 

No sé si será el único, pero sin duda la historia se repite. Creo que hemos evolucionado, que avanzamos a paso de tortuga hacia una civilización mejor. 

    ¿Cómo describirías tu proceso de escritura? ¿Tienes alguna rutina o ritual al momento de sentarte a escribir? 

Empiezo todos mis libros el 8 de enero, tengo un solo proyecto entre manos, escribo todos los días menos el domingo, normalmente 6-8 horas diarias con una breve interrupción para comer. Siempre me doy tiempo para hacer ejercicio y caminar a mis perros. Investigo, reviso, corrijo y edito hasta el cansancio. 

    ¿Hay algún personaje en particular que te haya dejado una huella profunda o del que te sientas especialmente orgullosa? 

Clara del Valle, en mi primera novela, porque fue inspirada en mi abuela clarividente y espiritista. No tuve que inventar a Clara, sólo tuve que recordar a mi abuela. 

    Tus novelas a menudo abordan temas sociales y políticos. ¿Crees que la literatura puede ser una herramienta para el cambio social? 

    Toda forma de arte nos acerca de forma personal a la experiencia humana, pero no pretendo que mis libros produzcan cambio social. La gente que me lee ya piensa como yo. Las ideas y los sentimientos están allí, yo sólo los pongo en palabras.

    ¿Cómo te enfrentas a los desafíos o bloqueos creativos? ¿Has padecido alguno en todos estos años?  

    Después de la muerte de mi hija escribí una memoria, Paula, que me salvó de una depresión profunda, pero pasé los tres años siguientes sin poder escribir. Un día recordé que tengo entrenamiento de periodista y si me dan un tema y tiempo para investigar, puedo escribir sobre casi cualquier cosa. Escribí un libro que no es ficción sobre la gula y la lujuria. Aprendí que si estoy bloqueada con la ficción, puedo recurrir a otros géneros. 

    ¿Tienes algún proyecto literario en mente para el futuro cercano? 

Siempre estoy escribiendo o investigando para un libro. Ahora estoy en la mitad del primer borrador de otra novela, pero nunca hablo de un proyecto que no he terminado.

Internet: <> (con adaptaciones). 

De acuerdo con las ideas presentadas en el texto 18A4, 
Q2383642 Inglês

Text 18A3-I 

    The roar of a waterfall suggests the power of water. Rampaging floodwaters can uproot strong trees and twist railroad tracks. When the power of water is harnessed, however, it can do useful work for humans. 

    Since ancient times, people have put the energy in the flow of water to work. They first made water work for them with the waterwheel, a wheel with paddles around its rim. Flowing water rotated the waterwheel, which in turn ran machinery that was linked to it. Today, new kinds of waterwheels — turbines — spin generators that produce electricity. Electricity from water-turned generators is known as hydroelectricity. 

    By building a dam across a river, the natural upstream water level is elevated and a difference in head is created that can be used to drive turbines and generate electricity. A large upstream reservoir may balance seasonal water flow; rain or melted snow can be stored in the reservoir during the wet season to provide electricity during dry seasons. 

    Waterpower is distributed unevenly among the continents and nations of the world. Europe and North America have developed much of their waterpower. Asia, South America, and Africa have abundant waterpower potential, but while countries such as China and Brazil have become leading hydroelectric producers, much of the waterpower resource on those continents remains undeveloped. 

Elizabeth Lachner. Hydroelectricity. Rosen Publishing Group, 2018 (adapted). 

Maintaining the original meaning of text 18A3-I, the fragment “Today, new kinds of waterwheels — turbines — spin generators that produce electricity” (fourth sentence of the second paragraph) could be correctly replaced with 
Q2383641 Inglês

Text 18A3-I 

    The roar of a waterfall suggests the power of water. Rampaging floodwaters can uproot strong trees and twist railroad tracks. When the power of water is harnessed, however, it can do useful work for humans. 

    Since ancient times, people have put the energy in the flow of water to work. They first made water work for them with the waterwheel, a wheel with paddles around its rim. Flowing water rotated the waterwheel, which in turn ran machinery that was linked to it. Today, new kinds of waterwheels — turbines — spin generators that produce electricity. Electricity from water-turned generators is known as hydroelectricity. 

    By building a dam across a river, the natural upstream water level is elevated and a difference in head is created that can be used to drive turbines and generate electricity. A large upstream reservoir may balance seasonal water flow; rain or melted snow can be stored in the reservoir during the wet season to provide electricity during dry seasons. 

    Waterpower is distributed unevenly among the continents and nations of the world. Europe and North America have developed much of their waterpower. Asia, South America, and Africa have abundant waterpower potential, but while countries such as China and Brazil have become leading hydroelectric producers, much of the waterpower resource on those continents remains undeveloped. 

Elizabeth Lachner. Hydroelectricity. Rosen Publishing Group, 2018 (adapted). 

In the first paragraph of text 18A3-I, the expression which best suggests an image of the power of man over rivers is 
Q2383640 Inglês

Text 18A3-I 

    The roar of a waterfall suggests the power of water. Rampaging floodwaters can uproot strong trees and twist railroad tracks. When the power of water is harnessed, however, it can do useful work for humans. 

    Since ancient times, people have put the energy in the flow of water to work. They first made water work for them with the waterwheel, a wheel with paddles around its rim. Flowing water rotated the waterwheel, which in turn ran machinery that was linked to it. Today, new kinds of waterwheels — turbines — spin generators that produce electricity. Electricity from water-turned generators is known as hydroelectricity. 

    By building a dam across a river, the natural upstream water level is elevated and a difference in head is created that can be used to drive turbines and generate electricity. A large upstream reservoir may balance seasonal water flow; rain or melted snow can be stored in the reservoir during the wet season to provide electricity during dry seasons. 

    Waterpower is distributed unevenly among the continents and nations of the world. Europe and North America have developed much of their waterpower. Asia, South America, and Africa have abundant waterpower potential, but while countries such as China and Brazil have become leading hydroelectric producers, much of the waterpower resource on those continents remains undeveloped. 

Elizabeth Lachner. Hydroelectricity. Rosen Publishing Group, 2018 (adapted). 

Based on the fragment “much of the waterpower resource on those continents remains undeveloped” (last sentence of text 18A3), it can be concluded that 
Q2383639 Inglês

Text 18A3-I 

    The roar of a waterfall suggests the power of water. Rampaging floodwaters can uproot strong trees and twist railroad tracks. When the power of water is harnessed, however, it can do useful work for humans. 

    Since ancient times, people have put the energy in the flow of water to work. They first made water work for them with the waterwheel, a wheel with paddles around its rim. Flowing water rotated the waterwheel, which in turn ran machinery that was linked to it. Today, new kinds of waterwheels — turbines — spin generators that produce electricity. Electricity from water-turned generators is known as hydroelectricity. 

    By building a dam across a river, the natural upstream water level is elevated and a difference in head is created that can be used to drive turbines and generate electricity. A large upstream reservoir may balance seasonal water flow; rain or melted snow can be stored in the reservoir during the wet season to provide electricity during dry seasons. 

    Waterpower is distributed unevenly among the continents and nations of the world. Europe and North America have developed much of their waterpower. Asia, South America, and Africa have abundant waterpower potential, but while countries such as China and Brazil have become leading hydroelectric producers, much of the waterpower resource on those continents remains undeveloped. 

Elizabeth Lachner. Hydroelectricity. Rosen Publishing Group, 2018 (adapted). 

In the third sentence of the second paragraph of text 18A3-I, the pronouns “which” and “it” are both replacing 
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